• Title/Summary/Keyword: Flow map

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Medical Image Segmental ion using Gradient Vector Plow (Gradient Vector Flow을 이용한 의료영상 분할)

  • 김진철;김종욱;이배호;정태웅
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2002.10d
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    • pp.478-480
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    • 2002
  • 영상 분할은 임상에서의 진단과 분석 및 3차원 가시화를 위해 선행되어야 할 필수 과정이다. 의료영상은 영상이 가지는 데이터 자체의 고유한 제약들과 해부학적 변이성 때문에 영상분할에 어려움이 있다. 본 논문에서는 의료영상의 분할을 위해 스네이크의 새로운 외부 힘으로 Gradient Vector Flow(GVF)를 이용한 방법을 제안한다. 제안된 방법은 2차원 의료영상에서 에지 맵(edge map)을 구하고, GVF을 계산하여 스네이크의 경계선과 같이 관심 있는 특징의 에너지 함수가 최소가 되는 GVF 스네이크(snake)를 구한다. 제안된 방법을 초음파영상과 자기공명영상 같은 의료영상의 분할에 적용한 결과 기존의 스네이크와 달리 잡음이나 오목한 부분이 있는 객체들을 성공적으로 분할하였다.

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Porewater Pressure Predictions on Hillside Slopes for Assessing Landslide Risks(III)-Model Parameter Identification- (산사태 위험도 추정을 위한 간극수압 예측에 관한 연구 (III)-모델 매개변수 분석-)

  • 이인모;박경호
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 1992
  • In general, the conceptual lumped-parameter groundwater flow model to predict the groundwater fluctuations in hillside slopes has unknown model parameters to be estimated from the known input -output data. The purpose of this study is to estimate the optimal model parameters of the groundwater flow model developed by authors. The Mazilnum A Posteriori( MAP) estimation method is utilized for this purpose and it is applied to a site which shows the typical landslide in Korea. The result of application shows tllat the 반AP estimation method can estimate the unknown parameters properly well. The groundwater model developed along with estimation technique applied in this paper will be used for assessing risk of landslides.

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Queueing System with Negative Customers and Partial Protection of Service (부분적인 서비스 보호와 부정적인 고객을 고려한 대기행렬 모형)

  • Lee, Seok-Jun;Kim, Che-Soong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2007
  • A multi-server queueing system with finite buffer is considered. The input flow is the BMAP (Batch Markovian Arrival Process). The service time has the PH (Phase) type distribution. Customers from the BMAP enter the system according to the discipline of partial admission. Besides ordinary (positive) customers, the Markovian flow (MAP) of negative customers arrives to the system. A negative customer can delete an ordinary customer in service if the state of its PH-service process belongs to some given set. In opposite case the ordinary customer is considered to be protected of the effect of negative customers. The stationary distribution and the main performance measures of the considered queueing system are calculated.

Construction of Three Dimensional Soil Cadmium Pollution Map Using Geotechnical Information DB System (국토지반정보시스템을 이용한 3차원 토양오염지도 구축)

  • Hwang, Dae Young;Kang, In Joon;Jang, Yong Gu;Kim, Soo Kyum
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2016
  • This study presented the build-up of three-dimensional soil pollution map for precise analysis. To do this, survey on the existing pollutant region on Dongnae-gu, Busan that is the study subject, showed that it tended to produce 0.72 clusters. So, this study suggested to investigate center of $1km{\times}1km $ grid and, as the results of comparing the pollution map that input pollution figure values based on the actually investigation point showed precise results. And, it divided the standard of pollution into 5 levels in surface and underground space and the map was built up using IDW interpolation against the amount of polluted substance. The pollution of ground surface, flow of polluted substance, coefficient of permeability and ground water level that are 504 geotechnical informations were selected as the influential parameters in pollution analysis of underground space, and it calculated that to 0~20 points by dividing the characteristics. It enables the build-up of pollution map of ground surface-underground with depth that considers the characteristics of soil layers and it is considered that it is possible to analyze the general infiltration. And, it was considered that it enables more accurate forecast about influential analysis per depth and pollution of underground water.

Geological Characteristics and Heat Flow Relationship in South Korea (남한지역 지질특성과 지열류량의 상호 관련성)

  • 김형찬;이사로;송무영
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.391-400
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the geothermal anomaly based on the relationship between heat flow values and geologic settings in South Korea. For this, a total of 247 heat flow data was constructed to spatial database and the spatial database was overlaid with 1 : 1,000,000-scale digital geologic map using GIS. As the result, the average of heat flow is 64$\pm$14mW$m^{-2}$in South Korea. In the lithological aspect, the area of sedimentary rock shows high heat flow of 74mW$m^{-2}$, sedimentary/volcanic rock area 62mW$m^{-2}$, plutonic rock area 63mW$m^{-2}$ and metamorphic rock area 61mW$m^{-2}$. In the geologic time sequence, the Cenozoic strata has 91mW$m^{-2}$, the Mesozoic and Paleozoic strata 65mW$m^{-2}$, the Proterozoic strata 55mW$m^{-2}$ and the Archean strata 61mW$m^{-2}$.

Urban Inundation Analysis by Applying with GIS (GIS를 이용한 도시지역 침수해석)

  • Lee, Chang-Hee;Han, Kun-Yeun;Kim, Ji-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an urban inundation model using GIS(geographic information system). The model is combining a storm sewer system model and a overland-flow model for the estimation inundation depth in urban area caused by the surcharge of storm sewers. SWMM(storm water management model) was employed to resolve the storm sewer flow and to provide the overflow hydrographs caused by the failure of a drainage system due to the shortage of drainage capacity. The level-pool overland-flow model and DEM based overland-flow model were used to calculate the detail inundation zones and depths due to the surcharge on overland surface. The simulation results can help the decision preventing flood damages by redesigning and enlarging the capacities of storm sewer systems in the inundation-prone areas. The model can also be applied to make the potential inundation area map and establish flood-mitigation measures as a part of the decision support system for flood control authority.

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Determination of Flow Direction from Flow Indicators and Lateral Grading in the Naeyeonsan Tuff, Northern Pohang, Korea (포항 북부 내연산응회암의 흐름지시자와 측방점이로부터 유향 결정)

  • Cho, Nam-Sik;Hwang, Sang Koo
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.153-163
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    • 2017
  • The Naeyeonsan Tuff is a stratigraphic unit which is distinguished as a cooling unit in the volcanic rocks of the northern Pohang. The Naeyeonsan Tuff, which is composed of crystals of plagioclase, quartz and hornblende, glasses of pumice and shard, and lithics of dacite, rhyolite, sandstone and shale, belongs to a lapilli tuff field according to the granulometric classification and to a vitric tuff field according to the constituent classification. The tuffs mostly develop welding foliations by dense welding and flatterning pumices and shards, and show several flow indicators by pyroclastic flowing. We can know a movement pattern from flow lineations and imbrications by pumices and lithics, and lateral gradings in isopleth map by average largest lithics and pumices in the Naeyeonsan Tuff, which indicate that the Naeyeonsan Tuff had a possible source area from the southeastern part.


  • Gangodagamage, Chandana;Flugel, Wolfgang;Turrel, Dr.Hagh
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.82-84
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    • 2003
  • Watershed boundaries and flow paths within the watershed are the most important factors required in watershed analysis. Most often the derivation of watershed boundaries and stream network and flow paths is based on topographical maps but spatial variation of flow direction is not clearly understandable using this method. Water resources projects currently use 1: 50, 000-scale ground survey or aerial photography-based topographical maps to derive watershed boundary and stream network. In basins, where these maps are not available or not accessible it creates a real barrier to watershed geo-spatial analysis. Such situations require the use of global datasets, like GTOPO30. Global data sets like ETOPO5, GTOPO30 are the only data sets, which can be used to derive basin boundaries and stream network and other terrain variations like slope aspects and flow direction and flow accumulation of the watershed in the absence of topographic maps. Approximately 1-km grid-based GTOPO 30 data sets can derive better outputs for larger basins, but they fail in flat areas like the Karkheh basin in Iran and the Amudarya in Uzbekistan. A new window in geo-spatial hydrology has opened after the launching of the space-borne satellite stereo pair of the Terra ASTER sensor. ASTER data sets are available at very low cost for most areas of the world and global coverage is expected within the next four years. The DEM generated from ASTER data has a reasonably good accuracy, which can be used effectively for hydrology application, even in small basins. This paper demonstrates the use of stereo pairs in the generation of ASTER DEMs, the application of ASTER DEM for watershed boundary delineation, sub-watershed delineation and explores the possibility of understanding the drainage flow paths in irrigation command areas. All the ASTER derived products were compared with GTOPO and 1:50,000-based topographic map products and this comparison showed that ASTER stereo pairs can derive very good data sets for all the basins with good spatial variation, which are equal in quality to 1:50,000 scale maps-based products.

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A Study on the Acceptable Range of Data Error in Road Traffic Noise Mapping (도로교통 소음지도 제작시 데이터 오차의 유효범위에 대한 연구)

  • Park, S.J.;Ko, J.H.;Chang, S.I.;Lee, B.C.;Song, K.S.;Kim, J.S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.628-632
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of study is to confirm a acceptable range of data errors in data collecting. To examine a acceptable range of data errors, emission level is calculated for a vehicle flow and heavy vehicle percentage as a function of small-sized velocity. According to road selected, noise level of detail influence road noise calculations. It can be concluded that a vehicle flow raised an error less than 5000(veh/h) for a maximum error in emission level of 3.01dB, and the more a heavy vehicle percentage have a low value, the more emission level is a slight difference. This analysis gives insight regarding the accuracy of traffic flow data that is needed to reach a certain level of accuracy for the resulting noise level.

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A Grid Generation Technique for the External Flow Fields Utilizing the Predictor-Corrector Scheme (Predictor-Corrector를 활용한 외부 유동장 격자 생성 기법)

  • Kim B. S.
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.84-92
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    • 1997
  • In this paper a new structured grid generation technique is introduced. This new technique utilizes predictor-corrector approach, and is a marching scheme in the global sense as the hyperbolic scheme is. In the predictor step, one layer of grid cells is obtained by using Modified Advancing Front Method which generates a collection of quadrilateral cells simultaneously. In the corrector step, the layer of grid cells that is calculated in the predictor step is adjusted by solving Laplace equations to prevent grid lines from skewing and overlapping in highly curved configurations. It is shown that the resultant algorithm, named a MAP scheme, which combines the Modified Advancing Front Method as a Predictor with an elliptic scheme as a corrector can be used to generate globally smooth and locally near-orthogonal grids for external flow fields even for highly curved configurations. Examples of grid generations for external flow fields about several configurations by use of the present approach are given, and its applicability and flexibility have been demonstrated and discussed.

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