• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS spatial analysis

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Estimation of Inundation Damages of Urban area Around Haeundae Beach Induced by Super Storm Surge Using Airborne LiDAR Data (항공 LiDAR 자료를 이용한 슈퍼태풍 내습시 해운대 해수욕장 인근 도심지역 침수 피해 규모 추정)

  • Han, Jong-Gyu;Kim, Seong-Pil;Chang, Dong-Ho;Chang, Tae-Soo
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.341-350
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    • 2009
  • As the power and scale of typhoons are growing due to global warming and socioeconomic damages induced by super-typhoons are increasing, it is important to estimate inundation damages and to prepare proper adaptation plans against an attack of the super-typhoon. In this paper, we estimated the inundation damages of urban area around Haeundae beach induced by super-typhoons which follow the route of Typhoon Maemi with the conditions of Typhoon Vera (Ise Bay in Japan, 1959), Typhoon Durian (Philippine, 2006) and Hurricane Katrina (New Oleans in U.S.A, 2005). The coastal area around the Haeundae beach (Busan and Gyeongnam province) is expectedly damaged by severe storm surges. In this study we calculated the rise of sea level height after harmonizing the different datum levels of land and ocean and estimated the inundation depth, inundation area and the amount of building damages by using airborne LiDAR data and GIS spatial analysis techniques more accurately and quantitatively. As many researchers are predicting that super-typhoon of overwhelming power will occur around the Korean peninsula in the near future, the results of this study are expected to contribute to producing coastal inundation map and evacuation planning.

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A Study on the Optimum-Path for Traffic of Road Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 도로교통(道路交通)의 최적경로(最適經路) 선정(選定)에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Myoung-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.5 no.2 s.10
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    • pp.131-144
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    • 1997
  • Traffic jam densified day by day is phenomenon to occur lack of the road capacity in comparison with traffic density, but lack of the road cannot be concluded by main cause of traffic ism. Because the central function of a city would be concentrated upon the downtown and traffic demand would not be evenly distributed by the classification of an hour. Therefore, this study based on the fact that each driver will select the route generating traffic delay very low when path choice from origin to destination in travel plan estimating the quality of passage could be maintained the speed he want will approach to a characteristic grasp of a road, traffic, driver changing every moment by traffic-demand of road increased as a geometrical series with analysis a classification of a street, a intersection along the path on traffic density and highway capacity analysis the path using GIS techniques about complex street network, also will get the path of actual optimum for traffic delay trend creating under various condition the classification per a hour, a day of week and an incident through network such as analysis for traffic generation zone adjacent about street, intersection, afterward will expect the result increasing efficiency of the road-use through a good distribution of traffic by optimum-path choice, accordingly will prepare the scientific, objective, appropriate basis to decide the reasonable time of a road-widen and expansion through section analysis along a rate of traffic volume vs. road capacity.

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Catchment Similarity Assessment Based on Catchment Characteristics of GIS in Geum River Catchments, Korea (금강 유역을 대상으로 한 GIS 기반의 유역의 유사성 평가)

  • Lee, Hyo Sang;Park, Ki Soon;Jung, Sung Heuk;Choi, Seuk Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2013
  • Similarity measure of catchments is essential for regionalization studies, which provide in depth analysis in hydrological response and flood estimations at ungauged catchments. However, this similarity measure is often biased to the selected catchments and is not clearly explained in hydrological sense. This study applied a type of hydrological similarity distance measure-Flood Estimation Handbook to 25 Geum River catchments, Korea. Three Catchment Characteristics, Area(A)-Annual precipitation(SAAR)-SCS Curve Number(CN), are used in Euclidian distance measures. Furthermore, six index of Flow Duration Curve are applied to clustering analysis of SPSS. The catchments' grouping of hydrological similarity measures suggests three groups (H1, H2 and H3) and the four catchments are not grouped in this study. The clustering analysis of FDC provides four Groups; F1, F2, F3 and F4. The six catchments (out of seven) of H1 are grouped in F1, while Sangyeogyo is grouped in F2. The four catchments (out of six) of H2 are also grouped in F2, while Cheongju and Guryong are grouped in F1. The catchments of H3 are categorized in F1. The authors examine the results (H1, H2 and H3) of similarity measure based on catchment physical descriptors with results (F1 and F2) of clustering based on catchment hydrological response. The results of hydrological similarity measures are supported by clustering analysis of FDC. This study shows a potential of hydrological catchment similarity measures in Korea.

Analysis of Landscape According to Land Use at Rural Area in Korea Using GIS Application (GIS기법을 이용한 농촌지역의 토지이용에 따른 경관유형 분석)

  • Hong, Seung-Gil;Seo, Myung-Chul;Jung, Pil-Kyun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Park, Kwang-Lai;Kang, Kee-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2006
  • To designate rural landscape spatially, land use and topographic features for 383 of "Ri"s or "Dong", which is a basic administrative unit in Korea, were analyzed using GIS application. We have categorized rural landscape into three types such as agricultural, natural and urban landscape by land use. On the basis of spatial landscape pattern, rural area could be classified into 6 groups of Mountainous area (MA), Mountainous village area (MV), Developing mountainous village area (DM), Plain agricultural area (PA), Developing plain village area (DP) and Urbanized area (UA) according to the ratios of land for agricultural and urban use as the criteria. In MA, the ratio of upland area including orchard was slightly larger than that of paddy, while that of paddy was about 1.5 times larger than upland in other groups. Forested area was distributed more than two-thirds among natural landscape area in MA, MV and DM. In plain types (PA and DP), the ratio of irrigated paddy was extremely larger than partially irrigated paddy and the ratio of water body area among the natural landscape area was two times as large as that of forested area. The ratio of land for industrial and livestock facilities among urban landscape area were 20% or more in MV, DM and DP, and it means that these facilities are mainly distributed in the developing ru ral area where residents and industry are closely related each other. According to the relative ratio of sloped land of 6 categorized areas, the MA area have lots of land with E and F slopes and MV and DM have all grades of sloped land evenly distributed in relative to other types of rural landscape. It has been showed that PA, DP and UA occupied more than two-thirds of land with A or B slope. In case of the analysis of topological distribution in 6 types of rural landscape, there were overwhelmingly lager highland areas in MA. Conclusively, we have confirmed that 6 types of rural landscape classified by land use pattern in 3 categorized areas such as agricultural, natural and urban landscape area would be useful for the management of rural area. For development of sustainable agriculture and the preservation of rural amenity, proper management ways should be properly applied according to rural landscape patterns.

Analysis of Influence according to Positioning Mode using Next Generation GNSS (차세대 GNSS의 측위 기법별 영향 분석)

  • Lee Jae-One
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.13 no.3 s.34
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    • pp.283-296
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    • 2005
  • Nowadays, Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS) which is the new concept of positioning system has been developed because of satisfaction human's intelligent desire and rapid science development. GNSS which is represented by GPS provides 3-Dimension positioning information not expensively in whenever, wherever. The industry of positioning information has extending civil market widely as well as military market. So GNSS is running the role of society infra structure including car and airborne navigation, civil engineering, GIS resource, telematics and LBS, and so on. As USA removes the SA(Selective Availability), GPS has monopolizing the market and other countries have been depended on GPS, absolutely. In this paper, the author developed the software for analysis of influence using next generation, Galileo system. The local analysis was performed according to positioning mode. And GPS/Galileo combined system can implement positioning in the worst mask environment like urban cannon.

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Development of Artificial Neural Network Techniques for Landslide Susceptibility Analysis (산사태 취약성 분석 연구를 위한 인공신경망 기법 개발)

  • Chang, Buhm-Soo;Park, Hyuck-Jin;Lee, Saro;Juhyung Ryu;Park, Jaewon;Lee, Moung-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.499-506
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to develop landslide susceptibility analysis techniques using artificial neural networks and to apply the newly developed techniques for assessment of landslide susceptibility to the study area of Yongin in Korea. Landslide locations were identified in the study area from interpretation of aerial Photographs and field survey data, and a spatial database of the topography, soil type and timber cover were constructed. The landslide-related factors such as topographic slope, topographic curvature, soil texture, soil drainage, soil effective thickness, timber age, and timber diameter were extracted from the spatial database. Using those factors, landslide susceptibility and weights of each factor were analyzed by two artificial neural network methods. In the first method, the landslide susceptibility index was calculated by the back propagation method, which is a type of artificial neural network method. Then, the susceptibility map was made with a GIS program. The results of the landslide susceptibility analysis were verified using landslide location data. The verification results show satisfactory agreement between the susceptibility index and existing landslide location data. In the second method, weights of each factor were determinated. The weights, relative importance of each factor, were calculated using importance-free characteristics method of artificial neural networks.

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Comparison and analysis of spatial information measurement values of specialized software in drone triangulation (드론 삼각측량에서 전문 소프트웨어의 공간정보 정확도 비교 분석)

  • Park, Dong Joo;Choi, Yeonsung
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.249-256
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    • 2022
  • In the case of Drone Photogrammetry, the "pixel to point tool" module of Metashape, Pix4D Mapper, ContextCapture, and Global MapperGIS, which is a simple software, are widely used. Each SW has its own logic for the analysis of aerial triangulation, but from the user's point of view, it is necessary to select a SW by comparative analysis of the coordinate values of geospatial information for the result. Taking aerial photos for drone photogrammetry, surveying GCP reference points through VRS-GPS Survey, processing the acquired basic data using each SW to construct ortho image and DSM, and GCPSurvey performance and acquisition from each SW The coordinates (X,Y) of the center point of the GCP target on the Ortho-Image and the height value (EL) of the GCP point by DSM were compared. According to the "Public Surveying Work Regulations", the results of each SW are all within the margin of error. It turned out that there is no problem with the regulations no matter which SW is included within the scope.

Study on Application Plan of Forest Spatial Informaion Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Improve Environmental Impact Assessment (환경영향평가 개선을 위한 무인항공기 기반의 산림공간정보 활용 방안 연구)

  • Sung, Hyun-Chan;Zhu, Yong-Yan;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2019
  • UAVs are unmanned, autonomous or remotely piloted aircraft. As UAVs become smaller, lighter and more economical, their applications continue to expand. Researches on UAVs in the field of remote sensing show development methods and purposes similar to those on satellite images, and they are widely used in studies such as 3D image composition and monitoring. In the field of environmental impact assessment(EIA), satellite information and data are mainly used. However, only low-resolution images covering long distances and large-scale data allowing for rough examination are being provided, so their uses are seriously limited. Therefore, in this paper, we construct spatial information of forest area by using unmanned aerial vehicle and seek efficient utilization and policy improvement in the field of environmental impact assessment. As a result, high-resolution images and data from UAVs can be used to identify the location status of SEIA, EIA, and small scale EIA project plans and to evaluate detailed environmental impact analysis. In addition, when provided together with infographics about Post-environmental impact investigation, it was confirmed that the possibility of periodic spatial information construction and evaluation can be used throughout the entire project contents and project post-process.In order to provide sophisticated infographics for the EIA, drone photography and GCP surveying methods were derived.The results of this study will be used as a basis for improving high-resolution monitoring and environmental impact assessment in the forest sector.

Exploring the Spatial Relationships between Environmental Equity and Urban Quality of Life (환경적 형평성과 도시 삶의 질의 공간적 관계에 대한 탐색)

  • Jun, Byong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.223-235
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    • 2011
  • Although ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analysis can be used to examine the spatial relationships between environmental equity and urban quality of life, this global method may mask the local variations in the relationships between them. These geographical variations can not be captured without using local methods. In this context, this paper explores the spatially varying relationships between environmental equity and urban quality of life across the Atlanta metropolitan area by geographically weighted regression (GWR), a local method. Environmental equity and urban quality of life were quantified with an integrated approach of GIS and remote sensing. Results show that generally, there is a negatively significant relationship between them over the Atlanta metropolitan area. The results also suggest that the relationships between environmental equity and urban quality of life vary significantly over space and the GWR (local) model is a significant improvement on the OLS (global) model for the Atlanta metropolitan area.

Spatial analysis of Relative Risks for skin cancer morbidity and mortality in Iran, 2008 - 2010

  • Zayeri, Farid;Kavousi, Amir;Najafimehr, Hadis
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.13
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    • pp.5225-5231
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    • 2015
  • Background: One of the most prevalent cancers in whole world is skin cancer and its prevalence is growing. The present research sought to estimate relative risk of morbidity and mortality due to skin cancer. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study. The required data were gathered from the registered cancer reports of Cancer Control Office in the Center for Non Communicable Disease of the Iranian Ministry of Health (MOH). The data were extracted at province level in the time span of 2008-10. WINBUGS software was used to analyze the data and to identify high risk regions. ArcGIS10 was utilized to map the distribution of skin cancer and to demonstrate high risk provinces by using classic and fully Bayesian models taking into account spatial correlations of adjacent regions separately for men and women. Results: Relative risk of morbidity for women in Yazd and for men in Kurdistan and relative risk of mortality for women in Bushehr and for men in Kohgiluyeh were found to be the highest. Bayesian model due to regarding adjacent regions correlation, have precise estimation in comparing to classical model. More frequent epidemiological studies to enact skin cancer prevention programs. Conclusions: High risk regions in Iran include central and highland regions. Therefore it is suggested that health decision makers enact public education, using anti UV creams and sunglasses for those parts as a short preventing program.