• Title/Summary/Keyword: Health-concerned

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A Survey on the Utilization of Maternity and Child Health Service, and Service Requirement (보건소 모자보건실 서비스 이용실태 및 요구도 조사 연구)

  • Cho, Seong-Min;Kim, Il-Ok
    • Korean Parent-Child Health Journal
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2003
  • Thus, I studied Health services supplied by local health centers and the requirements of the inhabitants visiting the health care facilities. The purpose of this study was to provide basic material for the establishment of Health care policy and the development of health care businesses. The target places for this study were 4 health centers; Chungrang-Gu, Nowon-Gu, Eunpyung-Gu, Songpa-Gu, with 509 mothers who were visiting the Centers. The question items of this study concerned a total of 124 health-related services provided by the Health Centers. The data was collected for a total of 92 days; July 1st~September 30th, 1999. 800 questionaries were distributed and 559 answered, 509 were analyzed finally. The collected data were processed using the SAS program to get mean, standard deviation, percentage. Open questions were made to reveal the opinions of mothers using the health care center. The results were as follows : 1. Among the participants of the study, 49.7% were 25~29 years of age, 84.3% were house wives by current occupation, 56.2% were from 4~6 person households. 52.1 were educated at a high school level, and 43.6% were educated at a collage level. 2. The highest percentage(53.6%) of the users were spontaneous in their utilization of health care center. The major reason for using the Health care center is that it is free to 65.8% of those covered and of low cost to 19.3% of those covered. 3. The satisfaction level of those using the health care center appeared to be generally high. The general average value showed up as $3.027{\pm}0.519$. 4. The level of recognition of the value of the heath care center services was high, particularly in the basic item of diagnoses of pregnancy, particularly in the basic item of diagnoses of pregnancy. However, the satisfaction level of health care education In pregnancy is low at 20~40%. In the meantime, the level of recognition in breast- feeding benefits is high at 76.8%. 5. The rate of realizing health care center's service campaign was generally low at 10~20%. 41.3 of the people knew the advertizing material of the health care centers. 32.4% of the people knew the advertizing material of the health care centers. 32.4% of the people knew the campaign of health care center for importance of breast-feeding benefits. 30.1% of the people knew the campaign for testing congenital mechanism disease. In the meantime about 50% was recognised the health care centers campaign for the importance and time of infants vaccination. 6. The need for enhancement of health care center services was shown to be high as $3.266{\pm}0.676$ as an average, chicken pox vaccination being the most highly requested at $3.565{\pm}0.587.$. 7. Among the open questions, the additional service to be provided were as follows ; increase of campaign of health care center services, furnishing advertizing books in public locations, providing shuttle bus service to the health care centers, extension of desire for preventative injections, rest and play areas for the children of the families serviced, consultation rooms, etc.

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Community development and parasite control (지역사회개발(地域社會開發)과 기생충(寄生虫))

  • Rim, Han-Jong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 1976
  • The traditional application of night soil to vegetable gardens and rice paddies results in a most wide spread condition of parasitism, with a variety of helminths found in Korea. In addition to the above fact, the peculiar habit of the consumption of raw vegetables, fish, crustaceans and mammals provides a means of infestations of helminths. During the last sixty years numerous reports were found on the prevalence of helminths amongst the Korean population in different parts of the country, and it was generally recognized that ascariasis, hookworm disease, filariasis, clonorchiasis and paragonimiasis constitute the important helminthic disease in Korea. In practical measures of parasite control activities the main measures are summarized as mass-treatment, night-soil disposal and transmission control. Among the three, the mass-treatment has been commonly applied, however, no reduction of transmission has been obtained by treatment of a population. Therefore, the ultimate eradication of parasites will depend upon the application of comprehensive environmental sanitation measures. The basic environmental measures will be concerned with (a) the safe disposal of human excreta, (b) the provision of adequate and safe water supplies in such a way as to promote a higher standard of personal hygiene in the population, and (c) the prevention of food contamination by faecal material. Additional environmental measures will deal with the improvement of housing and housing hygiene and with general community development. Community development means social and cultural as well as economic development. The control measures on the parasitic endemic diseases, such as clonorchiasis and paragonimiasis are the good examples for community health development in Korea. The control of Clonorchis and Paragonimus infections are theoretically very simple, as the infection can only invade the human body by way of encysted metacercaria which are taken into the body when eating passive intermediate hosts(fishes, crabs and crayfishes). Although prophylactic measures in the case of the infections deal with above merely consist the fishes in cooking or submerging in hot water before eating them, it is exceedingly difficult to carry out such simple measures in face of century old traditions, to which the relatively primitive population clings with great tenacity. There is no one universally applicable method of control. The choice of methods must be dictated by the nature of the environment. the habit and custom of the people. the pattern of transmission and the resources of the country. There must exist a well organized public health infrastructure. Since a control programme is of necessity on a longterm basis and continuity in its implementation is essential. An investigation should be made on the prevalence of the diseases and its relationships to irrigation engineering, freshwater ecology, agricultural methods, hydro-electric schemes, and the development of communities in affected areas. In conclusion, however. the control of clonorchiasis and paragonimiasis in Korea is not an impossible task. A combination of efforts with major emphasis on health education and mass chemotherapy coupled with governmental aid in enforcing legislative public health measures could reduce the diseases. Health education in particular attempts following four things: (a) It supplies a person with enough general knowledge about a disease to make the preventive measures. (b) It makes a person feel sufficiently about the importance of his own health to make him alter his behavior and adopt these preventive measure. (c) It makes him concerned for the health others. (d) It tries to make him feel so strongly about the first three that be supports and even initiates preventive action by the community. Educational efforts should be directed primarily toward school children because it is during the early years that most persons become infected, and also because children are less entrenched in their food habits so that, the educational process should be involved at various levels in successive changes of knowledge, attitude, beha viour, habit and custom of their lives. The most parasitic endemic diseases are related to community diseases. In caring for a sick community. the first stage is to gather epidemiological data, the next is to make inferences from it-to make the community diagnosis. The third is to prescribe community treatment or community health action part of a community health action programme. The community health action is the sum of the steps decided upon to remedy the critical features revealed by the community diagnosis. Action takes various forms; health education is the most important.

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Outpatient Antibiotic Prescription Patterns for Respiratory Tract Infections of Infants (소아 호흡기감염 외래환자에 대한 항생제 처방양상)

  • Kim, Yejee;Lee, Suehyung;Park, Sylvia;Na, Hyen Oh;Tchoe, Byongho
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.323-332
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    • 2015
  • Background: Antibiotic resistance has been becoming serious challenge to human beings. Overuse of antibiotics, especially, for infants is concerned, but studies are very few for the prescribing pattern of antibiotic use for infants. This study analyzes prescribing patterns of antibiotics in outpatients of preschool children with acute respiratory tract infections in South Korea. Methods: Data are used from 2011 Health Insurance Review & Assessment Services-pediatric patients sample. Inclusion criteria is outpatient children (0 to 5 years) with top five frequent diseases. Prescription rates are analyzed by types of disease, provider, specialty, region, and ages. Binary or multinomial logit models are used to analyze determinants of providers' prescription pattern. Results: The main findings are as follows. First, distributions of prescription rates are shown as L-shape or M-shape depending on the types of disease. Second, the prescription variation is so large among providers, where providers are polarized as a group with low prescription rates and the other group with high prescription rates, though the shapes are shown diversified across types of disease. Third, prescription rates appear to be lower in pediatrics and higher in ENT (ear-nose-throat). Fourth, broad spectrum antibiotics are widely used among children. Finally, the logit analysis shows similar results with descriptive statistics, but partly different results across types of disease. Conclusion: Antibiotics for respiratory tract infections of infants are used excessively with a large variation among providers, and especially broad spectrum antibiotics are used. The prescription guideline for antibiotics should be provided for each specific disease to reduce antibiotic resistance in the future.

A Survey on Home Care Team's Perception in Health Center about Home-based Physical Therapy among Home Care Service for Long Term Care Insurance (노인장기요양보험제도에 있어 방문물리치료서비스에 대한 보건소 방문사업팀의 인식도 조사)

  • Yoon, Tae-Hyung;Kim, Hee-Ra;Park, Rae-Joon
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2009
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of home care team's home based physical therapy in public health center Method: We surveyed 11 questionnaires for hone care team in health center from 1st to 30th, November in 2008. Results: The person who recognized the exclusion fact of home-based physical therapy in long term care insurance was 64.2% in whole 109 people. About necessity of home-based physical therapy, "absolutely necessary" as the person answer was 43.1%. Home-based physical therapy in the insurance must come to be provided with a precedence was 81.3%. About starting time of hereafter home-based physical therapy "after 1 years" the opinion which was 60.7%. Opinion about operation institution of home-based physical therapy "the pubic hospital or health center" was 52.3%. In composition form of the home-based physical therapy team "with the physical therapist and occupation therapist come together" was investigated with 37.4%. Conclusion: As long term care insurance will be developed, discussion about quality- of-service must be continuous and depth. Relates hereupon, the academic, researchers, and the persons concerned must consider the best quality of life improvement of the citizen and prepare the ground which systemic, rational, and actual on starting of home-based physical therapy in long term care insurance.

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Analysis of antimicrobial resistance and PFGE patterns of Salmonella spp. isolated from chickens at slaughterhouse in Incheon area (인천지역 닭 도축장에서 분리된 Salmonella spp.의 항생제 내성 및 PFGE 패턴분석)

  • Yang, Ha-Young;Lee, Sung-Mo;Park, Eun-Jeong;Kim, Jung-Hee;Lee, Jung-Goo
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.325-334
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    • 2009
  • Salmonella spp. are the important pathogens both economically and clinically in animals as well as human. Some of them have highly zoonotic potentials even though they are asymptomatic in animals. Therefore, the prevalence of Salmonella spp. in animals is highly concerned for human health. The present study was carried out to investigate the prevalence, antimicrobial resistance and PFGE patterns of Salmonella spp. isolated from chickens at slaughterhouse in Incheon area. The overall isolation rate of Salmonella spp. from cloaca and cecum specimens was 7.3 % (37/510). Thirty seven isolates of Salmonella spp. were identified to 5 serotypes; S. Enteritidis, S. Newport, S. Typhimurium, S. Gallinarum, and S. Derby with prevalence of 46.0%, 40.5%, 8.1%, 2.7%, and 2.7%, respectively. Resistance to nalidixic acid was found in 97.3% of Salmonella spp. isolated, followed by streptomycin (16.2%), tetracycline (16.2%), ampicillin (5.4%). Only 6 isolates (16.2%) showed resistance to more than two antimicrobials. In PFGE analysis of chicken and human isolates with Xba I, S. Enteritidis isolates from chicken showed very high similarity over 82.8% and also the similarity was very high in the comparison with human isolates. However, the higher similarity (100%) was observed among chicken isolates of S. Typhimurium. These results suggest the close genetic relatedness of Salmonella spp. isolated from chickens with human.

Effects of the Program for Correction of Eating Habits to Prevent Digestive Disorders of Workers in Small Workplace (소규모사업장에서의 근로자 위장질환 관리 프로그램의 효과)

  • Choi, Jeong-Myung;Kim, Chun-Mi;Hyun, Hye-Jin;Yun, Soon-Nyung
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study, as a project for health management at small workplace by Korean association of occupational health nurse, was to evaluate the program for correction of eating habits to prevent digestive disorders of workers. The study cases were twenty nine workers who voluntarily participated in the above program and they were from small(under fifty employees) workplace at Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul. The study was done between January, 2000 and May, 2000. This program was concerned with daily menu for correction of eating habits and was composed of individual health education and distributing guide books and video. Nurses visited the workplace for the program once a week or two weeks. The result of this program was evaluated by paired t-test of digestive symptoms, eating habits, and self-efficacy before and after the fulfillment of the program. The result could be summarized as below. 1) There were decrease in digestive symptoms and improvement in eating habits and self-efficacy from study cases after fulfillment of the program. 2) The most common digestive symptoms were heartburn, upper abdominal pain, indigestion. The symptom which had been improved through the program were indigestion, heartburn and anorexia in the order. 3) The most improved eating habit was to eat flat foods instead of salty and spicy foods. The most improved self-efficacy was 'I can follow any helpful guides for my health'. The result indicated the program was successful for workers at small workplace. The continual management by nurses' regular visit once a week or two weeks was the most important thing for the successful program.

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Convergence of Relationship between Obesity and Periodontal Disease in Adults (성인의 비만과 치주질환과의 융합적 관계)

  • Lee, Yu-Hee;Choi, Jung-OK
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between oral health behaviors and periodontal diseases in adult obese people. Using the original data of the second phase of the 6th National Health and Nutrition Survey, the final 4381 adults were extracted. We analyzed frequency and technical statistics and chi - square test and multiple logistic regression analysis using SPSS statistical program to confirm the association between body mass index, number of brushing, drinking, smoking and oral health status and behavior. As a result, the prevalence of periodontal disease decreased as the number of toothbrushing increased, and the prevalence of periodontal disease increased as the body mass index increased. Through this study, obesity, a global health issue, should be more concerned with oral care and develop oral health management programs.

The Types of Recognition in Parents of Children Oral Care : Q-methodological Approach (아동의 구강관리에 대한 부모들의 인식유형 : Q-방법론적 접근)

  • Kim, Jin-A;Kim, Kyung-Hee;Chung, Hae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.281-293
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a program of oral health education for children and to furnish basic data contributing to the improvement of children's oral health. In this study, we tried to analyze and discover the types of recognition in parents of children's oral care. With the use of Q-methodology that could systematically and scientifically estimate the subjectivity of humans, 28 parents were collected as a P-sample. 3 general types were discovered. The characteristics of each type were the following: Type 1. "Serious consideration of prevention care type" took a positive attitude to their children's oral care, were knowledgable, and maintained high concern about oral care. They regularly visited dentists for prevention and believed in caries prevention through brushing teeth. They also put high trust in dentists. Type 2. "Disposition by the existing state type" believed that caries could develop even with brushing teeth and could be inherited from parents, Practically, they had a passive attitude to their children's oral care depending on stages and were more concerned with the appearance of dentition than with their children's oral health. Type 3. "Home care-centered type" had less knowledge about children's oral care than the other two types and was careless for teeth prevention. Therefore, they had not intended to participate in the oral health education program.

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Application of the TaqMan® real-time PCR assay for the detection of chicken (Gallus gallus) meat in pork products (돼지고기 제품 내 닭고기 검출을 위한 TaqMan® real-time PCR의 적용)

  • Koh, Ba-Ra-Da;Kim, Ji-Yeon;Na, Ho-Myung;Park, Seong-Do;Kim, Yong-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.193-201
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    • 2013
  • Many consumers are increasingly concerned about the meat they eat, and accurate labelling is important due to public health, economic and legal concerns. Meat species adulteration is a common problem in the retail markets. In this study, a TaqMan$^{(R)}$ quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was applied for its ability to quantify chicken meat, which was not indicated on the label, in 79 commercial pork products (ham, sausages, bacon and ground meat) producted by 10 different manufacturers. The amplification efficiency was 82.05% and the square regression coefficient ($R^2$) was 0.995. PCR results showed that 38.6% of ham samples, 50.0% of sausages samples, and 50.0% of ground meat samples were contaminated with chicken residuals, while the bacon samples were not contaminated with chicken residuals. Only twelve pork products of one of the manufacturers were in accordance with indicated in their labels. The PCR assay reported in this work could be particularly useful in inspection programs to verify the food labelling of commercial processed meats and to gain consumers' trust.

Patterns of Vitamin/Mineral Supplements Usage among the Middle-Aged in Korea (중년기의 비타민.무기질 보충제 복용 실태 조사)

  • 김선효
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.236-252
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    • 1994
  • This survey was accomplished to investigate the patterns of vitamin/mineral supplements usage in the middle-aged. Eight hundred seventy two persons of middle age were chosen from various cities and rural communities in Korea. In this study, those factors affecting vitamin/mineral supplements consumption, and usage patterns were examined. In addition, vitamin and mineral intakes through supplements were calculated, and then compared with RDA. As a result, vitamin/mineral supplements were taken by 40.8% of subjects. The higher the age, education level, family income and socioeconomic status were, the higher the percentage of supplements consumption was. City-dewellers used them more often than rural-dewellers. And vitamin/mineral supplements were taken frequently in subjects who perceived their health as poor, and concerned much about health. Illness and climacteric symptoms were also related with elevated usage. However, nutritional knowledge and food habit did not affect supplements consumption. Users mostly received information about supplements from TV/radio/newspapers, of family/friends. One of the mainly cited reasons for taking supplements, next to ' to give energy', was 'to be healthier'. The four most favored supplements, in ranking order, were vitamin B-complex, vitamin E, vitamin A and Ca. Most vitamin and mineral intakes through supplements were much greater than RDA except Ca. Especially, vitamin B1 intake was the highest as 49.6$\pm$34.9 times of RDA. In conclusion, vitamin/mineral supplements used by the middle-aged in Korea was as high as those of western countries. Supplements consumption seemed to be related with affluence, poor health status, and high level of health consiousness. And supplements tended to be taken for health promotion irrespective of scientific background. Most vitamin and mineral intakes by supplements were exceeded RDA, and their intake ranges were very wide. Thus some subjects should give attention to the potential harms of megadose.

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