• Title/Summary/Keyword: IP core

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A Detailed Review on Recognition of Plant Disease Using Intelligent Image Retrieval Techniques

  • Gulbir Singh;Kuldeep Kumar Yogi
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.9
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 2023
  • Today, crops face many characteristics/diseases. Insect damage is one of the main characteristics/diseases. Insecticides are not always effective because they can be toxic to some birds. It will also disrupt the natural food chain for animals. A common practice of plant scientists is to visually assess plant damage (leaves, stems) due to disease based on the percentage of disease. Plants suffer from various diseases at any stage of their development. For farmers and agricultural professionals, disease management is a critical issue that requires immediate attention. It requires urgent diagnosis and preventive measures to maintain quality and minimize losses. Many researchers have provided plant disease detection techniques to support rapid disease diagnosis. In this review paper, we mainly focus on artificial intelligence (AI) technology, image processing technology (IP), deep learning technology (DL), vector machine (SVM) technology, the network Convergent neuronal (CNN) content Detailed description of the identification of different types of diseases in tomato and potato plants based on image retrieval technology (CBIR). It also includes the various types of diseases that typically exist in tomato and potato. Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) technologies should be used as a supplementary tool to enhance search accuracy by encouraging you to access collections of extra knowledge so that it can be useful. CBIR systems mainly use colour, form, and texture as core features, such that they work on the first level of the lowest level. This is the most sophisticated methods used to diagnose diseases of tomato plants.

Consumer Associative Network Analysis on Device and Service Convergence

  • Han, Sangman;Lee, Janghyuk;Park, Sun-Young;Jo, Woonghyeon
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2013
  • Our research brings managerial insights for developing new digital convergence of devices and services. To explain the phenomenon of device and service convergence, we combine two different approaches from separate research fields: a perceptual mapping technique generally used for segmentation in marketing and associative network analysis mobilized to understanding network structure of core and peripheral as well as the information mediating role of nodes in network science. By combining these two approaches, we provide an in-depth analysis of the associations among devices and services by assessing the centrality of device and service nodes in an associative network. This is done by examining the connections between these services and devices as well as investigating the role of mediation in the combined device-service associative network. Our results based on bi-partite network analysis of survey responses from 250 Internet Protocol (IP) television viewers show which device and which service will play the major role in future device and service convergence as well as which characteristics and functionalities have to be incorporated into future convergence. Among the devices, the mobile handset with the betweenness centrality of 0.26 appears to be the device that would lead future device convergence. Among the services, wireless broadband with the betweenness centrality of 0.276 appears to be the service on which future service convergence needs to be developed. This result is quite unexpected, since wireless broadband has a lower penetration rate than other services, such as fixed broadband and cable TV. In addition, we indicate the possibility of converging devices, such as personal digital assistant (PDA) and mobile handset, and services, such as IPTV and mobile Internet, into wireless broadband services in the future.

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A Comparative Study on Buddhist Painting, MokWooDo (牧牛圖: PA Comparative Study on Buddhist Painting, MokWooDo (牧牛圖: Painting of Bull Keeping) and Confucian/Taoist Painting, SipMaDo (十馬圖: Painting of Ten Horses) - Focused on SimBeop (心法: Mind Control Rule) of the Three Schools: Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism -nd Control Rule) of the Three Schools: Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism - (불가(佛家) 목우도(牧牛圖)와 유·도(儒·道) 십마도(十馬圖) 비교 연구 - 유불도(儒佛道) 삼가(三家)의 심법(心法)을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, So-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2022
  • SipWooDo (十牛圖: Painting of Ten Bulls), a Buddhist painting, is a kind of Zen Sect Buddhism painting, which is shown as a mural in many of main halls of Korean Buddhist temples. MokWooDo has been painted since Song Dynasty of China. It paints a cow, a metaphor of mind and a shepherd boy who controls the cow. It comes also with many other types of works such as poetry called GyeSong, HwaWoonSi and etc. That is, it appeared as a pan-cultural phenomenon beyond ideology and nation not limited to Chinese Buddhist ideology of an era. This study, therefore, selects MokWooDo chants that represent Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism to compare the writing purposes, mind discipline methods and ultimate goals of such chant literatures in order to integrate and comprehend the ideologies of such three schools in the ideologically cultural aspect, which was not fully dealt with in the existing studies. In particular, the study results are: First, the SipWooDo of Buddhist School is classified generally into Bo Myoung's MokWooDo and Kwak Ahm's SimWooDo (尋牛圖: Painting of Searching out a Bull). Zen Sect Buddhism goes toward nirvana through enlightenment. Both MokWooDo and SimWooDo of Buddhist School are the discipline method of JeomSu (漸修: Discipline by Steps). They were made for SuSimJeungDo (修心證道: Enlightenment of Truth by Mind Discipline), which appears different in HwaJe (畫題: Titles on Painting) and GyeSong (偈頌: Poetry Type of Buddhist Chant) between Zen Sect Buddhism and Doctrine Study Based Buddhism, which are different from each other in viewpoints. Second, Bo Myoung's MokWooDo introduces the discipline processes from MiMok (未牧: Before Tamed) to JinGongMyoYu (眞空妙有: True Vacancy is not Separately Existing) of SsangMin (雙泯: the Level where Only Core Image Appears with Every Other Thing Faded out) that lie on the method called BangHalGiYong (棒喝機用: a Way of Using Rod to Scold). On the other side, however, it puts its ultimate goal onto the way to overcome even such core image of SsangMin. Third, Kwak Ahm's SimWooDo shows the discipline processes of JeomSu from SimWoo (尋牛: Searching out a Bull) to IpJeonSuSu (入鄽垂手: Entering into a Place to Exhibit Tools). That is, it puts its ultimate goal onto HwaGwangDongJin (和光同塵: Harmonized with Others not Showing your own Wisdom) where you are going together with ordinary people by going up to the level of 'SangGuBori (上求菩提: Discipline to Go Up to Gain Truth) and HaHwaJungSaeng (下化衆生: Discipline to Go Down to Be with Ordinary People)' through SaGyoIpSeon (捨敎入禪: Entering into Zen Sect Buddhism after Completing a Certain Volume of Doctrine Study), which are working for leading the ordinary people of all to finding out their Buddhist Nature. Fourth, Shimiz Shunryu (清水春流)'s painting YuGaSipMaDo (儒家十馬圖: Painting of Ten Horses of Confucian School) borrowed Bo Myoung's MokWooDo. That is, it borrowed the terms and pictures of Buddhist School. However, it features 'WonBulIpYu (援佛入儒: Enlightenment of Buddhist Nature by Confucianism)', which is based on the process of becoming a greatly wise person through Confucian study to go back to the original good nature. From here, it puts its goal onto becoming a greatly wise person, GunJa who is completely harmonized with truth, through the study of HamYang (涵養: Mind Discipline by Widening Learning and Intelligence) that controls outside mind to make the mind peaceful. Its ultimate goal is in accord with "SangCheonJiJae, MuSeongMuChee (上天之載, 無聲無臭: Heaven Exists in the Sky Upward; It is Difficult to Get the Truth of Nature, which has neither sound nor smell)' words from Zhōngyōng. Fifth, WonMyeongNhoYin (圓明老人)'s painting SangSeungSuJinSamYo (上乘修真三要: Painting of Three Essential Things to Discipline toward Truth) borrowed Bo Myoung's MokWooDo while it consists of totally 13 sheets of picture to preach the painter's will and preference. That is, it features 'WonBulIpDo (援佛入道: Following Buddha to Enter into Truth)' to preach the painter's doctrine of Taoism by borrowing the pictures and poetry type chants of Buddhist School. Taoism aims to become a miraculously powerful Taoist hermit who never dies by Taoist healthcare methods. Therefore, Taoists take the mind discipline called BanHwanSimSeong (返還心性: Returning Back to Original Mind Nature), which makes Taoists go ultimately toward JaGeumSeon (紫金仙) that is the original origin by changing into a saint body that is newly conceived with the vital force of TaeGeuk abandoning the existing mind and body fully. This is a unique feature of Taoism, which puts its ultimate goal onto the way of BeopShinCheongJeong (法身淸淨: Pure and Clean Nature of Buddha) that is in accord with JiDoHoiHong (至道恢弘: Getting to Wide and Big Truth).

Research for Application of Interactive Data Broadcasting Service in DMB (DMB에서의 양방향 데어터방송 서비스도입에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Geun;Choe, Seong-Jin;Lee, Seon-Hui
    • Broadcasting and Media Magazine
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.104-117
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    • 2006
  • In this Paper, we analyze the application of Interactive Data Broadcasting in DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) in the accordance with convergence of service and technology. With the acceleration of digital convergence in the Ubiquitous period substantial development of digital media technology and convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication industry are being witnessed. Consequently these results gave rise to newly combined-products such as DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting), WCDMA(Wide-band code division multiple access), Wibro(Wireless Broadband Internet), IP-TV (Internet protocol TV) and HSDPA(High speed downlink packet access). The preparatory stage for the implementation of Interactive Data Broadcasting Service will be reached by the end of December, 2006. DMB is the first result of a successful convergence service between Broadcasting and Telecommunication in new media era. Multimedia technology and services are the core elements of DMB. The Data Broadcasting will not only offer various services of interactive information such News, Weather, Broadcasting Program etc, but also be linked with characteristic function of mobile phone such as calling and SMS(Short Message Service) via Return Channel.

A Study on the Promotion Method of Domestic Video Security Industry (국내 영상보안산업 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Yoo, Soonduck;Ryu, Daehyun
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the current situation and actual condition of the video security industry, The research method was based on interviews with twelve specialists, and examined the market trends, the problems of the video security industry, the improvement plan and the government promotion strategy. The problem with the domestic video security industry is that there are the decline in overseas exports and the slowdown in exports to China, insufficient measures to overcome certification barriers due to the strengthening of national certification system, domestic demand growth slowed, expansion of domestic market share of Chinese products, lack of high-tech development of domestic products, lack of expertise in technology development and operation and inadequate legislation for revitalizing the video security industry. The improvement plan is as follows. Need to implement export expansion support policy, need to build tailored response system for each country, need improvement of security related demand creation system, take measures such as domestic industrial protection policy, certification barriers and tariff barriers, induce future core technology to create high added value. The government also needs to actively support human resources development, and induce stabilization of relevant laws and institutions. This study will contribute to the development of related industries by suggesting the development direction of the video security industry.

Local Drug Delivery System Using Biodegradable Polymers

  • Khang, Gil-Son;Rhee, John M.;Jeong, Je-Kyo;Lee, Jeong-Sik;Kim, Moon-Suk;Cho, Sun-Hang;Lee, Hai-Bang
    • Macromolecular Research
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.207-223
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    • 2003
  • For last five years, we are developing the novel local drug delivery devices using biodegradable polymers, especially polylactide (PLA) and poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) due to its relatively good biocompatibility, easily controlled biodegradability, good processability and only FDA approved synthetic degradable polymers. The relationship between various kinds of drug [water soluble small molecule drugs: gentamicin sulfate (GS), fentanyl citrate (FC), BCNU, azidothymidine (AZT), pamidronate (ADP), $1,25(OH)_2$ vitamin $D_3$, water insoluble small molecule drugs: fentanyl, ipriflavone (IP) and nifedipine, and water soluble large peptide molecule drug: nerve growth factor (NGF), and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV)], different types of geometrical devices [microspheres (MSs), microcapsule, nanoparticle, wafers, pellet, beads, multiple-layered beads, implants, fiber, scaffolds, and films], and pharmacological activity are proposed and discussed for the application of pharmaceutics and tissue engineering. Also, local drug delivery devices proposed in this work are introduced in view of preparation method, drug release behavior, biocompatibility, pharmacological effect, and animal studies. In conclusion, we can control the drug release profiles varying with the preparation, formulation and geometrical parameters. Moreover, any types of drug were successfully applicable to achieve linear sustained release from short period ($1{\sim}3$ days) to long period (over 2 months). It is very important to design a suitable formulation for the wanting period of bioactive molecules loaded in biodegradable polymers for the local delivery of drug. The drug release is affected by many factors such as hydrophilicity of drug, electric charge of drug, drug loading amount, polymer molecular weight, the monomer composition, the size of implants, the applied fabrication techniques, and so on. It is well known that the commercialization of new drug needs a lot of cost of money (average: over 10 million US dollar per one drug) and time (average: above 9 years) whereas the development of DDS and high effective generic drug might be need relatively low investment with a short time period. Also, one core technology of DDS can be applicable to many drugs for the market needs. From these reasons, the DDS research on potent generic drugs might be suitable for less risk and high return.

Deign of Small-Area Differential Paired eFuse OTP Memory for Power ICs (Power IC용 저면적 Differential Paired eFuse OTP 메모리 설계)

  • Park, Heon;Lee, Seung-Hoon;Jin, Kyo-Hong;Ha, Pan-Bong;Kim, Young-Hee
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, a small-area 32-bit differential paired eFuse OTP memory for power ICs is designed. In case of smaller number of rows than that of columns for the OTP memory cell array, a scheme for the cell array reducing the number of SL driver circuits requiring their larger layout areas by routing the SL (source line) lines supplying programming currents for eFuse links in the row direction instead of the column direction as well as a core circuit is proposed. In addition, to solve a failure of being blown for non-blown eFuse links by the electro-migration phenomenon, a regulated voltage of V2V ($=2V{\pm}0.2V$) is used to a RWL (read word line) driver circuit and a BL (bit line) pull-up driver circuit. The layout size of the designed 32-bit eFuse OTP memory is $228.525{\mu}m{\times}105.435{\mu}m$, which is confirmed to be 20.7% smaller than that of the counterpart using the conventional cell array routing, namely $197.485{\mu}m{\times}153.715{\mu}m$.