• Title/Summary/Keyword: GPS Errors

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Using a Refined SBAS Algorithm to Determine Surface Deformation in the Long Valley Caldera and Its Surroundings from 2003-2010

  • Lee, Won-Jin;Lu, Zhong;Jung, Hyung-Sup;Park, Sun-Cheon;Lee, Duk Kee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.101-115
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    • 2018
  • The Long Valley area and its surroundings are part of a major volcano system where inflation occurred in the resurgent dome in the 1990s. We used ENVISAT data to monitor surface deformation of the Long Valley area and its surroundings after the inflation, from 2003-2010. To retrieve the time series of the deformation, we applied the refined Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) algorithm which is improved using an iterative approach to minimize unwrapping error. Moreover, ascending and descending data were used to decompose the horizontal and vertical deformation in detail. To confirm refined SBAS results, we used GPS dataset. The InSAR errors are estimated as ${\pm}1.0mm/yr$ and ${\pm}0.8mm/yr$ from ascending and descending tracks, respectively. Compare to the previous study of 1990s over the Long Valley and its surroundings, Paoha Island and CASA geothermal area still subside. The deformation pattern in the Long Valley area during the study period (2003-2010) went through both subsidence (2003-2007) and slow uplift(2007-2010) episodes. Our research also shows no deformation signal near McGee Creek. Our study provided a better understanding of the surface changes of the indicators in the 1990s and 2000s.

A Study on the Technique for Preventing Passing-by of High-speed Train (KTX 정차역 통과사고 원인분석 및 예방대책)

  • Chun, Chung-Geun;Chung, Sung-Bong;Lee, Min-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2012
  • It is commonly recognized that railway is one of the representative transportation and it offers public service based on strategies for being rapid, automation, safety. Since the opening of high speed railway, 3-hundred-million people have used it and acknowledged its efficiency. However, derailed accident at Kwangmyeong station in February, 2011, frequent malfunction of KTX-Sancheon, and accidents by engineer's careless fault damaged on credibility of safety, Especially, spreaded accidents through social networking service by cell phones amplified anxiety of public, being criticized by the press. This study analyzed statistics of past accident and cases of passing-by accident, and surveyed 152 KTX captain engineers about their recognition of the accident by careless fault and experiences of possibility of occurrence for preventing engineer's careless fault and restoring trust According to the analysis, engineers worry about responsibility and disadvantages related to the accidents for the most, and they are nervous about malfunction for the second most. This study presents prevention methods regarding the result. First, it is required to improve mental stability and concentration on their work, secondly, advanced ability to cope with malfunction or error through repetitive education and training are required to increase confidence, and for the last, improvement of operational supporting system such as ATP, GPS to prevent errors by human factors. Improvement of the system is expected to lead engineers to prevent careless fault and regain the reputation of railway.

Positioning using ZigBee and Ultrasound

  • Park, Chan-Sik;Kim, Seung-Beom;Kang, Dong-Youn;Yun, Hee-Hak;Cha, En-Jong;Lee, Sang-Jeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.217-222
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    • 2006
  • To find a location, GPS has been wildly used. But, it is hard to use in indoor because of very weak signal level. To meet indoor requirements, there have been many studies applying wireless communication networks such as WLAN, UWB and ZigBee. Among these, ZigBee is widely adopted in many WSN applications because it has an advantage of low-power and low-cost. In ZigBee, the RSSI is used as range measurement for ad-hoc network. The RSSI are converted to ranges using the signal attenuation model and these ranges become inputs of positioning methods. The obtained position with RSSI has large error because of its poor accuracy. To overcome this problem, ultrasonic sensors are added in many researches. By measuring the arrival time difference of ZigBee and ultrasound as a range measurement, the precise position can be found. However, there are still many problems: scheduling of beacons to transmit signals in a correct order, addition and synchronization of beacons and low-rate positioning rate. At this paper, an efficient method to solve these problems is proposed. In the proposed method, a node transmits ZigBee and ultrasound signal simultaneously. And beacons find the range with the received signals and send it back to a node with ZigBee. The position is computed in a node with the received ranges. In addition, a new positioning algorithm to solve the risk of the divergence in the linearization method and the singularity problem in the Savarese method is presented. Both static and dynamic experimental results show 0.02m RMS errors with high output rate.

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A Study on a Multi Location Awareness Base on CSS(Chirp Spread Spectrum) (CSS기반 다중 위치인식 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Jin-Uk;Cho, Seung-Soo;Yang, Seung-Hyun;Kang, Jun-Gil
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.106-121
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we proposed and designed the protocol for energy efficiency and the center of data aiming at the design of a Multi Location Awareness System that recognizes a shadow site in parking and tunnel, which stands on the basis of CSS(Chirp Spread Spectrum) method using ISM Band of IEEE 802.15.4a that aware close location with wireless RF only. As a result of the protocol measurement, it displays the observation errors of less than 15cm, the data error rate of less than 5%, and can implement the Multi Location Awareness System with maximum length of life for 13.5 days using battery of 3V(1500 mAh).

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Development of Web-based Logistics Information System Using Usability Evaluation (Usability 평가기법을 활용한 웹 기반 물류정보시스템 개발)

  • Jang, Kyoung-Yeol;Byun, Sang-Kyu;Yoo, Woo-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.8-17
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    • 2006
  • Presented in this paper was to evaluate and improve the usability of a web-based logistics information system. The system was developed for the domestic company to track and monitor its own transportation vehicles and for the customers to check the current location of their packages by using Global Positioning System (GPS) and Short Massage Service (SMS). Since the initial system was developed under a tight schedule set by the company, the system designers and programmers did not focus on the usability of the system but on the functionality. Consequently, some usability problems of the system were discovered during the heuristic usability evaluation. This study was required to solve these usability issues. Usability problems of the initial system were identified and analyzed, and the user's requirements for the system were re-evaluated to meet the company's expectation. Several alternative designs were developed by fitted guidelines and then a updated system was developed. The updated system had an empirical usability test to find how much the initial system was improved from the heuristic evaluation. Two kinds of data were gathered during the tests: objective (completion time and number of errors) and subjects' preference. Data showed the updated system is better than the initial system in terms of usability. Presented in this paper includes introduction of the Usability evaluation, usability engineering process applied in this research, alternative design of GUI, usability test and results.

Development of MATLAB GUI Based Software for Generating Multi-GNSS Network RTK MAC Correction (MATLAB GUI 기반 다중 위성군 Network RTK MAC 보정정보 생성 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Bu-Gyeom Kim;Changdon Kee
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.412-417
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, multi-GNSS network RTK MAC correction generation software developed based on MATLAB GUI is introduced. The software was developed as a post-processing software based on simulation data to evaluate the feasibility of an algorithm for generating correction for multi-GNSS including GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo. As a result of software operation, network RTK correction for each system of multi-GNSS is output in MATLAB file format. In this paper, to evaluate the performance of the developed software, the residual error was analyzed after applying the correction generated through the software to the user. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that effective network RTK correction could be generated by confirming that the residual errors of users were maintained at 10 cm or less.

Assessment of Positioning Accuracy of UAV Photogrammetry based on RTK-GPS (RTK-GPS 무인항공사진측량의 위치결정 정확도 평가)

  • Lee, Jae-One;Sung, Sang-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2018
  • The establishment of Ground Control Points (GCPs) in UAV-Photogrammetry is a working process that requires the most time and expenditure. Recently, the rapid developments of navigation sensors and communication technologies have enabled Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to conduct photogrammetric mapping without using GCP because of the availability of new methods such as RTK (Real Time Kinematic) and PPK (Post Processed Kinematic) technology. In this study, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the potential of RTK-UAV mapping with no GCPs compared to that of non RTK-UAV mapping. The positioning accuracy results produced by images obtained simultaneously from the two different types of UAVs were compared and analyzed. One was a RTK-UAV without GCPs and the other was a non RTK-UAV with different numbers of GCPs. The images were taken with a Canon IXUS 127 camera (focal length 4.3mm, pixel size $1.3{\mu}m$) at a flying height of approximately 160m, corresponding to a nominal GSD of approximately 4.7cm. As a result, the RMSE (planimetric/vertical) of positional accuracy according to the number of GCPs by the non-RTK method was 4.8cm/8.2cm with 5 GCPs, 5.4cm/10.3cm with 4 GCPs, and 6.2cm/12.0cm with 3 GCPs. In the case of non RTK-UAV photogrammetry with no GCP, the positioning accuracy was decreased greatly to approximately 112.9 cm and 204.6 cm in the horizontal and vertical coordinates, respectively. On the other hand, in the case of the RTK method with no ground control point, the errors in the planimetric and vertical position coordinates were reduced remarkably to 13.1cm and 15.7cm, respectively, compared to the non-RTK method. Overall, UAV photogrammetry supported by RTK-GPS technology, enabling precise positioning without a control point, is expected to be useful in the field of spatial information in the future.

A Study on MBES Error Data Removing using Motion Sensor (Motion Sensor를 이용한 MBES 오측자료 제거 연구)

  • Kang, Moon-Kwon;Choi, Yun-Soo;Chang, Min-Chol;Yoon, Ha-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2010
  • Sounding data is the essential source for the safety of ships navigation system, and fundamental to the reasonable usage and maintenance of the ocean as well. As IT tech, positioning equipment such as GPS and INS, echo sounder are developed, recently, the precise submarine topography database bas been built by Multi-Beam Echo Sounder. However, MBES data includes some inevitable error caused by several factor, and some data have errors where the terrain is wobble. The error, which causes the $moir\acute{e}$ pattern error is the main factor hindering the accuracy of MBES data results, and therefore it is necessary to figure out the main cause of the error for the improvement of the accuracy by removing error data. On this research, the main cause of the error data is studied by analyzing motion sensor value of data including the $moir\acute{e}$ pattern error. Thus, as the result of examination, it turns out that the $moir\acute{e}$ pattern error is related to the standard deviation of Roll, and error data values are results of the non-correspondence between Swath data and Roll values caused by the drastic change of Roll values. Accordingly, the error data is removed by comparing between the gradient of Swath data and Roll values. Finally, as the result of removing error data, it is expected to be able to estimate the quality of MBES using the standard deviation of Motion sensor's Roll value, and calculate the additive error factor, which minimize non-corresponding data, and also this research must be contributed to improve the accuracy of sounding for small vessels with lots of motion in the bad circumstance for navigation.

Indoor Positioning Using RFID Technique (RFID 기술을 이용한 실내 위치 추적)

  • Yoon, Chang-sun;Kim, Tae-in;Kim, Hyeon-jin;Hong, Yeon-chan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.207-214
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    • 2016
  • RFID technology is a technology perceiving information with the device called reader and tag which is now used in public transportation such as Hi-pass. In this paper, we design a system which tracks indoor location using this technology. GPS, the most frequently used location-tracking system, has a defect that its accuracy decreases when the device is indoor. In suggested experiment, we simulate signals according to the moving of located objects, then compare with the result of the experiment. Based on the extracted data, we inform data which is for the purpose of tracking system based on analysis of the route and errors. Simulations for the tracking were performed with relocation of real objects. In the real experiment, we arrange the readers around the room and move the tagged object that we like to know the location, then analyze the data from the equipment. This paper suggests the analyzed data for the future indoor tag tracking applications. We expect that the RFID based location positioning data will be used for other indoor positioning research and development.

Establishment of the Plane Coordinate System for Framework Data(UTM-K) in Korea (우리나라 기본지리정보 좌표계(UTM-K) 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Yun Soo;Kim Gun Soo;Park Hong Gi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.313-321
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    • 2004
  • Korean government has offcially decided to adopt global geodetic reference system(ITRF and GRS80) from 2007 keeping pace with the spread of GNSS. Industries related with LBS and telematics have called for use of the new coordinate system suitable for GIS/GPS applications. The government also defined the single plane coordinate system that covers entire korean peninsula as UTM-K considering DB-based framework data and user-friendliness, and its defects were corrected while being applied to the building of road framework data. The TM projection, and origin scale factor of plane coordinate system, 0.9996were employed in order to satisfy the single plane coordinate system for the entire Korean peninsula. For the origin of plane coordinate system, longitude of $127^{\circ}$30'00" and latitude of $38^{\circ}$00'00" were applied and, for the initial value of plane coordinate system, N=2,000.000m and E=1,000,000m were used. In addition to considerable savings in costs, it is expected that the UTM-K is applicable for correcting errors occurred during acquisition of geographic information and for aggregating map data produced by different sources. However, during the initial stage for introduction, confusion is forecasted due to the use of two different coordinate systems, which may be minimized by continued publicity and education.