• Title/Summary/Keyword: Image Edge

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Design and Fabrication of 32x32 Foveated CMOS Retina Chip for Edge Detection with Local-Light Adaptation (국소 광적응 기능을 가지는 윤곽검출용 32x32 방사형 CMOS 시각칩의 설계 및 제조)

  • Park, Dae-Sik;Park, Jong-Ho;Kim, Kyung-Moon;Lee, Soo-Kyung;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Kim, Jung-Hwan;Lee, Min-Ho;Shin, Jang-Kyoo
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.84-92
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    • 2002
  • A $32{\times}32$ pixels foveated (linear-polar) structure retina chip with the function of local-light adaptation for edge detection has been designed and fabricated using CMOS technology. Human retina can detect a wide range of light intensity. In this study, we use the biologically-inspired visual signal processing mechanism that consists of photoreceptors, horizontal cells, and bipolar cells in order to implement the function of edge detection in the retina chip. For a local-light adaptive function, the size of receptive field is changed locally according to the input light intensity. The spatial distribution of sensing pixels in the foveated retina chip has the advantages of selective reduction of image data and good resolution in central part to carry out the elaborate image processing with still enough resolution in the outer parts. The designed chip has been fabricated using standard $0.6\;{\mu}m$ double-poly triple-metal CMOS technology and optimized using HSPICE simulator.

A Study on the Improvement of Digital Periapical Images using Image Interpolation Methods (영상보간법을 이용한 디지털 치근단 방사선영상의 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Song Nam-Kyu;Koh Kawng-Joon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.387-413
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    • 1998
  • Image resampling is of particular interest in digital radiology. When resampling an image to a new set of coordinate, there appears blocking artifacts and image changes. To enhance image quality, interpolation algorithms have been used. Resampling is used to increase the number of points in an image to improve its appearance for display. The process of interpolation is fitting a continuous function to the discrete points in the digital image. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the seven interpolation functions when image resampling in digital periapical images. The images were obtained by Digora, CDR and scanning of Ektaspeed plus periapical radiograms on the dry skull and human subject. The subjects were exposed to intraoral X-ray machine at 60kVp and 70 kVp with exposure time varying between 0.01 and 0.50 second. To determine which interpolation method would provide the better image, seven functions were compared; (1) nearest neighbor (2) linear (3) non-linear (4) facet model (5) cubic convolution (6) cubic spline (7) gray segment expansion. And resampled images were compared in terms of SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio) and MTF(Modulation Transfer Function) coefficient value. The obtained results were as follows ; 1. The highest SNR value(75.96dB) was obtained with cubic convolution method and the lowest SNR value(72.44dB) was obtained with facet model method among seven interpolation methods. 2. There were significant differences of SNR values among CDR, Digora and film scan(P<0.05). 3. There were significant differences of SNR values between 60kVp and 70kVp in seven interpolation methods. There were significant differences of SNR values between facet model method and those of the other methods at 60kVp(P<0.05), but there were not significant differences of SNR values among seven interpolation methods at 70kVp(P>0.05). 4. There were significant differences of MTF coefficient values between linear interpolation method and the other six interpolation methods (P< 0.05). 5. The speed of computation time was the fastest with nearest -neighbor method and the slowest with non-linear method. 6. The better image was obtained with cubic convolution, cubic spline and gray segment method in ROC analysis. 7. The better sharpness of edge was obtained with gray segment expansion method among seven interpolation methods.

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Optimization of Image Tracking Algorithm Used in 4D Radiation Therapy (4차원 방사선 치료시 영상 추적기술의 최적화)

  • Park, Jong-In;Shin, Eun-Hyuk;Han, Young-Yih;Park, Hee-Chul;Lee, Jai-Ki;Choi, Doo-Ho
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2012
  • In order to develop a Patient respiratory management system includinga biofeedback function for4-dimentional radiation therapy, this study investigated anoptimal tracking algorithmfor moving target using IR (Infra-red) camera as well as commercial camera. A tracking system was developed by LabVIEW 2010. Motion phantom images were acquired using a camera (IR or commercial). After image process were conducted to convert acquired image to binary image by applying a threshold values, several edge enhance methods such as Sobel, Prewitt, Differentiation, Sigma, Gradient, Roberts, were applied. The targetpattern was defined in the images, and acquired image from a moving targetwas tracked by matching pre-defined tracking pattern. During the matching of imagee, thecoordinateof tracking point was recorded. In order to assess the performance of tracking algorithm, the value of score which represents theaccuracy of pattern matching was defined. To compare the algorithm objectively, we repeat experiments 3 times for 5 minuts for each algorithm. Average valueand standard deviations (SD) of score were automatically calculatedsaved as ASCII format. Score of threshold only was 706, and standard deviation was 84. The value of average and SD for other algorithms which combined edge detection method and thresholdwere 794, 64 in Sobel, 770, 101 in Differentiation, 754, 85 in Gradient, 763, 75 in Prewitt, 777, 93 in Roberts, and 822, 62 in Sigma, respectively. According to score analysis, the most efficient tracking algorithm is the Sigma method. Therefore, 4-dimentional radiation threapy is expected tobemore efficient if threshold and Sigma edge detection method are used together in target tracking.

Single Image Dehazing Based on Depth Map Estimation via Generative Adversarial Networks (생성적 대립쌍 신경망을 이용한 깊이지도 기반 연무제거)

  • Wang, Yao;Jeong, Woojin;Moon, Young Shik
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2018
  • Images taken in haze weather are characteristic of low contrast and poor visibility. The process of reconstructing clear-weather image from a hazy image is called dehazing. The main challenge of image dehazing is to estimate the transmission map or depth map for an input hazy image. In this paper, we propose a single image dehazing method by utilizing the Generative Adversarial Network(GAN) for accurate depth map estimation. The proposed GAN model is trained to learn a nonlinear mapping between the input hazy image and corresponding depth map. With the trained model, first the depth map of the input hazy image is estimated and used to compute the transmission map. Then a guided filter is utilized to preserve the important edge information of the hazy image, thus obtaining a refined transmission map. Finally, the haze-free image is recovered via atmospheric scattering model. Although the proposed GAN model is trained on synthetic indoor images, it can be applied to real hazy images. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves superior dehazing results against the state-of-the-art algorithms on both the real hazy images and the synthetic hazy images, in terms of quantitative performance and visual performance.

Super Resolution based on Reconstruction Algorithm Using Wavelet basis (웨이브렛 기저를 이용한 초해상도 기반 복원 알고리즘)

  • Baek, Young-Hyun;Byun, Oh-Sung;Moon, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2007
  • In most electronic imaging applications, image with high resolution(HR) are desired. HR means that pixel density within an image is high, and therefore HR image can offer more details that may be critical in various applications. Digital images that are captured by CCD and CMOS cameras usually have a very low resolution, which significantly limits the performance of image recognition systems. Image super-resolution techniques can be applied to overcome the limits of these imaging systems. Super-resolution techniques have been proposed to increase the resolution by combining information from multiple images. To techniques were consisted of the registration algorithm for estimation and shift, the nearest neighbor interpolation using weight of acquired frames and presented frames. In this paper, it is proposed the image interpolation techniques using the wavelet base function. This is applied to embody a correct edge image and natural image when expend part of the still image by applying the wavelet base function coefficient to the conventional Super-Resolution interpolation method. And the proposal algorithm in this paper is confirmed to improve the image applying the nearest neighbor interpolation algorithm, bilinear interpolation algorithm.,bicubic interpolation algorithm through the computer simulation.

Image Inpainting by Band Matching, Seamless Cloning and Area Sub-Division (밴드 매칭, 경계제거, 영역분할을 이용한 영상 인페인팅)

  • Lee, Su-Bin;Seo, Yong-Duek
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2008
  • We propose a novel image inpainting method composed of two parts: band matching and seamless cloning. In band matching, a band enclosing the boundary of a missing region is compared to those from the other parts of the image. The inner area of the minimum difference band is then copied to the missing region. Even though this band matching results in successful inpainting in many practical applications, brightness discontinuity (a seam) may appear between the filled missing region and its neighborhood. We apply seamless cloning to remove such discontinuity between the two regions. However, since this basic method using one patch may not deal with cases where there are abrupt changes of color or brightness along the boundary, we furthermore devise one more step: target sub-division. The target area is subdivided into small sub-areas, and the band matching and seamless cloning are applied to each of them. The multiple results from the sub-division are then ordered according to inpainting quality, which is measured based on the edge map or discontinuity map along the boundary band.

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FPGA based Dynamic Thresholding Circuit

  • Cho, J.U.;Lee, S.H.;Jeon, J.W.;Kim, J.T.;Cho, J.D.;Lee, K.M.;Lee, J.H.;Byun, J.E.;Choi, J.C.
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.1235-1238
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    • 2004
  • Thresholding has been used to reduce the number of gray values in images. Typically, a single threshold value has been used, resulting in two gray level images. Image reduction of one single threshold value, however, may lose too much of the high-frequency edge information. Thus, dynamic thresholding that uses a different threshold for each pixel is preferred instead of using a single threshold value. Dynamic thresholding can preserve high frequency details as well as reduce the size of images. Since it takes long time to perform existing software dynamic thresholding in an embedded system, this paper proposes and implements a circuit by using a FPGA in order to perform a real-time dynamic thresholding,. The proposed circuit consists of two counters, and threshold look-up table, and control unit. The values of two counters determine each pixel position, the threshold look-up table converts each pixel value into other value, and the control unit generates necessary control signals. On arriving from a camera to the proposed circuit, each pixel is compared with its threshold value and is converted into other gray value. An image processing system by using the proposed circuit will be implemented and some experiments will be performed.

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  • Kim, Hyun-Ki;Bae, Jun-Hyung;Cha, Bo-Kyung;Jeon, Ho-Sang;Kim, Jong-Yul;Kim, Chan-Kyu;Cho, Gyu-Seong
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2009
  • Micro-columnar CsI(Tl) is the most popular scintillator material which is used for many indirect digital X-ray imaging detectors. The light scattering at the surface of micro-columnar CsI(Tl) scintillator was studied to find the correlation between the surface roughness and the resultant image resolution of indirect X-ray imaging detectors. Using a commercially available optical simulation program, Light Tools, MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) curves of the CsI(Tl) film thermally evaporated on glass substrate with different thickness were calculated and compared with the experimental estimation of MTF values by the edge X-ray image method and CCD camera. It was found that the standard deviation value of Gaussian scattering model which is determined by the surface roughness of micro-columns could certainly change the MTF value of image sensors. This model and calculation methodology will be beneficial to estimate the overall performance of indirect X-ray imaging system with CsI(Tl) scintillator film for optimum design depending on its application.

Content-Based Retrieval System Design for Image and Video using Multiple Fetures (다중 특징을 이용한 영상 및 비디오 내용 기반 검색 시스템 설계)

  • Go, Byeong-Cheol;Lee, Hae-Seong;Byeon, Hye-Ran
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.26 no.12
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    • pp.1519-1530
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    • 1999
  • 오늘날 멀티미디어 정보의 양이 매우 빠른 속도로 증가함에 따라 멀티미디어 데이타베이스에 대한 효율적인 관리는 더욱 중요한 의미를 가지게 되었다. 게다가 영상과 같은 비 문자형태의 데이타에 대한 사용자들의 내용기반 검색욕구 증가로 인해 비디오 인덱싱에 대한 관심은 더욱 고조되고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 우선적으로 분할된 샷 경계면에서 추출된 대표 프레임과 정지 영상 데이타베이스로부터 유사 영상과 유사 대표 프레임을 검색할 수 있는 환경을 제공한다. 우선적으로 영상에 의한 질의는 기존에 주로 사용되어온 색상 히스토그램방식을 탈피하여 본 논문에서 제안하는 CS와 GS방식을 이용하여 색상 및 방향성 정보도 고려하도록 설계하였다. 또한 얼굴에 의한 질의는 대표 프레임으로부터 얼굴 영역을 추출해 내고 얼굴의 경계선 값 및 쌍 직교 웨이블릿 변환에 의해 얻어진 2개의 특징값을 이용하여 유사 인물이 포함된 대표 프레임을 검색해 내도록 설계하였다. Abstract There is a rapid increase in the use of digital video information in recent years, it becomes more important to manage multimedia databases efficiently. There is a big concern about video indexing because users require content-based image retrieval. In this paper, we first propose query-by-image system environment which allows to retrieve similar images from the chosen representative frames or images from the image databases. This algorithm considers not only the discretized color histogram but also the proposed directional information called CS & GS method. Finally, we designe another query environment using query-by-face. In this system , user selects a people in the representative frame browser and then system extracts a face region from that frame. After that system retrieves similar representative frames using 2 features, edge information and biorthogonal wavelet transform.

Human Perception of Asymmetrical Three-Dimensional Image (비대칭적 3차원 영상에 대한 인간의 인지 특성)

  • Ha, Chang-Woo;Lee, Wan-Jae;Jin, Soon-Jong;Jeong, Je-Chang
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1 s.34
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2007
  • The 3DTV services can be seen as a general case of the multi-view video that has been receiving a significant attention lately. However, the key factors that influence the success of 3DTV are the availability of content, the ease of use, the quality of contents, and the reduction of cost. This paper deals primarily with the perceptual improvement in image quality, especially based on human factors. An optimal asymmetrical coding method for binocular and multi-view images is presented. The quantitative value of asymmetrical rate to maintain optimized subjective image quality is explored. Also we analyze how edges of 2D images affect on 3D perceptions and propose an edge-preserving algorithm to perform perceptual improvements. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm enhances subjective image quality much better than conventional methods.