• Title/Summary/Keyword: Human engineering

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A Study on the Effects Plastics have on the Product Designs through the Development of Plastic Materials - On & Around the Streamline favored by the Generation 1920-30'th - (플라스틱의 개발이 제품 디자인에 미친 영향에 관한 연구 - 1920-30년대 유선형을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ok-Bun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2006
  • The Plastic material had been developed in the middle of the 19th century as an alternative material. Along with the development of the electrical engineering industry, it cropped up into center stage as an effective material and has increasingly expanded its use. As such, the plastic material has bound deep-seated ties with the design activities of industrial products, coming into the main material for a variety of industrial designs. Despite its dose affinity to design function in terms of its materialistic property, we have rarely seen examples of intensive study on the realtionship between plastics and designs. This study aims to find the importance that the substance affects industrial products in designs along with the development of plastic materials. With the objective in mind, we made a review of the streamline stylishness that had flourished in the twenties and thirties of the 19th century. Through this study, we understand that the plastic material has a close realtionshop with design activities in three different aspects. First, its amorphous state of nature makes it possible to change into any shape one desires in plastic surgery, which feature in turn influences the moulding of any design forms. Second, the plastic material is best suited to mass-manufacture, which induces to reduce the cost of production. Hence, the expansion of design industry. Third, the plastic material allows the multiple variety of colors, sensitivity, gloss and patterns and infinitely large possibility ranging from natural senses to human senses with the result that numberless diversity of designs cdould come into being.

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Spatial reproducibility of complex fractionated atrial electrogram depending on the direction and configuration of bipolar electrodes: an in-silico modeling study

  • Song, Jun-Seop;Lee, Young-Seon;Hwang, Minki;Lee, Jung-Kee;Li, Changyong;Joung, Boyoung;Lee, Moon-Hyoung;Shim, Eun Bo;Pak, Hui-Nam
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.507-514
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    • 2016
  • Although 3D-complex fractionated atrial electrogram (CFAE) mapping is useful in radiofrequency catheter ablation for persistent atrial fibrillation (AF), the directions and configuration of the bipolar electrodes may affect the electrogram. This study aimed to compare the spatial reproducibility of CFAE by changing the catheter orientations and electrode distance in an in -silico left atrium (LA). We conducted this study by importing the heart CT image of a patient with AF into a 3D-homogeneous human LA model. Electrogram morphology, CFAE-cycle lengths (CLs) were compared for 16 different orientations of a virtual bipolar conventional catheter (conv-cath: size 3.5 mm, inter-electrode distance 4.75 mm). Additionally, the spatial correlations of CFAE-CLs and the percentage of consistent sites with CFAE-CL<120 ms were analyzed. The results from the conv-cath were compared with that obtained using a mini catheter (mini-cath: size 1 mm, inter-electrode distance 2.5 mm). Depending on the catheter orientation, the electrogram morphology and CFAE-CLs varied (conv-cath: $11.5{\pm}0.7%$ variation, mini-cath: $7.1{\pm}1.2%$ variation), however the mini-cath produced less variation of CFAE-CL than conv-cath (p<0.001). There were moderate spatial correlations among CFAE-CL measured at 16 orientations (conv-cath: $r=0.3055{\pm}0.2194$ vs. mini-cath: $0.6074{\pm}0.0733$, p<0.001). Additionally, the ratio of consistent CFAE sites was higher for mini catheter than conventional one ($38.3{\pm}4.6%$ vs. $22.3{\pm}1.4%$, p<0.05). Electrograms and CFAE distribution are affected by catheter orientation and electrode configuration in the in-silico LA model. However, there was moderate spatial consistency of CFAE areas, and narrowly spaced bipolar catheters were less influenced by catheter direction than conventional catheters.

An Empirical Review of Korean Perception for Technological Risks (한국인의 위험인지에 대한 경험적 분석)

  • Chung, Ik-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2007
  • A survey of risk perception in Korea was conducted in 2001 with a special emphasis on industrial and technological risks. This article summarizes the characteristics of risk perception in consideration of socio-demographic background of respondents. The survey with sample size of 1,870 evaluates the perceived level of 25 risk items in the areas of transportation, chemicals, environment, industry, and nuclear power generation. Risks are categorized by using factor analysis to clarify attitudinal or behavioral properties of risk perception. Research findings show that the level of perceived risk does not correspond to the statistical level. Socio-demographic variables are significant predictors in explaining risk perception, or the discrepancies between "subjective" and "objective" risks. Effective risk communication can reduce the perceptional discrepancies, improve the awareness of technological risks, and ultimately facilitate the process of making and implementing policies for risk management and safety regulation. This article tries to provides policy guidelines for "Who is the target for risk communication" and "Which risk has the policy priority for safety improvement." Married females at the age of 30s and 40s with lower education and lower income in small cities are more vulnerable to risk misperception than other groups. More information and knowledge regarding unfamiliar, intangible, new technological risks should be delivered to the vulnerable groups for reducing perceptional bias. Society-wide safety can be improved by integrating policy, human, and social factors as well as techno-engineering advances.

Modern Vision in the 18~19th Century Garden Arts - The Picturesque Aesthetics and Humphry Repton's Visual Representation - (18~19세기 정원 예술에서 현대적 시각성의 등장과 반영 - 픽처레스크 미학과 험프리 렙턴의 시각 매체를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Myeong-Jun;Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2015
  • The English Landscape garden and picturesque aesthetics, which was in fashion during the 18th to early 19th century in England, has been accused of making people see the actual garden in terms of a static landscape painting without a synesthetic engagement in nature. As new optic devices such as diorama, panorama, photography, and cinematography were invented, ways of seeing nature transitioned from a perspective vision to a panoramic, that is, modern one. This study intends to uncover signs of this kind of modern vision in the picturesque aesthetics and visual representation of landscape gardener Humphry Repton. German garden theorist Christian Cay Lorenz Hirschfeld contended that the English landscape garden was a new style of designing landscape that followed the principle of the serpentine line, which produced movement in sightlines; thus, he considered garden art as a superior art form among all other genres. The signs of visual motion appear in Repton's sketches of "Red Books". Firstly, he designed systemic routes in his clients' properties by considering different types of movements between walks and drives. Secondly, he often used the visual effects of panoramic views for his sketches in order to allow his clients to experience the human visual field. Lastly, he constructed sequences of sketches in order to provide his clients with an illusion of movement; in other words, Repton's sketches functioned as potential visual media to produce the duration of time in a visual experience. Thus, the garden aesthetics of the time reflected the contemporary visual culture, that is to say, a panoramic vision pertaining to visual motion.


  • Kwon, Gyun-Won;Park, Sang-Jin;Min, Byung-Soon;Choi, Ho-Young;Choi, Gi-Woon
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.38-53
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study was to observe the resin infiltration pattern into dentin by various dentin bonding agents. Freshley extracted 36 sound human molars were used in this study. They were stored at $4^{\circ}C$ physiologic saline solution before experiment. All the teeth were cross-sectioned to expose dentin below about 3.0mm at the cusp tip and above 2.0mm at the cemento-enamel junction with Crystal Cutter (MC411 D, Maruto Co., Japan), and were made into specimens for this study (Fig. 1). The specimen experimental groups were divided into 9 groups by dentin surface treatment as following procedures: Group I: Treated with Gluma Cleanser followed by Gluma Primer and Sealer Group 2. Treated with Gluma Cleanser followed by Scotch bond 2 Adhesive Group 3: Treated with Gluma Cleanser followed by Tenure Solution A, Band Visar Seal Group 4: Treated with Scotchprep followed by Scotch bond 2 Adhesive Group 5: Treated with Scotchprep followed by Gluma Primer and Sealer Group 6: Treated with Scotch prep followed by Tenure Solution A, Band Visar Seal Group 7: Treated with Tenure Conditioner followed by Tenure Solution A, Band Visar Seal Group 8: Treated with Tenure Conditioner followed by Scotchbond 2 Adhesive Group 9: Treated with Tenure Conditioner followed by Gluma Primer and Sealer 27 specimens of 36 specimens were divided into 9 groups (Group 1-9), and were used for observation of resin tags. Remaining 9 specimens were divided into 3 groups (Group 1,4 and 7), and were used for observation of fractured dentin surfaces. Specimens to observe the resin tag were demineralized with 20% HCl for 14 hours, specimens to observe the fractured dentin surfaces were demineralized with 10% HCl for 3 minutes. All the specimens were gold-coated with Eiko ion coater (Eiko-engineering Co.), and observed under Scanning electron microscope (Hitachi S-2300) at 20 KV. The following results were obtained: 1. In group 1 treated with Gluma Cleanser, Gluma Primer, and Sealer, most resin tags were more than $100{\mu}m$. 2. In group 4 treated with Scotch prep and Scotchbond 2 Adhesive, most resin tags were about $10{\mu}m$. 3. In group 7 treated with Tenure conditioner, Tenure Solution A, B, and Visar Seal, most resin tags were about $10{\mu}m$ but occasionally resin tags were more than $100{\mu}m$. 4. In groups 2,3,5,6,8 and 9, the lengths of resin tags were inconsistent and the amount of resin tags were reduced.

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A Comparative Analysis of the Changes in Perception of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Focusing on Analyzing Social Media Data (4차 산업혁명에 대한 인식 변화 비교 분석: 소셜 미디어 데이터 분석을 중심으로)

  • You, Jae Eun;Choi, Jong Woo
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.367-376
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    • 2020
  • The fourth industrial revolution will greatly contribute to the entry of objects into an intelligent society through technologies such as big data and an artificial intelligence. Through the revolution, we were able to understand human behavior and awareness, and through the use of an artificial intelligence, we established ourselves as a key tool in various fields such as medicine and science. However, the fourth industrial revolution has a negative side with a positive future. In this study, an analysis was conducted using text mining techniques based on unstructured big data collected through social media. We wanted to look at keywords related to the fourth industrial revolution by year (2016, 2017 and 2018) and understand the meaning of each keyword. In addition, we understood how the keywords related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution changed with the change of the year and wanted to use R to conduct a Keyword Analysis to identify the recognition flow closely related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution through the keyword flow associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Finally, people's perceptions of the fourth industrial revolution were identified by looking at the positive and negative feelings related to the fourth industrial revolution by year. The analysis showed that negative opinions were declining year after year, with more positive outlook and future.

A Study of Consequence Analysis of Physical Explosion Damage in CO2 Storage Tank (CO2 임시 저장 탱크에서의 물리적 폭발에 따른 피해영향 고찰)

  • Seo, Doo-Hyoun;Jang, Kap-Man;Lee, Jin-Han;Rhie, Kwang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.12-19
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    • 2015
  • $CO_2$ is non-flammable, non-toxic gas and not cause of chemical explosion. However, various impurities and some oxides can be included in the captured $CO_2$ inevitably. While the $CO_2$ gas was temporarily stored, the pressure in a storage tank would be reached above 100bar. Therefore, the tank could occur a physical explosion due to the corrosion of vessel or uncertainty. Evaluating the intensity of explosion can be calculated by the TNT equivalent method generally used. To describe the physical explosion, it is assumed that the capacity of a $CO_2$ temporary container is about 100 tons. In this work, physical explosion damage in a $CO_2$ storage tank is estimated by using the Hopkinson's scaling law and the injury effect of human body caused by the explosion is assessed by the probit model.

Advancement Plan on Hazardous Material Classification and Comparative Study of the Criteria in UN GHS and Safety Control of Dangerous Substances Act (UN GHS와 위험물안전관리법상의 위험물질 분류기준 비교 및 선진화 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Bong Woo;Lee, Kijun;Park, Jeongpil;Shin, Dongil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.42-50
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    • 2013
  • With the rapid change of industry and the development of science and technology, more than 100,000 industrial chemicals are being used and 2,000 new materials are developed every year. Chemical products have had favorable influence on our daily life and contributed very much to the prosper of human culture. But some materials are inherently poisonous and dangerous. Korea ranks as the number 7 in world's chemical products market and the chemical sector is contributing to the economic revival through importing and exporting of the products. With the increasing domestic as well as international interests about REACH and GHS, the need for the effective and efficient chemical material management system is getting bigger and bigger. In this research, we compare the criteria in UN GHS and Safety Control of Dangerous Substances Act of Korea for the development of global standard test methods and the classification and labelling for the chemicals, and suggest an advancement plan for the introduction of the GHS in a building block approach. In addition, providing the harmonized information about chemical hazards is suggested for the elimination of international trade barriers for chemical industries.

Severity Analysis of the Pedestrian Crash Patterns Based on the Ordered Logit Model (Ordered Logit Model을 이용한 보행자 사고 심각도 요인 분석)

  • Choi, Jai-Sung;Kim, Sang-Youp;Hwang, Kyung-Sung;Baik, Seung-Yup
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.153-164
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    • 2009
  • This Paper presents the severity analysis result of the year 2006 national pedestrian crashes using the data base of 37,589 records prepared for the National Police Bureau. A set of attributing factors considered to affect pedestrian crash patterns were selected, and their contributing effects were investigated by applying the Ordered Logit Model. This model was selected because this model has been able to afford satisfactory results when the dependent variable involved ordered severity levels; fatal, injury, and property- damage-only in this investigation. The investigation has unveiled the followings; First, the pedestrian crash patterns were dependent upon human -drivel and pedestrian- characteristics including gender, age, and drinking conditions. Second, other contributing factors included vehicle, roadway geometric, weather, and hour of day characteristics. Third, seasonal effect was not contributive to crash patterns. Finally, the application of the Ordered Logit Model facilitated the ordered severity level analysis of the pedestrian crash data. This paper concludes that conventional wisdom on the pedestrian crash characteristics is largely truthful. However, this conclusion is limited only to the data used in this analysis, and further research is required for its generalization.

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A Study on the Development of a Health Risk Assessment Method for the Management of the Health Environment of Residents Living Around Areas Affected by Chemical Accidents (화학사고 주변 지역 거주자의 보건환경 관리를 위한 건강위해성 평가 방법 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sihyun;Park, Sejung;Park, Taehyun;Yoon, Danki;Jung, Jonghyeon;Gang, Sungkyu;Lee, Dongsoo;Seo, Youngrok;An, Yeonsoon;Lee, Cheolmin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: This research is part of a study to be conducted over five years starting from 2017 by the Ministry of Environment on the development of technologies to evaluate the impact of chemical accidents on the human body. Methods: For this research, a five-stage specific study method was developed. Results: In brief, the developed health risk assessment method can be summarized as follows. First, a health risk assessment system was built based on the guidelines set forth by the USA NRC/NAS. Second, based on the disease manifestation theory, the health risk assessment method was divided into 1) a carcinogenic health risk assessment method focused on all carcinogens except non-genotoxic carcinogens and 2) a non-carcinogenic health risk assessment method focused on noncarcinogens including non-genotoxic carcinogens. Third, the detailed contents of the health risk assessment method were developed in four stages(hazard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk determination) through theoretical consideration of the assessment of the level of health risk related to chemical exposure. Finally, a health risk assessment methodology, classified into stages to address acute, subacute/subchronic, and chronic conditions was developed after considering the physicochemical behavior of hazardous chemicals upon implementation of countermeasures after a chemical accident. Conclusions: A method to evaluate the health risks related to toxic chemicals generated by chemical accidents was developed. This study was performed with the purpose of developing a mathematical health risk assessment method to evaluate the health effects of exposure to hazardous chemicals upon implementation of emergency countermeasures after chemical accidents.