• Title/Summary/Keyword: Historical consideration

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Creation through the Distancing Effect (Verfremdung) in the Fashion Field (패션에서의 '낯설게 하기(Verfremdung)'에 의한 창작)

  • Suh, Seung-Hee;Kim, Young-In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2011
  • The present study aims to apply the theory of Brecht's 'Verfremdung' or distancing effect to the process of fashion design. The distancing effect refers to an avant-garde artistic technique that enables artists to create their works by viewing particular objects separately from the phenomena that occur around those objects. Brecht encouraged a sense of purpose that involved shifting to the new society sought by modernism. He also suggested an artistic approach that isolates perception from judgment 'Verfremdung' which reflects his approach well. In this paper, with the distancing effect considered as a method for creation, the author identifies the system of thought associated with the distancing method and applies this system to fashion design. To this end, the author first reviewed the concepts of 'Entfremdung' (alienation) and the distancing effect and studied the backgrounds of the two concepts. Next, the author identified Brecht's epic theory and its application. As a result, a method of perceiving objects as used with the distancing effect was noted, and this method was utilized to distinguish the relationship between the body and its clothes. Specifically of interest were parts of the human body and the related functions of clothes as well as the motor functions of the body and detailed decorations on clothes. Moreover, the author discovered a trend in the wearing of clothes that exists in the context of historical changeability by examining Brecht's work as it relates to the types of clothes that are worn. Finally, the author applied the distancing effect to fashion design in consideration of the discovered trend.

A Study on the A nalysis and Synthesis in Mathematics Education Based on Euclid's 'The Data' and 'On Divisions' (유클리드의 자료론(The Data)과 분할론(On Divisons)에 기초한 수학교육에서 분석과 종합에 대한 고찰)

  • Suh, Bo-Euk
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2011
  • This study is the consideration to 'The Data' and 'On Divisions' of Euclid which is the historical start of analysis and synthesis. 'The Data' and 'On Divisions' compared to Euclid's Elements is not interested. In this study, analysis and synthesis were examined for significance. In this study, means for 'analysis' and 'synthesis' were examined through an analysis of 'The Data' and 'On Divisions'. First, the various terms including analysis and synthesis were examined and the concepts of the terms were analyzed. Then, analysis was divided into 'external analysis' and 'internal analysis'. And synthesis was divided into 'theoretical synthesis' and 'empirical synthesis'. On the basis of this classification problem presented in elementary textbooks and the practical applications were explored.

A Study on Improvement of Introductions and Applications of 'Proof by Contradiction' in Textbooks (교과서의 귀류법 도입과 활용에 대한 고찰 및 개선 방안)

  • Lee, Gi Don;Hong, Gapju
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.839-856
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    • 2016
  • In 2009 revision and 2015 revision mathematics national curriculum, 'proof' was moved to high school from middle school in consideration of the cognitive development level of students, and 'proof by contradiction' was stated in the "success criteria of learning contents" of the first year high school subject while it had been not officially introduced in $7^{th}$ and 2007 revision national curriculum. Proof by contradiction is known that it induces a cognitive conflict due to the unique nature of rather assuming the opposite of the statement for proving it. In this article, based on the logical, mathematical and historical analysis of Proof by contradiction, we looked about the introductions and the applications of the current textbooks which had been revised recently, and searched for improvement measures from the viewpoint of discovery, explanation, and consilience. We suggested introducing Proof by contradiction after describing the discovery process earlier, separately but organically describing parts necessary to assume the opposite and parts not necessary, disclosing the relationships with proof by contrapositive, and using the viewpoint of consilience.

Tasks of Christian Education for Developing Empathic Sensibility Ability of Women in Artificial Intelligence Era (AI시대 여성의 공감적 감성 함양을 위한 기독교교육의 과제)

  • Kim, Nanye
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.62
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    • pp.11-41
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    • 2020
  • This study is to suggest the tasks of Christian Education for developing empathic emotional ability of women in AI era through examining the meaning of empathic sensibilization and the examples of women overcoming the hardships of their times and bringing about change. Empathic sensibility is becoming a issue and empathy is emphasized in AI era. Because empathy is becoming a big support in overcoming hardships, and empathic emotion is showing human dignity, equality, service, devotion and consideration and so is forming a global community living together. And on investigation of the examples of women overcoming the hardships of their times, I found that as a woman with a sense and thought, as a historical human being, not as a gender, the tasks of Christian Education for developing empathic sensibility ability of women in AI era will be effort to be yourself, theological identity reestablishment of women and developing insight to read the times.

Study on Practical Use and Historical Development of Dongssi' Acupuncture Therapy (동씨침법(董氏鍼法)의 의의(意義)와 임상적(臨床的) 응용(應用))

  • Park Yu-Ri;Kang Byaech-Gyu;Kim Ho-Gyeom;Byeon Ji-Hwan;Song Jeong-Ho;Jeong Jong-Ryul;Jang Jin-Yo;Hwang Jae-Ho;Cho Myeong-Su;Kim Kyung-Sik;Sohn In-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we studied Dongssi' acupuncture therapy via the consideration of development process of Oriental medicine in history. We investigated the distribution chart and naming of Dongssi' acupuncture point in human body, artificial selection principle of Dongssi' acupuncture point to therapy (選穴原則) on the various diseases, the therapy of pyo-bon (標本理論) and the therapy of Geun-Gyeal (根結理論) and compared GeoZa-principle (巨刺法) and MuZa-principle (繆刺法) with artificial selection principle of Dongssi' acupuncture point. And we also studied the acupuncture therapy of DongGi (動氣鍼法), DoMa (倒馬鍼法) and SaeIn (索引鍼法), which is the unique principle in Dongssi' acupuncture theraphy, to consider with the other Oriental medicine theory which is the theory of ZangSang (臟象學說) and BiWi (脾胃學說) etc. Our desire in this study is the giving aid to treatment diseases with the acupuncture therapy in Oriental medicine.

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Morphological Theory and Design in Modern and Contemporary Architecture -Focused on the Romantic Educational Thoughts as a Dualistic Monism- (근현대건축의 모폴로지 이론과 건축설계)

  • Kim, Sung-Hong
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.13 no.4 s.40
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    • pp.89-105
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    • 2004
  • This paper investigates morphological theory as an intellectual framework for research and design. The first part of the paper will review morphological studies in the fields of urban geography, urban planning and architecture, particularly in England from the 1940s to the 1980s. While urban geographers and planners were concerned primarily with town plans, building forms and land use, architectural theoreticians were more interested in the topological relationship between urban and architectural space. The underlying premises and principles of these two approaches will be reviewed. The second part of the paper will focus on typology in Europe and North America. The reinterpretation of typology by Italian architects helped to bridge the gap between individual elements of architecture and the overall form of the city. However, typological theory became less accessible in post-war England and the United States. After 1980, the debate on typology became muted by the onset of vague notions such as functionalism, bio-technical determinism, and contextualism. This paper will propose a redefinition of morphology as a heuristic device, in contrast with the dichotomic view of urban morphology and architectural typology. Morphology will be shown to combine the geometrical and topological; the intentional and accidental; the real and abstract; and a priori and a posteriori. The last part of the paper discusses the lack of comparative theories and methods surrounding the physical form of architecture and the city by Korea commentators. Empirically rooted facility planning, non-comparative historical studies, and iconographic criticism emerged as a central preoccupation of architectural culture between the 1960s and 1980s, a time when international debate on architecture and urbanism was most intense. This paper will give consideration to the built environment as a dynamic physical entity and space as an epiphenomenon of daily urban life, such that collaboration between urban designers, architects, and landscape architects is seen as both beneficial and necessary.

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Records and Archival Appraisal from a Holistic Perspective: A Case Study of New York State Archives (생산부터 보존까지 기록관리 전반에서 이해하는 기록평가: 미국 뉴욕주기록관의 사례연구)

  • Sinn, Donghee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.177-199
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    • 2020
  • Appraisal occurs multiple times in the process of records and archival management. This includes the consideration of the value of records during creation, developing records retention schedule for records creating organizations, and archival appraisal for archival repositories to build their collections. This study attempts to understand the function of appraisal from a holistic perspective from records creation to archival preservation. In doing so, it investigates the case of New York State Archives and understands some of notable approaches how archivists cooperate with records creators and records managers to preserve New York's historical records. Learning from the case of New York State Archives, this study intends to emphasize the roles and responsibilities that archivists can play in appraisal in various steps.

Design and Implementation of Financial Information Systems for the Small Farm Business Decision Supports (소규모 농가의 영농의사결정 지원을 위한 재무정보시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee Hee-Sook;Kim Sang-Wook;Oh Myeong-Ryoon;Kim Jong-Tae;Park Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.149-166
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    • 2006
  • During the past several years, a number of attempts have been made to develop computer applications for the farm business. However, none of them truned out properly applicable to small farms occupying more than 90% of the total agri-business in number as they failed to take it into consideration that small farm, typically a private busines is quite different by nature from the large-scaled farm corporate. Small-sized farming is usually done on the houshold basis, and thus there is no distinction between the household and the business economy. In addition, small farm managers are mostly lacking knowledge or skills of both computers and accounting. This study, therefore, aims at the design and implementation of the financial management and accountign information system for small farms, with an attempt to relax constraints and resolve pitfalls revealed in previously developed applications. The following principles were introduced for the study : 1) The user-system interfaces have to be managed in the natural language as much as possible, so that the users can operate the system without any professional terms. 2) Household accounting has to be seperarte by some means from the business accounting, so that small farm businesses can manage their finance and accounting as necessary. 3) The system has to be designed so as not only for the users to manage transactional data but to analyse historical data in multiple dimensions for their decision-makings. The results from this study would perhaps help not only for the farmers but for the educators, policy makers, and counselors for the farming.

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The Boutonniere Design in Men's Fashion (남성복 부토니에 디자인 연구)

  • Kim, JungHee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.65 no.5
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this paper is to study the $boutonni{\grave{e}}re$, a floral decoration, history of $boutonni{\grave{e}}re$, a floral decoration, with a focus on its aesthetics, its practical use and its traditional meaning. After the examination of its history, the paper, recreated the proceeds by taking into consideration both the contemporary men's fashion, as well as the $boutonni{\grave{e}}re$ designs of the past. The three factors of contemporary $boutonni{\grave{e}}re$ design, in brief, are its historical meaning, the visual aesthetics and the wearability. In this paper, the research and design steps are as followed below. First, the paper examined the history of men's fashion leading up to the twenty-first century in order to get a deeper understanding of the history of $boutonni{\grave{e}}re$. Second, the paper attempted to find the most suitable fabric materials and flowers for the $boutonni{\grave{e}}re$, in order to produce diverse $boutonni{\grave{e}}re$ that can be worn in any season and occasion. As for the fabrics that can be used to make the $boutonni{\grave{e}}re$, organza can be used for the S/S season, and wool, tweed and suede can be used for the F/W season. The major characteristics that differentiate the kinds of $boutonni{\grave{e}}re$ are the "Carnation" and the "Rose of Sharon". The 'Rose of Sharon' $boutonni{\grave{e}}re$ as the symbol of our nation possesses an intricate meaning and practical function, so that this $boutonni{\grave{e}}re$ is used as an alternative badge of the national assembly and other social-national institutions and their members. This idea expands into other social and individual features that the $boutonni{\grave{e}}re$ is a differentiated fashion item that provides other personal styles and expresses individuality.

The Reconsidering of the Western based Development Discourse and the Future of Postdevelopment as Sustainable Development (서구 중심적 개발담론의 재해석과 지속가능한 개발로서 포스트개발의 미래)

  • Lee, Yong Gyun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.137-152
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research is to reveal the problems of the Western based development discourse, and to derive the future direction of postdevelopment as sustainable development. This study attempted to reveal the historical process of formation and change on development discourse. Development generally regarded as the overcome of underdevelopment, inducing the marginalization of the South as a place to follow the development model of the North. State based development discourse (Keynesian development discourse) focused on the growth by industrialization, and the supreme aim of the South was to overcome the underdevelopment. Neoliberalism development discourse emphasized on the market principle based on free competition which was recognized as the best way to provide development. However, neoliberalism discourse has been criticized for the concentration of power and inequality of class, causing on the consideration of postdevelopment because of its emphasis on growth rather than distribution and life value. This research revealed the ways of postdevelopment with fair trade and ethical consumption. However, fair trade and ethical consumption discourses clearly show somewhat limitation subsuming into neoliberal development discourse. In this respect, future ways for postdevelopment have to consider the overcoming of powers based on market and capital, and to orient into the value of redistribution in development process.

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