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An analysis of direct financial compensation of hospital personnel in Korea (병원의 직종별 임금수준에 관한 연구)

  • 홍상진;김한중
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.15-51
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    • 1998
  • compensation is a major function of human resources management. The hospital industry is characterized by its remarkable labor intensity and human resource input by unit. That is why the hospital industry has a higher level of wage/cost ration. The issues of how much the hospital personnel's direct financial compensation amounts to and how the organizational and other factors generate compensation differentiation, are central problems for research in hospitals. But there have been few approaches to study staff compensation in hospitals, its magnitude and inter-hospital relative compensation amounts for the same personnel. A worker who moves from low-wage to a high-wage employer can usually increase his or her pay without change in job description. This means in the cases of same jobs, relative importance is different for each hospitals. The purpse of this study were to find the compensation levels of hospital personnel and to determine the factors affecting compensation levels of hospital personnel. The unit of analysis is the hospital and 145 hospitals were studied for nurse(RN), medical technoloist(MT), managerial personnel(MP) and 100 hospitals for medical doctor(MD). In this study the definitions of direct financial compensation are before tax, excluding employer's contriution and total annual remuneration received by the employee. Main findings of the research can be summarized as follows. 1. Direct financial compensation of hospital personnel are MD 45,056,000 won, RN 9,222,000 won, MT 9,513,000 won and MP 9,185,000 won in the starting year's employment in hospital. 2. According to determinants of hospital personnel compensations, there are no statistical significant variables to determine the level of MD's compensation. Wlith RN and MT's compensation level, the greater the patient revenue per 100 hospital beds, the higher the RN compensation and the tertiary hospital's compensation is much more than other types of hospitals. The location of hospital is another determinant factor for the MT's compensation level. Hospitals that are in the uban area have lower compensation level than rural area. There are the same results in MP with MT. Conclusions can be drawn from the results of the study. First, the wage differentiation of MD and other health personnel still remains and the differentiation existed in inter and intra job personnel of hospitals. Second, determinants of hospital personnel personnel compensation level are patient revenue, location, and type of hospital level.

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Studies on the Factors Affecting the IN-Vitro Maturation and Fertilization of Bovine Follicular Oocytes (소 난포란의 체외성숙과 체외수정에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • 김상근;이만휘
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1992
  • 본 연구는 소의 난포란의 체외성숙과 체외수정에 영향을 미치는 요인을 구명하기 위하여 미숙 난포란을 채취하여 형태적 분류를 통해 우수한 란을 공시한 후 난포의 크기, 정액의 형태, 수정능득법, 혈청, 호르몬, 난포액, 난구세포등을 첨가한 TCM-199 배양액에서 배양하면서 체외성숙 및 수정율을 조사하였는 바 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 소 난포란을 채취하여 배양을 통해 형태적 분류를 했을때 A형란은 61.4%, B형란은 12.1%, C형란은 19.2%, D형란은 4.2%였으며 발생중지 또는 퇴화란은 3.0%였다. 또한 A, B, C형란을 배양액에 배양했을때 난포란의 체외성숙율은 각각 89.1%, 78.0%, 52.6%였으며, 수정율은 각각 78.1%, 66.1%, 33.3%였다. 2. 소 난포의 크기를 1-2mm, 3-5mm 및 5mm이상으로 분류하여 채취한 난포란의 수는 각각 67개, 98개, 63개 였으며, 이를 TCM-199 배양액에서 배양했을때의 체외성숙 및 수정율은 각각 56.7%와 44.8%, 82.5%, 72.4%와 46.0%와 28.6%였다. 3. 소 난포란의 체외수정에 있어서 정소상체 미부정자, 희택정액 및 동결정액을 이용하여 매정하였을때 체외수정율과 분할율은 각각 63.3%, 73.3%, 70.0%와 32.7%, 37.8%, 38.3%였다. 4. 소 난포란의 체외수정에 있어서 m-KRB 처리법, HIS처리법, Ca-IA처리법, BFF처리법 및 heparin처리법으로 각각 수정능획득을 유기하였을때 체외성숙 및 분할율은 각각 53.1%, 28.1%, 33.9%와 17.7%, 50.8%와 26.2%, 48.1%와 22.8% 및 58.8%와 32.8%로서 heparin 처리법이 가장 높았다. 5. 소 난포란의 체외성숙과 수정에 있어서 각 농도의 우태아혈청과 FSH, HCG, $\beta$-estradiol을 첨가한 TCM-199배양액에서 배양했을때의 체외성숙 및 수정율은 각각 76.0-82.3%와 26.2-70.0%로서 무첨가에 비해 첨가가 높았다. 6. 발정우혈청 및 우태아혈청 5-20%를 첨가한 배양액에서 배양했을때의 체외성숙율은 각각 71.7-76.9%, 74.0-80.6%였으며 체외수정율은 51.9-58%와 26.2-30.0%로서, 체외수정율의 경우 발정우혈청의 첨가가 우태아혈청의 첨가에 비해 높았다. 7. 난포액20-30%를 첨가한 배양액에서 배양했을때의 난포란의 체외성숙율은 각각 68.0%와 64.6%, 수정율은 각각59.6%와 60.4%로서 난포액10%, 50%를 첨가한 배양액에서 배양시의 체외성숙율과 수정율에 비해 높았다. 8. 1$\times$10 6 /ml의 난구세포를 첨가한 배양액에서 배양했을때의 난포란의 체외성숙율과 수정율은 각각 76.5%와 61.7%로서 FCS 10%와 1$\times$10 4 -10 5/ml 와 1 $\times$10 8/ml난구세포를 첨가한 배양액에서 배양시의 체외성숙율과 수정율에 비해 높았다.

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Postoperative Assessment of Residual Oefects Following Surgical Closure of Ventricular Septal Defects (심실중격결손의 개심술 후 잔류단락에 관한 임상적 고찰)

  • 조준용;허동명
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.147-152
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    • 1996
  • his study was undertaken to assess the residual interventricular shunt following surgical closure of the isolated ventricular septal defect. From January 1989 through December 1993, 211 patients underwent surgical closure of the isolated ventricular septal defect. All patients had 2D-Echocardlo-graphic study after operation to rule out residual ventricular septal defect. There was a 9.5% incidence of a definite residual shunt. The type of ventricular septal defect, closure method of the defect and cardiopulmonary bypass time showed no significant differences between two groups. The sue of ventricular septal defect (6.3 $\pm$ 3.7mm versus 10.6 $\pm$ 5.8mm : p : 0.0034), aortic cross-clamping time(32.6 $\pm$ 15.0 minutes versus 48.5 $\pm$ 20.0 minutes, p : 0.0003), pulmonary-to-systemic pressure ratio(0.31 $\pm$ 0.22 versus 0.51 $\pm$ 0.33, p=0.019) and mean pulmonary artery pressure(20.3 $\pm$ 11.9 mmHg versus 29.1 $\pm$ 16.2 mmHg, p : 0.009) were meaningfully different between two groups. There were 9 insta ces of spontaneous closure of the residual shunts at mean 21 months of following up (ranged 1 ~43 months). In conclusion, we suggest that the size of ventricular septal defect, aortic cross-clamping time and mean pulmonary artery pressure may play an important role in occurance of residual ventricular septal defect.

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Survey Studies on the Korean Dietary Life of Red Pepper (한국인(韓國人)의 고추식생활(食生活)에 관한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Park, Sang-Ki;Chun, Jae-Kun
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 1977
  • To get a basic information for improving Korean's pattern of comsuming red pepper and the possibility of its industrial production, consumer's ways of red pepper processing and his present dietary habits were surveyed and the results are follows; (1) Korean's daily consumption of red pepper was on the average 9.2 g on the basis of the whole dried red pepper. (2) The tendency of evading the home drying method was increased; 72.22% in urban community and 50.4% in rural community purchased the dried red pepper in the lump yearly. The household purchasing the fresh red pepper and using the home drying was 27.8% in urban community and 49.6% in rural community, so one third of urban household was still using the home drying method. The case of dependence on tine drying factory was no more than 2.6%. (3) Drying method was mainly sun drying which done on the poor circumstance like as the street side without the proper equipment of drying. Home process of red pepper by housewife was 70.8%, and the old, housekeeper were only 7.3% respectively. (4) The hygienic sense in the drying was rare; 68.8% was not washed and 51.9% of decayed red pepper was eaten. (5) Koreans prefered the strong pungency, deep red color and fine powder form. (6) While the 45.5% of seed was collected by second hand dealer and made use of as resources of edible oil, it was not used effectively due to complexity of its collection system. (7) While 40.1% desired the improvement of red pepper dietary life, 41.1% distrusted the present commercial red pepper powder on the market. From the results above, we conclude the fact many households have still hygienically poor red pepper processed at home, in spite of the red pepper is one of the most important spices in Korea. Considering the growing urban population, reduction of unemployed labor due to the increasing nuclear family and hygienic problems caused by the serious pollution, the improvement of red pepper processing method is urgently required. And it is believed that red pepper has a good prospect to be processed on the industrial scale in Korea.

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A New Integrative Approach to Geography Education in the Social Studies Subject - with respect to Replacement of Geographical Contents in the Elementary-leveled Learning - (지리 교과의 통합교육적 접근방안 - 초등 사회과 학습 내용 조직을 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Kyoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.51-66
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    • 2001
  • The curriculum of integrated social studies is not conceptually established, but various forms pursuing so-called perfect integrated subject have appeared from elementary school to high school. But we cannot find out desirable integration in the elementary school though the apparent goal is to integrate all kinds of social concepts into one unit. The current method of integration has some problems over advantages people initially expected by integration. It is problematic in that students learn fragmental knowledges of geography without capturing the whole geographical concept structure or obtaining their own geographical viewpoint. Therefore, we purpose to reinterpret integration of social studies and reorganize the current textbook into the right direction under the assumption that simple mixture of knowledges is far from our goal of true integration. For this purpose, we suggest a new method for social studies as an integrated subject. Instead of providing knowledges unrelated to each other into one bundle, it helps students to see the real world in his own knowledge framework equipped with geographical viewpoint. The text we claim will show students that geography consists of three key concepts: physical environment, man and environment, and spatial structure. With this text, they will have an easy access to the relationships between key concepts and details, and between geographical concepts and similar concepts from other disciplines. The proposal contributes to both upcoming textbook development and classroom teaching by eliminating problems in the current social studies teaching.

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The Effectiveness of Ink Foot Print Analysis by Using Pre-post Oriental Medicine Music Therapy on Patient One Case with Cerebral Infarction (뇌경색 환자에게 실행한 한방음악치료 전후(前後)의 Ink foot print analysis 1례)

  • Lee, Seung-Hyun;Park, Kyoung-Su;Shin, Hyun-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : Oriental Medicine Music Therapy is a new way of treating and preventing various diseases and promoting health by means of music specially picked and designed to produce Qi(氣) fitting to an individual person in the areas of the structure of human body, physiological function, pathological change, diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, it can facilitate the efficiency of the treatment much better and faster than only with herb or acupuncture. Equilibrium between body and mind is its originality. Methods : A 38-year old man came to hospital suffering from left side weakness, dysarthria because of cerebral infarction. After one week's medication in the part of neurology, he was sent to the oriental medicine music therapy center, and he took ten times' medical treatments once a day. Before and after the treatments, implementing 'Ink foot print analysis', as for the movement capacity and walking of left side weakness, these results are acquired. Results and Conclusions : 1. Before the oriental medicine music therapy, except the acceleration and deceleration section, within three meters, a right foot's step was measured 30.55 cm and a left foot was measured 15.2 cm, and the step distance was 15.2 cm. After the 10 times treatments, the right foot's step was 112.6 cm, the left foot's step was 113 cm, and the step distance improved to 51.8 cm. 2. The normal person's average step is about 38 cm, and it could be decreased owing to a decreptitude, pain, fatigue, and the weakness of the legs. In spite of all, from the increased 50 cm step measurement with the patient's body condition, it means that his movement capacity is recovered. 3. In the measurement of walking time, before 10 times treatments, it took 46.35 seconds within 6M, but after the treatments, it increased to 7.47 seconds as same as a normal person's walking speed. 4. In insomnia, and the abnormality of a facial muscle, it shows lots of improvement, and even the accuracy of a pronunciation, but despite of the 10 times treatments, the 'ㄹ(r)' sound placed under a vowel is unclear. 5. Before the 10 times' treatments, he can move the left side shoulder with pain and cannot move below the left elbow. After the treatments, the pain was disappeared, and he was able to move over 60 cm without pain. And improving of the movement of fingers, he can beat over 8 times with a drumstick.

Imperial Rescript (Chokugo), Imperial Rescript (Shousho) and an Anti-war Senryu ('칙어'와 '소칙'과 '반전 센류')

  • Kurumisawa, Ken
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.51
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    • pp.25-44
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    • 2018
  • Modern Japanese "Anti-war poetry" originates from Sino-Japanese war and Russo-Japanese war period. Sino-Japanese war was started by an Imperial rescript of war declared and ordered by the Japanese Emperor to the Japanese citizens. With this declaration, the Emperor gave a message to the population that Objection was not acceptable. This Declaration of Imperial Rescript (Shousho) became justified as being a Crusade or Holy war. Any Anti-war stance was considered an ideology of revolt against the Emperor and his order of Imperial rescript (Okotoba). This was why when Akiko Yosano's "Don't you dare lay down your life" (1904) was published, it received harsh criticisms such as "be punished in the name of the nation". Anti-war poetry as a way of free speech was suppressed. Short poem was especially targeted. Because it is seen as a minor genre, short poem has been passed over. It needs to be reappraised for its importance as a category of anti-war poetry. Notably, modern short poem (New Senryu) has been under oppression and relentless surveillance because of its stance of criticizing politics and society in general by making full use of satire and irony. A supreme example of satirizing of Imperial Rescript on education was the "An anti-war poetry" by Akiri Tsuru. This treatise is a study of how ironical technique from "An anti-war poetry" inverts the meaning of "Imperial decree" and "Imperial rescript".

Aimé Césaire's postcolonial thought as a 'Non-Western resistance discourse': In terms of speaker, language and counter-discourse ('비서구 저항담론'으로서의 세제르(A. Césaire)의 탈식민주의 비평, 그 가능성과 한계: 화자(話者), 언어(言語), 대항담론(對抗談論)의 측면에서)

  • Choi, Il-Sung
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.51
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    • pp.161-191
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    • 2018
  • In the beginning of the 20th century, post-colonialism has directly raised questions about western-centered universalism. One of its main achievements is that the political liberation of a colonial society does not guarantee the social, economic and cultural liberation of a society. Therefore, the discourse of liberation in the Western society, in particular, Marxism, nationalism, feminism and postmodernism, cannot be directly applied to the non-Western society. As a result, Western and non-Western societies are unfortunately dreaming of different futures and liberation; therefore, a'geopolitical dialogue' is needed between them. However, the theorists' efforts for postcolonial liberation failed to distinguish themselves from the western-centric traditions. It is also true that they have, in conjunction with these traditions, established their own power. As we know, many of the postcolonial criticisms somehow had relations with the West. This study will re-read the postcolonial thought of $Aim{\acute{e}}$ $C{\acute{e}}saire$, the father of the so-called $N{\acute{e}}gritude$, as a 'non-western resistance discourse'. Through this process, we have a chance to reflect on $C{\acute{e}}saire$ and his postcolonial thoughts.

Residual Characteristics and Risk Assessments of Metalaxyl-M and Dinotefuran in Crown Daisy (Metalaxyl-M 및 dinotefuran 입제의 쑥갓 중 잔류 특성 및 위해성 평가)

  • Song, Min-Ho;Yu, Ji-Woo;Kim, Jinchan;Lee, Kwanghun;Ko, Rakdo;Keum, Young-Soo;Lee, Jiho
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.108-114
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    • 2022
  • BACKGROUND: This study was performed to determine residual characteristics of soil-treated metalaxyl-M and dinotefuran in crown daisy and to evaluate the risks from intake of the residual pesticides in the crop. METHODS AND RESULTS: The pesticide granules were treated in soil on two levels, and the plants samples were collected 51 days after seeding. The analytes were extracted and partitioned using the QuEChERS extraction packet (MgSO4 4 g, NaCl 1 g). The quantitative methods for metalaxyl-M and dinotefuran were validated in linearity, accuracy, and precision. Risk assessments of the pesticides were performed using Korea national nutrition statistics 2019. CONCLUSION(S): The residual concentrations of metalaxyl-M in crown daisy were 0.09-0.10 mg/kg (for the treatment at 6 kg/10 a) and 0.17-0.19 mg/kg (12 kg/10 a), respectively. The residual concentrations of dinotefuran in the crop were 0.53-0.75 mg/kg (3 kg/10 a) and 1.17-1.26 mg/kg (6 kg/10 a). The amounts of pesticides were less than MRL (Maximum Residue Limits) according to the Korean MFDS (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety). The HI (Hazard Index) of metalaxyl-M and dinotefuran for consumers was 0.0075% and 0.2250%, respectively. For females in the age between 50-64, the major consumer group, the HIs of the pesticides were <3%. Considering the consumption of crown daisy, they are not considered to be of toxicological concern.

Usage of digital technique to facilitate communication between dentist, dental lab technician, and patients in diagnosis and restoration for maxillary anterior implant: a case report (디지털 기법을 활용한 치과의사, 기공사, 그리고 환자 간의 효과적인 소통을 통한 전치부 임플란트의 진단 및 심미수복 증례)

  • Bang, Haemin;Jang, Woohyung;Park, Chan;Yun, Kwi-Dug;Lim, Hyun-Pil;Park, Sangwon
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 2022
  • Esthetic restoration of maxillary anterior implant heavily depends on the direction of installation of implant fixture. In patients with malpositioned implant, it is crucial to communicate the limitations of prosthetic outcome with the patient before starting on a restoration. To facilitate the communication, three-dimensional virtual representation by superimposing facial and intraoral digital scans with Computed Tomography (CT, dicom file) was used for visualization of the limitations of prosthesis. Through digital diagnostic wax-up, the profile of right maxillary anterior incisor implant was expected to be protrusive, which the patient was not satisfied with. Since the patient already had done root canal treatment on left maxillary anterior incisor due to previous trauma, a new prosthetic design including both right and left maxillary anterior incisors was presented to the patient. The second design was chosen and his comments were delivered to dental lab. The patient was satisfied with the new prosthesis, aesthetically and functionally.