• Title/Summary/Keyword: Happiness Level

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An exploration of the factors affecting the social capital building of the youth (청년층의 사회적 자본 형성에 영향을 미치는 요인 탐색)

  • Kim, Young-sik;Shin, Cholkyun;Moon, ChanJu
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.45-66
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting the social capital of youth and to draw implications for the policies related to development of the social capital of them. To this end, we utilized the OLS regression model and the quantile regression model exploiting the 12th year dataset of the Korean Education & Employment Panel(KEEP). First, this study shows that the effect on trust is higher than that of the counterpart when the case is a) unmarried, b) with the high level of education, c) with a large asset, d) with high self-respect and the satisfaction for financial situation, and e) social media user. On the other hand, the higher the monthly average income, the lower the trust level. In addition, when the cases are grouped into 25 quantile, 50 quantile, and 75 quantile according to the level of trust, it is revealed empirically that the factors affecting social capital formation are somewhat different. Second, this study also shows that the effect is higher in a specific condition. The effect is higher compared to the counterpart when the case is a) male, b) with children, c) metropolitan city resident, d) non-employee, e) with a large asset, f) with high level of happiness, g) with high expense of purchasing books, and h) social media user. As a result, it is found that there are no personal characteristics that have statistically significant influence on students belonging to the 25th quantile of social capital. This study suggests that, in order to support the formation of social capital of Korean youths, it is necessary to enhance their psychological satisfaction and to provide cultural support or policies. In addition, it suggests that a tailored social capital accumulation program is needed according to the level of social capital, and the support for this need to be changed according to the amount of social capital of young people.

Effects of Old-age Income Level on Life Satisfaction: Focusing on Effects of the Relative Income of Reference Groups (노후 소득수준이 생활만족도에 미치는 영향: 준거집단의 상대소득 효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hakju
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.169-188
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the author utilizes longitudinal data of the recent 12 years to verify whether the absolute versus relative income of old age has a significant effect on their life satisfaction of life. The findings of this study show that there is a significant difference in life satisfaction of old age according to respondents' relative income of three reference groups based on their asset quintile and residental area and education. In the correlation analysis using the cross-sectional data, the absolute and relative income level was closely related to the life satisfaction. In the panel regression analysis using the 12 years longitudinal data from the Korea National Labour Panel dataset, the income level of counterparts in those reference groups appeared highly significant in determining the level of life satisfaction of the elderly. However, some demographic variables such as age and marital status did not have a statistically significant effect in the long-term perspective. The income of reference groups in terms of asset levels, education and region as well as their own past life satisfaction level had a significant effect on the elders' life satisfaction determination. These results suggest that the relative income hypothesis in terms of life satisfaction among the elderly is more valid than the previous absolute income hypothesis.

An investigational study about the needs for exercise of adult inpatients (성인 입원화자의 운동 욕구에 관한 조사연구)

  • Choe, Myoung-Ae;Choi, S.Mi;Lim, Young-Mi
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.203-215
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the needs for exercise of adult inpatients and ultimately to provide basic data for planning nursing intervention of patients who need exercise. The tool used for this study was a structured questionnaire which consisted of 42 items. The test items were classified into seven factors. The seven factors of the needs for exercise were need for achievement, need for activity, need for affiliation, need for autonomy, need for catharsis, need for homeostasis, and need for exhibition. Subjects of this study were 127 patients in two general hospitals in Seoul, and one general hospital in Chun Ann City. The needs of exercise were identified and the data were analyzed by gender, age, occupation, education level, monthly income, size of patient room, patient group who requires exercise and the other patient group who requires bed rest, using one-way ANOVA and Scheffe test as post-hoc. The findings of this study were as follows ; 1) Among the needs for exercise of adult patients, the highest level of the needs was the need for homeostasis. The next highest was the need for achievement, then need for activity, need for catharsis, need for autonomy, need for affiliation, and the lowest was the need for exhibition. 2) Maintaining physical fitness stood first in the need for homeostasis, relieving psychological and physical powerlessness in the need for activity, mood diversion in the need for catharsis, happiness of the family in the need for affiliation, maintaining the balanced body figure in the need for exhibition, practicing planned life in the need for achievement, and improving the ability to overcome the crisis in the need for autonomy. 3) Male patients exhibited the higher level of the needs than female patients in all factors except the need for exhibition and homeostasis. 4) There was no statistical difference in the needs between age, occupation, monthly income, and the size of patient room. 5) The need for achievement was high as the level of education goes higher. 6) The patients who performed regular exercise before admission had higher needs for activity, achievement, and autonomy, compared with the patients who did not perform the regular exercise before admission. 7) There was no statistical difference in the needs between patient group who requires exercise and the other patient group who requires bed rest. The need for homeostasis was the highest in both groups. The results from this study suggest that the need for exercise of adult inpatients should be assessed before planning exercise intervention.

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Deokhu: Differences of investment activity and flow level according to self-perception, emotional change before-after deokhu activity (덕후: 자기 지각에 따른 투자 활동과 몰입 수준 차이, 덕후 활동 전후의 정서 변화)

  • KIM, SU-SIE;Lee, Heung-Pyo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is a difference between the deokhu activities and the flow level of the deokhu group. We also tested whether there are any real differences in emotion before and after the deokhu activities. The study included 227 adults and results were as follows. First, the deokhu group had a high cost of investing and a high rate of one-day investments, particularly for one-week activities and years of duration compare to the non-deokhu group. Second, the higher the degree to which they perceived themselves as deokhu and the level of deokhu activities were higher in flow. and the group of deokhu was more absorbed than the non-deokhu group. Third, there has been no change in positive and negative feelings before and after deokhu activities in the non-deokhu group. For the deokhu group, the positive emotions of happiness, joy, tranquility, pleasure increased and negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, sadness, shame, and guilt were significantly reduced after deokhu activities. The perception of deokhu and deokhu activities have positive functions that increase the level of flow, relieve negative feelings and enhance positive emotions.

Precariousness and Happiness of South Korean Young Adults: The Mediating Effects of Uncertainty and Disempowerment (한국 청년의 삶의 불안정성(precariousness)과 행복: 불확실성과 통제권한 부재의 매개효과)

  • Han, Seungheon;Yim, Dahye;Kang, Minah
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.87-126
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to examine the level of precariousness among young adults in South Korea and analyze the factors affecting their subjective well-being by adopting the three forms of precariousness suggested by Rodgers(1989) such as lack of resource, uncertainty and disempowerment as its analytical framework. Structural Equation Model was used for analyzing the path model of self-rated health, income level and social support(three forms of resource) affecting subjective wellbeing through uncertainty and disempowerment. Study population include young adults aged between 19 to 34 with a sample size of 415 using data of the 8th wave of the Korean General Social Survey(KGSS), 2010. Study population is divided into lower-age group (aged between 19-26) and upper-age group (aged between 27-34) in order to examine the differences between age groups by using Multiple Group Analysis. Study results show that three forms of resources, uncertainty and disempowerment had direct effect on the subjective well-being of South Korean young adults and disempowerment had the most significant effect among the factors. In addition, self-rated health and income level had indirect effect on subjective well-being through both uncertainty and disempowerment while social support had indirect effect on subjective well-being only through disempowerment. Results from the Multiple Group Analysis indicate that among the two age groups, income level only has a significant effect on subjective well-being in the upper-age group. In addition, disempowerment had greater effect on subjective wellbeing among upper-age group than the lower-age group. Based on the study results, this paper suggested policy implications and discussion for further research.

Value of Health, Multidimensonal Health Locus of Control and Level of Self-esteem in Low Income Mothers (도시빈곤여성의 건강가치, 건강통제위성격 및 자아존중감과의 관계)

  • Lee, Kwang-Ok;Yang, Soon-Ok
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.52-68
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    • 1996
  • As a product of poverty, health means the physical, mental and social instability caused by poverty. High mortality, high morbidity, and unsatisfied needs for medical care indicate the health condition of poor people. These indicators are related to the social and psychological property. This study is to develop an effective method of nursing in the poor family which is an essential unit in the nursing field of the community and to which a fundamental approach is need as a top priority. We can make such a study, though partially, by revealing the relationship among the Health-value, Health Locus of Contol, and the Level of Self esteem. We randomly sampled 243 women who are participating in the nursing department of the comnnity nursing centers in Seoul. We investigated by using questionaries and made an analysis on the result by SAS program. The result of this investigation can summarized as follows : 1. The average age of the subjects investigated is 43.4 and the participation rate in the economic activity is as high as 49.4%. Most of them are paid daily. The average members of the family are 4.28 persons, and 80.2% of which are nuclear families. The type of housing is as follows:51.4% are monthly-rent houses. Rent houses represent 23.5%. And 43.6% of the subjects graduate the high schools 2. The level of self-esteem possessed by the subjects is 37.17. The quality of task performance(3.46) and the morality(3.53) are low as compared with the other qualities. 3. In relation to the locus of control, internality is 22.39, the influence of powerrful others represents 20.24, and the effect of chance occurance is 16.41. 4. The orderings of value scale are the physical and mental health, comfortable life, happiness, mental peace, and pleasure. The lowest order is social recognition. 5. Considering in relation to the self-esteem and the locus of control, we found out that there is a negative relationship among the self-esteem, the influence of powerful others. The lower the level of self-esteem is, the higher the influence of powerful others is. There is also a negative relationship among the detailed items such as the qualities, and the positive attitude. 6. In a significant test in the general characters of the subjects and in the level of self-esteem, we can obtain the follwing results. The higher the economic level is, the higher the level of self-esteem is. And the higher the level of satisfaction with life is, the higher the level of self-esteem is. 7. In the locus of control, the higher the economic level is, the higher the internality is. 8. In the health-level, 75.72% represent the high health -level. And the group which has the low satisfaction with life represents the high level of health-value(81.6%). With these results, we can conclude that the level of self-esteem possessed by the poor women living in the city is high and that they have the multi-dimemsional health-value even though they are living in the poor condtions. Traditionally, the poverty has been recognized as an unfavorale factor in the health care. But this study shows that the poverty is no longer an unfavorale factor and, on the contrary, it has a potential power with which people can improve their health by possessing the high self-esteem and the high health value. The ultimate purpose which the nursing task of the community has is to make the patients keep and improve their own health. So, when the nurses approach the poor patients, the nurses should put an emphasis on the individual responsibilities of the patients, and respect their own health value.

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An Analysis of the Effects of Parental Level and Family Relationship on Elementary Private Education through the Mediation of Parental Efficacy and Parenting Anxiety (부모수준과 가족관계가 부모효능감과 양육불안감을 매개로 초등사교육에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Cho, Chanhi;Kim, Kyoheon;Lee, Hyoung-Yong
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.167-187
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    • 2021
  • The increase in the number of higher education graduates and of working couples have been improving the quality of parenting and the economic situation of parenting. The relationship between family members, which consists of child rearing support and family health in conversation and play, has been improving as well. This study analyzes the impact of parental level and the family relationship on the spending in private education in households with elementary students. For the analysis, this study focuses on the mediation of parental efficacy and parenting anxiety, through which family relationship and parental level affect elementary private education. Data of 1,075 parents with children aged 6 to 11 from 2018 Children's Comprehensive Survey are used in statistical analysis via PLS structural equation. This study shows that family relationship and parental level had have a positive effect on parental efficacy, and family relationship, parental level and parental efficacy had have a negative impact on parenting anxiety. It is also confirmed that parental level has a positive effect on private education, and that parental efficacy has a negative impact on private education. Family relationship and parental level affects parenting anxiety and private education through the mediation of parental efficacy. This study finds that improving parents' economic and educational level in the overheated private education atmosphere increases private education, but improving parental efficacy from good family relationship lowers parenting anxiety and private education. These results are expected to provide theoretical and practical implications for balancing children's education and family happiness from a knowledge management perspective.

A Study on Value Orientation of Health of Rural Health Center Milieu (농촌지역 보건소 환경에 있어서의 건강가치관에 관한 일 조사연구)

  • 김순자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 1975
  • The concept and definition of nursing and her role have been changing in accordance with the socio-cultural factors of the initial society. At present, nursing is conceptualized as a health care profession assisting man to restore, maintain and promote health by providing knowledge, wilt strength and resources through various processes of interaction. Man′s behavior, of individual and group activities for health inclusive, is driven by the initial man′s value orientation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the value orientation regarding health of rural health center milieu in order to give data for; 1. the planning for the delivery of community nursing service, 2. the health education plan at all level of nursing care activities, and 3. the planning of curriculum for nursing education. A hundred opinion leaders among the labor population residing in rural areas (P-group), hundred and six professional nurses at rural health centers (N-group) were indirectly interviewed through questionaries. And ninety five of N-group were interviewed likewise of their perceptions of P-group (NP-group) from July 15, to October 15, 1974. The result is as follows: 1. Maintenance of health is revealed to be the most valued component for man′s happiness in all the three groups. (P-group: 7.30 S. D.=1.31), (N-group :7.84 S. D. =49), and (NP-group : 5.93 S. D. =2.28) 2. The average value score of the maintenance of health revealed significant difference by P〈.001 level between each of the three groups. (Between N-group and P-group : T= -4.07 P and NP ; T=-6.93, N and NP: T=-9.35) 3. Basic health maintenance activities necessary for maintenance and promotion of personal health were moderately valued by all the three groups, P-group ; 3.74 (S. D. =.43) , N-group: 3.52 (S. D. =.34), NP-group: 3.07 (S. D. :.55) Among the 8 categories of basic health maintenance activities, "food intake" was highly valued by P-group (mean value score; 4.00 S. D=.51) , "exercise and rest" and "personal cleanliness" was highly valued by both P-group (4.02, 4.08) and N-group (4.08, 4.22). 4. The mean value score of basic health maintenance activities revealed significant difference by P〈.001 level between each of the three groups (between P-group and N-group: T=-4, 07, N-and NP: T=-6.93, P and NP T=-9.35) 5. Among the 30 questionaries, dynamic activities for health maintenance were more valued in comparison to passive activities in an tile three groups. 6. In N-group, correlation between the value of basic health maintenance activities and the personal health status personal revealed moderate significance. Correlation between the value of basic health maintenance activities and the age revealed low significance. 7. In group, correlation between the value of basic health maintenance activities and; perception of personal health status revealed non significance, between the age and sex revealed low sign affiance, and between the educational status revealed moderate significance. Recommendations are as follows ; 1. The efforts towards alteration of value orientation concerning health in general in community nursing practice de focussed be that of family Planning. 2. In order to prepare professional nurses competent in understanding individual and group, social science and behavioral science be strength ended in planning nursing curriculum. 3. Milieu of nursing experience during nursing education be Planned to begin at simple nursing problem and move towards complex, f. e. home care towards health crisis situation in order to achieve dynamic role mastery.

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Policymaking Improvement Strategy for Fine Laboring Ability of Construction Works (건설현장 근로의 양질화를 위한 정책적 개선 방안)

  • Yoon, Tai-Hyong;Lee, Soo-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2012
  • Engaged number in the construction industry is 45 percentage level against to manufacturing industry. And Induction -factor of Production is much the same to mfg. field, Value added Induction-factor is more higher than manufacturing industry, therefore we research again about workers' inferior working & personal life condition in our society in order to they feel happiness their life with pride for the job construction occupation. So construction companies & government will be contribute to strengthen their phase & to achieve more higher level of construction working culture for elevate competitive power. We have to prepare the basis to turn to the qualitative construction businesses by break away from only the amount of work volume in company with the system of workers' self-conceit on the ground of professional education/training, qualification system, social insurance benefits, working condition improvement, stable job. Our nations does not feel well-being senses, only 25 class level in the 30 countries of OECD. We draw the questions at issue with slough off old customs in order to qualitative improvement for profession & self-contentment of construction workers, and present the useful plan to contribute to international competitiveness with our construction firms in the globalize construction field under Government's & company's policy.

A Comparative Study on the Housing Viewpoint between Korean and Chinese University Students (한.중 대학생의 주거관에 대한 비교 연구)

  • An, Ok-Hee;Jo, Oung-Mi;Hao, Jia
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2009
  • Today, we are living while interchanging with various countries in multilateral measures and residential culture have been changed while interchanging in the same manner. In order to become an internationally recognized residential environment designer in this environment, we must understand the housing viewpoint of residents in that country first. Therefore, this study is intended to obtain the useful materials for residential environment design of Korea and China by comparing the housing viewpoint between Chinese students studying in Korea and Korean students. A survey using questionnaire was conducted on 205 Korean students and 193 Chinese students (Chinese race) from Y University on a random sampling basis. The result of survey is as follows. First, as both Korean and Chinese university students have a similar tendency on previous house type, current house type, and desired house type, it can be understood that they are similar each other in the experience and preference of house type. Second, Korean and Chinese university students consider and as the most important functions of residence, but Chinese university students consider more functions of residence than Korean students. And, both Korean and Chinese students consider a living room as the most important space among housing spaces, but Chinese consider a private room more importantly than Korean. Third, Chinese university students have stronger desire to possess houses, and desire to purchase houses with larger and more rooms at earlier time than Korean university students. Fourth, when selecting the house, Chinese university students give a higher consideration in terms such as , , , , and than Korean university students. Fifth, satisfaction level of Korean students on current houses was average as a whole, and most Chinese students were generally satisfied with their houses. Sixth, as both of Korean and Chinese university students have higher level of consideration in the items such as safety>, , , , , , , , , , and compared to the level of satisfaction, thoughtful consideration should be given to those items in housing planning.