• Title/Summary/Keyword: Finite optical system

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Compensation Design to Reduce Springback in Sheet Metal Forming of 1.2GPa Ultra High Strength Steel (1.2GPa급 강판 판재 성형에서 스프링백 감소를 위한 금형 보상 설계)

  • Kwon, S.H.;Lee, H.S.;Lee, Y.S.;Kim, S.W.;Jung, C.Y.;Hong, S.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.301-305
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    • 2016
  • The manual modification of stamping die has widely been used in order to reduce springback after sheet metal forming. When UHSS (Ultra High Strength Steel) is used in sheet metal forming, the die design considering springback compensation is more difficult because higher strength sheet has more springback. In this study, the optimization method was used in order to design die geometry considering springback compensation after forming of 1.2GPa UHSS. Die geometries were defined as design variables and the springback distance from the die surface was conducted as object function in optimization process. The optimized die geometry considering springback compensation was performed using finite element and optimization analysis. The simulation results such as thickness distribution and springback amount were compared with measured data using 3D optical measurement system (GOM ARGUS, ATOS). And the prediction of springback amount showed a good agreement within test results.

Structure analysis of ultra precision nano-scale machine for mold processing (금형가공을 위한 초정밀 나노가공기의 구조해석)

  • Baek, Seung-Yub;Kim, Seon-Yong
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2007
  • As various manufacturing technology of optical glass is developed, the aspheric lenses are supplied to many fields. Electronic or measuring instruments equipped with aspheric lens have recently been used since aspheric lens is more effective than spheric one. However, it is still difficult manufacture glass lens because of high cost and the short life of core. The demands of the aspheric glass lenses increase since it is difficult to obtain the desirable performance in the plastic lens. For the mass production of aspheric lens, specific molds with precisely machined cores should be prepared. In order to obtain competitiveness in the field of industrial manufacturing, a reduction in the development period for the batch machining of products is required. It is essential to analyze the stress distribution and deformations of machining system which is used for manufacturing the aspheric lens using FEM software ANSYS. Finite element simulations have been performed in order to study the influence of machining system which is developed in this study on structures. It is very important to understand the structural behavior of machining system. This paper investigated the static analysis and dynamic analysis of machining system for aspheric lens to predict the damage due to loading.

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A Fatigue Failure Analysis of Fractured Fixing Bolts of a Mobile Elevating Work Platform using Finite Element Methods (유한요소기법을 이용한 고소작업대의 파손된 고정볼트의 피로 파손 분석)

  • Choi, Dong Hoon;Kim, Jae Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2020
  • Mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) consist of a work platform, extending structure, and chassis, and are used to move persons to working positions. MEWPs are useful but are composed of pieces of equipment, and accidents do occur owing to equipment defects. Among these defects, accidents caused by the fracture of bolts fixed to the extension structure and swing system are increasing. This paper presents a failure analysis of the fixing bolts of MEWP. Standard procedure for failure analysis was employed in this investigation. Visual inspection, chemical analysis, tensile strength measurement, microstructural characterization, fractography analysis by Optical Microscope(OM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM), and finite element analysis (FEA) were used to analyze the failure of the fixing bolts. Using this failure analysis approach, we found the root cause of failure and proposed a means for solving this type of failure in the future. First, the chemical composition of the fixing bolt is obtained by a spectroscopy chemical analysis method, which determined that the chemical composition matched the required standard. The tensile test showed that the tensile and yield strengths were within the required capacity. The stress analysis was carried out at five different boom angles, and it was determined that the fixing bolt of MEWP can withstand the loads at all the boom angles. The outcomes of the fatigue analysis revealed that the fixing bolt fails before reaching the design requirements. The results of the fatigue analysis showed primarily that the failure of the fixing bolt was due to fatigue. A visual inspection of the fractured section of the fixing bolt also confirmed the fatigue failure. We propose a method to prevent failure of the fixing bolt of the MEWP from four different standpoints: the manufacturer, safety certification authority, safety inspection agency, and owner.

An Experimental Study of the Temperature Characteristics of a Cutting Tool in Machining of Stainless Steel (스테인레스강 절삭가공에서 공구의 온도 특성에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • 권용기
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 1996
  • This is an experimental investigation of the temperature generated in a cutting tool during the machining of stainless steel. The temperature results from the wear of the cutting tool are considered in order to investigate the relation between cause and effect of these factors. This possibility has been tested using a thermocouple technique to record temperature vs. time curves for a variety of cutting conditions. This is done by employing a thermocouple inserted on the tool tip near the major cutting edge. Temperature distributions are calculated using finite element method and compared to the contour maps measured by an optical system. It suggests that the temperature gradients and the tool performance will be dependent on certain facotrs in tool geometry when cutting this material.

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Area of Horn's Tip and Weldability of Cu Sheets (초음파 혼의 Tip 면적과 Cu 박판의 용착성)

  • Jang, Ho Su;Kang, Eun Ji;Park, Dong Sam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.173-177
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    • 2014
  • In this study, a 20,000Hz ultrasonic horn was designed and fabricated using a finite element analysis. The horn's resonate frequency was 19,991Hz, and the harmonic response frequency was 20,000Hz. In order to observe the developed horn's performance, 4,000 pieces of displacement data were obtained using an optical sensor and were analyzed using a fast Fourier transform. Finally, the developed horn's resonate frequency was found to be 19,992Hz. The effect of the tip area of the developed horn on the weldability of a Cu sheet was experimentally investigated. It was found that the welding strengths of specimens welded using a small tip area were generally higherthan those of specimens welded using a large tip area.

Inhomogeneous amplitude modulation effects on the MTF of binocular objective (비균일 진폭변조가 쌍안경 대물경의 MTF에 미치는 영향)

  • 홍경희
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.102-106
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    • 1999
  • In this study, inhomogeneous amplitude modulation effects on the imaging performance a lens system are expermentally investigated by measuring the diffraction OTF. The lens under the test is a binocular objective made in Korea. Inhomogeneous amplitude modulation is carried out by positioning the modulator cross contacted to the lens under test which is illuminated by collimated light beam. The aberration characteristics of the lens under test are examined by caculating the ray-fan through finite ray tracing. The MTFs of the lens illuminated by the homogeneous and inhomogeneous light beam are measured on the Gaussian image plane and compared with one another.

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Enhanced evanescent field force on Mie particles by coupling with surface plasmons (표면 플라즈몬과 결합된 에바네슨트파가 Mie입자에 미치는 광압 분석)

  • Song, Young-Gon;han, Bong-Myung;Chang, Soo
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.437-445
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    • 2001
  • We examine theoretically the properties of the force on Mie particles induced by evanescent fields at a system of multilayer films (including a metal film), at which the surface plasmon resonance is excited by a p-polarized plane electromagnetic wave. An expression of the surface plasmon-coupled evanescent fields produced in Kretschmann (or Sarid) geometry is expanded in terms of vector spherical wave functions, while multiple reflections between the Mie particle and the metal boundary are taken into account. The Cartesian components of the force on Mie particles by the evanescent fields are analytically formulated and numerically evaluated. The force components are increased by one or two orders of magnitude at metal boundaries over those at dielectric boundaries. As a result, we can confirm the possibility of stable manipulation or rotation of a finite-sized object by forces of surface plasmon-coupled evanescent fields.

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Investigation on fluid-particle velocity double correlation in fluid- particle two-phase turbulent flows (유체에 입자가 부상된 2상난류운동에서 유체-입자속도 2차상관관계에 관한 연구)

  • 양선규;최영돈
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.1438-1449
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    • 1988
  • An analysis of radiative heat transfer has been conducted on axisymmetric finite cylindrical media. It is assumed that the temperature in the media is uniformly distributed and the boundaries are diffusely emitting and reflecting at a constant temperature. The scattering phase function is represented by the delta-Eddington approximation to account for highly forward scattering by particulates just as in the combustion system. Exact numerical solutions are obtained by Gaussian quadrature method and compared with P-1 and P-3 approximation solutions to verify their engineering application limit. The effects of optical thickness, scattering albedo, wall emissivity and aspect ratio are investigated. The results show that P-3 approximation is found to be in good agreement with the exact solution.

Design of an Antireflection Coating for High-efficiency Superconducting Nanowire Single-photon Detectors

  • Choi, Jiman;Choi, Gahyun;Lee, Sun Kyung;Park, Kibog;Song, Woon;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Chong, Yonuk
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.375-383
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    • 2021
  • We present a simulation method to design antireflection coating (ARCs) for fiber-coupled superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. Using a finite-element method, the absorptance of the nanowire is calculated for a defined unit-cell structure consisting of a fiber, ARC layer, nanowire absorber, distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) mirror, and air gap. We develop a method to evaluate the uncertainty in absorptance due to the uncontrollable parameter of air-gap distance. The validity of the simulation method is tested by comparison to an experimental realization for a case of single-layer ARC, which results in good agreement. We show finally a double-layer ARC design optimized for a system detection efficiency of higher than 95%, with a reduced uncertainty due to the air-gap distance.

Design and fabrication of dichroic mirror and broadband H/R mirror for color separation (색분리를 위한 Dichroic미러 및 광대역 고반사 미러의 설계와 제작)

  • 박영준;박정호;황영모;김용훈;이진호;이상학
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.183-188
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    • 1997
  • Cut-off filters would reject all the radiation below and transmit all that above a certain wavelength or vice versa. In this paper, we study design and farbrication of dichroic mirror and broadband high reflective mirror for color separation of white laser beam source to R.G.B color beam source. In laser display system, color separation is very important. We fabricated below specific component for finite color separation of the Kr-Ar laser source. At 45$^{\circ}$ incidence s-polarized light , it is required that - H/R in blue region R>99%, H/T in green and red region T>90% - H/R in green and red region R>99%, H/T in blue region T>90% - H/R in green region R>99%, H/T in red region T>90% We composed the optical system and realize the full color image.

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