• Title/Summary/Keyword: Health-perception

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A student on the Nursing Needs and Satisfaction of Primipara During the Early Postpartum Period (산욕기 초산모의 간호요구와 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Young-Ja
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.5-27
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    • 1997
  • This study was carried out to identify the difference between nursing needs and levels of satisfaction of primiparae during the early postpartum period. The goal of the study was to obtain data needed to develope maternal education programs and to improve the nursing quality for primipara. The subjects were 111 primiparae who had normal delivery at 2 general hospitals in the Seoul area. The data was gathered using an 81 items questionnaire which was developed by the researcher from Nov. 30, 1995 to Feb. 5, 1996. Results found are as follows : 1. The characteristics of subjects : The majority of subjects were aged 26-30yrs(60.4%), high school graduated(49.5%), jobless(52.3%), had no religion(49.5%), no antenatal(74.5%), and postnatal education on self and infant care(55.9%). A large proportion of primiparae intended to feed breast milk(49.5%) but in fact only 7.2% fed breast milk while in the hospital. Many subjects perceived that they had reasonable self confidence about self care(46.8%), and infant care(36%). 2. The level of nursing needs of overall nursing care was relatively high(Mn 3.98) but the level of satisfaction was of average level(Mn 3.09). Therefore, difference between the level of nursing needs and satisfaction was significant(p=0.0001). 3. The nursing needs by category of nursing care the highest need was on the education of infant care(4.29), the lowest was on physical care(3.80). The level of satisfaction was higher on environmental care(3.40) and physical care(3.32). But the category that showed the lowest satisfaction was education of infant care(2.67). Hence, difference of categories between the level of nursing needs and satisfaction was significant(p=0.0001). 4. Among items of physical care, observation of primiparas' conditions(4.21), accurate medication and treatment(4.18), care of breast engorgement(4.07) and control of postpartal hemorrage(4.01) showed high nursing needs. On the other hand, only the level of satisfaction was higher on accurate medication and treatment(3.82). The rest of items revealed only average level of satisfactions. Difference of items between the level of nursing needs and satisfaction was significant(p=0.0001) except items of dietary care. 5. Among items of psychological care, 8 items of nursing needs were high(3.72-4.29), expecially detailed explanation on which mothers want to know(4.29), treatment and nursing care they receive(4.23), kind and faithful care(4.22), early contacts with their baby(4.20), and adequate draping during the care and treatment(4.18). Among items of psychological care higher satisfactions were shown on items of kind and faithful care(3.80), personal treatment(3.70), and detailed explanation to mothers, but the least satisfied items was early contact with baby(2.13). Difference between the level of nursing needs and satisfaction was significant(p=0.0001). 6. Among items of environmental care, the highest level of need and satisfaction was on the items of neat bedding and pajamas(3.54). The difference was significant (p=0.0001). 7. Among the items of educational needs on self care, all of 22 items revealed higher educational needs(3.50-4.33) but the levels of satisfaction varied with a range of 2.63-3.42. Among the items the satisfactions were high on items of breast care including massages(3.42), perineal care(3.36) and expression of breast milk(3.32). Less satisfied items were drugs not be taken by breast milk feeder(2.63), maintenance of breast figure(2.76) and postpartum exercise(2.80) and so on. The difference was significant(p=0.0001). maintain 8. Among the items of educational needs on infant care, 19 items revealed higher educational needs(3.28-4.54). And the highest need were on the 3 items of normal growth and development of infant, safety and emergency care, symptoms of sick(4.45) and the meaning of crying of the baby(4.52). The level of satisfaction among items of education of infant care ranged from 2.47 to 3.16. Most satisfied items were buriping(3.16), bathing(3.11) and diapering(3.09). The items of which the mother's needs were high revealed the lowest satisfaction level. The difference was significant (p=0.0001). 9. Relationship between nursing needs and levels of satisfaction among primiparae of different characteristics were as follows : 1) Nursing needs of physical and psychological areas were significantly different among different age levels but no relationship was found on other categories regardless of the level of satisfaction. 2) With regard to different levels of education, some relationship was found in nursing needs of psychological area(p=0.007), educational needs on infant care(p=0.04) and environmental care(p=0.01). Also, the difference of satisfaction level was significant. 3) Working mothers had higher nursing needs and were more satisfied on items of physical care(p=0.05), education on self care and infant care. Difference were significant between nursing needs and level of satisfaction. 4) With regards to different religion a moderate relation was found between nursing needs of environmental care infant care education but no relationship was found on levels of satisfaction. 5) With regards to antenatal education, the mothers who have had no antenatal education revealed higher nursing needs on physical care but those who had antenatal education were more satisfied with education on self care and infant care. The difference was significant. (p=0.0001). 6) With regards to postpartum education, the mothers who have had some sort of postpartum education revealed higher nursing needs on physical and self care. And they were more satisfied with nursing of every category except infant care than mothers who had not any postpartum education. Differences was significant between the nursing needs and levels of satisfaction.(p=0.0001). 7) With regards to breast feeding experience during the hospitalization, those who had no experience of breast feeding revealed higher nursing needs on physical care in contrast to breast feeders, who had higher educational needs on infant care. And breast feeder were more satisfied with all categories. Differences was significant(p=0.0001). 8) With regards to perception of self confidence on self care and infant care, no relationship was found on nursing needs and level of satisfaction in every category of nursing.

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The Study of Structural Relationship among the Customers' Service Recovery of Complaint and After Behavioral Intention in the Service Industry (서비스 산업에서 고객 서비스 불평 회복과 사후행동의 구조적 관계 연구)

  • Heo, Seon Hee;Youn, Chun Sung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.165-176
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    • 2014
  • This study is directed to examine the most useful restoration strategies for turning the customers' dissatisfaction caused by unsuccessful spa service to the satisfaction through each fair factors and tries to suggest the practical schemes to cope with complaints and dissatisfaction of spa service customers by establishing the system dealing with customers' complaints. And this verifies the relationship between the alternative attraction and the intention of conversion as the action after the restoration from the unsuccessful services. Moreover, it analyzes the mediation effect that a formation of reliance through the restoration of unsuccessful services has. To achieve the purpose of this study, the subject got decided as women who are customers of private spa facilities situated in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do region for the purpose of skin care in 1 year recently. After understanding their experiences of complaining about the services, this study investigates the alternative attraction and the intention of conversion as the next action and the perception of fairness and trust in the efforts of Spa service business for recovery. As the result of verifying hypothesis, it is shown that the recovery satisfaction increases when the 3 points of the distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice, which are the fairness factors of the effort to restore services according to the quality of service, are more positive. In the relation among recovery satisfaction, trust, the alternative attraction, and the intention of conversion, the result was that recovery satisfaction affects trust in positive way and alternative attraction in negative way. However, the positive and meaningful result came out in contrast with the hypothesis which predicted the negative effect of recovery satisfaction on the intention of conversion. Furthermore, it means that indirect effectiveness which carries trust and alternative attraction should be considered instead of the direct effectiveness that the recovery satisfaction affects on the intention of conversion. In this study, it can be interpreted that the combined increase of the trust and the alternative attraction makes the intention of conversion higher rather than the higher intention of conversion following the decrease of the recovery satisfaction in view of the result that the indirect effectiveness is high between the recovery effort and the intention of conversion. In the relation among the intention of conversion, trust, and alternative attraction, the intention of conversion got influenced in positive way and negative way by trust and alternative attraction respectively and trust influenced the alternative attraction negatively as well. It means the high quality of services or the recovery of services has a direct causation which carries conviction to the customers' intention of action.

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A Study on Subjective Symptoms of a Oral Malodor in Korean Adults (한국 성인의 주관적 구취 자각증상에 대한 연구)

  • Yoon, Mi-Sook;Youn, Hye-Jeong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the actual conditions of the subjective oral malodor perception of the survey subjects. Through the subjective questionnaire method over about 3 months from June to August in 2007, the data was collected targeting 275 adults. Statistical methods used were Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and One-way ANOVA. And, the following results were obtained. 1. When having seen the ratio of those who were conscious of oral malodor, the adults, who responded with saying of feeling oral malodor at present and at ordinary times, accounted for 68.4% and 79.3%, respectively. And, the adults, who responded with saying of not feeling, were indicated to be 31.6%(at present) and 20.7%(at ordinary times), respectively. 2. Almost 83.5% of total people answered that they had most severe oral malodor at the time of awakening and 51.9% of subjects answered tongue contributed to the their oral malodor. 3. About the type of oral malodor, although 37.2% of the group thought the type of oral malodor was a food smell and fetid smell was second general burning smell occurred the time of hunger(22.5%). 4. In the answers of hoping for treatment of oral malodor, 66.9% of the people showed positive response to dental treatment for controlling their oral malodor. Especially 7.3% of subjects showed very big desire for treatment. 5. In the level of oral malodor that is felt now according to the time of a meal, the case of within 1 hour after having a meal was responded to be not felt the oral malodor with 44.7%. And, there was response with saying of not feeling oral malodor in 37.6% as for 1-2 hours, 16.3% as for 2-3 hours, 14.8% as for 3-4 hours, and 23.7% as for more than 4 hours. Thus, the level of oral malodor according to the time of a meal showed the statistically significant difference(p<0.01). Through the results of this study, it could be known about whether or not being conscious of oral malodor in general people, the main cause and region for oral malodor, the importance and practicing method of tongue brush through literature. Accordingly, there is necessity of further researching and comparing whether or not being conscious of oral malodor by diversely surveying relevancy with factors of causing oral malodor based on the objective oral malodor measurement value. The future diverse researches are thought to be necessarily performed in order to prevent or reduce oral malodor.

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Analysis of the consumer perception and related education effect on the reduction of sugar for elementary school students in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do (서울, 경기지역의 초등학생 대상 당 저감화에 관한 소비자 인식 및 관련 교육 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Ki Nam;Lee, Jung Sug;Shim, Jee-Seon;Chung, Hae Kyung;Chung, Hae Rang;Chang, Moon-Jeong
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.303-318
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study examined the effects of nutritional education related to sugar in elementary school children on nutritional knowledge, attitude, and dietary behavior. Methods: A questionnaire survey on the knowledge, attitudes, and intake related to sugar was conducted on 572 students in grades 4-5, who were attending five elementary schools in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. Results: Among the survey subjects, 270 (49.8%) were cognitive in education, and 302 (50.2%) were non-cognitive. The sugar-related knowledge score was 3.67 points in the cognitive education group, which was significantly higher than the 3.55 points in the non-cognitive group. The rate of checking the sugar content in the nutrition label was 31.2% in the cognitive education group, which was significantly higher than in the non-cognitive group, 15.4%. The cognitive education group had a higher intake frequency of unsweetened candy, jelly, and raw fruits, and higher sugar intake of unsweetened bread, white milk, and raw fruits than the non-cognitive group. In the case of the cognitive education group, the total knowledge score showed a positive correlation with the food behavior scores, and a negative correlation with the frequency of purchasing snacks after school, and the average sugar intake per day. In the cognitive education group only, the education of nutrition teachers was analyzed as a factor to reduce the total sugar intake. The cognitive group of sugar education tried to eat foods with a lower sugar content than the non-cognitive group, and nutrition education was an important factor affecting the sugar intake. Conclusion: To reduce the sugar intake of elementary school students, it will be necessary to practice oriented-nutrition education by nutrition teachers continuously. In addition, it is important to develop and disseminate various types of nutrition education materials related to sugar that can be utilized easily by nutrition teachers.

Visual Image Analysis on the Types of Natural Funeral (자연장의 유형별 시각적 이미지 분석)

  • Kim, Chuljae;Lee, Shiyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 2014
  • This research aims to introduce the external type of natural funeral landscape facilities and to examine the effect of its visual image factor on the preference for them. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among 549 persons including 224 experts on the funeral services. The majority of respondents in this research live in the Seoul, Daejeon, Jeonju, and Busan areas. Burial place facilities and memorial facilities among natural funeral landscape facilities for the study are selected and categorized into five types, respectively. Of these, the funeral area type includes a woody style, a garden style, a flower style, a grass style and a scattered ashes style. As a result, firstly, from the factor analysis, three image factors are extracted such as a physical factor, an external-appearing factor and a symmetrical factor from the burial place facilities. Secondly, the most flavored among 5 burial palace facilities is woody style, followed a flower style, a garde style, a grass style and a scattered ashes style. Third, we draw a perception map based on the average values of each image factors. Forth, we find some significant difference in the evaluation of the image factors of burial place facilities by characteristics of the respondents. The gender, age, the education level and the facilities type reveal the significant difference in a physical factor. Moreover, we find a significant difference in the level of an external-appearing factor according to a gender, religion, a group members, and in the level of a symmetrical factor according to the gender, the education level, and the facilities type. Fifth, we execute a regression analysis in order to analyze the effect of the image factors on its preference for the burial place and memorial facilities. We find a positive effect of a physical, an external appearing and a symmetrical factor on its preference. Finally, we examine a moderating effect of a group member between the image factors and its preference. We find a significant positive moderating effect of an external-appearing factor for a garden style in the case of the burial place facilities. In this study are suggests that fix the problem of natural funeral landscape facilities typical naming contribute to the development of the early beginning natural funeral landscape facilities and study on development of natural funeral landscape facilities suitable for domestic. In addition, this study has shown that having rational guideline when people use natural funeral that develop a funeral culture through preference natural funeral standard visual image analysis such as preserve the traditional funeral philosophy and a new aesthetic needs.

The Effect of Welfare Recognition on the Utilization of Social Services and the Satisfaction of Social Welfare Policies for the Elderly (노인의 복지인식이 사회서비스 이용과 사회복지정책 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Bok Hyun;Hwang, Yoon Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.583-597
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed how elderly people's perception of social welfare affects social welfare service and social welfare policy satisfaction by paying attention to the use of social welfare services and satisfaction with social welfare policies. In order to achieve this research goal, 465 people aged 60 or older who completed responses to the additional survey were collected and analyzed as research targets based on data from the Korea Welfare Panel, which is accumulated by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs and Seoul National University's Social Welfare Research Institute. The results of this study are as follows. First, "Awareness of welfare for the elderly (recognition of welfare expenditure, recognition of welfare targets, recognition of welfare tax increases)" was found to have a negative impact on "use of social services." Second, "Awareness of welfare for the elderly (recognition of welfare expenditure, recognition of welfare targets, recognition of welfare tax increases)" was found to have a negative impact on "satisfaction with social welfare policies." Third, the impact of the recognition of welfare for the elderly on the use of social services was found to be different according to the demographic characteristics (education level, income level, educational background, gender). Fourth, according to the "population statistical characteristics (education level, income level, educational background, gender)" the impact of the recognition of welfare for the elderly on the satisfaction of social welfare policy was shown to be different. The implications of this study are that we looked at multi-dimensional welfare awareness and social service use experience together as factors affecting social welfare policy satisfaction. In other words, it is meaningful that the government focused on welfare awareness based on individual values and subjective perceptions as an influence on social welfare policy satisfaction, and sought practical alternatives to welfare policies and welfare sites by examining whether the experience of using social services in relation to welfare awareness and social welfare policy satisfaction among the elderly.

Impact of a Brand Image Matching with the Advertising Model on Price Fairness Perceptions: Focus on Sports Advertising (브랜드 이미지와 광고모델의 일치성이 가격공정성 지각에 미치는 영향 : 스포츠 광고를 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Hee-Joong;Shin, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2012
  • This study sets out to examine how a brand image that matches the advertising model has a positive impact on brand attitude and price fairness perceptions. We reviewed the constructs on the basis of previous studies and each of the concepts has been redefined. One such concept, "image congruence," refers to the harmony, fitness, and matching quality of images. For example, how well celebrity advertising model is matches the brand image shows image congruence. Results are summarized as follows: First, the congruence of brand image and sports advertising model has no significant impact on brand attitude certainty and persistence. Second, the individual's brand attitude certainty and brand attitude persistence has a positive impact on the perceptions of price fairness. Third, the congruence of brand image and sports advertising model has a positive impact on the perceptions of price fairness. The first and the third results suggest that the positive impact on the price fairness perceptions is temporary but it has insignificant effects on the formation of brand attitude causing ongoing purchases. In other words, in order to influence consumers' long-term confidence on the brand, improving the quality of products or services has to precede promotional strategies such as advertising. When an advertising model is inappropriate for the brand image, consumers perceive product price changes as a negative issue in the short term. However, in the long term, attitude formation such as consumers' repurchase intentions and word of mouth will be not affected. The second result suggests that an already existing positive brand attitude can contribute more positively to change the perceptions of price fairness. In particular, attitude persistence has greater influence than attitude certainty on the price fairness. It suggests that persistence issues such as the trading period and the frequency of transactions must be managed and controlled because they are more important than the certainty issues such as strength of belief or trust. For example, when a commercial model for expensive sporting goods matches up with the brand image, consumer feels less pressure on the price changes. However, it does not determine the consumer's repeated purchases or sustainable transactions and it also has no absolute impact on the brand trust. In other words, consumer brand attitude should be recognized and approached as a routine strategy in view of the result that it is of great value as a causal variable in the process of consumer decision-making.

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Comparison of Life Style, School Achievement and Snaking Behaviors among Underweight and Overweight Adolescents (일부 저체중과 과체중 청소년의 생활습관, 학업성취도 및 간식섭취행동의 비교)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to obtain information related to life style characteristics, school achievement and snacking behaviors among underweight and overweight adolescents in Ulsan area. The survey was carried out by self-questionnaires with 464 adolescents (333 underweight and 131 overweight). The results were as follows: Average BMI of the subjects was $19.81{\pm}3.10\;kg/m^2$ which was normal range, but average BMI of underweight and overweight were $16.90{\pm}1.19\;kg/m^2$ and $25.38{\pm}2.16\;kg/m^2$ respectively. The 49.5% of underweight and 94.7% of overweight students have correct perception about their body image. In the sleeping time, 58.9% of underweight and 66.4% of overweight students go to bed after PM 12 o'clock. In the regularity of eating breakfast, 68.5% of underweight and 67.9% of overweight students skipping breakfast at least 5 times per week. 32.6% of the subjects had snack once or more a day. Underweight students had more frequently ate snack than overweight students. The criteria of choosing snack were taste (77.4%), nutrition (9.3%), and price (6.3%). Food as snack they frequently had fruits, milk & milk products, cookies in order. Underweight students had more dodkboki & sundae, candy & chocolate and cake & bread than overweight students, although overweight students had more milk & yogurt than underweight students. The group who had a higher school record, they significantly had more fruits, milk & milk products (p < 0.01) and had not less nutritious foods (p < 0.001). This study may provide basic information on weight status, sleeping and snacking behaviors of adolescents. Therefore they should have nutrition education program to improve their life style and snacking patterns for underweight and overweight adolescents toward healthy weight.

Perceptions of Quality Nursing care of Patients and Families (질적 간호에 대한 환자와 가족의 지각)

  • Chi, Sung-Ai;Kwon, Sung-Bok;Park, Eun-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.247-275
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to offer the results of content analysis and qualitative study that explored the perceptions about quality nursing care of patients and families as consumers and to identify the implications of this study for quality nursing care management and research. The data was collected from 12 adult patients and 9 families who were admmitted at medical and surgical nursing unit of one university hospital in Seoul from October, 1996 to January, 1997. Research participants were asked to response "what do you think quality nursing care?" and similar questions during the interviews was performed. Data were analyzed using open coding and content analysis with frequencies and percents of attributes of quality nursing care. Attributes of quality nursing care and meaning of quality nursing care that patients and families perceived were explored. 1. The attributes of quality nursing care that patient and families perceived were categorized into 56 attributes. The highest response rate among the attributes was 'one's heart at ease' (76.2%), and the next high response rates were ranked in order 'consideration' , 'care about' (each 61.9% 'expert skill' (57.1%), 'deal with problem promptly' , 'information offer' (42.9%), 'intimate feeling' (38.1%), 'smile' 'service spirit' , 'do one's best' (each 33.3%), 'frequent visit' (23.8%), 'observe the time' (23.8%), 'direct nursing care' , 'speaking warmly' , give a hope' , 'address kindly' , 'a sense of duty' , 'good facilities' (each 19.0%), 'inquire after a patient health' , 'patient-centered nursing care' , 'showing an example' , 'professional knowledge' , 'careless moraly patient' , 'give encourage to patients' , 'good answer a question' (each 14.3%), 'do not imprudently' , 'do not disregard' , 'broad knowledge' , 'emergency treatment skill' , 'dependability' ,'consolation' giving a sense of security' , 'a self sacrificing spirit' , 'a sense of responsibility' 'hard - working', 'enough disposition of nursing staff (each 9.5%), 'improve patient's pride' and the rest attributes exhibited 4.7%, respectively. 2. The attributes that were identified in patients' data only were 8 categories, 'service sprit' (58.3 %) 'expert knowledge' , 'good answer a question' (each 25.0%), 'hard working' (16.7%), 'a warm character', 'professional attainments', 'do without reserve', 'satisfaction' (each 8.3%), 3. The attributes were identified to families' data only were 31 categories, 'speaking warmly' , 'direct nursing care', 'adress kindly', 'patientcentered nursing care', 'showing an example' (each 33.3%). 'do not imprudently' , 'do not disregard' , 'consolation', 'giving a sense of security', 'broad knowledge' , 'emergency treatment skill', 'dependability' ,'a self - sacrificing spirit', 'a sense of responsibility' (each 22.2%), 'improve patient's pride' , 'without discrimination' , 'show kindness' , 'individual nursing care', 'being with patient' , 'helping' , 'accuracy' , 'without any mistake' , 'love' , 'self - confidence', 'self possession', 'a self - denying spirit' , 'a sense of duty' , 'tighten discipline' , 'disposed room with similar patient to diagnosis', 'compensatory relationship between me dical team' , 'role of connection' (each 11.1 %). 4. The attributes of quality nursing care were integrated into 11 categories that they were 'patientcentered nursing care' (25.1%), 'expertise' (22.1%), 'caring'(18.1%), 'kindness'(11.1%L 'nurse attainments(10.1%), 'sincerity' (7.5%), 'good environment' (2.0%), 'effective organizational management', 'coordination', 'enough nursing staff' ( each 1.0%), 'satisfaction' (0.5%) were showed in the order of the highest rate. 5. The concept of quality nursing care were defined as 'give a satisfaction to patients by patientcentered care based on professional skill and caring with kindness and sincerity'. The description of the meaning of quality nursing care provided by this research participants, patients and families can provide important information for quality nursing care management, medical marketing, education and researches of this field. On the basis of the above findings the following recommendations are made: to suggest to utilize this results for patient care in practice setting, development of quality assessment tool in nursing care, repeat study by the same subjects and method, and to a comparative study by the same method to nurse.

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A Study on the Awareness of the Yearly Income System among Dental Personnels (치과의료 종사자들의 연봉제 실시에 관한 의식도 조사연구)

  • Yoon, Mi-Sook;Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.5-10
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to examine how medical personnels in the field of dentistry perceived the introduction of the yearly income system in an effort to determine some of the right directions for that and find out in which way that could be vitalized. For that purpose, literature concerned and relevant materials were reviewed, and a survey was conducted on 95 medical personnels, who were working at dental hospitals and clinics throughout the nation, for approximately five months from April through August 2002. After the collected data were analyzed, the following findings were acquired; (1) Regarding their awareness of the yearly income system by the type of institute, the workers from the dental hospitals found the yearly income system, more than the others from the dental clinics did, to enlarge their sense of involvement in management (p<.001), further work productivity(p<.01), awake their target-oriented sense of mission(p<.01) and make them feel uneasy about their future(p<.05). (2) As to differences between the dentists and dental hygienists, the former group had a higher opinion about that system(p<.01) and its effect on impartial performance appraisal(p<.01), encouraging medical personnels to deploy their abilities(p<.01), furthering work productivity(p<.001), intensifying a target-oriented sense of mission(p<.001). (3) Concerning their perception by career, those who had longer experience to work in that field considered it to strengthen work severity(p<.05) more than the others who had shorter experience did, and the former group thought that system was more likely to concentrate on a short-term achievement (p<.05). The workers who had been working for three to five years were more conscious of change in office hours (p<.01), and those who had been working for two or less years viewed that system most favorably(p<.05). (4) In order for that system to be successful, impartial performance appraisal was most widely called for(31.6%), followed by trust between labor and management(26.3%), worker's positive attitude toward that system(16.8%), CEO's firm belief in that(12.3%), and setting up a feasible target. The workers from the dental hospitals put more stress on medical personnel's favorable attitude toward that system(p<.05) than the others from the dental clinics did. And the dentists placed more stock in setting up a feasible target, which was a criteria of determining the amount of annual income, than the dental hygienists did.

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