• Title/Summary/Keyword: Image Edge

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3D Film Image Inspection Based on the Width of Optimized Height of Histogram (히스토그램의 최적 높이의 폭에 기반한 3차원 필름 영상 검사)

  • Jae-Eun Lee;Jong-Nam Kim
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2022
  • In order to classify 3D film images as right or wrong, it is necessary to detect the pattern in a 3D film image. However, if the contrast of the pixels in the 3D film image is low, it is not easy to classify as the right and wrong 3D film images because the pattern in the image might not be clear. In this paper, we propose a method of classifying 3D film images as right or wrong by comparing the width at a specific frequency of each histogram after obtaining the histogram. Since, it is classified using the width of the histogram, the analysis process is not complicated. From the experiment, the histograms of right and wrong 3D film images were distinctly different, and the proposed algorithm reflects these features, and showed that all 3D film images were accurately classified at a specific frequency of the histogram. The performance of the proposed algorithm was verified to be the best through the comparison test with the other methods such as image subtraction, otsu thresholding, canny edge detection, morphological geodesic active contour, and support vector machines, and it was shown that excellent classification accuracy could be obtained without detecting the patterns in 3D film images.

Color2Gray using Conventional Approaches in Black-and-White Photography (전통적 사진 기법에 기반한 컬러 영상의 흑백 변환)

  • Jang, Hyuk-Su;Choi, Min-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents a novel optimization-based saliency-preserving method for converting color images to grayscale in a manner consistent with conventional approaches of black-and-white photographers. In black-and-white photography, a colored filter called a contrast filter has been commonly employed on a camera to lighten or darken selected colors. In addition, local exposure controls such as dodging and burning techniques are typically employed in the darkroom process to change the exposure of local areas within the print without affecting the overall exposure. Our method seeks a digital version of a conventional contrast filter to preserve visually-important image features. Furthermore, conventional burning and dodging techniques are addressed, together with image similarity weights, to give edge-aware local exposure control over the image space. Our method can be efficiently optimized on GPU. According to the experiments, CUDA implementation enables 1 megapixel color images to be converted to grayscale at interactive frames rates.

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Passenger Monitoring Method using Optical Flow and Difference Image (차영상과 Optical Flow를 이용한 지하철 승객 감시 방법)

  • Lee, Woo-Seok;Kim, Hyoung-Hoon;Cho, Yong-Gee
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.1966-1972
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    • 2011
  • Optical flow estimation based on multi constraint approaches is frequently used for recognition of moving objects. This paper proposed the method to monitor passenger boarding using image processing when a train is operated based on Automatic Train Operation(ATO). The movement of passenger can be detected to compare two images, one is a basic image and another is immediately captured by CCTV. Optical Flow helps to find the movement of passenger when two images are compared. The movement of passenger is one of important informations for ATO system because it needs to decide door status.

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The Method of Vanishing Point Estimation in Natural Environment using RANSAC (RANSAC을 이용한 실외 도로 환경의 소실점 예측 방법)

  • Weon, Sun-Hee;Joo, Sung-Il;Choi, Hyung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2013
  • This paper proposes a method of automatically predicting the vanishing point for the purpose of detecting the road region from natural images. The proposed method stably detects the vanishing point in the road environment by analyzing the dominant orientation of the image and predicting the vanishing point to be at the position where the feature components of the image are concentrated. For this purpose, in the first stage, the image is partitioned into sub-blocks, an edge sample is selected randomly from within the sub-block, and RANSAC is applied for line fitting in order to analyze the dominant orientation of each sub-block. Once the dominant orientation has been detected for all blocks, we proceed to the second stage and randomly select line samples and apply RANSAC to perform the fitting of the intersection point, then measure the cost of the intersection model arising from each line and we predict the vanishing point to be located at the average point, based on the intersection point model with the highest cost. Lastly, quantitative and qualitative analyses are performed to verify the performance in various situations and prove the efficiency of the proposed algorithm for detecting the vanishing point.

Region Segmentation Technique Based on Active Contour for Object Segmentation (객체 분할을 위한 Active Contour 기반의 영역 분할 기법 연구)

  • Han, Hyeon-Ho;Lee, Gang-Seong;Lee, Jong-Yong;Lee, Sang-Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents the technique separating objects on the single frame image from the background using region segmentation technique based on active contour. Active contour is to extract contours of objects from the image, which is set to have multi-search starting point to extract each objects contours for multi-object segmentation. Initial rough object segments are generated from binary-coded image using object specific contour information, and then the hole filling is performed to compensate internal segmentation caused by the change of inner object hole area and pixels. This procedure complements the problems caused by the noise from the region segmentation and the errors of segmentation near by the contour. The proposed method and conventional method is compared to verify the superiority of the proposed method.

A Study on Improvement of Vision Inspector for T Type Welding nut auto Sorting System using a Masked Histogram Equalization (마스크 히스토그램 평준화를 이용한 T형 용접너트 자동 선별시스템의 비전검사기 성능개선에 관한 연구)

  • Hur, Tae-Won;Song, Han-Lim
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.49 no.9
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    • pp.353-361
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose a improvement method of vision inspector for T type welding nut using an auto sorting system. We used edge and thread detection with histogram of image which is captured by machine vision camera. We also used a binary morphology operation for a detection of spot. A major problem in this vision inspector is abnormal operation caused by degradation of image acquired. These degradations caused by oil pollution on conveyer belt. For overcome this problem, we introduce a pre-processing using a masked histogram equalization on the image acquired. Histogram equalization is applied on masked region (nut part) for increase contrast. As a result, we can remove features caused by oil pollution on background and reduce a ratio of abnormal operation from 10.0 % to 0.2 %.

Investigation of molten fuel coolant interaction phenomena using real time X-ray imaging of simulated woods metal-water system

  • Acharya, Avinash Kumar;Sharma, Anil Kumar;Avinash, Ch.S.S.S.;Das, Sanjay Kumar;Gnanadhas, Lydia;Nashine, B.K.;Selvaraj, P.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.49 no.7
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    • pp.1442-1450
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    • 2017
  • In liquid metal fast breeder reactors, postulated failures of the plant protection system may lead to serious unprotected accidental consequences. Unprotected transients are generically categorized as transient overpower accidents and transient under cooling accidents. In both cases, core meltdown may occur and this can lead to a molten fuel coolant interaction (MFCI). The understanding of MFCI phenomena is essential for study of debris coolability and characteristics during post-accident heat removal. Sodium is used as coolant in liquid metal fast breeder reactors. Viewing inside sodium at elevated temperature is impossible because of its opaqueness. In the present study, a methodology to depict MFCI phenomena using a flat panel detector based imaging system (i.e., real time radiography) is brought out using a woods metal-water experimental facility which simulates the $UO_2-Na$ interaction. The developed imaging system can capture attributes of the MFCI process like jet breakup length, jet front velocity, fragmented particle size, and a profile of the debris bed using digital image processing methods like image filtering, segmentation, and edge detection. This paper describes the MFCI process and developed imaging methodology to capture MFCI attributes which are directly related to the safe aspects of a sodium fast reactor.

Medical Image Automatic Annotation Using Multi-class SVM and Annotation Code Array (다중 클래스 SVM과 주석 코드 배열을 이용한 의료 영상 자동 주석 생성)

  • Park, Ki-Hee;Ko, Byoung-Chul;Nam, Jae-Yeal
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.16B no.4
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    • pp.281-288
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes a novel algorithm for the efficient classification and annotation of medical images, especially X-ray images. Since X-ray images have a bright foreground against a dark background, we need to extract the different visual descriptors compare with general nature images. In this paper, a Color Structure Descriptor (CSD) based on Harris Corner Detector is only extracted from salient points, and an Edge Histogram Descriptor (EHD) used for a textual feature of image. These two feature vectors are then applied to a multi-class Support Vector Machine (SVM), respectively, to classify images into one of 20 categories. Finally, an image has the Annotation Code Array based on the pre-defined hierarchical relations of categories and priority code order, which is given the several optimal keywords by the Annotation Code Array. Our experiments show that our annotation results have better annotation performance when compared to other method.

Unsupervised Change Detection of KOMPSAT-3 Satellite Imagery Based on Cross-sharpened Images by Guided Filter (Guided Filter를 이용한 교차융합영상 기반 KOMPSAT-3 위성영상의 무감독변화탐지)

  • Choi, Jaewan;Park, Honglyun;Kim, Donghak;Choi, Seokkeun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.777-786
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    • 2018
  • GF (Guided Filtering) is a representative image processing technique to effectively remove noise while preserving edge information in the digital image. In this paper, we proposed a unsupervised change detection method for the KOMPSAT-3 satellite image using the GF and evaluated its performance. In order to utilize GF for the unsupervised change detection, cross-sharpened images were generated based on GF, and CVA (Change Vector Analysis) was applied to the generated cross-sharpened images to extract the changed area in the multitemporal satellite imagery. Experimental results using KOMPSAT-3 satellite images showed that the proposed method can be effectively used to detect changed regions compared with CVA results based on existing cross-sharpened images.

Adaptive Watermarking Using Successive Subband Quantization and Perceptual Model Based on Multiwavelet Transform Domain (멀티웨이브릿 변환 영역 기반의 연속 부대역 양자화 및 지각 모델을 이용한 적응 워터마킹)

  • 권기룡;이준재
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.6 no.7
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    • pp.1149-1158
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    • 2003
  • Content adaptive watermark embedding algorithm using a stochastic image model in the multiwavelet transform is proposed in this paper. A watermark is embedded into the perceptually significant coefficients (PSCs) of each subband using multiwavelet transform. The PSCs in high frequency subband are selected by SSQ, that is, by setting the thresholds as the one half of the largest coefficient in each subband. The perceptual model is applied with a stochastic approach based on noise visibility function (NVF) that has local image properties for watermark embedding. This model uses stationary Generalized Gaussian model characteristic because watermark has noise properties. The watermark estimation use shape parameter and variance of subband region. it is derive content adaptive criteria according to edge and texture, and flat region. The experiment results of the proposed watermark embedding method based on multiwavelet transform techniques were found to be excellent invisibility and robustness.

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