• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geography of Korea

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Satellite-Measured Vegetation Phenology and Atmospheric Aerosol Time Series in the Korean Peninsula (위성기반의 한반도 식물계절학적 패턴과 대기 에어로졸의 시계열 특성 분석)

  • Park, Sunyurp
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.497-508
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study is to determine the spatiotemporal influences of climatic factors and atmospheric aerosol on phenological cycles of the Korea Peninsular on a regional scale. High temporal-resolution satellite data can overcome limitations of ground-based phenological studies with reasonable spatial resolution. Study results showed that phenological characteristics were similar among evergreen forest, deciduous forest, and grassland, while the inter-annual vegetation index amplitude of mixed forest was differentiated from the other forest types. Forest types with high VI amplitude reached their maximum VI values earlier, but this relationship was not observed within the same forest type. The phase of VI, or the peak time of greenness, was significantly influenced by air temperature. Aerosol optical thickness (AOT) time-series showed strong seasonal and inter-annual variations. Generally, aerosol concentrations were peaked during late spring and early summer. However, inter-annual AOT variations did not have significant relationships with those of VIs. Weak relationships between AOT amplitude and EVI amplitude only indicates that there would be potential impacts of aerosols on vegetation growth in the long run.

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Impervious Surface as a Thematic Parameter of Analysis for Childhood Asthma Hospitalizations : Spatio-temporal Approaches (소아천식 유병율 분포의 분석변수로서 불투수면 : 시공간적 접근)

  • Um, Jung-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.706-723
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    • 2010
  • The impervious surface was frequently employed as a proxy of the total environmental burden in the urban area. The impervious surface was extracted from a satellite image and the GIS (Geographical Information System) database for childhood asthma hospitalizations was generated for a total of 62,136 children using the National Health Insurance database of South Korea. Children living in an impervious environment do result in almost twice as many hospitalizations (26.58%) for asthma, as compared to the sub-urban pervious living (15.82%). Furthermore, the risk zones with persistently high hospitalizations for three years were specifically identified over the impervious sub-district alone. The impervious zone showed a small inter-year variation of hospitalizations (r: 0.937) while the sub-urban pervious fringe was found to display a yearly variation(r: 0.371). The strong temporal autocorrelation means that the impervious areas have frequent long-lived hospitalizations for asthma, thus children living in impervious areas were likely to have had more chronic asthma attacks than those living in pervious areas. These experimental results indicate that an impervious surface as thematic parameter of analysis is a crucial explanatory variable for asthma hospitalizations and its longer persistence among children.

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Enhancing the Reliability of MODIS Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) by Improving Input Data (입력자료 개선에 의한 MODIS 총일차생산성의 신뢰도 향상)

  • Kim, Young-Il;Kang, Sin-Kyu;Kim, Joon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.132-139
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    • 2007
  • The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) regularly provides the eight-day gross primary productivity (GPP) at 1 km resolution. In this study, we evaluated the uncertainties of MODIS GPP caused by errors associated with the Data Assimilation Office (DAO) meteorology and a biophysical variable (fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, FPAR). In order to recalculate the improved GPP estimate, we employed ground weather station data and reconstructed cloud-free FPAR. The official MODIS GPP was evaluated as +17% higher than the improved GPP. The error associated with DAO meteorology was identified as the primary and the error from the cloud-contaminated FPAR as the secondary constituent in the integrative uncertainty. Among various biome types, the highest relative error of the official MODIS GPP to the improved GPP was found in the mixed forest biome with RE of 20% and the smallest errors were shown in crop land cover at 11%. Our results indicated that the uncertainty embedded in the official MODIS GPP product was considerable, indicating that the MODIS GPP needs to be reconstructed with the improved input data of daily surface meteorology and cloud-free FPAR in order to accurately monitor vegetation productivity in Korea.

Review on the Regional Cooperative Activities for Marine Environmental Conservation in Northeast Asia: with Special Reference to the Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) (동북아시아 해양환경보전을 위한 국제협력활동의 현황과 발전방향: 북서태평양보전실천계획(NOWPAP)을 중심으로)

  • Kang Chang-Gu;Kang Seong-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.30-43
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    • 2003
  • The geography, circulation pattern, and ecology show that the semi-closed seas of Northwest Pacific be managed as one complete system. Ongoing multilateral cooperative efforts relevant to marine environmental protection in the Northwest Pacific area, include the Working Group for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) established under the auspices of WNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commissions, the UNDP/GEF Programme on Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in East Asian Seas (PEMSEA), the North Pacific Marine Science Organization(PICES), and the United Nations Environment Programme(WNEP)'s Northwest Pacific Action Plan(NOWPAP). The present report firstly describes the current situations on the existing regional cooperative regimes for marine environmental conservation in the Northwest Pacific region, with a special respect to the Northwest Pacific Action Plan(NOWPAP) which was adopted in 1994 by Japan, People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation. Then, problems of the existing regimes are also discussed, together with the suggestion of the possible solutions, focusing on NOWPAP. Suggestions include: 1) the Northeast Asian countries should understand the importance of legally-binding regional convention, and should build up any legally-binding instrument which can function as a big umbrella for real regional cooperation without prejudice to the rights of the States, 2) At present stage, it will be possible to make a regional convention flexible without prejudice to the sovereign right of the States or territorial issues; 3) taking into account that the region often faces many generic political problems that often inhibit the effective collective actions on environmental issues, the leadership from UNEP or other international organizations is required; 4) strong institutional and financial framework should be made, and 5) multilateral efforts to respond to the new marine environmental threats should be taken at the regional level in order to protect the coastal and marine environments in the Northwest Pacific.

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Utilization Evaluation of Numerical forest Soil Map to Predict the Weather in Upland Crops (밭작물 농업기상을 위한 수치형 산림입지토양도 활용성 평가)

  • Kang, Dayoung;Hwang, Yeongeun;Yoon, Sanghoo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 2021
  • Weather is one of the important factors in the agricultural industry as it affects the price, production, and quality of crops. Upland crops are directly exposed to the natural environment because they are mainly grown in mountainous areas. Therefore, it is necessary to provide accurate weather for upland crops. This study examined the effectiveness of 12 forest soil factors to interpolate the weather in mountainous areas. The daily temperature and precipitation were collected by the Korea Meteorological Administration between January 2009 and December 2018. The Generalized Additive Model (GAM), Kriging, and Random Forest (RF) were considered to interpolate. For evaluating the interpolation performance, automatic weather stations were used as training data and automated synoptic observing systems were used as test data for cross-validation. Unfortunately, the forest soil factors were not significant to interpolate the weather in the mountainous areas. GAM with only geography aspects showed that it can interpolate well in terms of root mean squared error and mean absolute error. The significance of the factors was tested at the 5% significance level in GAM, and the climate zone code (CLZN_CD) and soil water code B (SIBFLR_LAR) were identified as relatively important factors. It has shown that CLZN_CD could help to interpolate the daily average and minimum daily temperature for upland crops.

The Role of Universities in Solving Local and Regional Problems (지역사회 문제해결형 산학협력을 통한 대학의 역할 제고 방안)

  • Jang, Hoo-Eun;Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.459-469
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    • 2017
  • Recently, the third mission as the new role of the university is being emphasized as contributing to the local community through active participation in local and regional problems as well as an economic contribution as an entrepreneurial university. Thus, overseas universities started various university-industry collaboration activities targeting sustainable development based on local community and improve their roles for regional regeneration and innovation. Universities in Korea also tend to set up a cooperative governance with various agents in the local community via university financial support projects by the government and started to promote the university-industry collaboration project for solving the problem of the local community. Therefore, this research tries to find implications in order to expand the role and responsibility as local university and reinforce substantiality and enhancement of university-industry collaboration through a case analysis of university-industry collaboration to solve the problem in local communities in foreign countries. In order to solve the problem of local communities based on local agents-led small-sized projects, it is requested to improve the more active role of the university, local governments and university students.

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A Study on Feature Classification and Data Dictionary of Digital Map (수치지도 지형지물 분류체계 개선 및 자료사전에 관한 연구)

  • 조우석;이동구;윤영보
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.455-468
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    • 2002
  • Toward the systematic and efficient management of national land, National Geography Institute(NGI, National mapping agency) has been producing national basemap in automated process since middle of 1980's. Under the National Geographic Information System(NGIS) Development Plan, NGI began to produce digital maps in the scales of 1:1,000, 1:5,000, 1:25,000 since 1995. However, those of digital maps that have been generated under NGIS Development Plan need to be modified and corrected due to lack of technology and experience in making digital maps. In this context, those digital maps generated are currently in great need for improving the data dictionary. It is fully appreciated in previous research that data dictionary will be a key element far users and generators of digital maps to rectify the existing problems in digital maps as well as to maximize the application of digital maps. In this paper, we analyzed existing problems in digital maps based on previous researches and interviews with engineers in different fields of geospatial engineering. And then, the existing data dictionary has been redefined and modified. In the line of modification process, a relational matrix was established fur each topographic feature defined in the existing feature classification system. This paper presents newly proposed data dictionary which conforms to newly defined feature classification system from previous research performed by NGI.

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A Study on the Web Mapping Method and Application of the Topographic Information in an Open Environment (개방환경에서 지형정보의 웹지도화 방법과 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.563-575
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    • 2007
  • This study aims to investigate a possibility of using topographic information by web mapping in open environments. Web mapping intends to focus on a map analysis and application of the function and geo-visualization. Functions of Web topographic info-map include a spatial analysis, enlargement and minimization, movement, landuse information, user-controling 3 dimension map, landform cross-section analysis, shortest path analysis. The web system adopts SVG(scalable vector graphics), MYSQL, PHP, XML for mapping. SVG has open source policy, so everyone can use it, as well, it is effective on flexible database linkage, cartographic representation. 3D map is intended to represent 3D map by user-controlled sunshine putting pixel opacity by elevation values after making DEM. Landform is designed to show a cross-section analysis and statistics by retrieving height information from database engine with clicking two points on the map. Shortest path analysis within regions uses Dijkstra's algorithm. Near future, resultantly, the area of WebGIS will have to meet more social demands for use-created geo-information and application, so more researches are needed to be web mapping more applicable for users.

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A Study on Cost-Benefit Analysis for Geographic Information (국토지리정보의 비용편익(B/C) 분석)

  • Kim, Kye-Hyun;Park, Hong-Gi;Kim, Kwang-Ju;Choi, Hoon-Sung;Song, Yong-Cheol;Park, Tae-Og
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.10 no.4 s.22
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2002
  • Since the National Geographic Information System(NGIS) project of 1995, the geographic information projects have been promoted in various areas such as central and local governments. In the fact that large scale budget has been invested to geographic information projects as a national policy, the cost-benefit analysis would be essential to enhance the efficiency of the resource allocation. In this circumstance, this study analyzes the costs and benefits of geographic information produced by NGI(National Geography Institute). As a result of the cost-benefit analysis, the total amount of benefits were estimated approximately 620 million dollars and the accumulated ratio of the cost to benefit was 1 to 4.4. Also, the internal ratio of the benefit was 38%, which justified the large scale investment. In case of adding qualitative benefits which can not be measured in a quantitative term, the overall benefits from using such geographic information would be much higher than quantitative benefits. Further research work is required for more objective verification of the large scale national project such as building nationwide geographic information.

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A Study on the Characteristics and Utilization Measures of Rock Formations in the Romantic Road in the Eastern Coast of Korea (동해안 낭만가도의 바위지형경관 특성과 활용방안)

  • Kwon, Dong Hi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.803-818
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    • 2013
  • In this study, a total of 80 rock formations in the romantic road(Nangmangado) were investigated and analyzed and the results are as follows. The area in where the rock formations landscape is seen the most is Yangyang(43 formations), and the formations are most densely concentrated in Jukdo beach when seen from the site group. The most observed landform is weathering landform(61%) and the rest is comprised of coastal landform(24%) and structural landform(15%). For weathering landform, Tafoni takes up the largest portion (33%) and is followed by Corestone(27%), Tor(22%), Gnamma(10%), Groove(4%) and Exfoliation(4%). Considering academic value, rarity and accessibility overall, the 35 landforms are expected to have high utility value as tourism resources and topography filed course. And out of these 35 landforms, 11 are concentrated in Dongsan beach in Yangyang. Therefore, it seems worthy to consider developing Dongsan beach under the name of "Dongsan Coast Rock Park(Tentative Name)" to be actively utilized as tourism resources. The landforms which are evaluated as highly valuable for geomorphology filed course are a total of 16 areas including Fan rock and Op rock formations. In these areas, typical weathering landforms are concentrated in one spot and two or three other types of landform can also be additionally observed, allowing the place to be highly efficient for field education.

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