Objectives & Methods: We investigated 45 books to study etiology, pathology and acupuncture & Moxibustion treatment of diarrhea. Result and Conclusion 1. The pathogenic factors of diarrhea are external sensation(外邪感受), jungjishiljo(情志失調), weakness of the spleen and stomach(脾胃虛弱), improper diet(飮食不節), sinyanghueson(腎陽虧損), sueumyujang(水飮留腸), liver Gi invades the sp1een(肝氣乘脾), uhhyuljeche(瘀血阻滯). 2. The etiological cause of diarrhea are closely related to the malfunction of the spleen & stomach(脾胃) and the related jang and bu(臟腑)'s pathological alternation such as spleen & stomach(脾胃), large intestine(大腸), small intestine(小腸), liver(肝), sp1een(脾), and kidney(腎). 3. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment application of diarrhea with the meridian system are in the following order from the most often mentioned meridian system to the least, urinary bladder meridian(膀胱經), spleen meridian(脾經), stomach meridian(胃經), conception channel meridian(任脈經), liver mehdian(肝經), governor channel meridian(督脈經), large intestine meridian(大腸經), lung meridian(肺經), triple-warmer meridian(三焦經), gall bladder meridian(膽經), Pericardium meridian(心包經). 4. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment application of diarrhea with meridian point are in the following order from the most often mentioned meridian point to the least, Cheonchu(天樞) sixteen times, Sin-gwol(神厥) fifteen times, Joksamni(足三理), Gwanwon(關元) each twelve times, Daejangsu(大腸兪) eleven times, Taechung(太衝), Bisu(脾兪), Sojangsu(小腸兪) each ten times,Sinsu(腎兪) nine times, CC12(中脘) eight times, Samchosu(三焦兪), gokcheon(曲泉), Harweom(下廉) each seven times, Samgan(三間), Sameungyo(三陰交), Yisa(意舍), Jungnyo, Gyeungmun(京門) each six times, Gyeonggol(京骨), Jangmun(章門) each five times, Sangnyeom(上廉), Hapgok(合谷), Yangmun(梁門), Sanggu(商丘), Yanggang(陽綱), Hoeyang(會陽), Gihyeol(氣穴), Taegye(太谿), Gihae(氣海) each four times.