명장(明將) 남방위(藍芳威)의 조선 활동과 현존 문물 고찰

  • Received : 2021.11.06
  • Accepted : 2021.12.13
  • Published : 2021.12.30


In this paper, the focus was on the review of Ming General Nan Fangwei's activities during the Choson period and existing relevant historical artifacts & literacy works. Nan Fangwei's hometown was Jiangxi(江西) Changjiang(昌江; Jingdezhen景德鎭). Unfortunately, it has not been known where his descendants migrated later. During Jingdezhen Riot(景德鎭民亂), he went to serve as the head of the grass roots. After surrendering, he became a general in the Ming military base. During Jeongyujae War(丁酉再亂), he entered Chosun as a Youji general(遊擊) and participated in dozens of large and small battles. However, the defeat of Jungro-gun (中路軍) led him to a feud with the Ming's military authorities and to return him, which gave him a hard time to be forcibly dislodged to a remote region. Nan Fangwei established Namwon Guanwang Shrine(南原 關王廟). Since then, it has been preserved in Namwon Wangjeong-dong(王亭洞) through several reconstruction and reconstruction works. In addition, he took good care of people by strictly cracking down on their subordinates with high integrity and virtuous deeds at the military base. Being deeply touched by his morality and virtue, the people of Gongju(公州) established 'Youji general Nan Fangwei Jongdeokbi(〈遊擊將藍公種德碑〉)'. In addition, when he had his leisure time, he collected Korean Chinese poems from various figures and edited and published 'Chosun Poetry Collection(《朝鮮詩選全集》)', which he played a catalyst to promote high-quality Korean poems to Chinese literacy community.



순천향대학교 학술연구지원논문


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