• Title/Summary/Keyword: Genotypic correlation

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Correlation between GenoType MTBDRplus Assay and Phenotypic Susceptibility Test for Prothionamide in Patients with Genotypic Isoniazid Resistance

  • Lee, Joo Hee;Jo, Kyung-Wook;Shim, Tae Sun
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.82 no.2
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 2019
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the gene mutation patterns by the GenoType MTBDRplus (MTBDRplus) assay and the phenotypic drug susceptibility test (pDST) results of isoniazid (INH) and prothionamide (Pto). Methods: A total of 206 patients whose MTBDRplus assay results revealed katG or inhA mutations were enrolled in the study. The pDST results were compared to mutation patterns on the MTBDRplus assay. Results: The katG and inhA mutations were identified in 68.0% and 35.0% of patients, respectively. Among the 134 isolated katG mutations, three (2.2%), 127 (94.8%) and 11 (8.2%) were phenotypically resistant to low-level INH, high-level INH, and Pto, respectively. Among the 66 isolated inhA mutations, 34 (51.5%), 18 (27.3%) and 21 (31.8%) were phenotypically resistant to low-level INH, high-level INH, and Pto, respectively. Of the 34 phenotypic Pto resistant isolates, 21 (61.8%), 11 (32.4%), and two (5.9%) had inhA, katG, and both gene mutations. Conclusion: It is noted that Pto may still be selected as one of the appropriate multidrug-resistant tuberculosis regimen, although inhA mutation is detected by the MTBDRplus assay until pDST confirms a Pto resistance. The reporting of detailed mutation patterns of the MTBDRplus assay may be important for clinical practice, rather than simply presenting resistance or susceptibility test results.

Heritabilities, Genetic Correlations and Path-coefficient Analysis of Some Economic Characters among Dihaploids from Anther Cultured (Nicotiana tabaccum L.) (담배 약배양에 의한 반수체배가계통의 특성에 관한 연구 - 유전력, 유전상관, 경로계수를 중심으로 -)

  • Jin, J.E.;Chang, K.Y.
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.87-93
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    • 1982
  • Dihaploid lines derived from the another of the $F_1$ of single cross, SC72 $\times$ Hicks (Nicotiana tabacum L.) were estimated the variation, heritablities, genetic correlations and path-co-efficients on agronomic characters and chemical compositions. Dinaploids exhibited reduced vigor and growth when comparecd with the mid-parent value but had increased nicotine contents, and the range of dihaploids characters were deviated more than that of their parents. Heritabilities of days to flowering, leaves per plant, nicotine. contents, leaf size and plant height appeared high value, and the yield, value per kg. and reducing sugar contents were low. There were positive genetic correlations between yield, and value per kg., leaf width, leaves per plant and reducing sugar contents and negative genetic correlations appeared between nicotine contents and the other characters except for index of leaf shape. Path-coefficient analysis of genotypic correlation coefficients showed that leaves per plant and leaf width lave a high direct effect, and plant height and days to flowering have a high indirect effect on yield, respectively.

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Genetic evaluation for economic traits of commercial Hanwoo population using single-step GBLUP

  • Gwang Hyeon Lee;Khaliunaa Tseveen;Yoon Seok Lee;Hong Sik Kong
    • Journal of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.268-274
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    • 2023
  • Background: Recently, the single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction (ssGBLUP) method, which incorporates not only genomic information but also phenotypic information of pedigree, is under study. In this study, we performed a ssGBLUP analysis on a commercial Hanwoo population using phenotypic, genotypic, and pedigree data. Methods: The test population comprised Hanwoo 1,740 heads raised in four regions of Korea, while the reference population used Hanwoo 18,499 heads raised across the country and two-generation pedigree data. Analysis was performed using genotype data generated by the Hanwoo 50 K SNP beadchip. Results: The mean Genome estimated breeding values (GEBVs) estimated using the ssGBLUP methods for carcass weight (CWT), eye muscle area (EMA), back fat thickness (BFT), and marbling score (MS) were 7.348, 1.515, -0.355, and 0.040, respectively, while the accuracy of each trait was 0.749, 0.733, 0.769, and 0.768, respectively. When the correlation analysis between the GEBVs as a result of this study and the actual slaughter performance was confirmed, CWT, EMA, BFT, and MS were reported to be 0.519, 0.435, 0.444, and 0.543, respectively. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the ssGBLUP method enables a more accurate evaluation because it conducts a genetic evaluation of an individual using not only genotype information but also phenotypic information of the pedigree. Individual evaluation using the ssGBLUP method is considered effective for enhancing the genetic ability of farms and enabling accurate and rapid improvements. It is considered that if more pedigree information of reference population is collected for analysis, genetic ability can be evaluated more accurately.

Effect of Genetic-Environmental Interaction on Quality of Wheat (소맥(小麥) 품질특성(品質特性)의 유전(遺傳) 및 환경적(環境的) 변이(變異))

  • Chang, Hak-Gil;Kim, Chang-Sik;Hah, Duk-Mo;Shin, Hyo-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 1986
  • Seven cultivars of hard and soft wheat were evaluated by regression analysis for five bread quality characteristics to determine varietal response to environments. The regression coefficients were used as the measure of adaptability, and determination coefficients were used as the measure of stability by models of Eberhart and Russell. Phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlation coefficient estimated for 6 characters tested in this experiments. Statistical analyses confirmed the strong influence of environment on five bread quality. A significant positive correlation exists between protein content, sedimentation value, pelshenke value and specific loaf volume. High heritability was found for sedimentation value ($h^2=0.747$), protein content ($h^2=0.557$) and specific loaf volume ($h^2=0.551$).

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Genotypic Differences in Yield and Yield-related Elements of Rice under Elevated Air Temperature Conditions (온도 조건에 따른 벼 수량 및 수량 관련 요소 반응의 품종간 차이)

  • Lee, Kyu-Jong;Kim, Dong-Jin;Ban, Ho-Young;Lee, Byun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.306-316
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    • 2015
  • An experiment in a controlled environment was conducted to evaluate the genotypic differences of grain yield and yield-related elements of rice under elevated air temperature. Eight rice genotypes included in three maturing group (early, medium, and medium-late maturing group) were grown with 1/5,000 a Wagner pots at four plastic houses that were controlled to the temperature regimes of ambient temperature (AT), $AT+1.5^{\circ}C$, $AT+3.0^{\circ}C$, and $AT+5.0^{\circ}C$ throughout the rice growing season in 2011. Ripened grain ratio and 1000 grain weight showed the most susceptible and tolerant responses to elevated air temperature, respectively. The grain yield reduction was attributable to the sharp decrease of ripened grain ratio. Grain yield was significantly decreased above the treatment of $AT+1.5^{\circ}C$ and $AT+3.0^{\circ}C$ in early maturing group and the others, respectively. Highly correlation to average temperature from heading to 20 days was revealed in yield (r = -0.69), ripened grain ratio (r = -82), fully-filled grain (r = -70), and 1000 grain weight (r = -0.31). The responses of yield and yield-related elements except number of spikelets and panicle to elevated air temperature were fitted to a logistic function. The parameters of logistic function for each elements except grain yield could not be applied to the other varieties. In conclusion, yield and yield-related elements responded differentially to elevated air temperature according to maturity groups and rice varieties. Ongoing global warming is expected to decrease the grain yield not only by decreasing the grain weight but also decreasing the ripened grain ratio in the future. However, the yield reduction would be mitigated by adopting and/or breeding the less sensitive varieties to high temperature.

Yearly Variation of Genetic Parameters for Main Characters of Tea Tree(Lycium chinense Miller) Varieties (구기자 품종의 실용형질 및 지골피수량)

  • 이상래;권병선;이종일;이유식
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.442-448
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    • 1985
  • The objective of this study was to compare year variations of heritability, phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlations as well as pathway coefficients for main characters of tea tree to provide useful selection information for improving tea tree. The data collected from the performance yield trials from 1979 to 1981 were used in this study. 1. The genetic variance of height of stem and length of first branch was not only greatly varied with year. but also the largest among all characteristics studied. Other characteristics showed higher genetic variance than environmental variances, and year variances were very small. 2. Both year and variety x year interaction were highly significant sources of variation for height of stem, length of first branch and number of fruits in main stem pooled from three year data. 3. All characteristics showed high broad sense heritabilities, and the broad sense heritability was not varied with year. 4. The genetic correlation coefficients between Gigolpi and height of stem, length of first branch and number of fruits in main stem were positive, and the year variation was not large. 5. The pathway coefficients of the character was not only greatly varied with year and the height of stem, length of first branch and weight of dryed root affected directly on the Giglopi.

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Biofilm Forming Ability and Production of Curli and Cellulose in Clinical Isolates of Enterobacteriaceae (생물막형성 장내세균의 Curli 및 Cellulose 세포외 바탕질 분석)

  • Choi, Yeh-Wan;Lee, Hee-Woo;Kim, Sung-Min;Lee, Je-Chul;Lee, Yoo-Chul;Seol, Sung-Yong;Cho, Dong-Taek;Kim, Jung-Min
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.335-341
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    • 2011
  • In this study, 22 clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae including Citrobacterfreundii (6 strains), Enterobacter cloacae (5 strains), Enterobacter aerogenes (3 strains), Serratia marcescens (7 strains) and Pantoea spp. (1 strain) were investigated for the biofilm forming ability and biosynthesis of curli and cellulose. Biofilm forming ability was the highest among the isolates of E. cloacae and the lowest among the isolates of E. aerogenes. The expression of the biofilm-forming extracellular matrix components, cellulose and curli fimbriae, was examined by Congo-red (CR) staining and calcofluor staining methods. PCR screening for the presence of curli gene (csgA) revealed that 4 strains of E. cloacae and 1 strain of C. freundii carried the csgA, showing a good correlation between the phenotypic detection of curli fimbriae by CR staining method and the genotypic detection of curli gene by PCR in E. cloacae.

Comparative metabolomic analysis in horses and functional analysis of branched chain (alpha) keto acid dehydrogenase complex in equine myoblasts under exercise stress

  • Jeong-Woong, Park;Kyoung Hwan, Kim;Sujung, Kim;Jae-rung, So;Byung-Wook, Cho;Ki-Duk, Song
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.64 no.4
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    • pp.800-811
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    • 2022
  • The integration of metabolomics and transcriptomics may elucidate the correlation between the genotypic and phenotypic patterns in organisms. In equine physiology, various metabolite levels vary during exercise, which may be correlated with a modified gene expression pattern of related genes. Integrated metabolomic and transcriptomic studies in horses have not been conducted to date. The objective of this study was to detect the effect of moderate exercise on the metabolomic and transcriptomic levels in horses. In this study, using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, we analyzed the concentrations of metabolites in muscle and plasma; we also determined the gene expression patterns of branched chain (alpha) keto acid dehydrogenase kinase complex (BCKDK), which encodes the key regulatory enzymes in branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) catabolism, in two breeds of horses, Thoroughbred and Jeju, at different time intervals. The concentrations of metabolites in muscle and plasma were measured by 1H NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy, and the relative metabolite levels before and after exercise in the two samples were compared. Subsequently, multivariate data analysis based on the metabolic profiles was performed using orthogonal partial least square discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA), and variable important plots and t-test were used for basic statistical analysis. The stress-induced expression patterns of BCKDK genes in horse muscle-derived cells were examined using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) to gain insight into the role of transcript in response to exercise stress. In this study, we found higher concentrations of aspartate, leucine, isoleucine, and lysine in the skeletal muscle of Jeju horses than in Thoroughbred horses. In plasma, compared with Jeju horses, Thoroughbred horses had higher levels of alanine and methionine before exercise; whereas post-exercise, lysine levels were increased. Gene expression analysis revealed a decreased expression level of BCKDK in the post-exercise period in Thoroughbred horses.

Cation Content of Salt-Tolerant and -Susceptible Cultivars and Its Inheritance in Rice (벼 내염성 및 비내염성 품종들의 양이온함량과 그의 유전)

  • Won, Yong-Jae;Heu, Mun-Hue;Koh, Hee-Jong
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1992
  • This study was conducted to obtain the basic information on salt-tolerance of rice cultivars in relations with growth retardation and cation content. As the salt-level increased, less retardation in plant height and dry weight were shown in salt-tolerant than salt-susceptible rice cultivars. Salt tolerant cultivars showed lower N $a^{+}$ and higher $K^{+}$ content and lower N $a^{+}$ / $K^{+}$ ratio at each salt-levels than salt-susceptible ones, while there were no significant differences in $Ca^{++}$ and $Mg^{++}$ content. At the tillering stage, the plant height and dry weight of the salt-treated plots were significantly correlated with N $a^{+}$ and $K^{+}$ content and N $a^{+}$ / $K^{+}$ ratio, implying that N $a^{+}$ and $K^{+}$ content could be an indicator of salt-tolerance of a rice cultivar. There were no tiller-depending differences in cation content in all cultivars. N $a^{+}$ content and N $a^{+}$ / $K^{+}$ ratio in leaves were lower at the top and higher at the bottom. In three $F_1$ hybrids between salt tolerant parent Pokkali and three salt susceptible parents, plant height, dry weight, $K^{+}$ content and N $a^{+}$ / $K^{+}$ ratio were similar to those of Pokkali parent, while N $a^{+}$ content was intermediate of the parents. So, it seemed that salt tolerance is dominant over salt susceptibility. In $F_2$ of Pokkali/wx817 cross, genetic segregation of plant height, dry weight, $K^{+}$ content and N $a^{+}$ / $K^{+}$ ratio varied continuously and was biased onto Pokkali side, while that of N $a^{+}$ content showed normal distribution with intermediate mode. Broad-sense heritability of the characters ranged from 0. 604 to 0. 811. Genotypic and phenotypic correlation coefficients among them were relatively high.fficients among them were relatively high.h.h.

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Correlation Between Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme(ACE) Inhibitor Induced Dry Cough and ACE Gene Insertion/Deletion(I/D) Polymorphism (안지오텐신 전환효소 억제제에 의한 건성 기침의 발생과 안지오텐신 전환효소 유전자 다형성과의 관계)

  • Kim, Je-Hyeong;Jeong, Hye-Cheol;Kim, Kyung-Kyu;Lee, Sung-Yong;Kwon, Young-Hwan;Lee, So-Ra;Lee, Sang-Youb;Lee, Sin-Hyung;Cha, Dae-Ryong;Cho, Jae-Youn;Shim, Jae-Jeong;Cho, Won-Yong;Kang, Kyung-Ho;Kim, Hyoung-Kyu;Yoo, Se-Hwa;In, Kwang-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 1999
  • Background: Persistent nonproductive cough is a major adverse effect encountered with ACE inhibitor treatment and the most frequent reason for withdrawal of the drug. The mechanism of cough was postulated to be associated with accumulation of bronchial irritants which are substrates of ACE. It has been speculated that occurrence of this adverse effect is genetically predetermined ; in particular, variants of the genes encoding ACE. To investigate this relationship, we determined ACE gene Insertion/Deletion polymorphism in subjects with and without a history of ACE inhibitor-induced cough. Methods: Among the 339 patients with ACE inhibitor treatment, subjects who developed cough that resolved when not taking medication were designated to cough group and other subjects who did not complain cough were designated to non-cough group. Clinical characteristics of the patients were collected by review of medical records. ACE genotypes were determined by PCR amplification of DNA from peripheral blood and agarose gel electrophoresis. Results: 37 patients complained of dry cough(cough group) and 302 patients did not complained of cough(non-cough group). The incidence of ACE inhibitor induced dry cough was 10.9%. There was a preponderance of females in the cough group (M : F=24.3% : 75.7%) compared to the non-cough group (M : F=49.7% : 50.3%, p=0.004). There was no significant difference in mean age, underlying diseases, and kinds and frequencies of ACE inhibitors and their mean dosage between the both groups. ACE genotypic frequencies were I/I : I/D : D/D=16.2% : 18.9% : 64.9% in the cough group and 18.9% : 18.2% : 62.9% in the non-cough group which showed no significant difference between the both groups(p=0.926). Allelic frequencies were I : D = 25.7% : 74.3% and 28.0% : 72.0% in the cough and non-cough group respectively and the difference was not significant(p = 0.676). Conclusion: The incidence of ACE inhibitor-induced cough are 10.9%, and women are more susceptible to ACE inhibitor-induced cough. ACE inhibitor-induced dry cough is not associated with ACE gene Insertion/Deletion polymorphism.

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