• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gathering

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Dental Occlusion and Relationship to TMD and Systemic Symptoms (I) (교합이 악구강계 및 전신에 미치는 영향 (I))

  • Bae, Hanna Eun-Kyung;Choi, Byeong-Gap;Kim, Seong-Taek;Kim, Eun-Seok;Park, Eun-Jin
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.307-317
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    • 2009
  • A growing interest in management and treatment for patients with temporomandibular disorder(TMD) by many health workers, including oriental medicine doctors, physical therapists as well as dentists, have been noted in South Korea. Some of these health workers claim correlation between dental occlusion, TMD, and systemic symptoms such as tinnitus, dizziness, neck pain, myalgia, low back pain, posture and many other systemic symptoms and many controversial treatments are being carried out on bases of theories and reasons with no strong scientific evidence. This article is a result of preliminary study by authors in gathering scientific data on few of these various treatment modalities for TMD using MEDLINE data, internet and tutorials given by those who are using these TMD treatment methods. The modalities that had been searched are as follows; (1) Craniosacral mechanism (2) Osteopathy (3) Myodontics (4) Chirodontics (5) Dental Distress Syndrome and Quadrant Theorem. An outline of those theories will be introduced, and the contents in detail for respective theory will be reported in the following articles.

Landscape Design for the Song-Do Apartment Complex Development (인천 송도4공구 공동주택 외부공간 조성계획)

  • Kim Do-Kyong;Ahn Se-Hyon;Joo Shin-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2004
  • In 2004, the Incheon Urban Development Corporation held a design competition for the Song-Do apartment complex development. Several projects that won the prize in the recent design competitions were reviewed to look around the current design tendency, and current conditions of the site were surveyed. The authors tried to combine digital and environment-friendly factors, considering the site condition. Because the site is on reclaimed land and is located at the center of the information-technology industrial area, these two factors inform the main concept of this project. The site was divided into two different zones : the Ocean Zone and the Digital Zone. The 'community spaces'(community street, community plaza and so on) were designed for the various activities of the residents. The Patios, 'private' community spaces, included many facilities for play, appreciation, rest, exercise, refreshment and gathering. To avoid common landscape styles in the patios, simple and minimal forms were designed. The environmental sculptures were carefully planned, allocated and shaped with digital technology, based on the 'Present and Future of Song-Do'. The authors also tried to introduce environment-friendly factors, such as the green roof system, wall planting, and the water recycling system. This project is following the M.A. (Master Architect) process, and is still being modified to make the hi-tech and environment-friendly apartment complex.

The Types and Characteristics of Gift-Purchasing Behavior of Consumers (소비자들의 선물구매행동유형 및 그 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 허경옥;유정임;김종숙
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.31-52
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    • 2002
  • This study classified consumers' behaviors of purchasing gifts, divided groups by the types of similar behaviors, and examined impacts of demographic variables, relevant variables in purchasing processes on those behaviors. Findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, factors explaining consumers' behaviors of purchasing gifts were the tendency of demonstrative purchase, the level of placing values to the meaning of gifts, the level of altruism and rationality in the purchase of gifts, and the tendency of impulsive purchase. On the basis of these five factors, five distinct consumer groups showing similar behaviors of purchasing gifts based on the results of Cluster analysis were identified. Those groups were impulsiveㆍdemonstrative groups, impulsiveㆍnon-sincere groups, indifferent groups, non-impulsiveㆍdemonstrative groups, non-altruistic'ㆍrational groups, sincere groups, and altruisticㆍrational groups. Second, behaviors of purchasing gifts showed significant differences depending on gender, educational levels, occupational types, and women's employment status. Consumers with high education, professional occupation, high income tended to show the demonstrative purchase. Male consumers were not interested in the purchases of gifts and placed high values on the meanings of gifts. In contrast, female consumers showed rational behavior, but revealed the tendency of demonstrative in the purchase of gifts as well. Finally, behaviors of purchasing gifts were also different depending on the method of gathering consumer information, places of purchasing gifts, experiences of ordering paid wrapping gifts and the relevant costs, consumers' evaluations of the purchases of gifts, and degrees of satisfaction after the purchase of gifts. Impulsive'ㆍdemonstrative groups and non-impulsive'ㆍ demonstrative groups preferred departments as places of purchasing gifts and choose ordering paid wrapping gifts but showed dissatisfactions after purchases of gifts. Consumers who belongs to non-altruistic'ㆍrational groups, sincere groups, and altruistic'ㆍ rational groups tended to prefer local stores in their own villages as places of purchasing gifts and did not order paid wrapping gifts while showing high after the purchase of gifts.

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Development of Health Information Program for the Middle Aged Women (중년여성을 위한 건강정보 프로그램 개발과 건강교육 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyeoun-Ae;Park, Young-Sook;Oh, Hyo-Sook;Kim, Hoo-Jung
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.165-176
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of the study was to develop a Web site for the middle-aged women and test the usability of the site. Users' need for information were identified via online survey of 189 middle-aged women. It was found that they had various health problems but very few did any health prevention or health promotion activities. A web site for the middle-aged women was developed based on the result of needs assessment. The site includes content on exercise, diet including weight control, osteoporosis, climacteric, aging, breast and cervical cancer. Besides this health information, FAQ on women's health, my health knowledge test, statistics, link to related institutes and web sites, newspaper articles/mass media clips, journal articles, conferences, papers and other educational information were added. The site was developed as a subsystem of the Healthguide(http://healthguide.kihasa.re.kr). As a way of utilizing the homepage, twenty two women aged 40-50 were recruited at a community-based gathering and health promotion education program was conducted. To test the effectiveness of the education, knowledge, attitude and behavior changes of before and after education were compared. There were significant differences of knowledge and behavior in breast cancer, cervical cancer, osteoporosis, menopause and sexual life. It is expected that Web-based women's health information will contribute to women's health promotion and provide an effective learning media for health education.

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Assessment of statistical sampling methods and approximation models applied to aeroacoustic and vibroacoustic problems

  • Biedermann, Till M.;Reich, Marius;Kameier, Frank;Adam, Mario;Paschereit, C.O.
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.529-550
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    • 2019
  • The effect of multiple process parameters on a set of continuous response variables is, especially in experimental designs, difficult and intricate to determine. Due to the complexity in aeroacoustic and vibroacoustic studies, the often-performed simple one-factor-at-a-time method turns out to be the least effective approach. In contrast, the statistical Design of Experiments is a technique used with the objective to maximize the obtained information while keeping the experimental effort at a minimum. The presented work aims at giving insights on Design of Experiments applied to aeroacoustic and vibroacoustic problems while comparing different experimental designs and approximation models. For this purpose, an experimental rig of a ducted low-pressure fan is developed that allows gathering data of both, aerodynamic and aeroacoustic nature while analysing three independent process parameters. The experimental designs used to sample the design space are a Central Composite design and a Box-Behnken design, both used to model a response surface regression, and Latin Hypercube sampling to model an Artificial Neural network. The results indicate that Latin Hypercube sampling extracts information that is more diverse and, in combination with an Artificial Neural network, outperforms the quadratic response surface regressions. It is shown that the Latin Hypercube sampling, initially developed for computer-aided experiments, can also be used as an experimental design. To further increase the benefit of the presented approach, spectral information of every experimental test point is extracted and Artificial Neural networks are chosen for modelling the spectral information since they show to be the most universal approximators.

The Preferred Fashion Style and Self-image that Korean Career Women's Seek According to Daily Situations (한국 직장여성의 일상 상황별 추구하는 자기이미지와 선호 패션스타일)

  • Hong, Hye Rim;Kim, Young In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.66 no.7
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    • pp.50-68
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    • 2016
  • The objectives of this study are to identify the self-image and preferred fashion styles that Korean career women seek in different daily situations, and to propose a positioning map in accords with the findings. The study conducted a survey and in-depth interviews. The study used twenty items of self-image adjectives extracted from existing studies, and eighteen fashion style stimuli collected by examining women's wear brands. The study surveyed 329 career women. Their daily situation was classified into five situations; external meeting and presentation, ordinary work, wedding and family gathering, blind date or date, and meeting with friends and acquaintances. The analysis results of this study showed that self-image and fashion style preferences are relevant to daily situation. The image most sought in external meetings and presentation was the 'Elegant' image, and the image most sought in meetings with friends and acquaintances was the 'active' image. Women on dates or blind dates sought the 'feminine' image the most, however they preferred to avoid this image during external meetings and presentations. Among fashion styles, the 'elegant/classic' style was most preferred, and the 'sexy/avant-garde' style had the lowest preference among all the styles. 'Mannish' was preferred in ordinary work and meeting with friends and acquaintances, however, it was shown as having the lowest preference level in blind dates or dates. The 'romantic/natural' style was highly preferred in meeting with friends and acquaintances, however it had a low level of preference for external meetings and presentations. This study has significance in providing practical information to utilize in fashion industry by identifying the relationship between self-image and preferred fashion style sought by career women according to daily situation, and using the results to propose a positioning map.

Indoor localization algorithm based on WLAN using modified database and selective operation (변형된 데이터베이스와 선택적 연산을 이용한 WLAN 실내위치인식 알고리즘)

  • Seong, Ju-Hyeon;Park, Jong-Sung;Lee, Seung-Hee;Seo, Dong-Hoan
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.932-938
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the Fingerprint, which is one of the methods of indoor localization using WLAN, has been many studied owing to robustness about ranging error by the diffraction and refraction of radio waves. However, in the signal gathering process and comparison operation for the measured signals with the database, this method requires time consumption and computational complexity. In order to compensate for these problems, this paper presents, based on proposed modified database, WLAN indoor localization algorithm using selective operation of collected signal in real time. The proposed algorithm reduces the configuration time and the size of the data in the database through linear interpolation and thresholding according to the signal strength, the localization accuracy, while reducing the computational complexity, is maintained through selective operation of the signals which are measured in real time. The experimental results show that the accuracy of localization is improved to 17.8% and the computational complexity reduced to 46% compared to conventional Fingerprint in the corridor by using proposed algorithm.

A detection algorithm for the installations and damages on a tunnel liner using the laser scanning data (레이저 스캐닝 데이터를 이용한 터널 시설물 및 손상부위 검측 알고리즘)

  • Yoon, Jong-Suk;Lee, Jun-S.;Lee, Kyu-Sung;SaGong, Myung
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2007
  • Tunnel management is a time-consuming and expensive task. In particular, visual analysis of tunnel inspection often requires extended time and cost and shows problems on data gathering, storage and analysis. This study proposes a new approach to extract information for tunnel management by using a laser scanning technology. A prototype tunnel laser scanner developed was used to obtain point clouds of a railway tunnel surface. Initial processing of laser scanning data was to separate those laser pulses returned from the installations attached to tunnel liner using radiometric and geometric characteristics of laser returns. Once the laser returns from the installations were separated and removed, physically damaged parts on tunnel lining are detected. Based on the plane formed by laser scanner data, damaged parts are detected by analysis of proximity. The algorithms presented in this study successfully detect the physically damaged parts which can be verified by the digital photography of the corresponding location on the tunnel surface.

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A Study on Efficient Distributed Data Processing POS System of PKI Based (PKI 기반의 효율적인 분산처리 Point of sales 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Park Gil-Cheol;Kim Seok-Soo;Kang Min-Gyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2005
  • POS system that become that is supply net administration and computerization fetters of customer management that become point in istribution network constructed database and use XML-Encryption that is certificate techniques of PKI and standard of security for security that is XML's shortcoming and design distributed processing POS system using XML for data integration by introduction of Ubiquitous concept. This POS system has four advantages. First, Because there is no server, need not to attempt authentication and data transmission every time. Second, can integrate data base by XML and improve portability of program itself. Third, XML data in data transmission because transmit data after encryption data safe .Fourth, After encode whenever process data for data breakup anger of POS system client program and elevation of the processing speed, transmit at because gathering data at data transmission.

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Exploration on Difficulty of Human Rights Process Conducted in Caretaker Workers of the Disabled Residential Facilities -Focused on the Caretaker Workers of the Disabled Residential Facilities in Busan- (장애인시설종사자의 인권수행과정의 어려움에 대한 탐색적 연구 -부산지역 장애인거주시설 종사자를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Sunjoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.771-781
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    • 2016
  • This purpose of this study is to identify and conceptualize difficulty of abstract experiencing human rights process conducted in caretaker workers of the disabled residential facilities by utilizing multidimensional scaling. Focused on the caretaker workers of the disabled residential facilities in Busan, gathering a declarative sentence from caretaker workers, have classified index card. According to the results of the analysis, be reached name of six cluster. In facilities, caretaker workers was recognized Communication of the conflict between those People with intellectual disabilities, intention of service provider is not taken into account, those people emphasis to show up for caretaker workers, conflict based subjective human rights awareness of those People with intellectual disabilities. External facilities, interest in human rights is increasing becoming of pollution have difficulty to work hard time gaps between practice of human rights management and on-the-job experience, the rigidity of human rights investigation and inspection, lack of consideration for the caretaker workers. Based on this result, this study suggested a number of practical implications which can be used to reduce difficulty of human rights process conducted in the caretaker workers of the disabled residential facilities.