• 제목/요약/키워드: Health-concerned

검색결과 689건 처리시간 0.031초

환자가 지각하는 의료인의 볼친절경험에 관한 연구 (Patient의s Perceptions of Health Professionals의 Unkind Behavior)

  • 김문실;신윤희
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.421-443
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study was to identify patients' perceptions of health professionals' unkind behavior and the effects of this unkind behavior using a Phenomenological research methodology. Understanding of this phenomena should enlighten nurses to interaction and relationship problems between patient and health professionals and thus lead to further research toward enhancing these interaction and relationships. The subjects were 40 adult patients hospitalized in a university hospital in Seoul. They were from 20 to 65 yews old and hospitalized at IM, GS, OS, NS, OB /GY ward. Their hospital days were from 4 to 72. Data were collected from July 29 to August 9, 1991 and from January 6 to 17, 1992. The research questions were “What behavior on the part of health professionals you perceive as unkind and what effect does such behavior have in you\ulcorner”. Responses to the non-structured open-ended questions were audio-recorded during the interviews done by two nurses researchers. Data were analyzed using the phenomenological method of Colazzi. The validity was enhanced by confirmation of the analysis by two nursing clinical researchers, and professor of psychology, and philosophy, all knowledgable of phenomenological research. From the protocols, 146 significant statements about unkind behavior were organized into 38 formulating meanings which were then grouped into six clusters of themes. Patients' Perceived health professional' unkind behavior as being cold, insincere, unconcerned, disregardful, lacking in technical skill, and failing to provide a therapeutic environment. From the protocols, 65 significant statements about the influence of such behavior on patient care were organized into 18 formulating meanings which were then grouped into four clusters of themes. Patients perceived these unkind behavior influencing then emotionally, physically and having negative effects on their compliance with medical and nursing care. The study points to the need for health professionals to understand how their behavior may be perceived by their patients as unkind behavior. Patients perceptions of health professionals' unkind behavior may suggest the opposite desire, that professionals have exellent medical knowledge and skill and that they be sincere, concerned, respectful and warm emotionally toward their patients.

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국민기초생활보장수급자 노인의 건강 특성이 우울에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Health Characteristics on Depression of Elderly Beneficiaries of the National Basic Livelihood Scheme)

  • 허정이;이윤정;이금재;김희걸
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.327-337
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to determine the prevalence rate of depression and the associated factors affecting the depression among the elderly beneficiaries of the national basic livelihood scheme. Methods: From the beneficiaries of the "visiting health care program" in a city the beneficiaries (aged 65 years or older) of the national basic livelihood scheme were selected. A total of 677 subjects were included in the study and hence for data analyses. Results: The observed prevalence rate of depression was 80.5% (mild depression was 60.2%, and severe depression was 20.3%). The factors influencing depression were indicative of subjective health status, walking exercise, hypertension, and diabetes. Conclusion: On the basis of our study results, as a strategy to reduce the prevalence rate of depression among the elderly concerned, we are of the opinion that it is very much necessary to motivate them to practice continuous and regular walking exercises in easily accessible places by mobilizing community resources such as visiting nurses and volunteers. Such efforts may not only immediately reduce the morbidity rate of depression among the low-income elderly, but also, in the long run, prevent suicides and contribute to improving their mental health status to an appreciable extent.

General Workers Living with Younger Children in Fukushima Performed more Preventive Behavior against Radiation during and after the Nuclear Disaster

  • Kanda, Hideyuki;Sugaya, Nagisa;Takahashi, Kenzo;Mizushima, Shunsaku;Koyama, Kikuo
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제14권11호
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    • pp.6893-6897
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    • 2013
  • Background: During and after the Fukushima nuclear disaster (FND), many parents were concerned about the effects of radiation on the health of their children. Purpose: To clarify the factors that influenced general workers living with children and the effect of child age groups in implementing preventive behaviorsagainst radiation following the FND. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study of preventive behaviors among general workers was carried out 3-5 months after the nuclear disaster. The subjects were 1,394 regular workers, who took part in radiation seminars run by the Fukushima Occupational Health Promotion Center between July and September, 2011. In total, 1,217 responses were submitted, of which 1,110 were eligible for the present study. This anonymous questionnaire survey inquired about the presence and age of children in the household and about radiation preventive behavior implemented after the FND. The contribution of each variable was assessed by logistic regression analysis. Results: General workers in Fukushima who lived with younger children performed more preventive behavior against radiation during and after the FND. In particular, both location-related and daily routines were practiced significantly more frequently (p<0.01) by workers living with a child in the age ranges of 0-6 (8 of 10 items) and 7-12 (5 of 10 items). Conclusions: This is the first study to assess the positive association between living with children by age group and increased preventive behavior against radiation implemented by general workers after the FND.

국내 일부학교 건축물의 실내공기질 평가 (The Assessment of Survey on the Indoor Air Quality at Schools in Korea)

  • 손종렬;노영만;손부순
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.140-148
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    • 2006
  • Recently, indoor air quality (IAQ) in workplace, residential environments and schools has been concerned of people, scientists and related the public, and has recognized the health effects related to indoor air pollution. Therefore, this study was performed to investigate the characteristics of IAQ in 55 kindergartens, elementary school, middle schools, and high schools from June, 2004 to May, 2005 in Korea. We measured indoor air pollutants($PM_{10},\;CO_2$, HCHO, total bacteria colony(TBC), CO, radon, TVOCs, asbestos, and $O_3$), and physical factors(noise, temperature, relative humidity, and illumination) with necessary of management for IAQ in school. We classified into 5 kinds of the school by period since building completion, <1 year, 1-3 years, 3-5 years, and 5-10 years. The concentration of pollutants and the level of physical factors compared with standards and guidelines of IAQ on the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development. The major results obtained from this study were as follows. Temperature, relative humidity and illumination among the physical factors did not exceed the standards, but noise exceeded it. Asbestos and $O_3$ did not detect in surveyed classrooms. CO, TBC, TVOCs, and HCHO in kindergartens, TBC in elementary schools, TBC, TVOCs dnd HCHO in middle schools, and HCHO in high schools detected the standards. This study is conducted as a part of efforts to provide a foundational data for further relative researches on management of IAQ of school. Therefore, we suggest that country plan for management of IAQ in school should be established through long-term and continuous investigation for assessment on IAQ in school and health risk assessment for students.

만성 질환자의 건강문제와 아로마 요법 (Aromatherapy of Patients with Chronic Diseases)

  • 김명자;박형숙;송효정
    • 가정∙방문간호학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we checked health problems of outpatients who suffered from cancer, apoplexy, and arthritis. After accessing each patients condition, in order to alleviate their sufferings, we introduced several methods of aroma therapy as a holistic approach to these health problems. Aromatherapy, which can be defined as a nature-friendly complementary / alternative method, has its great merit in its easy way of treatment by the family member of patient or patient himself. Recently, it was scientifically proved that aroma therapy has various curative effects. The easiness of applying aroma therapy is full of suggestions concerned with the future of nursing science. Recently, in the domain of home care nursing, there happened a fundamental change in its structure: a change from the supplier/professional-centered to the consumer/patient-centered one. With this change, home care nursing as a cherished desire of nursing science obtained its legal ground in the established medical programs and, in the same context, patients came to have the chance to receive demanded medical services in their home without going through complicated hospital admission procedures. Considering the future status of home care nursing as a major contributor in the consumer-centered structure of medical health service, aroma therapy as a complementary/alternative method is expected to contribute not only to establishing more effective structure of health service supply but also to resolving chronic health problem of outpatients.

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Depression and the Risk of Breast Cancer: A Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies

  • Sun, Hui-Lian;Dong, Xiao-Xin;Cong, Ying-Jie;Gan, Yong;Deng, Jian;Cao, Shi-Yi;Lu, Zu-Xun
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제16권8호
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    • pp.3233-3239
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    • 2015
  • Background: Whether depression causes increased risk of the development of breast cancer has long been debated. We conducted an updated meta-analysis of cohort studies to assess the association between depression and risk of breast cancer. Materials and Methods: Relevant literature was searched from Medline, Embase, Web of Science (up to April 2014) as well as manual searches of reference lists of selected publications. Cohort studies on the association between depression and breast cancer were included. Data abstraction and quality assessment were conducted independently by two authors. Random-effect model was used to compute the pooled risk estimate. Visual inspection of a funnel plot, Begg rank correlation test and Egger linear regression test were used to evaluate the publication bias. Results: We identified eleven cohort studies (182,241 participants, 2,353 cases) with a follow-up duration ranging from 5 to 38 years. The pooled adjusted RR was 1.13(95% CI: 0.94 to 1.36; $I^2=67.2%$, p=0.001). The association between the risk of breast cancer and depression was consistent across subgroups. Visual inspection of funnel plot and Begg's and Egger's tests indicated no evidence of publication bias. Regarding limitations, a one-time assessment of depression with no measure of duration weakens the test of hypothesis. In addition, 8 different scales were used for the measurement of depression, potentially adding to the multiple conceptual problems concerned with the definition of depression. Conclusions: Available epidemiological evidence is insufficient to support a positive association between depression and breast cancer.

한의학적인 생명관의 특징과 건강의 정의 (Concepts of Life and Health Definition in Traditional Korean Medicine)

  • 이선동;박해모
    • 대한예방한의학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.33-51
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    • 2006
  • With the reduction of contagious diseases throughout the world and prolonged life expectancy has lead into increase of habitual related diseases. Industrial development and better economic situation made people more concerned about their health. As primary illnesses are subdued in the past years, health care system and the public value prevention and well-being more than the treatment itself. Based on this trend, this study focused on the view of life from the perspective of Oriental medicine as it's peculiarities, regimen methods, and the definition of healthy life are evaluated. Following results were obtained: - View of life in Oriental medicine focused on two basic principles of interrelationship between the organs internally, inter-dependency with the natural environment and social surrounding externally as recognition and respect between the medium were valued. - Sustaining and maintaining good health in Oriental medicine are closely related to prenatally healthy pregnancy and fetation, as well as prenatal training. Postnatal maintenance includes accommodation to seasonal changes, adequate food intake, mind control, various regimen methods and avoidance of wrong doings. - Defining health includes body's internal condition and external influences, principles of essence, qi, spirit, and yin and yang, harmony and balance, and individuality. - To conclude, good health in Oriental medicine is defined as 'external adaptation to society and natural environment, and internal balancing of individual difference with accumulation of essence, nurturing and circulating qi, and every material around the body in harmony and balance."

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건강보험 요양급여비용 계약의 문제점과 개선방안 연구 (Problems and Solutions for Korean Medical Fee Contract System)

  • 신성철
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2009
  • Korean medical fee contract system between the insurer and healthproviders was introduced in 2000. However, a continuous discord among contracting parties concerned and an irrational operation of an arbitration committee of Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs (MIHWAF) have made it difficult for them to reach to an agreement over last 8 years. The purpose of this study is to observe the current problems of contract system from the view of health insurance law and actual examples. Furthermore, I examined the of breakdown of negotiation by analyzing the eligibility of contracting parties, rationality of Resource Based Relative Value System (RBRVS) and contracting method and fairness of arbitration method in case of negotiation rupture. The results were as follows: First, since the introduction of medical fee contract system, there has been a problem in that both the president of National Health Insurance Corporation (NHIC) and health care provider association have not held strong negotiation power. Second, the frequent changes and notifications of Relative Value Units (RVUs) without any mutual consent between the insurer and provider association negatively have influenced the conversion factors and finally hindered the agreement of contract. Third, a current process that the conversion factors are mediated and determined at the arbitration committee of MIHWAF in the case of contract breakdown between contracting parties has some flaw in that the irrational composition of committee provoked the lack of fairness and objectivity of mediation. Fourth, we can not prospect a satisfactory outcome of arbitration committee because the mediation always has failed to proceed smoothly due to boycott of both committee members from insurer and providers over last 8 years. As a result, we have to make an every effort to resolve problems mentioned above and then dream of an advanced national health insurance system.

Comparative study of the Korean Regulations, Standards and Guidelines for the Human Vibration with Other Countries

  • Kim, Day Sung;Lee, Dong-Kyung;Kim, Kyoo Sang
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.321-331
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    • 2013
  • Objective: The aim of this study is to review the literatures on the regulation, standard and guideline for the human vibration in Korea and other countries. Background: This review can be used to prevent various diseases caused by the human vibration as a basis for the development of the policy. Results: In Korea, the general employers' duties related to human vibration are set forth the Health Measures(Article 24) in the Occupational Safety and Health Act. And then an employer shall take measures to protect the health of the workers concerned by improving other working conditions relating to working hours for the vibration prevention measures referred to in Article 24 of the Act. The European Union adopted a Directive in 2002 on minimum requirements for the health and safety of workers exposed to vibration. New Regulations on Vibration at Work will be introduced in Great Britain on 2005 to implement the Directive. In the U.S., both ANSI and ACGIH adopted the ISO standard for measurement and suggested exposure action and limit values. In Japan, the Ministry of Labor decided that the vibration syndrome among operators of rock drills and riveters etc. could be included in an occupational disease(1947). In addition, ISO standard was based on proposals and draft documents of many countries such as U.K, Japan and European, etc. Conclusion: In Korea, Occupational Safety and Health Act prevent vibration to health, but do not include exposure limits. It is therefore important to consider the new duties regarding to vibration risks added to the general duties.

국내 노인치위생학 교육과정 현황분석 (Analysis of current status of curriculum for geriatric dental hygiene in Korea)

  • 김여주;장종화;조자원
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.865-874
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the current status and educational contents of the geriatric-related curriculum in dental hygiene departments at colleges across the country. Methods: To analyze the current status of geriatric curriculum, it was investigated by searching the websites of colleges across the country where dental hygiene (curriculum) department was available. Furthermore, a literature review of domestic and foreign textbooks related to geriatric dental hygiene was conducted to analyze the contents of geriatric dental hygiene curriculum. Results: Among colleges that offer dental hygiene (curriculum) department, 8 four-year and 12 three-year colleges (24.4%) offered geriatric dental hygiene courses. A comparison of the contents of the textbooks titled "Geriatric dental hygiene" published by Goonja, Daehan Narae, and Komoonsa showed that basic contents such as the characteristics, health problems, and oral health problems of elderly -people were described in the same context. However, there was a difference in the volume and importance of the concerned contents also. Conclusions: Universities and related organizations which offer dental hygiene curriculum should continue to conduct studies for the development of geriatric hygiene curricula. Moreover, heightened efforts are needed to ensure that geriatric dental hygiene education is more systematically offered.