• Title/Summary/Keyword: Image Edge

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A Motion Detection Approach based on UAV Image Sequence

  • Cui, Hong-Xia;Wang, Ya-Qi;Zhang, FangFei;Li, TingTing
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.1224-1242
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    • 2018
  • Aiming at motion analysis and compensation, it is essential to conduct motion detection with images. However, motion detection and tracking from low-altitude images obtained from an unmanned aerial system may pose many challenges due to degraded image quality caused by platform motion, image instability and illumination fluctuation. This research tackles these challenges by proposing a modified joint transform correlation algorithm which includes two preprocessing strategies. In spatial domain, a modified fuzzy edge detection method is proposed for preprocessing the input images. In frequency domain, to eliminate the disturbance of self-correlation items, the cross-correlation items are extracted from joint power spectrum output plane. The effectiveness and accuracy of the algorithm has been tested and evaluated by both simulation and real datasets in this research. The simulation experiments show that the proposed approach can derive satisfactory peaks of cross-correlation and achieve detection accuracy of displacement vectors with no more than 0.03pixel for image pairs with displacement smaller than 20pixels, when addition of image motion blurring in the range of 0~10pixel and 0.002variance of additive Gaussian noise. Moreover,this paper proposes quantitative analysis approach using tri-image pairs from real datasets and the experimental results show that detection accuracy can be achieved with sub-pixel level even if the sampling frequency can only attain 50 frames per second.

Image Coding Using Bit-Planes of Wavelet Coefficients (웨이블렛 변환 계수의 비트 플레인을 이용한 영상부호화)

  • 김영로;홍원기;고성제
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.714-725
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    • 1997
  • This paper proposes an image compression method using the wavelet transform and bit-plane coding of wavelet coefficients. The hierarchical application of wavelet transform to an image produces one low resoluation(the subband with lowest frequency) image and several high frequency subbands. In the proposed method, the low resolution image is compressed by a lossless method at 8 bits per each coefficient. However, the high frequency subbands are decomposed into 8 bit planes. With an adptive block coding method, the decomposed bit planes are effectively compressed using localized edge information in each bit plane. In addition, the propsoed method can control bit rates by selectively eliminating lessimportant subbands of low significant bit planes. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme has better performance in the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and compression rate than conventional image coding methods using the wavelet transform and vector quantization.

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Head Pose Estimation with Accumulated Historgram and Random Forest (누적 히스토그램과 랜덤 포레스트를 이용한 머리방향 추정)

  • Mun, Sung Hee;Lee, Chil woo
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2016
  • As smart environment is spread out in our living environments, the needs of an approach related to Human Computer Interaction(HCI) is increases. One of them is head pose estimation. it related to gaze direction estimation, since head has a close relationship to eyes by the body structure. It's a key factor in identifying person's intention or the target of interest, hence it is an essential research in HCI. In this paper, we propose an approach for head pose estimation with pre-defined several directions by random forest classifier. We use canny edge detector to extract feature of the different facial image which is obtained between input image and averaged frontal facial image for extraction of rotation information of input image. From that, we obtain the binary edge image, and make two accumulated histograms which are obtained by counting the number of pixel which has non-zero value along each of the axes. This two accumulated histograms are used to feature of the facial image. We use CAS-PEAL-R1 Dataset for training and testing to random forest classifier, and obtained 80.6% accuracy.

An Image Processing Mechanism for Disease Detection in Tomato Leaf (토마토 잎사귀 질병 감지를 위한 이미지 처리 메커니즘)

  • Park, Jeong-Hyeon;Lee, Sung-Keun
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.959-968
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    • 2019
  • In the agricultural industry, wireless sensor network technology has being applied by utilizing various sensors and embedded systems. In particular, a lot of researches are being conducted to diagnose diseases of crops early by using sensor network. There are some difficulties on traditional research how to diagnose crop diseases is not practical for agriculture. This paper proposes the algorithm which enables to investigate and analyze the crop leaf image taken by image camera and detect the infected area within the image. We applied the enhanced k-means clustering method to the images captured at horticulture facility and categorized the areas in the image. Then we used the edge detection and edge tracking scheme to decide whether the extracted areas are located in inside of leaf or not. The performance was evaluated using the images capturing tomato leaves. The results of performance evaluation shows that the proposed algorithm outperforms the traditional algorithms in terms of classification capability.

Image Correction Method for Segmented Linear Detector (모듈로 구성된 선형 검출기의 영상보정 방법)

  • Chon, Kwon-Su;Oh, Suk-Sim;Jin, Wang-Youn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.163-168
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    • 2022
  • Linear detectors composed of several modules have been widely used in industrial in-line inspection. Two dimensional image obtained from the linear detector shows line artifact at the connection part of each module. In this study, we proposed a method to remove the line artifact using the flat-field correction and a wedge phantom image. Conventional flat-field correction has been applied to remove the artifact, however there are still line artifacts even after applying correction. It was found that two edge pixels at the connection part of two modules were over-corrected after the flat-field correction. Those edge pixels was corrected by using the correction factor obtained from an image of the wedge phantom, and images removed line artifacts were obtained. It is necessary to improve the method obtained manually the correction factor from the image of the wedge phantom.

Automated radiation field edge detection in portal image using optimal threshold value (최적 문턱치 설정을 이용한 포탈영상에서의 자동 에지탐지 기법에 관한 연구)

  • 허수진
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.337-344
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    • 1995
  • Because of the high energy of the treatment beam, contrast of portal films is very poor. Many image processing techniques have been applied to the portal images but a significant drawback is the loss of definition on the edges of the treatment field. Analysis of this problem shows that it may be remedied by separating the treatment field from the background prior to enhancement and uslng only the pixels within the field boundary in the enhancement procedure. A new edge extraction algorithm for accurate extraction of the radiation field boundary from portal Images has been developed for contrast enhancement of portal images. In this paper, portal image segmentation algorithm based on Sobel filtration, labelling processes and morphological thinning has been presented. This algorithm could automatically search the optimal threshold value which is sensitive to the variation of the type and quality of portal images.

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Reconstruction from Feature Points of Face through Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm with Gabor Wavelets (FCM 군집화 알고리즘에 의한 얼굴의 특징점에서 Gabor 웨이브렛을 이용한 복원)

  • 신영숙;이수용;이일병;정찬섭
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2000
  • This paper reconstructs local region of a facial expression image from extracted feature points of facial expression image using FCM(Fuzzy C-Meang) clustering algorithm with Gabor wavelets. The feature extraction in a face is two steps. In the first step, we accomplish the edge extraction of main components of face using average value of 2-D Gabor wavelets coefficient histogram of image and in the next step, extract final feature points from the extracted edge information using FCM clustering algorithm. This study presents that the principal components of facial expression images can be reconstructed with only a few feature points extracted from FCM clustering algorithm. It can also be applied to objects recognition as well as facial expressions recognition.

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Contrast Enhancement Algorithm for Backlight Images using by Linear MSR (선형 MSR을 이용한 역광 영상의 명암비 향상 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Beom-Yong;Hwang, Bo-Hyun;Choi, Myung-Ryul
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.90-94
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we propose a new algorithm to improve the contrast ratio, to preserve information of bright regions and to maintain the color of backlight image that appears with a great relative contrast. Backlight images of the natural environment have characteristics for difference of local brightness; the overall image contrast improvement is not easy. To improve the contrast of the backlight images, MSR (Multi-Scale Retinex) algorithm using the existing multi-scale Gaussian filter is applied. However, existing multi-scale Gaussian filter involves color distortion and information loss of bright regions due to excessive contrast enhancement and noise because of the brightness improvement of dark regions. Moreover, it also increases computational complexity due to the use of multi-scale Gaussian filter. In order to solve these problems, a linear MSR is performed that reduces the amount of computation from the HSV color space preventing the color distortion and information loss due to excessive contrast enhancement. It can also remove the noise of the dark regions which is occurred due to the improved contrast through edge preserving filter. Through experimental evaluation of the average color difference comparison of CIELAB color space and the visual assessment, we have confirmed excellent performance of the proposed algorithm compared to conventional MSR algorithm.

Demosaicing Algorithm and Hardware Implementation with Weighted Directional Filtering for Diagonal Edge (방향성 필터를 이용하여 대각선 에지를 고려한 Demosaicing 알고리즘 및 하드웨어 구현)

  • Kwak, Boo-Dong;Jeong, Hyo-Won;Yang, Jeong-Ju;Jang, Won-Woo;Kang, Bong-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.1581-1588
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    • 2010
  • Most digital cameras use a single image sensor with Color Filter Array(CFA) for the advantage of costs and speed. The various color interpolation(demosaicing) algorithms are researched to reconstruct a full representation of the image. In this paper, we proposed a method of demosaicing about using weighted directional filter for vertical, horizontal, and diagonal direction edge. The method considered the efficiency of hardware resources for hardware implementation. The performance of proposed method was confirmed by comparing the conventional method in experiments using 24 Kodak test images. The proposed method was designed by Verilog HDL and was verified by using Virtex4 FPGA boards and CMOS Image Sensor.

RBFNNs-based Recognition System of Vehicle License Plate Using Distortion Correction and Local Binarization (왜곡 보정과 지역 이진화를 이용한 RBFNNs 기반 차량 번호판 인식 시스템)

  • Kim, Sun-Hwan;Oh, Sung-Kwun
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.65 no.9
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    • pp.1531-1540
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we propose vehicle license plate recognition system based on Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNNs) with the use of local binarization functions and canny edge algorithm. In order to detect the area of license plate and also recognize license plate numbers, binary images are generated by using local binarization methods, which consider local brightness, and canny edge detection. The generated binary images provide information related to the size and the position of license plate. Additionally, image warping is used to compensate the distortion of images obtained from the side. After extracting license plate numbers, the dimensionality of number images is reduced through Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and is used as input variables to RBFNNs. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to optimize a number of essential parameters needed to improve the accuracy of RBFNNs. Those optimized parameters include the number of clusters and the fuzzification coefficient used in the FCM algorithm, and the orders of polynomial of networks. Image data sets are obtained by changing the distance between stationary vehicle and camera and then used to evaluate the performance of the proposed system.