• 제목/요약/키워드: Health-concerned

검색결과 689건 처리시간 0.032초

가정전문간호사의 죽음인식과 죽음 불안이 임종간호태도에 미치는 영향 (Association of Perceptions and Anxiety of Home Health Nurses about Death, on their Attitudes to Terminal Care)

  • 김숙희
    • 가정∙방문간호학회지
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.251-262
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the extent to which in-hospital-based home health nurses' perceptions and anxiety about death following terminal care, affects their attitudes toward terminal care. Methods: The subjects were 128 advanced practice nurses working in hospital-based facilities for home health care, located in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Incheon Metropolitan City. Data were collected from May 3, 2019, to June 3, 2019, using structured questionnaires, on terminal care and related variables based on the literature. Data were analyzed by performing the Student's t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, and multivariable stepwise regression using the SPSS Version 25.0 program. Results: The scores of the attitudes toward terminal care of home health care nurses was 3.25 points out of a possible 4 points. Factors affecting nurses' attitudes toward terminal care were their concern about death(β=0.45, p<0.001), religion(β=-0.26, p=0.001) and the anxiety of others about dying(β=-0.23, p=0.003), which explained 32.0% of the observed variance concerning the factors affecting nurses' attitudes toward terminal care. Conclusion: Through this study, concern about death, anxiety about how other people process dying, and religion, were found to be associated factors. The more concerned the nurses were about death and the less their anxiety about how others process dying, the better the home health care nurses' attitude toward implementing terminal care.

만경강 본류 중 오염우심지역의 TP 저감방안 연구 (A Study on the Reduction of Total Phosphate of the Concerned Pollution Area in the Main Stream of Mangyeong River)

  • 최정화;권재옥;이미선;장욱;최근화;고은혜;심서현;조창우
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제38권6호
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    • pp.316-326
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to investigate the causes of the increasing Total Phosphate(TP) in the mainstream of Mangyeong river over the past 10 years, and suggested a reduction plan of about 3 points. First, the high TP concentration was continuously released in the discharge outlet of the Haepo bridge stormwater pipeline. The average TP concentration was 5.066 mg/L and values as high as 29.470 mg/L were measured. The highest pollution contribution rate to the Mangyeong river was more than 70 %. The cause of the pollution was expected to take place somewhere in Wanju Industrial Complex. Second, the average TP concentration of wastewater-treated effluent in the H factory was 0.405 mg/L. If a TP reduction facility is additionally installed in the H factory, it will help reduce TP uptake by Lake Saemangeum. Third, the TP concentration of untreated non-point source point flowing into the Samrae stream was very high with an average of 2.828 mg/L. Also, the pollution contribution rate of Samraecheon 2 to Mangyeong river was 21.8 % on average and up to 58 %. The pollution contribution rate was also high during the agricultural season and the winter, during which the flow rate is decreased. Investigation of these three points may be continuously needed, and analysis results and policy proposals presented to Jeollabukdo and Wanjugun to manage pollution sources.

청소년기의 건강증진과 학교보건교육의 발전방향 (Adolescent Health Promotion and Development of School Health Education)

  • 유재순
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.27-50
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    • 1998
  • Adolescent health is considered to contribute to health promotion in the home and community in the near future as well as individual health. However, adolescent health has been neglected from education field because of competitive school education focused on the university entrance examination That's why I suggest in this study that we should pay much more attention to adolescent health condition and try to make It better, in terms of man-power development and life-health promotion for nation development The purposes of this study are as follows First, to look into a variety of adolescent health problems Second, to find out the situation and problems of current adolescent health promotion and school health education Third, to make an effort to find, based on the current situation, various developments of adolescent health promotion and school health education in terms of practical, political and environmental change There are used study methods as adolescent-related, school heath-related literature review and anlysis of statistical data The results and suggestions are as follows Teenagers have a great variey of health problems including most Important physical, mental and social developments Recently, chronic diseases, emotional problems, health-risk behaviors linked With adolescents are on increase The complicated disorders of physical, mental, social health rather than paricular aspects of health or health-behavior problems influence adolescent health problems adolescence is regarded as the period when most health-related behaviors are formed. Therefore, adolescent health promotion would he assured by developing the ability of controlling multi-dimensional health determinants in the early stage. Health promotion is a positive concept that each individual, family and community makes real efforts to improve their health To achive this, we need health educational, organizational, political and environmental supports. Adolescent health promotion in Korea has been systematically treated in the category of school health Current school health services have had lots of systemic, constitutional, administrative and educational flaws Accordingly, I'm concerned that we can afford to accept a variety of adolescent health needs However, I would say that if were not to make those flaws better, it's certain that Korean national competitive power and the quality of the lives of most Koreans Will he threatened someday We have to develop Comprehensive School Health Crriculum(CSHC) and set up its standards to Improve adolescent health. CSHC is an organizational and costant process. CSHC means an Important part of overall curriculums. In addition, I could say that it's an Important school health education acivity including current school health services-health care service and school health environment. In conclusion, in order to develop CSHC, we require school nurse's role changes, establishment and management of intergrated subject of health education, striking revision of school health law(or legislation of school health promotion law), reorganization of administration system, big changes in curriculum for school health educators.

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여성건강교육 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구 - 여성건강간호센터에서의 교육을 중심으로 - (Health Educational Program for Women's Health in Women's Health Care Center)

  • 이은희;최상순;소애영
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.67-81
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze women's health problems using Green & Kreuter's(1991) PRECEDE model and to develop health education program for women's health. The subjects were recruited women from Wonju city 18 years or older. 1. The results showed that about 50% of the women were satisfied with their lives as women, 23% of the sample felt there was a need for a women's health care center. The mean number of health problems was 3.1 and the prevalence rate, 44.4%. 2. We developed on educational program according to group differences related to health problems, diagnosis of disease, variables influencing health promotion behavior, and programs which each group wanted. Also we stressed self-efficacy and self-help group for the management of individual health to all groups. 3. The diagnoses of diseases that were experienced premarital over the past year were gastritis, bronchitis, spinal disk, and fracture, for the childbearing/rearing group, gastritis, vaginitis and cervicitis, cervical cancer and cystitis and nephritis and arthritis and for the middle-aged/elderly group arthritis, gastritis, vaginitis and cervicitis, and spinal disk. Of the sample 30.5% did not have a health exam in the past year, and only 10% of the premarital group, 12.5% of the childbearing/child-rearing group, and 18.3% of the middle aged-elderly group were concerned about their health and did something for their health. 4. The average score on the HPLP was 2.41. the HPLP was scores according to group were found to have significant differences. self-efficacy, family functions, health attention and were considered important variables in the premarital group, in the childbearing/child-rearing group self-efficacy, family functions, internal locus of control, health attention, and health perception and power others locus of control and then for the middle aged-elderly group self-efficacy, health attention, internal locus of control, family functions and health perception. 5. There are a few educational programs in the city provided by the Wonju Health Center and by community health nurse practitioners. The premarital group requested the educational programs on diet, health exercise, family health and stress management. Also the childbearing/child-rearing group wanted programs on diet, family health, stress management, and health exercise, and the middle-aged/elderly group wanted that of family health, diet, climacteric changes stress management and health exercise. The program suggested that this program should be applied to women in the community to insure adequate management of women's health. Follow-up research with PROCEED is needed to analyze health outcomes, also, a women's health nursing specialist system is required to develop health promotion, and improve the quality of life for women.

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성인과 노인 관상동맥증후군 초발 환자의 임상적 특성 및 치료추구행위 비교 (Comparison of Clinical Manifestations and Treatment-Seeking Behavior in Younger and Older Patients with First-time Acute Coronary Syndrome)

  • 황선영
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제39권6호
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    • pp.888-898
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to examine and compare clinical manifestations and predicting factors for treatment-seeking delay among patients <65 and ${\geq}65\;yr$ with first-time acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Methods: A total of 288 patients who were diagnosed with ACS were individually interviewed at C university hospital in G-city from November 2007 to December 2008. Results: Median pre-hospital delays for younger and older patients were 5 and 12 hr, respectively. Younger patients were more likely to be current smokers, heavy drinkers, obese, stressed, and have an unhealthy diet and family history, and to complain of chest pain, left shoulder and arm pain, perspiration, and nausea. Older patients were more likely to have hypertension and diabetes, and to complain syncope and dyspnea. Logistic regression analyses showed that after adjustment for age, gender and education, progressive onset of symptom and no attribution to cardiac problem significantly predicted pre-hospital delay >3 hr in both younger and older patients. Low perceived health status was a significant independent predictor in older patients only. Conclusion: Health care providers should be concerned with different manifestations between younger and older adults, and educate people at risk for heart attack about symptoms and actions to get immediate help.

J지역 운동선수의 악안면 외상 실태와 지식에 관한 비교조사연구 (A comparative study on J regional sport players' actual conditions of maxillofacial trauma and their knowledge about It)

  • 최미혜;강은주;우승희
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.695-703
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate the maxillofacial injuries of the sports players' and analyzing the concerned factor. Methods : The subject in this study were 290 sports players' enrolled in Jeolla region. SPSS statistics program(Version 12.0) was used to analyzed the collectde data, Chi-square test and percentage were used as the analysis technique. Results : 1. It was found that 63.8% of all respondents ever experienced trauma in sport activities and 28.6% experienced maxillofacial trauma. 2. In terms of traumatic causality, it was found that most of our respondents attributed the biggest cause of maxillofacial trauma to 'sport activities.' 3. However, it was found that only 12.1% of all respondents gave correct answers to question items about good medical treatment for traumatic odontoptosis. 4. It was found that less than half of all respondents ever faced information on maxillofacial trauma. Conclusions : This finding suggests that it is required to build up current orientation programs about maxillofacial trauma for our sport players. The maxillofacial trauma of sport players' is a important factor that degenerate the quality of the oral health and bring about the change of life style.

농촌(農村)에 있어서 농약사용(農藥使用)의 문제점(問題點) (Problems of Pesticide Usage in Rural Area)

  • 차철환
    • 농촌의학ㆍ지역보건
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 1976
  • It has been well known that indiscriminative use of pesticides contaminates water resources and soil to break down the balance of natural ecosystem and brings acute when spray. In this country, 62,602 tons of pesticides were used in 1974 for agricultural purpose figuring 28.0 kg per hectare which showed 20% increasement every year since 1970. It is almost impossible to figure out incidence and mortality of acute pesticide poisoning exactly. However, a survey in 1974 reported that 33.5% of male and 32.7% of female who sprayed certain pesticides complained of several symptoms seemed to be due to acute pesticide poisoning. It also mentioned that the main cause inducing poisoning supposedly was dusting without protective armamation such as masks, booths, gloves and others in more than 60% of above cases. Pesticide poisoning through contamination of food or direct inhalation and contact. With the reason, the followings can be recommended to minimize or prevent pesticide hazards. 1. Strict legal control 2. Systematic education on the safe handling way of pesticides for the people who are to use them. 3. Remarkable warning at transportation and stocking of pesticides. 4. Obligatory attachment of explanation on the package about effect, safe handling method, and. emergency care at acute pesticide poisoning concerned.

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Asbestos is Still with Us: Repeat Call for a Universal Ban

  • Ramazzini, Collegium
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제36권2호
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 2010
  • All forms of asbestos are proven human carcinogens. All forms of asbestos cause malignant mesothelioma, lung, laryngeal, and ovarian cancers, and may cause gastrointestinal and other cancers. No exposure to asbestos is without risk, and there is no safe threshold of exposure to asbestos. Asbestos cancer victims die painful lingering deaths. These deaths are almost entirely preventable. When evidence of the carcinogenicity of asbestos became incontrovertible, concerned parties, including the Collegium Ramazzini, called for a universal ban on the mining, manufacture and use of asbestos in all countries around the world. Asbestos is now banned in 52 countries, and safer products have replaced many materials that once were made with asbestos. Nonetheless, a large number of countries still use, import, and export asbestos and asbestos-containing products. And still today in many countries that have banned other forms of asbestos, the so-called "controlled use" of chrysotile asbestos continues to be permitted, an exemption that has no basis in medical science but rather reflects the political and economic influence of the asbestos mining and manufacturing industry. To protect the health of all people in the world, industrial workers, construction workers, women and children, now and in future generations - the Collegium Ramazzini calls again today on all countries of the world, as we have repeatedly in the past, to join in the international endeavor to ban all forms of asbestos. An international ban on asbestos is urgently needed.

노인식 제공을 위한 일부 노인의 음식 기호도 조사 (Food Preference Test of the Korean Elderly Menu Development)

  • 박선주;이해정;김완수;임재연;최혜미
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.98-107
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    • 2006
  • This study was performed to test food preferences of the Korean elderly for Korean elderly menu development. The elderly subjects preferred steamed rice cooked with 1.2 times water than that with 1.5 times water (p < 0.001) , whole rice grain gruel than the gruel with ground grain (p < 0.05) . Green tea powder gruels developed as a snack, there were no significant differences in the preference of the elderly between gruel with different contents of green tea powder (2, 3, $4\%$). The preferences of the salt concentration of the soup were tested by using soybean sprout soup and soybean paste soup. The elderly preferred 0.7 - $0.8\%$ salted bean sprout soup and $7\%$ soybean paste soup. The elderly preferred Kimchi cut in widths of 1 - 2 cm than that in 0.5 cm. The elderly preferred sweeter grape jam ($67\%$ vs. $50\%$ or $37\%$ sugar content) and were not concerned about chewing seeds. This result could be useful to develop menus for the elderly. (Korean J Community Nutrition 11 (1): 98$\sim$107, 2006)

갱년기 여성을 위한 발건강 관리방법에 관한 문헌연구 (A Study on Foot Reflexology Therapy for Climacteric Women)

  • 이계숙
    • 한국패션뷰티학회지
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.12-22
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to present various ways for women to prevent and remedy the climacteric symptoms and to increase the health and quality of life of the women. The reason of this study focuses on this matter is that the conditions of climacteric era is connecter into the health of golden age. After examining the symptoms of the period, the researcher went over the foot heal care even recognized to the public. When the study considered the foot care as a medical service for the climacteric women, the method was expected as a way to improve the symptoms related to the climacteric diseases. This effect is also supported by the results of the clinical experiment and book media materials concerned. The main symptoms of climacteric period such as insomnia, irregular menstruation, stomach chill, stress were able to be decreased by feet bathing, and massage therapy on feet could also decrease pain of arms and legs, menstruation, headache and insomnia. The foot reflexology therapy made strengthen the periphery nerve, capillary vessels, and immune system, and increased the elasticity of blood vessels and the speed of the blood corpuscle, so they could enable to the blood circulation. The study expects the foot care to be positively method for climacteric symptoms with regular breathing, muscle relaxing exercise, acupuncture, exercise and alimentotherapy. The foot care doesn't have any side effects and could ives up to the modern people who want to keep their health and live long.

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