• Title/Summary/Keyword: First-Year Experience

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The Needs on Parent Education for Leisure Life of the Adolescent Family (청소년기 가족의 여가생활을 위한 부모교육에 관한 요구도 분석)

  • Kim, Soon-Ok;Han, Sang-Keum
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.44 no.11
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to provide fundamental data for developing a parent education program for family leisure and analyzing the needs of the parents raising adolescent children on parent education for family leisure. The subjects were 287 parents raising second and third year students at middle schools. They were intentionally sampled from the middle schools at Seoul, Gyeonggi, Daejeon, Donghae, Samcheok and Changwon. This study results can be summarized as follows: First, the degree of aid expectation for parent education for family leisure was high. The degree of aid expectation by demographic variable showed significant differences, according to the educational background of father, religion of parents and job of parents. Second, among family leisure activity types, education needs for education- and experience-oriented activities were highest. The average education needs for family leisure activities, including each family leisure activity type, were 2.95/4, which was relatively high. Third, as for the needs of parent education methods for family leisure of the parents raising adolescent children, the needs for program contents were highest in attending lectures. Weekday mornings and children's non-vacation season were the highest program practicing times. In teaching methods, participating activities showed the highest needs; in session, one or two second sessions were the highest.

Effect of Argumentation Instruction on Medical Student Experiences with Problem-Based Learning (논증강화교육이 의학과 학생의 문제바탕학습 경험에 미치는 영향)

  • Ju, Hyunjung
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2017
  • When participating in problem-based learning (PBL), it is important for medical students to generate claims and provide justifications for their claims in small group discussions. This study aimed to investigate the effect of argumentation instruction on medical student learning experiences with PBL. A total of one hundred first-year preclinical students from Inje University College of Medicine, who had attended argumentation instruction, participated in this study. All of the participants completed a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire regarding their learning experiences with PBL, before and after the argumentation instruction. The questionnaire comprised 22 items with eight subcategories: argumentation activity, reflection, integration of basic and clinical science, identification of lack of knowledge, logical thinking, self-directed study, communication, and attitude toward discussion. The collected data were analyzed through a paired-sample t-test. The results of this study found that the argumentation instruction promoted the preclinical students' experiences with argumentation activities, reflection, an integration of basic and clinical science, the identification of their lack of knowledge, logical thinking, and self-directed study, and it increased positive attitudes toward group discussion. The findings suggest argumentation instruction can enhance medical student group discussions and help students achieve the objectives of PBL, including acquisition of basic and clinical science knowledge and development of clinical reasoning and self-directed learning abilities, which can highlight the meaningful learning experiences students have with PBL.

Fashion Consumers' Purchase Intention on Cross-border Online Shopping (패션소비자의 온라인 해외직구 행동의도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joo Young;Choo, Ho Jung;Lee, Hyejoo
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.741-753
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    • 2015
  • This study identified factors that influenced fashion consumers' purchase intentions for cross-border online shopping. This study utilized three outshopping motivation dimensions (utilitarian, social, and hedonic) to empirically verify research questions. The moderating effects of consumers' perceived risks between cross-border online shopping motivations and behavioral intention were also tested on Korean female consumers in their 20s to 40s who had experience purchasing fashion goods through a cross-border online shopping channel within a year. The research are as follows. First, the three motivations have positive effects on cross-border online shopping purchase intentions. Fashion consumers are greatly influenced by hedonic motivation compared to utilitarian and social motivations. Second, perceived risks do not negatively influence cross-border online shopping purchase intentions. Finally, there exists moderating effects of perceived risks between utilitarian motivation and cross-border online shopping purchase intentions. This study reveals motivational and moderating factors that influence fashion consumers to shop through a cross-border online shopping channel. It contributes to prior studies by extending the research range of cross-border online shopping into fashion. Marketers and retailers should note that fashion consumers are most influenced by hedonic motivation when shopping in cross-border online malls.

Suicide of The Psychiatric Patients during Social Adjustment Period (적응과정에서의 정신과 환자의 자살)

  • Nam, Jung-Hyun;Kwak, Sang-Kon
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 1996
  • The authors examined for risk factors for suicide among psychiatric patients who had committed suicide through the analysis of demographic, clinical and psychological characteristics of the patients. The total number of suicides committed during social adjustment period was 9. Male and female ratio was 5:4 and the highest incidence occurred in the age group of 21-29 years. Of the 9 cases, schizophrenia accounted for two-third of the suicides. Among the committed suicides, 4 were in hospitalization and rest were postdischarge state. We found that 4 of 5(80%) suicides occurred in the first year after discharge, and that three fifth(60%) occurred within three months of discharge. In this result, most of suicides occurred immediately or soon after discharge and some during inpatient care. The major precipitating factors the patients showed before committing suicide were realistic and psychological problems. Consquently, they become dejected, experience feelings of hopelessness, go on to a depressed mood, and, in that case, have suicidal ideas that are eventually acted on. We believe that the ability to recognize risk factors for suicide and develop appropriate interventions is key to suicide prevention.

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A Case of Interstitial Lung Disease in Ulcerative Colitis (궤양성 대장염 환자에서 발생한 간질성 폐질환 1예)

  • Yoo, Min-Kyu;Lee, June-Ho;Han, Seong-Beom;Jeon, Young-June;Cho, Seung-Che
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.1140-1145
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    • 1997
  • Extracolonic manifestations which occur in approximately 10~20% of patients with ulcerative colitis most commonly affect joints, skin, liver and eyes. In contrast, pulmonary involvement in ulcerative colitis is very rare. However, a variety of respiratory disorders has been associated with ulcerative colitis, including pulmonary vasculitis, bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, interstitial fibrosis, pleural effusion. Since the first observation of pulmonary involvement in ulcerative colitis by Kraft in 1976, a few cases have been reported, and probably no such case have been reported in Korea yet. Here we report an experience concerning 56 year-old man interstitial lung disease in ulcerative colitis, who was diagnosed by clinical, radiographic, endoscopic, histologic findings.

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Multiple Bilateral Coronary Arteriovenous Fistulas Associated with Mitral Stenoinsufficiency - One Case Report - (승모판협착 및 폐쇄부전증이 동반된 다발성 양측 관상동정맥루 1례 치험)

  • 강창희
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.877-881
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    • 1988
  • A coronary arteriovenous fistula represents an abnormal communication from a coronary artery that may enter any cardiac chamber, a pulmonary artery, the coronary sinus, the superior vena cava or the pulmonary vein. We had a successful experience with 46 year-old male who complained exertional dyspnea[NYHA classification II] and anginal pain since 5 years ago. In intensive study of cardiac catheterization and coronary cineangiography, multiple bilateral coronary arteriovenous fistulas and mitral stenoinsufficiency with left atrial thrombi were recognized. The coronary arterio-venous fistula of left coronary artery was revealed large tortuous aberrant vessels that were connected between just distal portion of first diagonal branch of left anterior descending artery and main pulmonary artery. Other fistula was small tortuous vessel which was originated from left atrial branch of left circumflex artery, was drained into left atrium. The fistula of right coronary artery was communicated conal branch of right coronary artery to main pulmonary artery. But there was no 0y step-up in the right cardiac catheterization. The operative procedure were suture-ligation of draining orifice of coronary arteriovenous fistula in main pulmonary artery, mitral valve replacement[Ionescu-Shiley 25mm] with removal of left atrial thrombi and plication of left atrium under the extracorporeal circulation. The postoperative course was uneventful without any complication and discharged without problem at 17th postoperative days.

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A Study on Yongyakgwon(用藥勸) in Chochangkyeul(草窓訣) (「초창결(草窓訣)」 중(中) 「용약권(用藥勸)」에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Yun, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : Written by Yoongdongri in the 18th century Chosun, Chochangkyeul is a book that specially deals in Ungi. Yoon understood a person's body constitution by taking into factor the person's birth year, and used this information to determine his Ungi type, and understood his disease mechanism. Methods : Following the study on the first part of Chochangkyeul, named Ungiyeonron, the paper tries to study the book's second part, called Yongyakgwon. The book's core messages are summarized upon a thorough inspection. Results & Conclusions : Yoondongri was a highly-acclaimed doctor in the 18th century Chosun, and also an Ungi practitioner who utilized the theory of Ungi in his clinical practices. His practices were mainly based on the prescription of Ungi found in Chenwuze's Sanyinfang, coupled with almost all parts of Donguibogam's Husebang. He had an extensive clinical experience which helped him describe his methods of quickly responding to the side effects that sometimes occur due to misuse of medicine. Such detailed descriptions are never found in past medical books, which gives Yoon's book a great level of historical importance. Yongyakgwon divides the scripts between Gabsin, Muui, Byungye, Gyungjeong, and Yimgi in accordance with the theory of Ounhabgi, and also introduces treatments based on Yukisachun. Jangbupasuyak also introduces about six external organs and six internal organs with relation to treating wind medicine, treating heat medicine, treating cold medicine, treating dry dampness medicine, dryness-moistening medicine, pulling meridian medicine. All of these can be applied to patients easily.

A Case of Cavernous Hemangioma (소아 해면상 혈관종 한방 치험 1례)

  • Choi In-Hwa
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.195-199
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    • 2001
  • Cavernous hemangiomas, one of common hemangiomas, are collections of dilated vessels deep in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue that are present at birth. Clinically they appear as pale, skin-colored, red, or blue masses that are ill defined and rounded. Like strawberry hemangiomas, the lesions enlarge for several months, become stationary for an indefinite period, and undergo spontaneous resolution. Usually, they are managed like strawberry hemangiomas, for example, compression, take corticosteroids or interferon and use lasers(pulsed dye lasers and argon lasers). It is similar to 血瘤 and 紅絲瘤 in Oriental Medicine. We observed and treated a 8 month old male infant who had been diagnosed with cavernous hemangiomas on near medial side of the right transverse cubital crease. He had been treated by lasers three times each month about 2 months after the on set of disease in another College of Medicine Hospital. However, his sign didn't any change. He first visited our clinic about 7 months after the on set of disease. bout 1 year after our treatment, herb-medication and acupuncture treatment, the volume of hemangiomas was decreased remarkably and the colour was lighter. It was tender to the touch more and more. It is very rate that someone has cavernous hemangiomas and visits Oriental Medicine Hospital. Also we don't have much the treatment experience of this disease. I expect this case will be one of the base of treatment and management on this kind of diseases.

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Systems Engineer Program for Practical Nuclear Power Plant Engineering Education (실용적인 원전공학 교육을 위한 시스템즈 엔지니어 프로그램)

  • Chang, Choong-koo;Jung, Jae-cheon;DIA, Aminata
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2015
  • KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS) is dedicated to nurturing leadership-level professionals in nuclear power plant (NPP) engineering. KINGS have designed curriculum based on two philosophies. First, we balance aspects of discipline engineering, specialty engineering, and management engineering in the framework of systems engineering. Second, KINGS have designed the curriculum so that students can learn and experience the know-what, know-how and know-why level knowledge of NPP engineering and management. The specialization programs are opened during the 2nd year for 3 trimesters and those are a process of learning through practical project courses. The objectives of the specialization programs are to help students to learn the NPP life cycle technologies in highly structured and systematic ways. The systems engineer program (SEP) is one of the specialization programs. A practical case of the SEP which was applied to the project course for the NPP electric power system design education will be elaborated in this paper.

Analysis Techniques for Accident Causes of Subcontract Work at Construction Site (전문 건설공사 재해원인 분석 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Ki-Sang;Rhee, Kyung-Yong;Gal, Won-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 2009
  • There are many accident causes related to even an accident. As well four(4) stepped causes of one accident at construction sites are analyzed in the study. First, eleven(11) cause factors are set up at each step such as policy level, management, indirect, direct level which are discussed and determined by field experts with 15year experience or more. Therefore, one direct cause occurred in construction site can be connected to the previous cause than in direct and management, and policy problem of previous management. These questionnaires results are analyzed with three different methods such as weighing level by Delphi technique, correlation analysis, critical pass method. Three different methods show their characteristic to see which subcontract work is more dangerous or not. Subcontract or at a construction site can be use the above three different cases as they need at their site in order to make more effective countermeasures.