• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hat1

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Influence of Spot Weld Pitches on Collapse Characteristics for SCP1 Vehicle Members (차체구조용 SCP1 강도부재의 점용접간격이 압궤특성에 미치는 영향)

  • 차천석;박제웅;양인영
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.802-808
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    • 2002
  • Front-side members are structures with the greatest energy absorbing capability in a front-end collision of vehicles. This paper was performed to analyze initial collapse characteristics of spot welded hat and double hat-shaped section members, which are basic shape of side members, on the shift of flange weld pitches. The impact collapse tests were carried out by using home-made vertical air compression impact testing machine, and impact velocity of hat-shaped section members is 4.17m/sec and that of double hat-shaped section members is 6.54m/sec. In impact collapse tests, the collapsed length of hat-shaped section members was about 45mm and that of double hat-shaped section members was about 50mm. In consideration of these condition, axial static collapse tests(0.00017m/sec) of hat and double hat-shaped section members were carried out by using UTM which was limited displacement, about 50mm. As the experimental results, to obtain the best initial collapse characteristics, it is important that stiffness of vehicle members increases as section shapes change and the progressively folding mode induces by flange welding pitch.

The Effectiveness Evaluation of Helicopter Ambulance Transport among Neurotrauma Patients in Korea

  • Park, Kyoung Duck;Seo, Sook Jin;Oh, Chang Hyun;Kim, Se Hyuk;Cho, Jin Mo
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 2014
  • Objective : Helicopter ambulance transport (HAT) is a highly resource-intensive facility that is a well-established part of the trauma transport system in many developed countries. Here, we review the benefit of HAT for neurosurgical patients in Korea. Methods : This retrospective study followed neurotrauma patients who were transferred by HAT to a single emergency trauma center over a period of 2 years. The clinical benefits of HAT were measured according to the necessity of emergency surgical intervention and the differences in the time taken to transport patients by ground ambulance transport (GAT) and HAT. Results : Ninety-nine patients were transferred to a single university hospital using HAT, of whom 32 were taken to the neurosurgery department. Of these 32 patients, 10 (31.3%) needed neurosurgical intervention, 14 (43.8%) needed non-neurosurgical intervention, 3 (9.4%) required both, and 11 (34.4%) did not require any intervention. The transfer time was faster using HAT than the estimated time needed for GAT, although for a relatively close distance (<50 km) without ground obstacles (mountain or sea) HAT did not improve transfer time. The cost comparison showed that HAT was more expensive than GAT (3,292,000 vs. 84,000 KRW, p<0.001). Conclusion : In this Korean-based study, we found that HAT has a clinical benefit for neurotrauma cases involving a transfer from a distant site or an isolated area. A more precise triage for using HAT should be considered to prevent overuse of this expensive transport method.


  • Alp, Pinar Zengin;Kara, Emrah Evren
    • Korean Journal of Mathematics
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.665-677
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    • 2021
  • The main object of this study is to introduce the spaces $c_0({\hat{F}^q)$ and $c({\hat{F}^q)$ derived by the matrix ${\hat{F}^q$ which is the multiplication of Riesz matrix and Fibonacci matrix. Moreover, we find the 𝛼-, 𝛽-, 𝛾- duals of these spaces and give the characterization of matrix classes (${\Lambda}({\hat{F}^q)$, Ω) and (Ω, ${\Lambda}({\hat{F}^q)$) for 𝚲 ∈ {c0, c} and Ω ∈ {ℓ1, c0, c, ℓ}.


  • Choi, Ki Seong
    • Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.269-278
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    • 2008
  • Let ${\partial}D$ be the boundary of the open unit disk D in the complex plane and $L^p({\partial}D)$ the class of all complex, Lebesgue measurable function f for which $\{\frac{1}{2\pi}{\int}_{-\pi}^{\pi}{\mid}f(\theta){\mid}^pd\theta\}^{1/p}<{\infty}$. Let P be the orthogonal projection from $L^p({\partial}D)$ onto ${\cap}_{n<0}$ ker $a_n$. For $f{\in}L^1({\partial}D)$, ${\hat{f}}(z)=\frac{1}{2\pi}{\int}_{-\pi}^{\pi}P_r(t-\theta)f(\theta)d{\theta}$ is the harmonic extension of f. Let ${\hat{P}}$ be the composition of P with the harmonic extension. In this paper, we will show that if $1, then ${\hat{P}}:L^p({\partial}D){\rightarrow}H^p(D)$ is bounded. In particular, we will show that ${\hat{P}}$ is unbounded on $L^{\infty}({\partial}D)$.

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Development of the sunshade hat with a large brim(Part I) -Development and test with manikins- (양산형 일광차단모의 개발(제1보) -고안 및 마네킹 착용실험-)

  • 김경수;최정화
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.8
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    • pp.1177-1185
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    • 2002
  • This study was to develop the sunshade hat which reduced stress from solar radiation and ultraviolet radiation (UV), in order to keep the farmer's health and to promote their work efficiency. The new sunshade hat with a large brim, special structure for ventilation, stability and portability was designed and tested with manikin heads outdoors. Two newly designed sunshade hats(A, B) and three existing hat were tested Sunshade hat A made of double fabric with aluminum coating-nylon and black cotton cloth with a polyester mix(T/C) was the most protective from solar radiation. Sunshade hat B with larger brim was the most protective from ultraviolet radiation, even though it was made of aluminum coating-nylon single fabric.

UVA radiation transmittance in Summer Hats (여름용 모자의 UVA 투과량)

  • 송명견;한문정;안령미
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the UVA radiation protection effects of summer hats currently on the market with the purpose of making it possible to choose a hat with suitable UVA protection. Twelve different summer hats from the market were selected for the experiment. The results are summarized as follows: It is more effective to wear a hat than not wear a hat to block UVA radiation. Summer hats with the greatest degree of protection, from highest to lowest, are cotton, straw2, and straw1. In the area of the forehead, which is rarely influenced by the irradiation angle, the cotton hat was the most effective in protecting from UVA radiation because the material density was greater than that of the straw hats. A hat with a 8.5 cm brim was more effective at blocking UVA radiation on the jaw than 6 cm, 4 cm, and 0 cm wide brims, but it still couldn't block the radiation completely. Irradiation amounts at 11:00 AM on the forehead, jaw! s and left and right cheeks were lower than amounts measured on the back of the neck. This revealed that irradiation amounts depend on the shape of the hat and time of day. A hat with a brim encircling the head was found to be more effective in blocking UVA radiation than a hat with only a front or side brim.

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A Study on Development of the Basic Hat Pattern using 3D Scan Data for Korean Women - Focusing on the 6 pieces Crown - (3D 측정치를 이용한 여성용 모자 패턴 개발 - 6면 크라운 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Cha-Hyun;Kim, Gum-Hwa
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.354-363
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to provide some preliminary results on application of 3D scan data of head shapes to the hat design and pattern-making. This paper defined necessary measurement items and concepts in 3-dimensional images of head shapes. And also it presented the methodology to pattern-making of 6-piece crown hat based on 3D data. It used the data of Size Korea to pick up and choose a head shape model with the average head size of Korean women in their twenties. Main results were: 1. The 3D scan data of head shape was better than the 1 dimensional measurement data. Because I could establish a hat pattern-making theory by the 3D scan data of head. 2. The 3D scan data provided the basis for conceptualization of basic measurement points and items for a better fit of hats as well as the definition of the basic hat circumference. 3. This presented a methodology for analyzing out head shape by 3D scan data, and allowed the derivation of the basic hat circumference from the maximum head circumference. 4. As the 6-piece Crown cloche hat made by this method fitted the head shape model perfectly, this methodology could suggest potential applicability to various hat design.

Analysis on the Estimation Error of the Lowest and Highest Astronomical Tides using the Wido Tidal Elevation Data (위도 검조자료를 이용한 최저-최고 천문조위 추정 오차 분석)

  • Jeong, Shin Taek;Yoon, Jong Tae;Cho, Hongyeon;Ko, Dong Hui;Kang, Keum Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2016
  • In designing of the wind power facilities, the highest and lowest astronomical tides (HAT and LAT) are needed in terms of an international design tidal water levels. The AHHW and ALLW, however, have been used as the design tidal levels in Korea. The HAT and LAT in the Wido coastal sea should be estimated to satisfy the standard because the pilot wind power facilities will be located in the adjacent Wido coastal sea. In this study, the HAT and LAT are estimated using the 31-years hourly tidal elevation data of the Wido tidal gauging station and the nodal variation patterns of the major lunar components, such as $M_2$, $O_1$, and $K_1$, are analysed to check the expected long-term lunar cycle, i.e., 18.61-year's nodal variation patterns. The temporal amplitude variations of the $M_2$, $O_1$, and $K_1$ clearly show the 18.61-years periodic patterns in case of the no-nodal correction condition. In addition, the suggested HAT and LAT elevations, estimated as the upper and lower confidence limits of the yearly HAT and LAT elevations, show 40 cm greater than AHHW and 35 cm lower than ALLW, respectively.

The Study of Meaning and Formation System of Pal Hyue Hyul through Hwangjaenaekyong (황제내경영추(黃帝內經靈樞)에서 살펴본 팔회혈(八會穴)의 의의(意義)와 형성체계(形成體系)에 대한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Bong-Hyo;Moon, Jin-Young
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2005
  • Objectives : Pal Hyue Hyul has been mentioned in $Nanky{\hat{o}}ng$ firstly and is a representitive acupoint of 8 parts of biological function of human body. The aim of this study is to finding out the process of formation of Pal Hyue Hyul. Methods : In this study we investigated and summarized all literetures from $Hwangjaenaeky{\hat{o}}ng$ to the today's papers which refer to Pal Hyue Hyul, and then basing on it, suggested our opinion about the correlation. Results & Conclusion : The results and conclusions obtained are as follow: 1. Pal Hyue Hyul is based on the Sahae theory of $Y{\hat{o}}ngchu$ and was formed in 45nan of $Nanky{\hat{o}}ng$. 2. Although Pal Hyue Hyul has been mentioned in $Nanky{\hat{o}}ng$ firstly, but because even $Nanky{\hat{o}}ng$ shows the quickening of Pal Hyue Hyul theory, the birth of Pal Hyue Hyul was necessary from the viewpoint of studing ambience. 3. About the reason for formation to 8 types, we think that all the biological functions of human body were represented as 8. 4. Pal Hyue theory had been suplemented and completed by annotations of successive medical men, for example the arguement about Golhyue, Suhyue. And the reason for the extent from the heat disease of the first phase to the associated disease is that it has been useful in the clinical treatment. 5. Because about whether Suhyue is Ch'imgol or $J{\hat{o}}lgol$, whether $J{\hat{o}}lgol$ is Yangbo(GB38) or $Hy{\hat{o}}njong(GB39)$, whether Golhyue is Teacu'u(GV14) or $Taej{{\hat{o}}}(BL11)$ there in no agreement of opinion among the successive medical men, much more study is necessary.

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A Study on the Hat Design in Contemporary Fashion (현대 패션에 나타난 모자 디자인의 경향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Eun-Sil;Bae Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.55 no.3 s.93
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    • pp.108-121
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    • 2005
  • The purposes of this study were to analyze hat design with the focus on the period from the 1990's to 2004 and to find out the development direction of next hat design. To do these purposes, the focus of theoretical approach was literature research, and hat design was attempted on the basis of the research. The focus of theoretical background was on previous research and fashion-related literature. Fashion Photos were picked up from all kinds of fashion magazines containing Haute Couture collection in Paris from the 1990's to 2004 S/S and some designers' collections. Then 1,381 photos were selected through two screenings. At first time, 1,500 photos were selected to have the relationship between clothes and hats, and finally 1,381 photos were picked.