• Title/Summary/Keyword: Humidity sensing characteristics

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Characteristics and Fabrication of Micro-Gas Sensors with Heater and Sensing Electrode on the Same Plane (동일면상에 heater와 감지전극을 형성한 마이크로가스센서의 제작 및 특성)

  • Lim, Jun-Woo;Lee, Sang-Mun;Kang, Bong-Hwi;Chung, Wan-Young;Lee, Duk-Dong
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 1999
  • A micro-gas sensor with heater and sensing electrode on the same plane was fabricated on phosphosilicate glass(PSG, 800nm)/$Si_3N_4$ (150nm) dielectric membrane. PSG film was provided by atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition(APCVD), and $Si_3N_4$ film by low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD). Total area of the fabricated device was $3.78{\times}3.78mm^2$. The area of diaphragm was $1.5{\times}1.5mm^2$, and that of the sensing layer was $0.24{\times}0.24mm^2$. Finite-element simulation was employed to estimate temperature distribution for a square-shaped diaphragm. The power consumption of Pt heater was about 85mW at $350^{\circ}C$. Tin thin films were deposited on the silicon substrate by thermal evaporation at room temperature and $232^{\circ}C$, and tin oxide films($SnO_2$) were prepared by thermal oxidation of the metallic tin films at $650^{\circ}C$ for 3 hours in oxygen ambient. The film analyses were carried out by SEM and XRD techniques. Effects of humidity and ambient temperature on the resistance of the sensing layer were found to be negligible. The fabricated micro-gas sensor exhibited high sensitivity to butane gas.

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Empirical Estimation and Diurnal Patterns of Surface PM2.5 Concentration in Seoul Using GOCI AOD (GOCI AOD를 이용한 서울 지역 지상 PM2.5 농도의 경험적 추정 및 일 변동성 분석)

  • Kim, Sang-Min;Yoon, Jongmin;Moon, Kyung-Jung;Kim, Deok-Rae;Koo, Ja-Ho;Choi, Myungje;Kim, Kwang Nyun;Lee, Yun Gon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.451-463
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    • 2018
  • The empirical/statistical models to estimate the ground Particulate Matter ($PM_{2.5}$) concentration from Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) product were developed and analyzed for the period of 2015 in Seoul, South Korea. In the model construction of AOD-$PM_{2.5}$, two vertical correction methods using the planetary boundary layer height and the vertical ratio of aerosol, and humidity correction method using the hygroscopic growth factor were applied to respective models. The vertical correction for AOD and humidity correction for $PM_{2.5}$ concentration played an important role in improving accuracy of overall estimation. The multiple linear regression (MLR) models with additional meteorological factors (wind speed, visibility, and air temperature) affecting AOD and $PM_{2.5}$ relationships were constructed for the whole year and each season. As a result, determination coefficients of MLR models were significantly increased, compared to those of empirical models. In this study, we analyzed the seasonal, monthly and diurnal characteristics of AOD-$PM_{2.5}$model. when the MLR model is seasonally constructed, underestimation tendency in high $PM_{2.5}$ cases for the whole year were improved. The monthly and diurnal patterns of observed $PM_{2.5}$ and estimated $PM_{2.5}$ were similar. The results of this study, which estimates surface $PM_{2.5}$ concentration using geostationary satellite AOD, are expected to be applicable to the future GK-2A and GK-2B.

A Design of Wireless Sensor Node Using Embedded System (임베디드 시스템을 활용한 무선 센서 노드설계)

  • Cha, Jin-Man;Lee, Young-Ra;Park, Yeon-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.623-628
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    • 2009
  • The emergence of compact and low-power wireless communication sensors and actuators in the technology supporting the ongoing miniaturization of processing and storage allows for entirely the new kinds of embedded systems. These systems are distributed and deployed in environments where they may have been designed into a particular control method, and are often very dynamic. Collection of devices can communicate to achieve a higher level of coordinated behavior. Wireless sensor nodes deposited in various places provide light, temperature, and activity measurements. Wireless sensor nodes attached to circuits or appliances sense the current or control the usage. Together they form a dynamic and multi-hop routing network connecting each node to more powerful networks and processing resources. Wireless sensor networks are a specific-application and therefore they have to involve both software and hardware. They also use protocols that relate to both applications and the wireless network. Wireless sensor networks are consumer devices supporting multimedia applications such as personal digital assistants, network computers, and mobile communication devices. Wireless sensor networks are becoming an important part of industrial and military applications. The characteristics of modem embedded systems are the capable of communicating adapting the different operating environments. In this paper, We designed and implemented sensor network system which shows through host PC sensing temperature and humidity data transmitted for wireless sensor nodes composed wireless temperature and humidity sensor and designs sensor nodes using embedded system with the intention of studying USN.

Estimation Method of Evapotranspiration through Vegetation Monitoring over Wide Area (식생해석을 통한 광역증발산량 추정 방법의 개발)

  • 신사철
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 1996
  • Remote sensing technique is a probable means to estimate distribution of actual evapotranspiration over wide area in connection with regional characteristics of vegetation and landuse. Factors controlling evapotranspiration from ground are air temperature, humidity, wind, radiation, soil moisture and so on. Not only the vegetation influences directly the evapotranspiration, but also these factors strongly influnce the vegetation at the area. Therefore we can expect high correlation between the evapotranspiration and the vegetation. To grasp the state of vegetation at any point, NDVI calculated from NOAA/AVHRR data is utilized. It can be considered that evapotranspiration at a forest region is linearly proportional to the NDVI. Here, a model which adopts a direct method to estimate actual evapotranspiration is developed by using the relationship between NDVI and evapotranspiration. This method makes possible to estimate evapotranspiration of Korean Peninsula including North Korea where enough meteorological and hydrological data are unavailable.

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Fabrication of C2H2 Gas Sensors Based on Ag/ZnO-rGO Hybrid Nanostructures and Their Characteristics (Ag/ZnO-rGO 하이브리드 나노구조 기반 C2H2 가스센서의 제작과 그 특성)

  • Lee, Kwan-Woo;Chung, Gwiy-Sang
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2015
  • In this work, pure hierarchical ZnO structure was prepared using a simple hydrothermal method, and Ag nanoparticles doped hierarchical ZnO structure was synthesized uniformly through photochemical route. The reduced graphene oxide (rGO) has been synthesized by typical Hummer's method and reduced by hydrazine. Prepared Ag/ZnO nanostructures are uniformly dispersed on the surface of rGO sheets using ultrasonication process. The synthesized samples were characterized by SEM, TEM, EDS, XRD and PL spectra. The average size of prepared ZnO microspheres was around $2{\sim}3{\mu}m$ and showed highly uniform. The average size of doped-Ag nanoparticles was 50 nm and decorated into ZnO/rGO network. The $C_2H_2$ gas sensing properties of as-prepared products were investigated using resistivity-type gas sensor. Ag/ZnO-rGO based sensors exhibited good performances for $C_2H_2$ gas in comparison with the Ag/ZnO. The $C_2H_2$ sensor based on Ag/ZnO-rGO had linear response property from 3~1000 ppm of $C_2H_2$ concentration at working temperature of $200^{\circ}C$. The response values with 100 ppm $C_2H_2$ at $200^{\circ}C$ were 22% and 78% for Ag/ZnO and Ag/ZnO-rGO, respectively. In additions, the sensor still shows high sensitivity and quick response/recovery to $C_2H_2$ under high relative humidity conditions. Moreover, the device shows excellent selectivity towards to $C_2H_2$ gas at optimal working temperature of $200^{\circ}C$.

An Implementation of Spirometry System Based Differential Pressure Method (차동 압력 방식을 이용한 호흡측정 시스템 구현)

  • 김요한;신창민;김영길
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.440-447
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    • 2002
  • This paper considerated about exact flow volume calculation method from factors having an influence on measurement and introduced in anesthesia ventilator realized spirometry system. System used differential pressure sensing method with factors, that is temperature, pressure, gas density, humidity and mucus etc. System optimized for low power system for mobile system. System composed analog interface part, signal processing part, display part. Analog interface part have differential pressure flow sensor and defferential pressure sensor. Signal processing part have AVR processor for low power system display part use serial port (RS232, SPT). so it display at pc monitor or send to anesthesia ventilator. System is stable by linearizing 2th characteristics of flow-differential pressure, auto correction of sensor. Noise reduced by algorithm with analog filter and digital processing. Small, light, low power system is good at mobile system and applied to patient in emergency or mobile. and, System is useful at anesthesia ventilator by using flow sensor.

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Calculation and Monthly Characteristics of Satellite-based Heat Flux Over the Ocean Around the Korea Peninsula (한반도 주변 해양에서 위성 기반 열플럭스 산출 및 월별 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Jaemin;Lee, Yun Gon;Park, Jun Dong;Sohn, Eun Ha;Jang, Jae-Dong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.519-533
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    • 2018
  • The sensible heat flux (SHF)and latent heat flux (LHF) over Korean Peninsula ocean during recent 4 years were calculated using Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) 3.5 bulk algorithm and satellite-based atmospheric-ocean variables. Among the four input variables (10-m wind speed; U, sea surface temperature; $T_s$, air temperature; $T_a$, and air humidity; $Q_a$) required for heat flux calculation, Ta and $Q_a$, which are not observed directly by satellites, were estimated from empirical relations developed using satellite-based columnar atmospheric water vapor (W) and $T_s$. The estimated satellite-based $T_a$ and $Q_a$ show high correlation coefficients above 0.96 with the buoy observations. The temporal and spatial variability of monthly ocean heat fluxes were analyzed for the Korean Peninsula ocean. The SHF showed low values of $20W/m^2$ over the entire areas from March to August. Particularly, in July, SHF from the atmosphere to the ocean, which is less than $0W/m^2$, has been shown in some areas. The SHF gradually increased from September and reached the maximum value in December. Similarly, The LHF showed low values of $40W/m^2$ from April to July, but it increased rapidly from autumn and was highest in December. The analysis of monthly characteristics of the meteorological variables affecting the heat fluxes revealed that the variation in differences of temperature and humidity between air and sea modulate the SHF and LHF, respectively. In addition, as the sensitivity of SHF and LHF to U increase in winter, it contributed to the highest values of ocean heat fluxes in this season.

A Comparative Evaluation of Multiple Meteorological Datasets for the Rice Yield Prediction at the County Level in South Korea (우리나라 시군단위 벼 수확량 예측을 위한 다종 기상자료의 비교평가)

  • Cho, Subin;Youn, Youjeong;Kim, Seoyeon;Jeong, Yemin;Kim, Gunah;Kang, Jonggu;Kim, Kwangjin;Cho, Jaeil;Lee, Yangwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.337-357
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    • 2021
  • Because the growth of paddy rice is affected by meteorological factors, the selection of appropriate meteorological variables is essential to build a rice yield prediction model. This paper examines the suitability of multiple meteorological datasets for the rice yield modeling in South Korea, 1996-2019, and a hindcast experiment for rice yield using a machine learning method by considering the nonlinear relationships between meteorological variables and the rice yield. In addition to the ASOS in-situ observations, we used CRU-JRA ver. 2.1 and ERA5 reanalysis. From the multiple meteorological datasets, we extracted the four common variables (air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, and precipitation) and analyzed the characteristics of each data and the associations with rice yields. CRU-JRA ver. 2.1 showed an overall agreement with the other datasets. While relative humidity had a rare relationship with rice yields, solar radiation showed a somewhat high correlation with rice yields. Using the air temperature, solar radiation, and precipitation of July, August, and September, we built a random forest model for the hindcast experiments of rice yields. The model with CRU-JRA ver. 2.1 showed the best performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.772. The solar radiation in the prediction model had the most significant importance among the variables, which is in accordance with the generic agricultural knowledge. This paper has an implication for selecting from multiple meteorological datasets for rice yield modeling.

Detection of flash drought using evaporative stress index in South Korea (증발스트레스지수를 활용한 국내 돌발가뭄 감지)

  • Lee, Hee-Jin;Nam, Won-Ho;Yoon, Dong-Hyun;Mark, D. Svoboda;Brian, D. Wardlow
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.8
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    • pp.577-587
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    • 2021
  • Drought is generally considered to be a natural disaster caused by accumulated water shortages over a long period of time, taking months or years and slowly occurring. However, climate change has led to rapid changes in weather and environmental factors that directly affect agriculture, and extreme weather conditions have led to an increase in the frequency of rapidly developing droughts within weeks to months. This phenomenon is defined as 'Flash Drought', which is caused by an increase in surface temperature over a relatively short period of time and abnormally low and rapidly decreasing soil moisture. The detection and analysis of flash drought is essential because it has a significant impact on agriculture and natural ecosystems, and its impacts are associated with agricultural drought impacts. In South Korea, there is no clear definition of flash drought, so the purpose of this study is to identify and analyze its characteristics. In this study, flash drought detection condition was presented based on the satellite-derived drought index Evaporative Stress Index (ESI) from 2014 to 2018. ESI is used as an early warning indicator for rapidly-occurring flash drought a short period of time due to its similar relationship with reduced soil moisture content, lack of precipitation, increased evaporative demand due to low humidity, high temperature, and strong winds. The flash droughts were analyzed using hydrometeorological characteristics by comparing Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), soil moisture, maximum temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and precipitation. The correlation was analyzed based on the 8 weeks prior to the occurrence of the flash drought, and in most cases, a high correlation of 0.8(-0.8) or higher(lower) was expressed for ESI and SPI, soil moisture, and maximum temperature.

Comparison of Temperature Distribution in Agar Phantom and Gel Bolus Phantom by Radiofrequency Hyperthermia

  • Jung, Dong Kyung;Kim, Sung Kyu;Lee, Joon Ha;Youn, Sang Mo;Kim, Hyung Dong;Oh, Se An;Park, Jae Won;Yea, Ji Won
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.224-231
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    • 2016
  • The usefulness of Gel Bolus phantom was investigated by comparing the temperature distribution characteristic of the agar phantom produced to investigate the dose distribution characteristic of radiofrequency hyperthermia device with that of the Gel Bolus phantom under conditions similar to those of an agar phantom that can continuously carry out temperature measurement. The temperatures of the agar phantom and the Gel Bolus phantom were raised to $36.5{\pm}3^{\circ}C$ and a temperature sensing was inserted at depths of 5, 10, and 15 cm from the phantom central axis. The temperature increase rate and the coefficient of determination were analyzed while applying output powers of 100 W and 150 W, respectively, at intervals of 1 min for 60 min under conditions where the indoor temperature was in the range $24.5{\sim}27.5^{\circ}C$, humidity was 35~40%, internal cooling temperature of the electrode was $20^{\circ}C$, size of the upper electrode was 250 mm, and the size of the lower electrode was 250 mm. The coefficients of determination of 150 W output power at the depth point of 5 cm from the central axis of the phantom were analyzed to be 0.9946 and 0.9926 in the agar and Gel Bolus phantoms, respectively; moreover, the temperature change equation of the agar and Gel Bolus phantoms with time can be expressed as follows in the state the phantom temperature is raised to $36^{\circ}C:Y(G)$ is equation of Gel Bolus phantoms (in 5 cm depth) applying output power of 150 W. Y(G)=0.157X+36. It can be seen that if the temperature is measured in this case, the Gel Bolus phantom value can be converted to the measured value of the agar phantom. As a result of comparing the temperature distribution characteristics of the agar phantom of a human-body-equivalent material with those of the Gel Bolus phantom that can be continuously used, the usefulness of Gel Bolus phantom was exhibited.