• 제목/요약/키워드: Han-ok (Korean Traditional Building)

검색결과 14건 처리시간 0.018초

A Study on the Estimation Method of the Environmental Load Intensity for Analyzing GHG Reduction Effect of Han-Ok

  • Kim, Sunghee
    • Architectural research
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 2013
  • The Korean government recently has rediscovered the potential value of Han-Ok, the Korean traditional house, as an eco-friendly building. In order to objectively verify the environmental performance of Han-Ok as a low carbon green building, this paper suggests the analysis method of GHG emission load of Korean traditional house, based on Life Cycle Assessment, which is commonly abbreviated to "LCA". The environmental impacts caused by building construction and operation can be analyzed through the sum of input and output data from every phase. The study particularly describes the GHG reduction effect by using traditional building materials such as wood products, traditional clay roof tiles, and mud, which are mainly used to construct Han-Ok. Also the study proposes the method for comparative analysis of quantity of GHG emissions in building's entire life cycle so that the data can be used as a reliable basis to optimize the environmental performance of building.

환경분석기반 한옥 시공 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구 (Han-ok Construction Simulation based on Environmental Analysis)

  • 김미경;전한종
    • 한국CDE학회논문집
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.292-299
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    • 2011
  • Han-ok has a long history and cultural traditions. It has green and healthy and culture but high construction costs, thermal insulation performance of residential and vulnerable to fires and have a weakness for maintenance. However, modernized resident housing, Han-ok is required to improve in terms of environmental aspect due to its weakness for insulating and inconvenience for modem era. Also Han-Ok's building is criticized as a huge dependence on subjective building experiences. This is pointed to be the biggest problem, Han-ok has. Traditionally it does not have a scientific and specific manual for construction. In this research, process simulation was adopted to develop Han-Ok's environmental improvements. In terms of LCC (Life Cycle Cost) aspect, however, Han-Ok's environmental characteristics are examined to suggest an appropriate Han-Ok construction method. Also the result of this research would be utilized to base the information database for efficient constructing and its management in new Han-Ok constructing industry.

도시한옥의 적응적 재생 모델시안 연구 -청주 서운동의 노인계층을 위한 모델링 사례를 통하여- (The Tentative Plans of Adaptive Reuse of Korean Traditional Houses (Han ok) in Urban Area : Focusing on the Elderly Housing in Seoun-dong, Cheongju)

  • 김태영;김은정
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2016
  • When the castle of the city was destructed from 1911 through 1915 in Cheongju, the city's spatial structure was reorganized and "Han-ok Housing", a dwelling site filled with Korean traditional houses, was newly formed around the former castle site. These days, the Han-ok housing in Seoun-dong, Cheongju in which elderly couples and senior citizens live is enclosed by modernized roads and three or four-story buildings, leaving the housing as an isolated island in the city block. Nonetheless, the Han-ok housing not only plays an important role in sustaining the historic and local identity of the city, but also offers environmental benefits in terms of daylighting and ventilation. The purpose of this study is to reorganize the housing suitable for those who currently live and recreate it by adding new functionality. Consequently, three strategies are established; the conservation of existing building through the improvement of existing facilities; the conversion of vacant buildings into a new use; and the creation of the urban mid-rise Han-ok housing at street sides. The first strategy has a significance in that the traditional building's single wing plan, small room sizes and lack of storages now cause great inconvenience for current life style. The second strategy also promotes the practical use of abandoned buildings through alterations and additions. Finally, the creation of the urban mid-rise Han-ok housing that is accomplished by the combination of reinforced concrete and wooden structure interacts with or respond to the city's development. As a result, this study for the adaptive reuse of Han-ok housing proves how the traditional properties can be maintained in a careful manner and how its creative reuse can be achieved.

지속가능한 신한옥형 공공건축물을 위한 디자인 요소 기초연구 - 서울, 전라도, 경상도를 중심으로 - (Basic Study of new Hanok Style Public Buidings Design Trend Analysis - Focused on Seoul Jeolla-do Gyeongsang-do Region -)

  • 박민영;이현수;임수영
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.111-116
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    • 2014
  • Han-ok has been forgotten by rapid industrialization, however, recent interest in Korean traditional culture and eco friendly architecture are increasing. Government is also processing various policies and research in Han-ok for historical reasons. Still Han-ok is considered as temporary discover stage not daily space. Moreover, previous weakness of Han-ok made it difficult to supply. There is a need to build new Han-ok style public buildings different from traditional or new Han-ok for revitalization of Han-ok. Moreover, development of new Han-ok style public buildings model are needed for the public which include updated concept and function. From public buildings model development and supply people can visit and explore Han-ok. Therefore Han-ok tradition can be modernized. In addition to this Korean traditional culture and mode of living can be developed and conserved. This research focuses on public buildings of Han-ok supplication and aims design elements and regional trend.

전통한옥의 도시집합주거로 발전 가능성 연구 (A Study on the Possibility of Model Development from Traditional Han-ok to Urban Clustering Housing Model in Korean Context)

  • 손승광
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2008
  • A traditional Korean housing is a typical type which is contained life style, spatial organization and scape element of people who lived in Korea. In the hanok, people want to be live not only in human environment and traditional culture, but also modem urban housing as a high density. This article deals as follows: First, Hanok as urban housing would be composed in a housing lot, linear type layout, devide building, and cluster type. Second, Housing unit and configuration of Multi family housing can be used single story, second story, second story + single story, multi story and Hanok roofing. Thirds, structure of the building are traditional wooden, combined one of steel and wood or concrete and wood, and the building system in exterior and interior can be seperated into another system. Forth, Image of multi story Hanok A last, consistency of Hanok is not a repeat of an origin but application and creative aptitude of the origin, and multi family housing application of Hanok can be a trial creative.

아파트와 한옥의 LCC(Life Cycle Cost)분석 사례 연구 (A Case study of Life Cycle Cost Analysis on Apartment houses and Han-Ok)

  • 김근우;윤석헌
    • 한국건축시공학회지
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    • 제10권6호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2010
  • 건축물의 총 소유비용을 분석하기 위해서는 초기단계의 설계와 시공비용 이외에도 기획비용, 유지관리 및 운영비용을 고려해야 한다. 이를 LCC(Life Cycle Cost)라고 부른다. 현재, 충분한 데이터와 기준의 부족으로 인해 LCC의 분석에 많은 어려움을 겪고 있다. 본 연구에서는 건축물의 LCC 분석 방법을 제시하고, 현대식 아파트와 전통 한옥 주택에 대한 LCC 사례 분석을 수행하고자 한다. 사례 연구의 결과 한옥이 현대식 아파트에 비해 유지보수와 운영 비용에 있어서 보다 효율적인 것으로 조사되었다.

중층형 생활한옥 모델시안 연구 - 청주 서운동의 사례를 중심으로 - (The Tentative Plans of Middle-rise Traditional Houses (Han-ok) Located on Seoun-dong in Urban Area of Cheongju, Korea)

  • 김찬구;김태영
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2022
  • Focusing on the creation of a new han ok, especially a mid-rise hybrid-structured Han-ok, this study proposes a middle-rise (four-story) Han-ok on one and two lots located in Seoun-dong, the existing Han-ok intensive housing site in downtown Cheongju. 1) In terms of layout and function, according to the existing L-shaped Han-ok corresponding to the road and the direction, the parking lots and shops on the 1st floor, the business facility on the 2nd floor, the Han-ok on the 3rd and 4th floors are placed. There are yards, open roof yards, and semi-open Daecheong(大廳, main hall), which can be shared by residents. 2) In terms of structure and form, one or two floors (some 3 floors) are 5.4m square and 5.4×6.6m modules of the RC(Reinforced Concrete) group, and the upper floor reflects the 2.7m module, size and shape of the existing Han-ok. By extending the outer wall of the RC group in the lower floors (1st to 3rd floors) to the wooden exterior of the upper floors (2nd to 4th floors), it is attempted to avoid the awkward appearance of the RC group being exposed to wooden structures. And it is also attempted to reflect the wooden shape and design elements through the elevation elements such as horizontal windows, corner windows, picture frames, and vertical slits. 3) In environmental control and facilities, it is attempted to smooth the ventilation of the building by forming a vertical upward airflow from the dark space of the low floor to the positive of the upper floor. This doubles the effect through a vertical rise of cold air generated in a narrow alleyway, piloti parking lot, and the various voids. In addition to the Daecheong and Numaru(loft) of Han ok, the rooftop yard, the terrace, and the balcony, horizontal natural ventilation is generated through divided doors and transom windows.

아산신도시 한옥(韓屋)형 초등학교 계획 연구 - 경주 라궁(羅宮)의 조직성을 활용하여 - (An Study of Han-ok(韓屋) Style Elementary School in Asan new town -Use the Composition of La-gung(羅宮) in Gyeong-ju-)

  • 김혜지;여상진
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제12권11호
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    • pp.5337-5346
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    • 2011
  • 최근 증가되는 한옥 붐으로 인해 한옥 활용의 다양화란 측면에서 각종 공공청사 및 유치원, 도서관 등의 공공시설에 한옥을 활용하고자 하는 요구가 있다. 즉 한옥 형식을 여러 유형의 현대적 건축에 적용해 보려는 다각도의 시도가 요구되고 있다. 본고는 이러한 배경을 바탕으로 충남 아산신도시 지역의 초등학교 부지를 하나의 대상으로 선정하여 한옥을 이용한 초등학교 계획안을 제시해 보는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 계획 규모는 학년별 4개 학급 총24개 학급 규모이며, 교실운영 방안은 1-2학년은 '종합교실형'으로, 3-6학년은 '일반교실+특별교실+다목적실형'으로 설정하였다. 부지 효율성을 도모하기 위하여 저학년동을 한옥형으로 계획하였으며 선례로서 라궁의 조직성을 활용하였다.

Air Tightness Performance of Residential Timber Frame Buildings

  • Kim, Hyun-Bae;Park, Joo-Saeng;Hong, Jung-Pyo;Oh, Jung-Kwon;Lee, Jun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • 제42권2호
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2014
  • Energy consumption statistics in 2005 from the Korea Energy Management Corporation show that building energy usage was about 24.2% of total domestic energy consumption, and 64% of total building energy usage was consumed by residential buildings. Thus, about 10% of total domestic energy consumption is due to the heating of residential buildings. Building energy can be calculated by the configuration of the building envelope and the rate of infiltration (the volume of the infiltration of outdoor air and the leakage of indoor air), and by doing so, the annual energy usage for heating and cooling. Therefore, air-tightness is an important factor in building energy conservation. This investigate air infiltration and various factors that decrease it in timber frame buildings and suggest ways to improve air-tightness for several structural types. Timber frame buildings can be classified into light frame, post and beam, and log house. Post and beam includes Han-ok (a Korean traditional building). Six light frame buildings, three post and beam buildings, one Korean traditional Han-ok and a log house were selected as specimens. Blower door tests were performed following ASTM E779-03. The light frame buildings showed the highest air-tightness, followed by post and beam structures, and last, log houses.

주상복합건물의 성장관리형 도시재생 효과에 관한 연구 (A Study on Effects of Urban Growth Management Style Urban Regeneration of the Mixed Use Building in Seoul)

  • 김옥연;한용석;이천기
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2010
  • In the urban area where rapid suburbanization trend continues, the role of mixed use building is controversial. It is argued that the mixed use building is an effective tool to recover residential function of urban core(urban regeneration). It is also argued that the building is a cause of serious urban problems, such as congestion, public service shortages. The fundamental purpose of this study is to examine the role of mixed use building in terms of urban growth management in Seoul. For this purpose, data of mixed use building from 1981 to 2007 are collected and analysed. The results show that most of mixed use buildings are located in either sub-centers or population losing areas, rather than traditional urban core. Therefore, it is hard to accept that the two controversial arguments. The mixed use building noncore areas in most cases. However, it dose help to increase population inflow in non-core areas. it is difficult to accept the public service assertion which states that super-high rise mixed use building causes public service congestion, because the building is built in population losing or demand decreasing area. Based on these findings this study suggests some policy alternatives such as urban service boundary or concurrency program to management urban growth.