• Title/Summary/Keyword: Five Factor Model

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Effect of perceived luxuriousness on brand equity

  • Kang, Ju-Young M.;Kim, Jieun
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.697-708
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    • 2016
  • The term used to describe consumer's valuation of a brand is brand equity. One concept that can be managed and may impact valuation of a prestige brand is "luxuriousness." As the concept of "luxuriousness" appears to be a key factor contributing to the equity of a prestige brand, the purpose of this study was to examine how luxuriousness is related to the brand equity utilizing a model developed by Yoo, Donthu, and Lee (2000). Yoo et al. (2000) identified three dimensions [brand association with awareness (BA), perceived quality (PQ), brand loyalty (BL)] accounted for the equity (OBE) of a brand. We speculated that the five dimensions of luxuriousness (i.e., quality, extended self, hedonism, accessibility, and tradition) would selectively influence the two dimensions of brand equity (BA, PQ) and that loyalty would mediate the relationship between the two dimensions of brand equity (BA, PQ) and overall brand equity. A total of 502 participants aged from 18 to 74 were surveyed in USA. Using AMOS 18, the path analysis was conducted with the maximum-likelihood estimation procedure. The model exhibited a good fit with the data and all hypotheses were supported except one. Quality, accessibility, and hedonism dimensions of luxuriousness affected perceived quality of the equity of a brand. Hedonism and extended self dimensions affected brand association with awareness. However, tradition dimension did not significantly influence brand association with awareness. Overall, this research expands understanding of brand equity as it documents the contributions of luxuriousness, a component that can be controlled by brand managers.

WRF Sensitivity Experiments on the Formation of the Convergent Cloud Band in Relation to the Orographic Effect of the Korean Peninsula (한반도 지형이 대상수렴운의 생성에 미치는 영향에 관한 WRF 민감도 실험)

  • Kim, Yu-Jin;Lee, Jae Gyoo
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.51-66
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to perform various sensitivity experiments using WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) model in order to determine the effects of terrains of the Korean Peninsula and the land-sea thermal contrast on the formation and development of the convergent cloud band for the cases of 1 February 2012. The sensitivity experiments consist of the following five ones: CNTL experiment (control experiment), and TMBT experiment, BDMT experiment and ALL experiment that set the terrain altitude of Taeback Mountains and Northern mountain complex as zero, respectively, and the altitude of the above-mentioned two mountains as zero, and LANDSEA experiment that set to change the Korean Peninsula into sea in order to find out the land-sea thermal contrast effect. These experiment results showed that a cold air current stemming from the Siberian high pressure met the group of northern mountains with high topography altitude and was separated into two air currents. These two separated air currents met each other again on the Middle and Northern East Sea, downstream of the group of northern mountains and converged finally, creating the convergent cloud band. And these experiments suggested that the convergent cloud band located on the Middle and Northern East Sea, and the cloud band lying on the southern East sea to the coastal waters of the Japanese Island facing the East Sea, were generated and developed by different dynamical mechanisms. Also it was found that the topography of Taeback Mountains created a warm air advection region due to temperature rise by adiabatic compression near the coastal waters of Yeongdong Region, downstream of the mountains. In conclusion, these experiment results clearly showed that the most essential factor having an effect on the generation and development of the convergent cloud band was the topography effect of the northern mountain complex, and that the land-sea thermal contrast effect was insignificant.

Study on the Recognition and Behavioral Intention for Alcohol-reduction Programs (절주프로그램의 인지도 및 이용의도에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구)

  • 장혜정;심재선;박종애
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.243-257
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    • 2004
  • Alcohol consumption is a major source of health problems, for example, alchol consumption is related to liver diseases. In addition, the social and economic costs related to alcohol consumption are enormous. This study was conducted to evaluate the current status and influencing factors related to the recognition and behavioral intention for both drinking and alcohol-reduction programs. Three effective alcohol-reduction programs of clinic program, mass education, and alliance were considered. To explain the health behavior for drinking and alcohol-reduction programs, a five-stage behavioral intention model was built and 500 questionnaires were completed through a telephone survey. Stages of the model composed of recognition of the programs, past experiences, present drinking status, intention for drinking, and behavioral intention for alcohol-reduction programs. As a result, recognition rates of the programs were low in general, therefore the strategies of education, public relations, and advertisement need to be pursued. The alcohol dependency resulted in the fact that success rate was 30% although trial rate of alcohol-reducing was 23%. The necessity of alcohol-reduction programs were suggested. In addition, significant factors related to the intention for alcohol-reducing were individual attitude and reluctancy to pay their time and money. An insignificant factor was the attitude to their alcohol-reduction by other people. Behavioral intention rates for alcohol-reducing clinics were 4%, and those for mass education were 8%. There were very low purchase rates for clinic program, mass education, and alliance. In conclusion, evidenced-based and effective alcohol-reduction programs need to be encouraged to drinkers by medical doctors, and the strategies of education, public relations, and advertisement are also recommended. In addition, continuing legal and systematic support for alcohol-reducing would lower the drinking rate and ultimately contribute to the nation's health promotion.

The Design of Knowledge-Emotional Reaction Model considering Personality (개인성을 고려한 지식-감정 반응 모델의 설계)

  • Shim, Jeong-Yon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2010
  • As the importance of HCI(Human-Computer Interface) caused by dramatically developed computer technology is getting high, the requirement for the design of human friendly systems is also getting high. First of all, the personality and Emotional factor should be considered for implementing more human friendly systems. Many studies on Knowledge, Emotion and personality have been made, but the combined methods connecting these three factors is not so many investigated yet. It is known that memorizing process includes not only knowledge but also the emotion and the emotion state has much effects on the process of reasoning and decision making step. Accordingly, for implementing more human friendly efficient sophisticated intelligent system, the system considering these three factors should be modeled and designed. In this paper, knowledge-emotion reaction model was designed. Five types are defined for representing the personality and emotion reaction mechanism calculating emotion vector based on the extracted Thought threads by Type matching selection was proposed. This system is applied to the virtual memory and its emotional reactions are simulated.

The effects of occupational stress on oral health impact profile (OHIP) in local government workers (지방공무원의 직무스트레스가 구강건강 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Min-Hee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.471-483
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : This study looked at the relationship between occupational stress and the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP), to evaluate the effect of occupational stress-related factors. Methods : Data was obtained from a cross-sectional survey of 260 local officials in Gangwondo. The research comprised three questions relating to subjective oral symptoms, an occupational stress measurement tool and an oral health impact factor which was composed of questions. The data was analysed using t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and path analysis in Amos. Results : Occupational stress had a positive correlation to drinking frequency, Oral symptoms had a negative correlation. And drinking frequency, smoking amount and occupational stress had a positive correlation to oral symptoms. It denoted that drinking frequency, occupational stress and oral symptoms had a negative correlation to OHIP. The path model had an excellent goodness of fit (p=0.07, namely p>0.05). Five 'goodness-of-fit indices' of the model were all above 0.9: GFI=0.987, AGFI=0.952, NFI=0.902, IFI=0.939, CFI=0.934), and its RMSEA was 0.045. Occupational stress and oral symptoms had a firsthand impact on OHIP. In addition, it affected OHIP through the parameters of oral symptoms. Occupational stress exercised a firsthand influence on drinking frequency, drinking frequency exercised a firsthand influence on smoking amount. Smoking amount had a firsthand impact on oral symptoms. Conclusions: Oral health education programs for the development of an improved oral hygiene environment through reduction in drinking and smoking also need to focus on relieving stress by improving workplace culture. In addition, due to good communication is required to reduce occupational stress caused by interpersonal conflict.

Polymorphisms of XRCC1 and XRCC2 DNA Repair Genes and Interaction with Environmental Factors Influence the Risk of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Northeast India

  • Singh, Seram Anil;Ghosh, Sankar Kumar
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.2811-2819
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    • 2016
  • Multiple genetic and environmental factors have been reported to play key role in the development of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Here, we investigated interactions of XRCC1 Arg399Gln and XRCC2 Arg188His polymorphisms and environmental factors in modulating susceptibility to NPC in Northeast India. One-hundred NPC patients, 90 first-degree relatives of patients and 120 controls were enrolled in the study. XRCC1 Arg399Gln and XRCC2 Arg188His polymorphisms were determined using PCR-RFLP, and the results were confirmed by DNA sequencing. Logistic regression (LR) and multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) approaches were applied for statistical analysis. The XRCC1 Gln/Gln genotype showed increased risk (OR=2.76; P<0.024) of NPC. However, individuals with both XRCC1 and XRCC2 polymorphic variants had 3.2 fold elevated risk (P<0.041). An enhanced risk of NPC was also observed in smoked meat (OR=4.07; P=0.004) and fermented fish consumers (OR=4.34, P=0.001), and tobacco-betel quid chewers (OR=7.00; P=0.0001) carrying XRCC1 polymorphic variants. However, smokers carrying defective XRCC1 gene showed the highest risk (OR = 7.47; P<0.0001). On MDR analysis, the best model for NPC risk was the five-factor model combination of XRCC1 variant genotype, fermented fish, smoked meat, smoking and chewing (CVC=10/10; TBA=0.636; P<0.0001); whereas in interaction entropy graphs, smoked meat and tobacco chewing showed synergistic interactions with XRCC1. These findings suggest that interaction of genetic and environmental factors might increase susceptibility to NPC in Northeast Indian populations.

Exploring Recipients' Experience with the Home-based Rehabilitation Program Based on CBR Model through In-depth Interviews

  • Lee, Minyoung;Chung, Jinjoo;Hong, Hye Jung;Kim, Eunseung;Yoon, Bum Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.96-105
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was conducted in order to explore self-perceived objectives, effects, determinant factors of satisfaction and demands on home-based rehabilitation service (HBRS) based on a community-based rehabilitation (CBR) model in community-dwelling disabilities. Methods: This research was conducted through in-depth interview. HBRS was conducted by four physical therapists for one hour a day, once a week, for eight weeks. After an eight-week intervention period, in-depth interviews were conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire for five recipients of HBRS and six care givers. Results: For the physical effect, some participants experienced positive effects, whereas others did not due to the short-term intervention period. For the social and emotional effects, 'occurrence of motivation for exercise', 'change of surroundings' and 'sorriness for the therapist' emerged as keywords. For the determinant factors of satisfaction, 'movement-inducing therapy', 'therapy from the specialist', 'development of friendship & social network', and 'learning the way of self-rehabilitation' emerged as keywords. For further demands on HBRS, participants stated that 'sufficient time for therapy', 'user opinion-reflected therapy', 'additional instructions for therapeutic exercise & activities of daily living', and 'active promotion for HBRS' were necessary. Conclusion: Participants were satisfied with the physical, social, emotional, and educational aspects of HBRS. In particular, the participants regarded educational aspects as the significant factor throughout self-perceived objectives, determinant factors of satisfaction and the demands. This result suggests that when providing HBRS to community-dwelling persons with disabilities, therapists should recognize the necessity and significance not only of the physical, but also the educational aspect of HBRS.

Effect of Clothing Interest on Party Preference and the Construction of Party Unities according to Party Wear Types (의복 관심이 파티 선호에 미치는 영향과 파티복 유형별 파티 통일체 구성)

  • Kwon, Yeji;Kim, Na Young;Chung, Ihn Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.733-745
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the effect of clothing interest on party preference and suggested four party unities according to party wear types. A hypothesized model based on consumer innovativeness, clothing interest, party benefit, party interest and party preference was tested to determine the effect of clothing interest on party preference. Party unities were constructed according to party wear types along with party place, party food, and party music. Data was collected through two online surveys. The population of the survey was female consumers in their twenties. Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability, correlations, and regressions were applied to the data of 305 samples. As a result, positive tendency toward consumer innovativeness, clothing interest, party benefit, party interest and party preference was observed in young female consumers with significant relations among five variables. Party preference was well-explained from the hypothesized research model, but the direct path from clothing interest to party interest was identified as insignificant. The most preferred party elements of place, food, music and wear was garden, barbecue, house music and mini dress, respectively. Four party unities according to party wear types were constructed and suggested based on the correlation analysis results between party wear and other party elements. The concept of party unity is useful to establish marketing strategies such as advertising and experience marketing in the party wear industry.

Analysis on the Perception of Nuclear Power Plant and the Preference of its Policy Alternatives for Public Acceptance (원자력발전소에 대한 인식과 국민수용성 향상을 위한 정책대안들의 선호 분석)

  • Park, Young-Sung;Lee, Byong-Whi
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 1995
  • Public acceptance has become an important factor in nuclear power program particularly after Chernobyl accident and recent rapid democratization in Korea. Methods reflecting public opinions in order to improve public acceptance are firstly to understand what the public think about nuclear power plant and secondly to find out the public preference values for its policies. For this purpose, simplified multi-attribute utility (MAU) model was applied to analyze the public perception pattern for fire power production systems. And the conjoint analysis was applied to find out the quantitative values of public preferences for twelve policy alternatives to improve the safety and to support communities surrounding nuclear power plants in Korea. To implement these perception and preference analyses, mail survey was conducted to the Qualified sample who had the experience of visiting nuclear power plant. Diagnosis of their perception pattern for five power production systems was made by the simplified MAU model. Estimation of the quantitative preference values for potential policy alternatives was made by the conjoint measurement technique, which made it possible to forecast the effectiveness of each option. The results from the qualified sample and the methods used in this study would be helpful to set up new policy of nuclear power plant.

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A Study on Open University's Library Service Quality Using the Kano Model and the Timko's Customer Satisfaction Coefficient (원격대학 도서관 서비스 품질에 관한 연구 - Kano 모델과 Timko 계수를 적용하여 -)

  • Jo, Chang Hyeun;Nam, Young Joon
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.137-155
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    • 2017
  • Many university libraries, facing financial difficulties, have been forced to operate on a tighter budget. Such trend has created the need for an objective standard that will prioritize current library services. This study derives service quality factor via open coding from internet postings posted in the last five years on the Korean National Open University's library website, and also calculates the customer satisfaction quotient and dissatisfaction quotient using the Kano Model and Timko's Customer Satisfaction Coefficient. The result draws 25 service quality factors across 3 categories consisting of: (i) 8 attractive qualities, (ii) 15 one-dimensional qualities and (iii) 2 reverse qualities. The study, through the calculation of Timko's Customer Satisfaction Coefficient per service quality, proposes an intensive service that can prioritize the efficient use of library budget.