• Title/Summary/Keyword: Historical reconstruction

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A study on historico-genetic principle of teaching and learning in mathematics (역사발생적 수학 학습-지도 원리에 관한 연구)

  • 우정호;민세영
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.409-424
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    • 2002
  • The historico-genetic principle has been advocated continuously, as an alternative one to the traditional deductive method of teaching and learning mathematics, by Clairaut, Cajori, Smith, Klein, Poincar$\'{e}$, La Cour, Branford, Toeplitz, etc. since 18C. And recently we could find various studies in relation to the historico-genetic principle. Lakatos', Freudenthal's, and Brousseau's are representative in them. But they are different from the previous historico- genetic principle in many aspects. In this study, the previous historico- genetic principle is called as classical historico- genetic principle and the other one as modern historico-genetic principle. This study shows that the differences between them arise from the historical views of mathematics and the development of the theories of mathematics education. Dewey thinks that education is a constant reconstruction of experience. This study shows the historico-genetic principle could us embody the Dewey's psycological method. Bruner's discipline-centered curriculum based on Piaget's genetic epistemology insists on teaching mathematics in the reverse order of historical genesis. This study shows the real understaning the structure of knowledge could not neglect the connection with histogenesis of them. This study shows the historico-genetic principle could help us realize Bruner's point of view on the teaching of the structure of mathematical knowledge. In this study, on the basis of the examination of the development of the historico-genetic principle, we try to stipulate the principle more clearly, and we also try to present teaching unit for the logarithm according to the historico- genetic principle.

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From the Functional to the Monumental: The Construction of the Pyongyang Station, 1907-1958 (기능에서 상징으로: 평양역사 건설, 1907-1958)

  • Park, Dongmin
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2019
  • Construction of the Pyongyang Railroad Station began in 1907 as an important foothold for the Japanese colonization of the Korean Peninsula and the further invasion of Manchuria. As Pyongyang gradually grew in size and political significance, the Pyongyang Station came to have two responsibilities: Fulfill its functional role and serve as a monument to the growing dignity of the city. This study argues that the Pyongyang Station, newly rebuilt in 1958, was the first building to solve the demands for both functional expansion and the pursuit of monumentality. Stylistically, the original single-story wooden building became a three-story classical masonry building. The stylistic change symbolizes the political shift by which the building was reconstructed. The simple wooden building built by the Japanese, representing Pyongyang's status as a colonial provincial town, was transformed into an imposing gateway for the capital city of a newly born socialist state. Socialist Realism, correctly described by its slogan "socialist in content and national in form," harmoniously blended classical architecture, socialist symbols, and Korean local motifs. This study is significant in that it illustrates the historical changes and continuity of the Pyongyang Station from 1907, when it was first built, through the "liberated space" to the postwar reconstruction period of the 1950s.

명장(明將) 남방위(藍芳威)의 조선 활동과 현존 문물 고찰

  • Park, Hyeon-Gyu
    • 중국학논총
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    • no.72
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    • pp.47-70
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, the focus was on the review of Ming General Nan Fangwei's activities during the Choson period and existing relevant historical artifacts & literacy works. Nan Fangwei's hometown was Jiangxi(江西) Changjiang(昌江; Jingdezhen景德鎭). Unfortunately, it has not been known where his descendants migrated later. During Jingdezhen Riot(景德鎭民亂), he went to serve as the head of the grass roots. After surrendering, he became a general in the Ming military base. During Jeongyujae War(丁酉再亂), he entered Chosun as a Youji general(遊擊) and participated in dozens of large and small battles. However, the defeat of Jungro-gun (中路軍) led him to a feud with the Ming's military authorities and to return him, which gave him a hard time to be forcibly dislodged to a remote region. Nan Fangwei established Namwon Guanwang Shrine(南原 關王廟). Since then, it has been preserved in Namwon Wangjeong-dong(王亭洞) through several reconstruction and reconstruction works. In addition, he took good care of people by strictly cracking down on their subordinates with high integrity and virtuous deeds at the military base. Being deeply touched by his morality and virtue, the people of Gongju(公州) established 'Youji general Nan Fangwei Jongdeokbi(〈遊擊將藍公種德碑〉)'. In addition, when he had his leisure time, he collected Korean Chinese poems from various figures and edited and published 'Chosun Poetry Collection(《朝鮮詩選全集》)', which he played a catalyst to promote high-quality Korean poems to Chinese literacy community.

A study on the pattern and 3D restoration of the Wavy ju dress (曲裾深衣) of women's robes from the Qin and Han dynasties of China (중국 진·한(秦汉) 시기의 여성 예복인 곡거심의(曲裾深衣)의 패턴 및 3D 복원 연구)

  • Yuan Sun;Jihyeon Kim;Mi-hyang Na
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.619-635
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    • 2024
  • The traditional style of Chinese women's dress was formed during the Zhou Dynasty (周), further developed during the Qin Dynasty (秦漢), and reached its peak during the Tang Dynasty (唐宋). Additionally, the garment classification system was solidified during the Ming Dynasty (明). This study focuses on the patterns and 3D reconstruction of the Wave Ju garment (曲裾深衣), a traditional Chinese aristocratic women's garment representative of the Han Dynasty period. This study analyzed the style, dimensions, patterns, colors, and fabrics of the Wave Ju garment based on literature studies and excavated archival materials. Moreover, its shape, dimensions, and patterns were reconstructed using a CLO 3D program. This process aimed to recreate the original appearance of the traditional clothing as much as possible, and data on aspects such as pressure and deformation force were compared and analyzed to comprehensively evaluate its functionality and the effects of wear. The goal of this study is to contribute to the protection and legacy of traditional Chinese women's clothing through historical documentation, clothing analysis, and 3D reconstruction.

Historical Reconstruction on the Costumes for the Cheo-yong Dance in Ak-Hak-Gue-Peom (악학규범의 처용무복식 고증 제작)

  • Lee Tae-Ok;Yoon Hyun-Jin;Cho Woo-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2005
  • This study is for the construction of Cheo-Yongdance Costumeby historical research based on Ak-Hak-Gue-Peom(樂學軌範). Through the production of Cheo-Yongdance Costume by historical research, it is examined and this study is expected that be a help of the right succession of a traditional costume. Cheo-Yongdance Costumeis draught to real size by comparing the size and picture suggested in Ak-Hak-Gue-Peom. In the specialty of Cheoyong(處容) dance Costume in the drawing, the length of clothes was 152cm that is longer than the length of the excavated Danlyeong(團領) of Chosun Dynasty period. Width was 81.9cm that is very big and the width of Danlyeong is 11.7cm. The sleeve length of Hansam(汗衫) is 20O.60cm and it is one that attached Hansam to Jeogori(저고리). The material used for Cheoyong dance Costume is Dan(緞), Cho, Joo(紬), Red gold patterned brocade(紅金線). At the same part, and as the goal was differently used at the same clothing. As the methods of dyeing, the process of dyeing naturally is suggested. A gardenia seeds, indigo plant, and ink stick are used for the color of blue, red, yellow and black. The producing process is made in concrete by suggesting the process of producing clothing. Danlyeong is required the technique of smoothing out wrinklesin case of attaching. Goon(裙) was made by making plaits below and attaching string for making form in the literature. Ui(衣), Chon-ui(天衣) and Goon(裙)'s Bang-sul(方膝) are drawn a Man-hwa Mun(蔓花紋) on Ak-Hak-Gue-Peom by using the golden dyeing material. As the result of producing the clothe by using the recorded size in Ak-Hak-Gue-Peom, it could be examine a pertinent dance clothing for expressing the dance performance with big motions.

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A study of characteristics and historical backgroud of modem furniture design in Italy (이탈리아 현대 가구디자인의 특성 및 그 배경 -1945년부터 현재를 중심으로-)

  • 정은미
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.119-134
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    • 2001
  • It can be said that Italian designs are unrestrained, aesthetic and art for arts sake, and they come to stylize their character based on geographical features, racial traits and culture. The Italian architects work for the reconstruction of their devastated country and spare no pains to produce competitive goods on international markets since the second wend war. In spite of a inherent scarcity of resources, Italian furniture is the product of mixture of aesthetic material and new material with creative gifts. A lot of companies succeed in finding and training capable designers and devote themselves to modem furniture industry. As a result, Italy becomes one of the worlds most eminent furniture industrial countries now. And the fame is owed to Italy's national awareness of the importance of the matter and endeavor without sparing systematic support. This research is to find out which factors have an influence on the progress of furniture design in Italy and to analyze how these factors build up formative arts combining with historical background in Italy. Moreover, this research suggests how to make contributions to the cause of furniture design growth when considering our geographical features, racial characteristics, culture and industrial circumstances, by analyzing the process of development and strategy in Italian design industry.

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A Study on the Reinterpretation of ChonJu Palkyong for Improvement of Landscape Identity (경관정체성 향상을 위한 전주팔경의 해석에 관한 연구)

  • 신상섭;노재현
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 1999
  • This thesis is to newly understand the value and the meaning of Chonju Palkyong(全州八景) by the specific gravity in making a counter-proposal in other to improve the landscape identity of modern city and at the same time. I intended to group the grafting device for the preservation and regeneration of modern history cultural environment through the interpretation of landscape construction. The meaning system of Chonju Palkyong showed the symbolic system which a landscape construction, four directions and two places has and exhibited the landscape shape possessing a luxuriant local feature peculiar to Chonju, preserving visual bound language of a classical Palkyong. Especially, it implies the use of the substantial landscape experienced factor, the expressions about natural phenomena and the matter which has melted human living circumstances. The landscape construction and it's form show the system which forms the different time field, a far landscape and a mid distance landscape and a near landscape, etc., under the visual, psychological, scenic influenced area, preserving the feature of the similar and typical type of Sosang Palkyoung(瀟湘八景) which intended to seek the local reappearance of the famous site experienced type and natural matter which famous place and local conduct were combined. The object space of Chonju Palkyong area representing the nature of historical landscape cultural assets, pushed by the greater part of the development based theory, shows injured aspects, but needs to play a part to seek such a up-to-date successive plan as the reconstruction of the destroyed historical landscape area which motivated Palkyong, the establishment of useful area, the embodiment of the cultural identity of Palkyong area and the becoming of the educational cultural life space. The analysis of the landscape construction of Chonju Palkyong and the grouping of the modern successive plan which I considered in this thesis, will be able to become a fundamental data to carry out the preservation of historical landscape and the landscape plan in the city.

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Application of Probabilistic Risk Analysis for Profitability-Evaluation of Apartment Reconstruction Projects (아파트 재건축사업의 수익성평가에 대한 확률적 위험도 분석 모형 적용방안)

  • Woo, Kwang-Min;Lee, Hak-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2006
  • It was found that Korean Standard of Estimate which has been used as the only basis of cost estimate of public construction projects had some side effects such as jerry-build construction and over-estimation because it failed to reflect the current price and the state-of-the-art construction methods in a changing construction environment. Therefore, the government decided to gradually introduce historical construction cost into cost estimate of public construction projects from 2004. This paper presents analytic criteria and a process model for deducing more current and reasonable historical construction cost for contract items from not only previous contract prices but also all of the other bid prices that were not contracted. The procedure of estimating actual unit cost proposed in this paper focuses on the removal of abnormal values including strategically too low or high prices and the time correction. In addition, basic research is conducted for the correction of actual unit cost through the analysis of fluctuation of bid price depending on bidding types and rates of successful bid. It is anticipated that the effective use of the proposed process model for estimating actual unit cost would make the cost estimation more current and reasonable.

Julian Barnes' Reconstruction of Identity, Nationality and History: England, England as a Historiographic Metafiction (줄리언 반즈의 정체성, 민족성 그리고 역사의 재건축 -히스토리오그래픽 메타픽션으로서의 『잉글랜드, 잉글랜드』)

  • Woo, Jung Min
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.301-328
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    • 2010
  • Many recent British novels engage with the construction and deconstruction of history and identity; and in dealing with these historical, or historicised novels it seems to be an untouchable ground that truth is beyond grasp. Even when approached, its authenticity should be examined under the post-modern "incredulity toward metanarrative" discourses. Julian Barnes's 1998 novel England, England may be one of these. Yet, unlike others it achieves a complicated and controversial status as a new kind of historiographic metafiction by providing selfconscious reflections on the invention of innocence and the questionable notion of historical authenticity against the background of current postmodern historical, cultural, and literary explorations. The book, set in a near-future, namely post-post-modern England, starts with a story of a young girl, Martha Cochrane, whose first memory goes back to her early infantile years. Yet, the narrator comments that it is a lie, "her first artfully, innocently arranged lie," since memory, or history, is a product of identity, and vice versa. Her memory of the jigsaw puzzle is both a reminiscent and a significant component of who she is now, both a simulacrum and the original of herself. The correlation between her individual memory and identity parallels that of a region, England, in formation of its history and nationality. "England, England" is the replicated miniature of the former glorious Kingdom as well as a becoming der Ding an sich (the thing itself). In search of the English history and identity, the author satirizes the modern mind's perception of the unreliability and arbitrariness of memory and history, and further explores the alternative to the postmodern discourses by suggesting the probability of inventing innocence glimpsed in children's face "believing while disbelieving." In doing so, the author reconstructs not only the history of Englishness on the ground where nothing seems to be solid, but more importantly also the postmodern theme of relativity in relation to memory, history and identity.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction using Hamstring Tendons (슬괵건을 이용한 전방 십자 인대 재건술)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Soo;Kim, Joo-Hak;Ji, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2005
  • The central third of the patellar tendon and hamstring tendons(semitendinosus and gracilis) are the most frequently used tissues for intra-articular replacement of the anterior cruciate ligament(ACL). At present, many surgeons consider the central third patellar ten don graft to be the gold standard for replacement of the ACL. Recent prospective studies by Marder et at and Aglietti et al, however, have failed to show any statistically significant differences in knee stability and functional outcome between central third patellar tendon grafts and hamstring tendon grafts. The review of this article is to (1) review the historical use of hamstring tendon grafts for ACL reconstruction; (2) discuss indications for use of hamstring tendon grafts for ACL reconstruction; (3) describe our present operative technique using a combined double-looped semitendinosus and gracilis graft with $RIGIDFIX^{circledR}$ and $INTRAFIX^{circledR}$ and (4) review the results of hamstring ACL reconstructions.

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