A Detailed Review on Recognition of Plant Disease Using Intelligent Image Retrieval Techniques

  • Gulbir Singh (Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Banasthali Vidyapith, MMICT&BM, M.M.(Deemed to be University)) ;
  • Kuldeep Kumar Yogi (Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Banasthali Vidyapith)
  • Received : 2023.09.05
  • Published : 2023.09.30


Today, crops face many characteristics/diseases. Insect damage is one of the main characteristics/diseases. Insecticides are not always effective because they can be toxic to some birds. It will also disrupt the natural food chain for animals. A common practice of plant scientists is to visually assess plant damage (leaves, stems) due to disease based on the percentage of disease. Plants suffer from various diseases at any stage of their development. For farmers and agricultural professionals, disease management is a critical issue that requires immediate attention. It requires urgent diagnosis and preventive measures to maintain quality and minimize losses. Many researchers have provided plant disease detection techniques to support rapid disease diagnosis. In this review paper, we mainly focus on artificial intelligence (AI) technology, image processing technology (IP), deep learning technology (DL), vector machine (SVM) technology, the network Convergent neuronal (CNN) content Detailed description of the identification of different types of diseases in tomato and potato plants based on image retrieval technology (CBIR). It also includes the various types of diseases that typically exist in tomato and potato. Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) technologies should be used as a supplementary tool to enhance search accuracy by encouraging you to access collections of extra knowledge so that it can be useful. CBIR systems mainly use colour, form, and texture as core features, such that they work on the first level of the lowest level. This is the most sophisticated methods used to diagnose diseases of tomato plants.



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