• Title/Summary/Keyword: Information Landscape

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Construction of Farmlands Spatial Information for Reasonable Adjustment of Farmland Use (합리적인 농지이용조정을 위한 농지공간정보구축)

  • Chung, Hoi-Hoon;Na, Sang-Il;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Choi, Jin-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2009
  • Farmland spatial data are needed as a basic information in conducting rational use of farmlands in regional scale. This study develops a method that can be used to make up such farmland spatial data in a simple way and to develop a technique to manage them in a unitary way, and examines the effectiveness of the technique by applying it to the case area. A method that Web-Service Raster Image and Digital Cadastal Map can be utilized as a base map was devised. It was designed applying the vector system, in which one lot of farmland is area unit. Raster image and field survey data were combined to increase the accuracy of data. The lot boundaries of the existing boundary map were adjusted to the shapes of actual farmlands using GIS edition function. A proper farmland use classification system to the area characteristics was established and data obtained from the field survey were coded. Usually it is very difficult to identify the size of one lot of actual farmland in the existing space data, based on the results of the case study, the result map showed actual topography very realistically. Also the frequently occurring lot divisions and the serious topographical modifications by natural disasters frequently have made it impossible to survey farmlands on the catastral map in the field. But the final map had a great usefulness in that it may solve such problems by expressing the filed survey results graphically.

Global Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Utilization Research Trends

  • Moon, Ho-Gyeong;Kim, Han;Choi, Nak-Hyun;Kim, Dong-Pil
    • Proceedings of the National Institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2020
  • The rapid development of technologies in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has led to their use in various areas. UAVs are mainly used for commercial purposes, but their utilization is increasingly important in other areas because their operation cost is less than satellites and aerial imaging. The utilization of UAVs in the environment/ecology area is relatively new. Therefore, identifying the trends of UAV-related spatial information is significant in basic research for UAV utilization. This study quantitatively identified domestic and international research trends related to UAV utilization and analyzed research areas. An attempt was also made to identify upcoming UAV-related topics in the environment/ecology research field using text mining to analyze the bibliographic information of global research literature. Domestic UAV-related studies were classified into seven clusters where basic research on "UAV technology/industry trends" was abundant, and studies on data collection and analysis through UAV remote sensing technology have increased since 2015. Eight clusters were identified for international studies where the most active research area international was "remote sensing technology/data analysis". In addition, Canopy, Classification, Forest, Leaf Area Index, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Temperature, Tree, and Atmosphere appeared as the main keywords related to environment and ecology. The appearance frequencies and association strengths were high because the advancement in UAV optical sensor technology and the rapid development of image processing technology enabled the acquisition of data that could not be obtained from existing spatial information. They are recognized as future research topics as related domestic studies have begun corresponding to international research.

Using Geospatial Information Open Platform for Design and Planning of Route Unused Land (국도 유휴공간의 개발 계획을 위한 공간정보오픈플랫폼의 활용)

  • Lee, Dong Gook;Go, Jae Woong;Lee, Hyun Jik
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2015
  • Unused land is a new load of building and a linear improvement, expanding the loss of function of the road abandoned road construction sites, as well as existing roads is possible additional advantage. However, some space is overcharge checkpoints, materials yard, make this vehicle utilization and maintenance of the unfavorable situation, as vehicle rest area but unused land most of the space required for the use of the system management plan. We are analyzed the location, topographical features, cultural property and in the space which is geospatail open platform set up to classify the type of unused land. Depending on the type of unused land using the geospatial open platform performs a 3D model and a proposed model development and application taking into account the environment and landscape. To derive the Gangwon development Plan and design of future route unused land was becoming helps you make better use of unused land.

Spatial Characteristics and Driving Forces of Cultivated Land Changes by Coupling Spatial Autocorrelation Model and Spatial-temporal Big Data

  • Hua, Wang;Yuxin, Zhu;Mengyu, Wang;Jiqiang, Niu;Xueye, Chen;Yang, Zhang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.767-785
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    • 2021
  • With the rapid development of information technology, it is now possible to analyze the spatial patterns of cultivated land and its evolution by combining GIS, geostatistical analysis models and spatiotemporal big data for the dynamic monitoring and management of cultivated land resources. The spatial pattern of cultivated land and its evolutionary patterns in Luoyang City, China from 2009 to 2019 were analyzed using spatial autocorrelation and spatial autoregressive models on the basis of GIS technology. It was found that: (1) the area of cultivated land in Luoyang decreased then increased between 2009 and 2019, with an overall increase of 0.43% in 2019 compared to 2009, with cultivated land being dominant in the overall landscape of Luoyang; (2) cultivated land holdings in Luoyang are highly spatially autocorrelated, with the 'high-high'-type area being concentrated in the border area directly north and northeast of Luoyang, while the 'low-low'-type area is concentrated in the south and in the municipal area of Luoyang, and being heavily influenced by topography and urbanization. The expansion determined during the study period mainly took place in the Luoyang City, with most of it being transferred from the 'high-low'-type area; (3) elevation, slope and industrial output values from analysis of the bivariate spatial autocorrelation and spatial autoregressive models of the drivers all had significant effects on the amount of cultivated land holdings, with elevation having a positive effect, and slope and industrial output having a negative effect.

Estimating Length of Jeju Batdam Using Cadastral Information (지적 정보를 이용한 제주 밭담 길이 추정)

  • Park, Jong-Jun;Kwon, Yoon-Ku
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2019
  • The value of Jeju Batdam has been reexamined as it is listed as a nationally important agricultural heritage and globally important agricultural heritage systems. However, it is already exposed to threats such as reduction of agricultural population and cultivation area. Despite efforts like the agricultural heritage system to preserve traditional agriculture, there is few basic investigation into the current status of Jeju Batdam. The purpose of this study is to estimate the length of Jeju Batdam. We used the continuous cadastral map of Jeju area to extract the boundaries of the field lot. In the cadastral map, the farmland was selected by selecting dry fields, paddy fields and orchards. 300 sample site were selected from the extracted farmland, and the boundaries between the Internet map and the parcels were superimposed and the differences were confirmed on the drawing. After that, field survey was conducted to confirm the boundary of the parcels and the existence of actual Batdam. It is estimated that the length estimated from this study is at least 23,983km and maximum 142,353km, which is at least 1,830km longer than 22,108km announced in 2007. Since Jeju Batdam is based on land parcel boundary, it is an objective and efficient method to utilize intellectual information. In addition, because it is subordinate to farmland, new information can be extracted reflecting the change of land use and make the spatial database based on the cadastral maps.

Examining the Generative Artificial Intelligence Landscape: Current Status and Policy Strategies

  • Hyoung-Goo Kang;Ahram Moon;Seongmin Jeon
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.150-190
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    • 2024
  • This article proposes a framework to elucidate the structural dynamics of the generative AI ecosystem. It also outlines the practical application of this proposed framework through illustrative policies, with a specific emphasis on the development of the Korean generative AI ecosystem and its implications of platform strategies at AI platform-squared. We propose a comprehensive classification scheme within generative AI ecosystems, including app builders, technology partners, app stores, foundational AI models operating as operating systems, cloud services, and chip manufacturers. The market competitiveness for both app builders and technology partners will be highly contingent on their ability to effectively navigate the customer decision journey (CDJ) while offering localized services that fill the gaps left by foundational models. The strategically important platform of platforms in the generative AI ecosystem (i.e., AI platform-squared) is constituted by app stores, foundational AIs as operating systems, and cloud services. A few companies, primarily in the U.S. and China, are projected to dominate this AI platform squared, and consequently, they are likely to become the primary targets of non-market strategies by diverse governments and communities. Korea still has chances in AI platform-squared, but the window of opportunities is narrowing. A cautious approach is necessary when considering potential regulations for domestic large AI models and platforms. Hastily importing foreign regulatory frameworks and non-market strategies, such as those from Europe, could overlook the essential hierarchical structure that our framework underscores. Our study suggests a clear strategic pathway for Korea to emerge as a generative AI powerhouse. As one of the few countries boasting significant companies within the foundational AI models (which need to collaborate with each other) and chip manufacturing sectors, it is vital for Korea to leverage its unique position and strategically penetrate the platform-squared segment-app stores, operating systems, and cloud services. Given the potential network effects and winner-takes-all dynamics in AI platform-squared, this endeavor is of immediate urgency. To facilitate this transition, it is recommended that the government implement promotional policies that strategically nurture these AI platform-squared, rather than restrict them through regulations and stakeholder pressures.

Suggestions for Promoting Zero Trust in Korea: Focusing on the Improvement Directions of the K-Zero Trust Strategy (국내 제로트러스트 활성화를 위한 제언: K-제로트러스트 정책 개선 방향성을 중심으로)

  • Ja-Hyun Kim;Beop-Yeon Kim;Hun-yeong Kwon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.1431-1441
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    • 2024
  • The rapid progression of digital transformation demands advanced security models, as traditional perimeter-based approaches are increasingly inadequate in an era of remote access to enterprise systems. In response, the U.S. federal government has pioneered zero trust strategies, with South Korea following suit through active policy measures. Despite the completion of South Korea's first Zero Trust Pilot Project, a comprehensive analysis remains lacking. This study evaluates the pilot project and Zero Trust Guidelines 1.0, highlighting key limitations in implementation, maturity assessment frameworks, and guideline refinement. Solutions are proposed to address these issues, emphasizing the need for improved policies to advance national information security and position South Korea as a leader in the global zero trust landscape.

A Study on Designation Potential as Ramsar Site and Management Method of Massive Scale of Wetland - A Case of Jang Hang Estuary Wetland, Han River, Korea - (대규모 습지의 Ramsar Site 지정 가능성 검토 및 관리방안 연구 - 한강하류 장항습지를 대상으로 -)

  • Yeum, Jung-Hun;Han, Bong-Ho;Lee, Kyong-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.249-257
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to weigh the possibility of endangered Jang-hang wetland at the estuary of Han River to be included on the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance and come up with ways to manage the wetland depending on its biotope patterns. The target area is located between Gimpo bridge and Isanpo I.C. with about $2.7km^2$ area. Through the analysis of RIS(Information Sheet for Ramsar Wetlands), it was known that the wetland is located on the sedimentary topography and formed as a result of sediment at the estuary of the river owing to the concentration of rainfall during summer. The vegetation environment in the area is divided into brackish water and fresh water areas depending on salinity. Rhizosphere soil(RS) of the area was analyzed to be Silt loam while bottom RS to be Sand loam. The plant ecology was composed of 52 families 135 species and 11 varieties and 146 types. Among indigenous species found are Salix koreensis, Phragmites communis and Miscanthus sacchariflorus. The analyzed results of the actual vegetation showed that willow community accounts for 37% of the area and rice field is 13.5%. As for animal ecology, total of 62 species and 25,977 individual wild birds were observed. After comparing and analyzing the RIS we compiled with the Ramsar Site designation standards, it turns out that the Jang-hang wetland meets criteria 1(biographic region), criteria 2,3 and 4(species and ecological communities) and criteria 5 and 6(water birds). Thus, Jang-hang wetland is eligible for the Ramsar site. As a result of establishing and evaluating the biotope types for setting management areas, Jang-hang wetland has a total of 13 different types, and the grade I represents 75.4% of the area while the grade III 0.8% of the land status. We categorized four management zones for the wetland depending on the biotope patterns - preservation, restoration, use and buffer zones and suggested management methods for each zone.

Associations between Characteristics of Green Spaces, Physical Activity and Health - Focusing on the Case Study of Changwon City - (공원녹지의 특성과 신체활동 및 건강의 상호관련성 - 창원시를 대상으로 -)

  • Baek, Su-Kyeongq;Park, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2014
  • Urban Green space takes charge of the important role for the physical activity and promotion of health to the residents. Therefore, this study is trying to examine the relationship between the various characteristics of green space and green space usage for physical activity and health promotion. A questionnaire survey was conducted to obtain the information about patterns of green space usage and perceived neighborhood environments for the residents living in Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do(n=541). Geographic Information System(GIS) was used to construct spatial data about green space accessibility and physical neighborhood environments. A Multiple Linear Regression model was used to examine the association between the characteristics of green space and physical activity, perceived health status and BMI(Body Mass Index). The study results revealed that the residents' physical activities are positively and directly influenced by the number of available public parks and green spaces in the vicinity(${\leq}200m$). The frequency at which residents witness others exercising nearby or the perceived abundance of low-cost gym facilities also factor as positive influences. The closer to the park, the higher the number of parks and area of green spaces, the more comfortable the walk thereto and the denser the neighboring residential area distribution, the perceived health level was found to be the more positively influenced. Further, it was verified that BMI is correlated with the number of public parks and green spaces within 400 m of the resident's home as well as the safety of walkways, the density of neighboring residential areas, the ratio of road, and the density of crosswalk. The significant multiple regression models between the characteristics of green spaces and physical activities and perceived health level were extracted within the significance level of 10%. This study will contribute to provide better understanding the ways in which green space and neighborhood characteristics are associated with physical activity and health. The result of this research will be available in the landscape architecture plan aimed at improving the use of green space for physical activity and reducing obesity.

Fertility Evaluation of Upland Fields by Combination of Landscape and Soil Survey Data with Chemical Properties in Soil (토양 화학성과 지형 및 토양 조사자료를 활용한 밭 토양의 비옥도 평가)

  • Hong, Soon-Dal;Kim, Jai-Joung;Min, Kyong-Beum;Kang, Bo-Goo;Kim, Hyun-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2000
  • Evaluation method of soil fertility by application of geographic information system (GIS) which includes landscape characteristics and soil map data was investigated from productivities of red pepper and tobacco grown on the fields with no fertilization. Total 131 fields experiments, 64 fields of red pepper and 67 fields of tobacco were conducted from 22 and 23 fields for red pepper and tobacco, respectively, located at Cheangweon and Eumseong counties in 1996, from 20 and 25 fields at Boeun and Goesan counties in 1997, and 22 and 19 fields at Jincheon and Chungju counties in 1998. All the experimental sites were selected on the basis of wide range of distribution in landscape and soil attributes. Dry weights and nutrients (N, P and K) uptakes by red pepper plant and tobacco leaves were considered as basic fertility of the soil (BFS). The BFS was estimated by twenty-five independent variables including 13 chemical properties and 12 GIS data. Twenty-five independent variables were classified by two groups, 15 quantitative variables and 10 qualitative variables, and were analyzed by multiple linear regression (MLR) of REG and GLM models of SAS. Dry weight of red pepper (DWRP) and dry weight of tobacco leaves (DWTL) every year showed high variations by five times in difference plots with minimum yield and maximum yield indicating the diverse soil fertility among the experimental fields. Evaluation for the BFS by the MLR including independent variables was better than that by simple regression showing gradual improvement by adding chemical properties, quantitative variables, and qualitative variables of the GIS. However the evaluation for the BFS by the MLR showed the better result for tobacco than red pepper. For example the variability in the DWTL by MLR was explained 34.2% by only chemical properties, 35.0% by adding quantitative variables, and 72.5% by adding both the quantitative and qualitative variables of the GIS compared with 21.7% by simple regression with $NO_3-N$ content in soil. Consequently, it is assumed that this approach by the MLR including both the quantitative and qualitative variables was available as an evaluation model of soil fertility for upland field.

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