• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS spatial analysis

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The Spatial Analysis of Knowledge Production Activities Based on Korean Patent Data (특허 데이터에 기초한 지식창출활동의 공간분석)

  • Lee, Hee-Yeon;Kim, Hong-Joo
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.318-340
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    • 2006
  • In the last decade, there has been a widespread interest in knowledge production activities as a new engine of endogeneous growth. In the knowledge-based economy, there has been a growing importance of the patent as the index of knowledge production. Much literature suggests that knowledge production activities tend to be spatially concentrated and formed the clusters in the advanced economies. The purpose of this paper is to analyze spatial-temporal patterns of knowledge production activities in Korea based on a data set of patents from 1981-2000. This paper uses spatial statistical methods and GIS to explore the spatial dimensions of knowledge production activities in Korea. Through this research, it was found that knowledge production activities were unevenly distributed. The knowledge production activity measured by patent counts is highly concentrated in a limited number of cities. The top 10 cities accounted for 68.5% of the total number of patents in the period of 1981-2000, suggesting the existence of a strong concentration of knowledge production activities in Korea. The locations of knowledge production activities by themselves represented a strong spatial autocorrelation. The concentration of knowledge production activities in Korea is spatially correlated to the concentration of adjacent neighboring cities. The location of knowledge production activities is not free from a spatial context and spillover of knowledge production activities are heavily bounded within geographic limits, forming a spatial cluster. There appear some quite a large spatial cluster around the seoul metropolitan area.

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Assessment of PM-10 Monitoring Stations in Daegu using GIS Interpolation (공간 보간법을 이용한 도시지역 미세먼지 측정소의 배치 적절성 평가)

  • Kim, Hyo-Jeong;Jo, Wan-Kuen
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.3-13
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    • 2012
  • This study evaluated the feasibility of the location for PM-10 Monitoring Stations utilizing through GIS analysis. In addition, optimal sites were investigated to properly manage PM-10 which are closely related with public health. There are 11 PM-10 monitoring stations in Daegu area and the PM-10 data monitored at these stations are utilized to understand the overall status of PM-10 pollution. However, there are contrastive issues on the locations of current monitoring stations. Thus, this study prepared the map of PM-10 concentrations in Daegu area using IDW and Kriging techniques. Furthermore, average PM-10 concentrations were calculated using zonal statistical methods according to legal divisions and then, the current monitoring stations were evaluated whether their location is appropriate or not for PM-10 pollution distribution. It was found that, on the basis of yearly, seasonal and daily concentration analysis, the location of current PM-10 monitoring stations were not appropriate, particularly as they could not represent regional PM-10 pollution characteristics. In order to supplement this deficiency, seven sites(Namsandong, Namildong, Dongildong, Buksungro 1, Jongro 1, Hyangchondong and Haejeondong) commonly selected from each analytical step are suggested as additional PM-10 monitoring sites. It is further suggested that this kind of scientific evaluation for the location of PM-10 monitoring stations are needed in order to properly manage public heath in other cities as well as Daegu area.

Locational Decision of the Viewpoint Using GIS and Space Syntax (공간구문론과 GIS를 이용한 조망점 위치결정)

  • Choi, Chul-Hyun;Jung, Sung-Kwan;Lee, Woo-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2011
  • A selection of viewpoint is a first priority for landscape evaluation. However, it has been artificially carried out by a subjective method without of criterion. Therefore, this study proposed the objective and quantitative viewpoint selection methods using space syntax and GIS. For this, the study area on samduk3 residential improvement district located at Daegu city was divided into 24 sectors of visibility zone by distance and direction. After that, the preliminary viewpoints equally distributed in space were selected by axial map analysis of space syntax and viewshed-frequency analysis of GIS. According to the result of selection of the final viewpoints using the VEI(Viewpoint Evaluation Index), all the final viewpoints were placed in the National Debt Repayment Movement; VEI value of VP-2 was 112.63 in the foreground, VP-10 was 18.31 in the middleground and VP-18 was 5.55 in the background. Selected viewpoints were verified as a big changing of landscape variation and high chance of view such as the public area, the park and the high-density residential area. Thus, VEI will be used as a quantitative method of selecting viewpoints and it is expected to be able to use as the objective indicator.

Migration Characteristic Analysis on Red Tide Using GIS (지리정보시스템을 이용한 적조의 이동특성분석)

  • Kim, Jin-Gi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.257-266
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    • 2007
  • The research on red tide is generally in progress through field work, such as the naked eye and sampling. It was difficult to forecast exactly the course, from appearance of red tide to disappearance. with the established ways of investigation and analysis. Accordingly it is need to analyze environmental factors in time and space, the appearance of red tide and the path of its migration by more objective and scientific methods. In this study, GIS is applied to analyse the space character of red tide and the interpolation of IDW(Inverse Distance Weight) is applied to assume the density distribution of red tide after gather data by using Arc/Info. After IDW interpolation, the sea area occurred over 1,000 cells/ml of red tide density is extracted with CON and SUM Function of Grid Module, and the density of the sea area is accumulated daily. As a result of this study, the distribution condition of red tide is found timely and spacially by applying GIS to the sea area of red tide, the results indicated that the spatial density and the cumulative frequency about the origin of red tide using GIS, the sea area demonstrated that the maximum density and the maximum frequency varied significantly over the Nammyun of Namhae-Is. with the maximum frequency being 49 times. accordingly if data about the areas of red tide will occur from the present are accumulated, the shifting route of red tide occurrence and extinction can be predicted.

Rational Unification Scheme of Topographic Surveying and Cadastral Survey for the Synergistic Convergence Effect of GIS Industry (공간정보산업의 상승적 융합 효과 창출을 위한 측량과 지적의 합리적 통합방안)

  • Park, Hong Gi;Joo, Yong Jin;Min, Kwan Sik;Kim, Young Dan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2013
  • Recently, as GIS industry has substantially grown up, convergence between industries such as the application coverage of surveying and cadastral information is gradually on the increase. The new approach of convergence between topographic surveying and cadastral survey is indispensable to make the change of geospatial environment ready and to maximize the utilization of National Spatial Data Infrastructure(NSDI). The purpose of this paper is to seek the way of synergistic improvement in topographic surveying and cadastral survey in comprehensive aspects of national geospatial information. First, we reviewed policy environment to clearly establish aim of convergence and promising perspective of GIS industry policy, considering NSDI. In addition, we examined current state of administration (organization, human resource, service) and institution situation. We came up with interior ability and external policy environment as well as critical success factor for the synergistic convergence by using SWOT analysis. Lastly, we developed basic perspective of convergence and improvement model and concrete scheme for stakeholder to complementary make progress. We can come to conclusion that the convergence of topographic surveying and cadastral survey should be not only carried in macro outline of successful NSDI but also committed to completion and maintenance of GIS framework.

Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System in Forest Sector (원격탐사와 지리정보시스템의 산림분야 활용)

  • Lee, Woo-Kyun;Kim, Moonil;Song, Cholho;Lee, Sle-gee;Cha, Sungeun;Kim, GangSun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 2016
  • Forest accounts for almost 64 percents of total land cover in South Korea. For inventorying, monitoring, and managing such large area of forest, application of remote sensing and geographic information system (RS/GIS) technology is essential. On the basis of spectral characteristics of satellite imagery, forest cover and tree species can be classified, and forest cover map can be prepared. Using three dimensional data of LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging), tree location and tree height can be measured, and biomass and carbon stocks can be also estimated. In addition, many indices can be extracted using reflection characteristics of land cover. For example, the level of vegetation vitality and forest degradation can be analyzed with VI (vegetation Index) and TGSI (Top Grain Soil Index), respectively. Also, pine wilt disease and o ak w ilt d isease c an b e e arly detected and controled through understanding of change in vegetation indices. RS and GIS take an important role in assessing carbon storage in climate change related projects such as A/R CDM, REDD+ as well. In the field of climate change adaptation, impact and vulnerability can be spatio-temporally assessed for national and local level with the help of spatio-temporal data of GIS. Forest growth, tree mortality, land slide, forest fire can be spatio-temporally estimated using the models in which spatio-temporal data of GIS are added as influence variables.

Enhancing Project Integration and Interoperability of GIS and BIM Based on IFC (IFC 기반 GIS와 BIM 프로젝트 통합관리 및 상호 운용성 강화)

  • Kim, Tae-Hee;Kim, Tae-Hyun;Lee, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2024
  • The recent advancements in Smart City and Digital Twin technologies have highlighted the critical role of integrating GIS and BIM in urban planning and construction projects. This integration ensures the consistency and accuracy of information, facilitating smooth information exchange. However, achieving interoperability requires standardization and effective project integration management strategies. This study proposes interoperability solutions for the integration of GIS and BIM for managing various projects. The research involves an in-depth analysis of the IFC schema and data structures based on the latest IFC4 version and proposes methods to ensure the consistency of reference point coordinates and coordinate systems. The study was conducted by setting the EPSG:5186 coordinate system, used by the National Geographic Information Institute's digital topographic map, and applying virtual shift origin coordinates. Through BIMvision, the results of the shape and error check coordinates' movement in the BIM model were reviewed, confirming that the error check coordinates moved consistently with the reference point coordinates. Additionally, it was verified that even when the coordinate system was changed to EPSG:5179 used by Naver Map and road name addresses, or EPSG:5181 used by Kakao Map, the BIM model's shape and coordinates remained consistently unchanged. Notably, by inputting the EPSG code information into the IFC file, the potential for coordinate system interoperability between projects was confirmed. Therefore, this study presents an integrated and systematic management approach for information sharing, automation processes, enhanced collaboration, and sustainable development of GIS and BIM. This is expected to improve compatibility across various software platforms, enhancing information consistency and efficiency across multiple projects.

Analysis of Non-Barrier Space to Promote the Uses of Convenience Facilities at Passenger Facilities by the Visually Handicapped (시각장애인의 여객시설 내부편의시설 이용증진을 위한 무장애 공간 분석(광명역을 중심으로))

  • Kim, Dong-Moon;Kim, Hwang-Bae;Park, Jae-Kook
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2008
  • The indicators of an advanced society include the overall level of life quality and satisfaction among all the members. The overall life quality has close relationships with accessibility to urban space for the social weak. Access to facilities of interest and right of mobility in urban space are very important issues to the weak class in terms of transportation including the visually handicapped. In particular, great significance is endowed upon transfer facilities, which play mediating roles between facilities like passenger facilities, and the convenience facilities inside for the disabled, which are usually the only means for the disabled to access each facility. As they are provided to the visually handicapped as well, it's very important to analyze the concerned spatial distribution and offer the results. The previous studies on the subject, however, merely covered the perceptions of the users and the related statistical analysis. This study set out to analyze non-barrier space to promote the utilization of convenience facilities at passenger facilities by the visually handicapped and to secure their right of mobility by using a GIS for spatial analysis based on spatial data. The results show that it's urgent to supplement the existing space for the handicapped and that it's necessary to expand convenience facilities for the disabled such as paths with Braille points on them to promote their use of diverse convenience facilities inside.

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The Effect of the Regional Factors on the Variation of Suicide Rates: Geographic Information System Analysis Approach (Geographic Information System 분석방법을 활용한 시·군·구 지역별 자살률에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석)

  • Park, Seong-Yong;Lee, Kwang-Soo
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2014
  • Background: Previous studies showed that the characteristics of population and regions were related to the suicide rates. This study purposed to analyze the relationships between regional factors and suicide rates with spatial analysis model. Methods: This is a cross sectional study based on the statistics of 2011 which was extracted from the 229 City Gun Gu administrative districts in Korea. Cause of death statistics on each district was used to produce the age-, sex-adjusted mortality rates resulting from suicide. Regional characteristics were measured by the number of doctors engaged in medical institutions per 1,000 population, divorced people's rate per 1,000 population, number of marriages per 1,000 population, and percent of welfare budget in general accounting. Statistical analysis was performed by using SAS ver. 9.3 and ArcGIS ver. 10.2 was used for geographically weighted regression (GWR). Results: In ordinary least square (OLS) regression, divorced people's rate per 1,000 population had a significant positive relationship with the standardized mortality rate per 100,000 population. Marriages per 1,000 population and the proportion of welfare budget in the general accounting had significant negative relationships with the mortality rates. Meanwhile, GWR provided that the directions of variable, divorced people's rate per 1,000 population, were varied depending on regions. The adjusted $R^2$ was improved from the 0.32 in OLS to the 0.46 in GWR. Conclusion: Results of GWR showed that regional factors had different effects on the suicide rates depending on locations. It suggested that policy interventions for reducing the suicide rate should consider the regional characteristics in obtaining policy objectives.

Analysis of Climate Change Sensitivity of Forest Ecosystem using MODIS Imagery and Climate Information (MODIS NDVI 및 기후정보 활용 산림생태계의 기후변화 민감성 분석)

  • SONG, Bong-Geun;PARK, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze sensitivity of forest ecosystem to climate change using spatial analysis methods focused on 6 national parks. To analyze, we constructed MODIS NDVI and temperature of Korea Meteorologic Administration based on 1km spatial resolution and 16 days. And we conducted time-series and correlation analysis using MODIS NDVI and temperature. A most sensitive region to climate change is Jirisa National Park(r=0.434) and Seoraksan National Park(r=0.415), there is the highest mean correlation coefficient. The sensitivity of forest ecosystem varied according to habitat characteristics and forest types in national park. In Abies koreana of Hallsan Nation Park, temperature has raised, but NDVI has decreased. these results will be based data of climate change adaption policy for protecting forest ecosystem.