• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geographical model

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濟州島의 聚落立地에 關한 硏究

  • ;Oh, Hong Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.4
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    • pp.41-54
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    • 1969
  • This paper is concerned with the problem of international approval of national parks in Korea. Much of the solution of this problem is to be found in planning and law. Therefore the provisions for planning in the Korean. Natural Park Law and 20 national park plans were analyzed in comparison with International criterion. Then an gradual changing model of zoning plan were proposed in order to improve the zoning plan of national parks in Korea and applied to Hallasan National Park. These model can be applied to change the zoning plans of national parks in Korea for international approval.

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Analyzing the Effectiveness of a Best Management Practice on Sediment Yields Using a Spatially Distributed Model (공간분포형 모델을 이용한 최적관리방안의 토사 유출 저감 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Taesoo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2017
  • Management of non-point sources for water quality control practice is complicating but very important. Sediments mainly from croplands are prioritized in non-point source management due to the sediment attached phosphorous. In this study, flow and sediment yields are modeled in Oenam watershed located in Hwasun, Jeollanam-do, a upstream of Juam Lake. A spatially distributed model and GIS(Geographic Information System) data was used to find out hot spots of sediment yields, to analyze the effectiveness of filter strips, and to visualize the effectiveness. The impacts of filter strips was estimated on the reduction of flow and sediments at 17.2% and 46.4% respectively when the filter strips were installed in the sub-watersheds with the most serious sediment yields.

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A Review on the Characteristics of Environmental Stress Model for Maritime Traffic Safety Assessment (해상교통 안전성 평가를 위한 환경 스트레스 모델의 특성 고찰(I))

  • 공인영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.198-205
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    • 2003
  • The concept “Environmental Stress(ES)” can be used as a useful index when assessing the maritime traffic safety. It is composed of two parts, one due to geographical restriction and another one due to traffic congestion. In this paper, Environmental Stress due to geographical restriction is reviewed. Its characteristics are surveyed from the sample calculation results for some hypothetical cases, such as approaching a breakwater, navigating in a long straight channel, and in a long bended channel. Sample calculations are also carried out for the approach channels in Busan and Kwangyang harbor. By using this ES concept. it is expected that objective and quantitative assessment of safety is possible for various environmental conditions when navigating in a harbor or in a fairway.

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Collaborative filtering by graph convolution network in location-based recommendation system

  • Tin T. Tran;Vaclav Snasel;Thuan Q. Nguyen
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.1868-1887
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    • 2024
  • Recommendation systems research is a subfield of information retrieval, as these systems recommend appropriate items to users during their visits. Appropriate recommendation results will help users save time searching while increasing productivity at work, travel, or shopping. The problem becomes more difficult when the items are geographical locations on the ground, as they are associated with a wealth of contextual information, such as geographical location, opening time, and sequence of related locations. Furthermore, on social networking platforms that allow users to check in or express interest when visiting a specific location, their friends receive this signal by spreading the word on that online social network. Consideration should be given to relationship data extracted from online social networking platforms, as well as their impact on the geolocation recommendation process. In this study, we compare the similarity of geographic locations based on their distance on the ground and their correlation with users who have checked in at those locations. When calculating feature embeddings for users and locations, social relationships are also considered as attention signals. The similarity value between location and correlation between users will be exploited in the overall architecture of the recommendation model, which will employ graph convolution networks to generate recommendations with high precision and recall. The proposed model is implemented and executed on popular datasets, then compared to baseline models to assess its overall effectiveness.

Methodology for Regional Forest Biomass Estimation Using MODIS Data

  • Yu, Xinfang;Zhuang, Dafang
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.325-327
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    • 2003
  • Forest biomass is the basis of forest ecosystem. With the rapid development of remote sensing and computer technology, forest biomass estimation using remote sensing data is paid great attention and has acquired great achievements. This article focuses on discussion of methods of forest biomass estimation methods using Terra/MODIS data in Northeast China. The research include: combining the MODIS time series parameters with seasonal characteristics of forest species to identify major forest species; establishing a model to estimate forest biomass based on forest species; analyzing the effects of the existent forest biomass and increasing biomass on terrestrial carbon cycle. This research can help to make clear the mechanism of carbon cycle.

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A Study on the Urban Growth Forecasting for the Seoul Metropolitan Area (서울대도시지역 도시성장 예측에 관한 연구)

  • 강영옥;박수홍
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.621-639
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    • 2000
  • 도시는 산업혁명 이후 급속히 발달하기 시작한 인간의 대표적인 정주공간으로, 산업활동의 집중, 도시로의 인구유입으로 공간적인 범위가 확대되어 가고 있다. 급속한 도시성장은 환경을 악화시키고 있으며, 이에 따른 온실효과, 대기오염의 증가 등은 심각한 도시문제로 떠오르고 있다. 지속 가능한 도시성장을 위해 도시가 어떻게 성장해 왔는가를 분석하고, 향후의 도시성장을 예측하며, 이에 대한 적절한 대안을 모색하는 것은 도시관리를 위해 매우 중요한 문제이다. 본 연구에서는 서울대도시지역을 대상으로 1957년부터 1997년까지의 도시성장에 관한 자료를 구축하고, 셀룰라 오토마타(Cellular Automata) 개념에 기초하고 있는 도시성장모델(UGM)을 이용하여 1998년부터 2050년까지의 서울대도시지역의 도시성장을 예측하였다.

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The Study of Simulation Exercise System of Marine Oil Spill Crisis Response Based on GIS

  • Yancheng, Liu;Peihai, Yin;Dianli, Zhao;Caiqin, Sun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.194-199
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    • 2004
  • The paper does researches and analysis on the process of marine oil spill crisis response (MOSCR), and develops the marine oil spill crisis response simulation exercise system. The system developed by this paper is composed of four subsystems, including the training system of MOSCR, the geographical information system of MOSCR, the marine oil spill control and cleanup decision-making expert system, and the computer simulation exercise system. The paper builds up the applied model system of MOSCR. The system takes the marine oil spill crisis response geographical information system as the platform, which integrates all aspects of MOSCR. This system can offer an oil spill scene to the trainees and simulate the whole process of MOSCR on the interface of GIS.

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The Age Dating of Slope Landform in Korea Using Diffusion Equation Model (디퓨젼 공식 모델을 이용한 한국 사면 지형의 연대 측정 연구)

  • 이민부
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.371-384
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    • 1999
  • 디퓨젼 공식 모형은 한국 하천의 중.상류 지역의 하안 단구의 단구애와 같은 삭박 사면에 대한 연대 측정에 유용하게 적용될 수 있다. 지형 연대 측정 방법은 최대 사면각, 사면의 높이 등과 같은 사면단면에 대한 측정된 자료를 사용하는 보조적 연대 측정법의 하나이다. 토탄층에 대한 탄소연대측정법 또는 화분분석과 같은 방법으로 잘 통제되어진 연대를 이 모형에 적용하여 생성 연대를 모르는 다른 사면의 연대를 추정하는데 사용될수 있다. 적용사례로 경북 영양의 연지 저위단구에서 구해진 연대값 6ka를 이용하여, 최대 사면각과 사면의 높이간의 모의실험을 통해 연지 단구의 저위면/중위면 사이의 단구애 상의 삭박률 100 10-4m2/yr.을 구할수 있었다. 이 삭박률을 영춘 단구의 저위면/중위면 사이의 단구애의최대 사면각과 사면 연대간의 모의실험에 적용하여 영춘 단구의 저위면/중위면 사이의 단구애의 형성 시기를 약 37,000년 전으로 구할 수 있었다. 그러나 보다 정밀한 값을 얻기 위해서는 남한강 중.상류의 단구 지역에 대한 적절한 사면 측정 자료가 요구된다.

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Establishing Generic Soil Suitability Evaluation Model Using A Relational Database Geographical Information System (관계형 데이타베이스 토지정보체계를 이용한 포괄적인 토양적지 평가모델 수립)

  • Lee, Kyoo-seock
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1991
  • 토양의 특성은 토지이용에 제한을 가하는 물리적 요소로 활용되고 있으며, 이러한 토양 특성정보는 전통적으로 전문가에 의한 해석에 기초하여 토양도에 서류 형태로 저장, 보관되어 왔 다. 최근에 널리 쓰이기 시작하는 토지정보체계(Geographical Information System, GIS)는 종래의 자료저장, 해석기법을 digital database라는 특성을 이용하여, 새로운 자료분석이 가능한 도구를 제공하게 되었다. 본 연구에서는 위상적으로 체계화된(topologically structured) vector형 토지정 보체계의 관계형 Database Management System(DBMS)과 토양 전문가의 지식을 결합하여 포괄 적인 토양적지 평가모델을 수립한 후, 전문가에 의한 평가, 토양도에 수록된 평가와 각각 비교하 였다. 비교한 결과, 본 연구에서 수립된 토양적지 평가모델은 전문가에 의한 평가와 크게 다르지 않았으며, 이는 토양도의 평가와 비교하여서도 마찬가지였다. 따라서, 본 연구에서 시도된 포괄적 인 토양적지 분석모델은 계속 발전하여 토지정보체계에서의 전문가 기법으로 활용이 가능하다고 판단되어진다.