• Title/Summary/Keyword: Individual Risk Model

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A Comparative Review of Radiation-induced Cancer Risk Models

  • Lee, Seunghee;Kim, Juyoul;Han, Seokjung
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.130-140
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    • 2017
  • Background: With the need for a domestic level 3 probabilistic safety assessment (PSA), it is essential to develop a Korea-specific code. Health effect assessments study radiation-induced impacts; in particular, long-term health effects are evaluated in terms of cancer risk. The objective of this study was to analyze the latest cancer risk models developed by foreign organizations and to compare the methodology of how they were developed. This paper also provides suggestions regarding the development of Korean cancer risk models. Materials and Methods: A review of cancer risk models was carried out targeting the latest models: the NUREG model (1993), the BEIR VII model (2006), the UNSCEAR model (2006), the ICRP 103 model (2007), and the U.S. EPA model (2011). The methodology of how each model was developed is explained, and the cancer sites, dose and dose rate effectiveness factor (DDREF) and mathematical models are also described in the sections presenting differences among the models. Results and Discussion: The NUREG model was developed by assuming that the risk was proportional to the risk coefficient and dose, while the BEIR VII, UNSCEAR, ICRP, and U.S. EPA models were derived from epidemiological data, principally from Japanese atomic bomb survivors. The risk coefficient does not consider individual characteristics, as the values were calculated in terms of population-averaged cancer risk per unit dose. However, the models derived by epidemiological data are a function of sex, exposure age, and attained age of the exposed individual. Moreover, the methodologies can be used to apply the latest epidemiological data. Therefore, methodologies using epidemiological data should be considered first for developing a Korean cancer risk model, and the cancer sites and DDREF should also be determined based on Korea-specific studies.

Effects of Self-Presentation and Privacy Concern on an Individual's Self-Disclosure : An Empirical Study on Twitter (자기표현욕구와 개인정보노출우려가 자기노출의도에 미치는 영향 : 트위터를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sae-Bom;Fan, Liu;Lee, Sang-Chul;Suh, Yung-Ho
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2012
  • While feeling anxious about the risk of exposure of personal information and privacy, users of microblogs and social network services are continuously using them. This study aims to develop a model to investigate this phenomenon. Specifically, this study explores the relationship between personal characteristics (represented by privacy concern and self-presentation) and an individual's self-disclosure. An individual's personal belief (represented by perceived risk and perceived trust) is also tested as an mediator between the relationship. Through a questionnaire survey to 183 twitter users in Korea, the results indicate that self-presentation has a direct influence on self-disclosure as well as an indirect influence through perceived trust. In contrast, privacy concern has not a direct but an indirect negative influence on self-disclosure through perceived risk. In conclusion, self-presentation has a stronger influence on self-disclosure then privacy concern to Twitter users. An individual who has a higher propensity for self-presentation will form a stronger perceived trust on Twitter, which in turn, affects the individual's self-disclosure. On the other hand, an individual who is more concerned with personal privacy will feel more serious about perceived risk, which in turn, negatively influences one's perception of the trust in Twitter as well as his desire for self-disclosure.

Screening for High Risk Population of Dementia and Development of the Preventive Program Using Web (지역사회 치매 고위험군 선별 및 웹을 이용한 예방프로그램 개발)

  • 김정순;정인숙;김윤진;황선경;최병철
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.236-245
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: This study was to develop a screening model for identifying a high risk group of dementia and to develop and evaluate the web-based prevention program. Method: It was conducted in 5 phases. 1) Data were collected from dementia patients and non-dementia patients in a community. 2) A screening model of the high risk population was constructed. 3) The validity test was performed and the model was confirmed. 4) Four weeks-prevention program was developed. 5) The program was administered, and evaluated the effects. Result: The model consisted of age, illiteracy, history of stroke and hypercholesterolemia. The program was designed with 12 sessions, group health education using web-based individual instruction program, and 12 sessions of low-intensity physical exercise program. After the completion, their self-efficacy, and health behaviors in experimental group were significantly improved over those in the control group. The perceived barrier in the treatment group is significantly decreased. Conclusion: The screening model developed is very simple and can be utilized in diverse community settings. And the web based prevention program will encourage individual learning and timely feedback, therefore it can facilitate their active participation and promote health management behaviors at home.

A Cognitive-social Model for Risk Perception of Terrorism (테러 위험지각의 인지-사회 모형)

  • Hyunju Lee ;Young-Ai Lee
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.485-503
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    • 2011
  • This study was to develope a structural model for risk perception and individual response against terrorism, including several psychological factors - cognitive, social and emotional factors. In this model we measured perceived probability of terrorism, perceived seriousness of the aftermath, and perceived coping(cognitive factors), trust in authorities, in expert group and in preparedness of institutions(social factors), fear and worry(emotional factors), individual preparedness, information seeking, information analysis, and checking relational network(individual behavior responses). Major finding was that cognitive and social factors influenced on emotional factors and then emotional factors influenced on the individual responses. The perceived coping, which one of cognitive factors was linked with individual responses directly and indirectly via emotion factors. We discussed the importance of perceived coping in preparing for terrorism.

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  • Richard C. Jr. Thompson;Gunnar Lucko
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2013.01a
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    • pp.459-466
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    • 2013
  • Risk exists in all construction projects and resides among the collection of subcontractors and their array of individual activities. Wherever risk resides, the interrelation of participants to one another becomes paramount for the way in which risk is measured. Inherent risk becomes recognizable and quantifiable within network schedules in the form of consuming float - the flexibility to absorb delays. Allocating, owning, valuing, and expending such float in network schedules has been debated since the inception of the critical path method itself. This research investigates the foundational element of a three-part approach that examines how float can be traded as a commodity, a concept whose promise remains unfulfilled for lack of a holistic approach. The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) of financial portfolio theory, which describes the relationship between risk and expected return of individual stocks, is explored as an analogy to quantify the inherent risk of the participants in construction projects. The inherent relationship between them and their impact on overall schedule performance, defined as schedule risk -the likelihood of failing to meet schedule plans and the effect of such failure, is matched with the use of CAPM's beta component - the risk correlation measure of an individual stock to that of the entire market - to determine parallels with respect to the inner workings and risks represented by each entity or activity within a schedule. This correlation is the initial theoretical extension that is required to identify where risk resides within construction projects, allocate and commoditize it, and achieve actual tradability.

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Internet Consumers' Perception of Relative Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Croup Buying in Comparison of Internet Individual Buying (인터넷 개별구매와 비교한 인터넷 공동구매의 상대적 장점과 단점에 대한 소비자들의 지각)

  • 이웅규;박준철
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.63-77
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    • 2003
  • Group buying is one of the most popular transaction patterns on the internet at least in Korea. Nevertheless, it is hard to find academic researches for it in view of consumer behavior. In this paper, we analyze factors which determine consumer's attitude toward and intention of participation in Internet group buying by comparison of Internet individual one. For this purpose, we propose “lowering price”, “decreasing risk” and “reducing transaction cost” as relative advantages and "lack of product assortment" and "delay of time" as relative disadvantages over individual buying on the Internet. For empirical test, Internet users who have some experiences of individual buying but not group ones on the Internet are surveyed and analyzed. In result, a satisfying model fitness for structural equation model is derived and most hypotheses except the relationship between "decreasing risk" and "attitude toward Internet group buying" are accepted. Our results provide not only academic contribution by suggestion of a research framework but also practical insight by discussion of diverse features in Internet group buying.verse features in Internet group buying.

Comprehensive Assessment on Risk Factors using Fuzzy Inference in Decommissioning Process (퍼지추론을 이용한 해체공정 중 리스크 요인의 통합 평가)

  • Lim, Hyeon Kyo;Kim, Hyunjung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.184-190
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    • 2014
  • Decommissioning process of nuclear facilities consist of a sequence of problem solving activities, because there may exist not only working environments contaminated by radiological exposure but also industrial hazards such as fire, explosions, toxic materials, and electrical and physical hazards. Therefore, not a few countries in the world have been trying to develop appropriate counter techniques in order to guarantee safety and efficiency of the process. In spite of that, there still exists neither domestic nor international standard. Unfortunately, however, there are few workers who experienced decommissioning operations a lot in the past. As a solution, it is quite necessary to utilize experts' opinions for risk assessment in decommissioning process. As for an individual hazard factor, risk assessment techniques are getting known to industrial workers with advance of safety technology, but the way how to integrate those results is not yet. This paper aimed to find out an appropriate technique to integrate individual risk assessment results from the viewpoint of experts. Thus, on one hand the whole risk assessment activity for decommissioning operations was modeled as a sequence of individual risk assessment steps which can be classified into two activities, decontamination and dismantling, and on the other, a risk assessment structure was introduced. The whole model was inferred with Fuzzy theory and techniques, and a numerical example was appended for comprehension.

A Study on the Quantitative Risk Assessment of Hydrogen-LPG Combined Refueling Station (수소-LPG 복합충전소 정량적 위험성평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Seung Kyu
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 2019
  • In this study, a quantitative risk assessment was carried out for a hydrogen complex station. The complex fueling station to be evaluated was hydrogen-LPG, and the components of each station were analyzed and the risk was evaluated. The final risk is assessed by individual and societal risks, taking into account the impact of damage and the frequency of accidents. As a result of individual risk calculation for the hydrogen-LPG fueling station that is the subject of this study, the hydrogen-LPG type fueling station does not show the unacceptable hazardous area (> 1 × 10E-3) proposed by HSE. The level of individual risk for both the public and the worker is within acceptable limits. In societal risk assessment, the model to be interpreted shows the distribution of risks in an acceptable range(ALARP, As Low As Reasonably Practicable). To ensure improved safety, we recommend regular inspections and checks for high-risk hydrogen reservoirs, dispensers, tube trailer leaks, and LPG vapor recovery lines.


  • Tang, Fengqin;Bai, Jianming
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.447-467
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we consider a multi-risk model based on the policy entrance process with n independent policies. For each policy, the entrance process of the customer is a non-homogeneous Poisson process, and the claim process is a renewal process. The loss process of the single-risk model is a random sum of stochastic processes, and the actual individual claim sizes are described as extended upper negatively dependent (EUND) structure with heavy tails. We derive precise large deviations for the loss process of the multi-risk model after giving the precise large deviations of the single-risk model. Our results extend and improve the existing results in significant ways.

Factors Associated with Blue-collar Workers' Risk Perception of Cardiovascular Disease

  • Hwang, Won Ju;Hong, OiSaeng;Kim, Mi Ja
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.42 no.7
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    • pp.1095-1104
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the contribution of actual cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, as well as, individual, psychosocial, and work-related factors as predictors of CVD risk perception among Korean blue-collar workers. Methods: The participants were 238 Korean blue-collar workers who worked in small companies. Data were collected through a survey; anthropometric and blood pressure measures; and blood sampling for lipid levels. Results: Blue-collar workers had high actual CVD risk and low CVD risk perception. The significant predictors of risk perception included perceived health status, alcohol consumption, knowledge of CVD risk, actual CVD risk, decision latitude, and shift work. The model explained 26% of the variance in CVD risk perception. Conclusion: The result suggests when occupational health nurses are giving routine health examination in small companies, they can enhance CVD risk perception in blue-collar workers by providing essential information about CVD risk factors and personal counseling on the individual worker's CVD risk status.