• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hydrological factors

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Effects of Hydraulic-hydrological Changes by Monsoon Climate on the Zooplankton Community in Lake Paldang, Korea (몬순기후로 인한 수리수문학적 변화가 팔당호 동물플랑크톤 군집에 미치는 영향)

  • You, Kyung-A;Byeon, Myeong-Seop;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.278-288
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    • 2012
  • The zooplankton community of Lake Paldang, Korea, was investigated on a weekly basis from 2004 to 2006. The seasonal succession of zooplankton community structure was influenced by hydrological factors such as rainfall pattern and efflux in Lake Paldang. According to the monsoon climate, spring, fall and winter had reduced precipitation, so that zooplankton dynamics of the lake showed a typical succession pattern. In spring, small sized and faster growing rotifera rapidly increased, and copepods and cladocera noticeably increased thereafter. Rotifera dominated the zooplankton community, occupying more than 90% of total zooplankton abundance. Among rotifera, Keratella cochlearis was extremely dominant in spring. Copepoda were mainly present as Copepodid and Nauplius. Among cladoceran species, Bosmina longirostris was dominant. In summer, during the rainy season, zooplankton were flushed out by an associated dam. After the rainy season, rotifera increased rapidly when the water column of the lake was stable. During the fall, zooplankton abundance gradually reduced in accordance with decreasing water temperature. However, the occupation rate of copepod (Copepodid, Nauplius) increased relatively. Zooplankton dynamics were influenced by meteorological changes and hydraulic-hydrological factors, because Lake Paldang is a completely closed ecosystem.

Calculation of Design Flood Discharge Using GIS Data and HEC-HMS (지형정보자료와 HEC-HMS를 이용한 계획홍수량산정)

  • Kim, Sun-Joo;Yoon, Chan-Young;Kim, Pill-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.340-343
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    • 2001
  • The main objective of this study is to simulate design flood discharge of the Sungjoo basin. GIS and HEC-HMS were used in this study. GIS technique can extract various hydrological factors from D.E.M(Digital Elevation Model) and the parameters extracted from each watershed were applied to the HEC-HMS. As a result of this study, GIS technique is useful to tile extraction of watershed characteristics factors and HEC-HMS is successful in tile simulation of design flood discharge.

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Highway flood hazard mapping in Thailand using the Multi Criteria Analysis based the Analytic Hierarchy Process

  • Budhakooncharoen, Saisunee;Mahadhamrongchai, Wichien;Sukolratana, Jiraroth
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.236-236
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    • 2015
  • Flood is one of the major natural disasters affecting millions of people. Thailand also, frequently faces with this type of disaster. Especially, 2011 mega flood in Central Thailand, inundated highway severely attributed to the failure of national economic and risk to life. Lesson learned from such an extreme event caused flood monitoring and warning becomes one of the sound mitigations. The highway flood hazard mapping accomplished in this research is one of the strategies. This is due to highway flood is the potential risk to life and limb, and potential damage to property. Monitoring and warning therefore help reducing live and property losses. In this study, degree of highway flood hazard was assessed by weighting factors for each cause of the highway flood using Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) based Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). These weighting factors are the essential information to classify the degree of highway flood hazard to enable pinpoint on flood monitoring and flood warning in hazard areas. The highway flood causes were then investigated. It was found that three major factors influence to the highway flood are namely the highway characteristics, the hydrological characteristics and the land topography characteristics. The weight of importance for each cause of the highway flood in the whole country was assessed by weighting 3 major factors influence to the highway flood. According to the result of MCA analysis, the highway, the hydrological and the land topography characteristics were respectively weighted as 35, 35 and 30 percent influence to the cause of highway flood. These weighting factors were further utilized to classify the degree of highway flood hazard. The Weight Linear Combination (WLC) method was used to compute the total score of all highways according to each factor. This score was later used to categorize highway flood as high, moderate and low degree of hazard levels. Highway flood hazard map accomplished in this research study is applicable to serve as the handy tool for highway flood warning. However, to complete the whole warning process, flood water level monitoring system for example the camera gauge should be installed in the hazard highway. This is expected to serve as a simple flood monitor as part of the warning system during such extreme or critical event.

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Exploring the Complexities of Dams' Impact on Transboundary Flow: A Meta-Analysis of Climate and Basin Factors

  • Abubaker Omer;Hyungjun Kim
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.177-177
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    • 2023
  • The impacts of dams on transboundary flow are complex and challenging to project and manage, given the potential moderating influence of a broad range of anthropogenic and natural factors. This study presents a global meta-analysis of 168 studies that examines the effect magnitude of dams on downstream seasonal, annual flow, and hydrological extremes risk on 39 hotspot transboundary river basins. The study also evaluates the impact of 13 factors, such as climate, basin characteristics, dams' design and types, level of transboundary cooperation, and socioeconomic indicators, on the heterogeneity of outcomes. The findings reveal that moderators significantly influence the impact of dams on downstream flow, leading to considerable heterogeneity in outcomes. Transboundary cooperation emerges as the key factor that determines the severity of dams' effect on both dry and wet season's flows at a significance level of 0.01 to 0.05, respectively. Specifically, the presence of water-supply and irrigation dams has a significant (0.01) moderating effect on dry-season flow across basins with high transboundary cooperation. In contrast, for wet-season flow, the basin's vulnerability to climate extremes is associated with a large negative effect size. The various moderators have varying degrees of influence on the heterogeneity of outcomes, with the aridity index, population density, GDP, and risk level of hydro-political tension being the most significant factors for dry-season flow, and the risk level of hydro-political tension and basin vulnerability to climate extremes being the most significant for wet-season flow. The results suggest that transboundary cooperation is crucial for managing the impacts of dams on downstream flow, and that various other factors, such as climate, basin characteristics, and socioeconomic indicators, have significant moderating effects on the outcomes. Thus, context-specific approaches are necessary when predicting and managing the impacts of dams on transboundary flow.

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GIS-based Subsidence Hazard Map in Urban Area (GIS 기반의 도심지 지반침하지도 작성 사례)

  • Choi, Eun-Kyeong;Kim, Sung-Wook;Cho, Jin-Woo;Lee, Ju-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.33 no.10
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2017
  • The hazard maps for predicting collapse on natural slopes consist of a combination of topographic, hydrological, and geological factors. Topographic factors are extracted from DEM, including aspect, slope, curvature, and topographic index. Hydrological factors, such as soil drainage, stream-power index, and wetness index are most important factors for slope instability. However, most of the urban areas are located on the plains and it is difficult to apply the hazard map using the topography and hydrological factors. In order to evaluate the risk of subsidence of flat and low slope areas, soil depth and groundwater level data were collected and used as a factor for interpretation. In addition, the reliability of the hazard map was compared with the disaster history of the study area (Gangnam-gu and Yeouido district). In the disaster map of the disaster prevention agency, the urban area was mostly classified as the stable area and did not reflect the collapse history. Soil depth, drainage conditions and groundwater level obtained from boreholes were added as input data of hazard map, and disaster vulnerability increased at the location where the actual subsidence points. In the study area where damage occurred, the moderate and low grades of the vulnerability of previous hazard map were 12% and 88%, respectively. While, the improved map showed 2% high grade, moderate grade 29%, low grade 66% and very low grade 2%. These results were similar to actual damage.

Research Trends on Estimation of Soil Moisture and Hydrological Components Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR를 이용한 토양수분 및 수문인자 산출 연구동향)

  • CHUNG, Jee-Hun;LEE, Yong-Gwan;KIM, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.26-67
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    • 2020
  • Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) is able to photograph the earth's surface regardless of weather conditions, day and night. Because of its possibility to search for hydrological factors such as soil moisture and groundwater, and its importance is gradually increasing in the field of water resources. SAR began to be mounted on satellites in the 1970s, and about 15 or more satellites were launched as of 2020, which around 10 satellites will be launched within the next 5 years. Recently, various types of SAR technologies such as enhancement of observation width and resolution, multiple polarization and multiple frequencies, and diversification of observation angles were being developed and utilized. In this paper, a brief history of the SAR system, as well as studies for estimating soil moisture and hydrological components were investigated. Up to now hydrological components that can be estimated using SAR satellites include soil moisture, subsurface groundwater discharge, precipitation, snow cover area, leaf area index(LAI), and normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) and among them, soil moisture is being studied in 17 countries in South Korea, North America, Europe, and India by using the physical model, the IEM(Integral Equation Model) and the artificial intelligence-based ANN(Artificial Neural Network). RADARSAT-1, ENVISAT, ASAR, and ERS-1/2 were the most widely used satellite, but the operation has ended, and utilization of RADARSAT-2, Sentinel-1, and SMAP, which are currently in operation, is gradually increasing. Since Korea is developing a medium-sized satellite for water resources and water disasters equipped with C-band SAR with the goal of launching in 2025, various hydrological components estimation researches using SAR are expected to be active.

Spectral Mixture Analysis Using Hyperspectral Image for Hydrological Land Cover Classification in Urban Area (도시지역의 수문학적 토지피복 분류를 위한 초분광영상의 분광혼합분석)

  • Shin, Jung-Il;Kim, Sun-Hwa;Yoon, Jung-Suk;Kim, Tae-Geun;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.565-574
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    • 2006
  • Satellite images have been used to obtain land cover information that is one of important factors for hydrological analysis over a large area. In urban area, more detailed land cover data are often required for hydrological analysis because of the relatively complex land cover types. The number of land cover classes that can be classified with traditional multispectral data is usually less than the ones required by most hydrological uses. In this study, we present the capabilities of hyperspectral data (Hyperion) for the classification of hydrological land cover types in urban area. To obtain 17 classes of urban land cover defined by the USDA SCS, spectral mixture analysis was applied using eight endmembers representing both impervious and pervious surfaces. Fractional values from the spectral mixture analysis were then reclassified into 17 cover types according to the ratio of impervious and pervious materials. The classification accuracy was then assessed by aerial photo interpretation over 10 sample plots.

A study on the selection of evapotranspiration observatory representative location in Chuncheon Dam basin (증발산량 관측 대표위치 선정에 관한 연구: 춘천댐 유역을 중심으로)

  • Park, Jaegon;Kim, Kiyoung;Lee, Yongjun;Hwag-Bo, Jong Gu
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.11
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    • pp.979-989
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    • 2022
  • In hydrological surveys, observation through representative location is essential due to temporal and spatial limitations and constraints. Regarding the use of hydrological data and the accuracy of the data, there are still insufficient observatories to be used in a specific watershed. In addition, since there is virtually no standard for the location of the current evapotranspiration, this study proposes a method for determining the location of the evapotranspiration. To determining the location of evapotranspiration, a grid is selected in consideration of the operating range of the Flux Tower using the eddy covariance measurement method, which is mainly used to measure evapotranspiration. The grid of representative location was calculated using the factors affecting evapotranspiration and satellite data of evapotranspiration. The grid of representative location was classified as good, fair, and poor. As a result, the number of good grids calculated was 54. It is judged that the classification of the grid has been achieved regarding topography and land use as a characteristic that appeared in the classification of the grid. In particular, in the case of elevation or city area, there was a large deviation, and the calculated good grid was judged to be a group between the two distributions.

Evaluating meteorological and hydrological impacts on forest fire occurrences using partial least squares-structural equation modeling: a case of Gyeonggi-do (부분최소제곱 구조방정식모형을 이용한 경기도 지역 산불 발생 요인에 대한 기상 및 수문학적 요인의 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Dongwook;Yoo, Jiyoung;Son, Ho Jun;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 2021
  • Forest fires have frequently occurred around the world, and the damages are increasing. In Korea, most forest fires are initiated by human activities, but climate factors such as temperature, humidity, and wind speed have a great impact on combustion environment of forest fires. In this study, therefore, based on statistics of forest fires in Gyeonggi-do over the past five years, meteorological and hydrological factors (i.e., temperature, humidity, wind speed, precipitation, and drought) were selected in order to quantitatively investigate causal relationships with forest fire. We applied a partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM), which is suitable for analyzing causality and predicting latent variables. The overall results indicated that the measurement and structural models of the PLS-SEM were statistically significant for all evaluation criteria, and meteorological factors such as humidity, temperature, and wind speed affected by amount of -0.42, 0.23 and 0.15 of standardized path coefficient, respectively, on forest fires, whereas hydrological factor such as drought had an effect of 0.23 on forest fires. Therefore, as a practical method, the suggested model can be used for analyzing and evaluating influencing factors of forest fire and also for planning response and preparation of forest fire disasters.

A Hydrological Study on the Flow Characteristic of the Keum River (하천의 유황에 관한 수문학적 연구)

  • 박성우
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.3438-3453
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    • 1974
  • Unmeasured value of water for human lives is widely approved, but the water as one of natural resources cannot be evaluated with ease since it changes itself ceaselessly by flowing-out or transforming the phase. Major objectives of the study concerned consequently with investigating its potentiality and evaluating its time seriesly availabity in a volumatic unit. And the study was performed to give the accurate original data to the planners concerned. Some developed rational methods of predicting runoff related to hydrological factors as precipitation, were to be discusseed for their theorical background and to be introduced whether they needed some corrections or not, comparing their estimation with actual runoff from synthetic unit-hydrograph methods. To do so, the study was performed to select Kongju Station, located at the watershed of the Keum River, and to collect such hydrological data from 1962 to 1972 as runoff, water level, precipitation, and so on. On the other hand, the hydrological characteristics of runoff were concluded more reasonably in numerical values, with calculating the the ratio of daily runoff to annual discharge of the flow in percentage, as. the distribution ratio of runoff. The results of the study can be summarized as follows; (1) There needed some consideration to apply the Kajiyama's Formula for predicting monthly runoff of rivers in Korea.(2) The rational methods of predicting runoff might be recommended to become less theorical and reliable than the unique analyzation of data concerned in each given water basin. The results from the Keum River prepared above would be available to any programms concerned. (3) The most accurate estimation for runoff could be suggested to synthetic unithydrograph methods calculated from the relation between each storm and runoff. However it was not contained in the study. (4) The relations between rainfall and runoff at KongJu Station were as following table. The table showed some intersting implications about the characteristics of runoff at site, which indicated that the runoff during three months from July to September approached total of 60% of quantity while precipitation concentrated on the other three from June to August. And there were some months which had more amount of runoff than expected values calculated from the precipitation, such as Febrary, March, August, September, Octover, and December, shown in the table. Such implications should be suggested to meet any correction factors in the future formulation concerned with the subjects, if any rational methods would be required.

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