• Title/Summary/Keyword: Financial Ratios

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한반도 온천수의 수리화학 및 영족기체 기원: 대전-충청지역을 중심으로

  • 정찬호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2004.09a
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    • pp.115-118
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this research is to investigate the noble gas isotope and the hydrochemical characteristics of hot springs in the Chungcheong area in Korea. This study was carried. out by the financial support of Korea-Japan joint research program of KOSEF, Noble gases are very useful tracers to investigate volatile elements circulation, because of their unique isotopic compositions in various reservoirs of the Earth. Isotopic ratios of noble gases has been carried out for If hot-spring samples from Daejon and its near areas in Korea last January 2004. Helium isotope ratio gave the evidence that helium gas of different origins(air-crust mixing origin, crust-origin and mantle-origin) is supplied into hot-spring waters in Korea. We found the distinct relationship between temperature of hot springs and helium gas origin.

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Prediction of Auditor Selection Using a Combination of PSO Algorithm and CART in Iran

  • Salehi, Mahdi;Kamalahmadi, Sharifeh;Bahrami, Mostafa
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study was to predict the selection of independent auditors in the companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) using a combination of PSO algorithm and CART. This study involves applied research. Design, approach and methodology - The population consisted of all the companies listed on TSE during the period 2005-2010, and the sample included 576 data specimens from 95 companies during six consecutive years. The independent variables in the study were the financial ratios of the sample companies, which were analyzed using two data mining techniques, namely, PSO algorithm and CART. Results - The results of this study showed that among the analyzed variables, total assets, current assets, audit fee, working capital, current ratio, debt ratio, solvency ratio, turnover, and capital were predictors of independent auditor selection. Conclusion - The current study is practically the first to focus on this topic in the specific context of Iran. In this regard, the study may be valuable for application in developing countries.

A Study on the Development of Fuzzy Linear Regression I

  • Kim, Hakyun
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.4
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 1995
  • This study tests the fuzzy linear regression model to see if there is a performance difference between it and the classical linear regression model. These results show that FLR was better as f forecasting technique when compared with CLR. Another important find in the test of the two different regression methods is that they generate two different predicted P/E ratios from expected value test, variance test and error test of two different regressions, though we can not see a significant difference between two regression models doing test in error measurements (GMRAE, MAPE, MSE, MAD). So, in this financial setting we can conclude that FLR is not superior to CLR, comparing and testing between the t재 different regression models. However, FLR is better than CLR in the error measurements.

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A Study on Portfolios Using Swarm Intelligence Algorithms (군집 지능 알고리즘을 활용한 포트폴리오 연구)

  • Woo Sik Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.1081-1088
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    • 2024
  • While metaheuristics have profoundly impacted various fields, domestic financial portfolio optimization research, particularly in asset allocation, remains underdeveloped. This study investigates metaheuristic algorithms for investment strategy optimization. Results reveal that metaheuristic-optimized portfolios outperform the Dow Jones Index in Sharpe ratios, highlighting their potential to significantly enhance risk-adjusted returns. A comparative analysis of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA) shows CSA's slight superiority in risk-adjusted performance. This advantage is attributed to CSA's maintained randomness and Lévy flight model, which effectively balance local and global search, whereas ACO may converge prematurely due to path reinforcement. These findings underscore metaheuristics' capacity to maximize expected returns at given risk levels, offering flexible, robust solutions for investment strategy optimization.

The Effect of Financial Ratios on Credit Rating by Adoption of K-IFRS (K-IFRS 도입에 따른 재무비율이 신용평가에 미치는 영향)

  • Wang, Hyun-Sun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.37-56
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates how adapting of K-IFRS effects NI and OCI affecting of credit rating on changing of the period and variable by using samples of around adapting of K-IFRS. First of all, after adapting of K-IFRS(2011-2013), it was noticeable that how NI affecting after adapting of K-IFRS(2007-2010) had been increased more than that of before affecting of K-IFRS. However, there was not a single difference in affecting OCI on credit rating comparing to the past of adapting of K-IFRS. Second, it seemed like NI affected more after adapting of K-IFRS(2011-2013). The first year of K-IFRS had bigger incremental effect than after adapting of K-IFRS. However, after adapting of K-IFRS, OCI affecting on credit rating had no ncremental effect. Third, it seemed like NI in the first year affected more than OCI on credit rating. After adapting(2012-2013) of K-IFRS, it seemed like NI and OCI do not affect on credit rating. To interpret this, NI and OCI affected the first year of adapting of K-IFRS; therefore, adapting of K-IFRS affected without affecting financial ratio on adapting credit rating. As the time goes on, it can be expected that adapting K-IFRS became stable; therefore, extra incremental effect will not be seen comparing to the early adaption. The implication of this study is when information users use credit rating, they have to concern of affecting of K-IFRS. This is because NI in financial ratio is affecting on credit rating.

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The Prediction of Export Credit Guarantee Accident using Machine Learning (기계학습을 이용한 수출신용보증 사고예측)

  • Cho, Jaeyoung;Joo, Jihwan;Han, Ingoo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.83-102
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    • 2021
  • The government recently announced various policies for developing big-data and artificial intelligence fields to provide a great opportunity to the public with respect to disclosure of high-quality data within public institutions. KSURE(Korea Trade Insurance Corporation) is a major public institution for financial policy in Korea, and thus the company is strongly committed to backing export companies with various systems. Nevertheless, there are still fewer cases of realized business model based on big-data analyses. In this situation, this paper aims to develop a new business model which can be applied to an ex-ante prediction for the likelihood of the insurance accident of credit guarantee. We utilize internal data from KSURE which supports export companies in Korea and apply machine learning models. Then, we conduct performance comparison among the predictive models including Logistic Regression, Random Forest, XGBoost, LightGBM, and DNN(Deep Neural Network). For decades, many researchers have tried to find better models which can help to predict bankruptcy since the ex-ante prediction is crucial for corporate managers, investors, creditors, and other stakeholders. The development of the prediction for financial distress or bankruptcy was originated from Smith(1930), Fitzpatrick(1932), or Merwin(1942). One of the most famous models is the Altman's Z-score model(Altman, 1968) which was based on the multiple discriminant analysis. This model is widely used in both research and practice by this time. The author suggests the score model that utilizes five key financial ratios to predict the probability of bankruptcy in the next two years. Ohlson(1980) introduces logit model to complement some limitations of previous models. Furthermore, Elmer and Borowski(1988) develop and examine a rule-based, automated system which conducts the financial analysis of savings and loans. Since the 1980s, researchers in Korea have started to examine analyses on the prediction of financial distress or bankruptcy. Kim(1987) analyzes financial ratios and develops the prediction model. Also, Han et al.(1995, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2005, 2006) construct the prediction model using various techniques including artificial neural network. Yang(1996) introduces multiple discriminant analysis and logit model. Besides, Kim and Kim(2001) utilize artificial neural network techniques for ex-ante prediction of insolvent enterprises. After that, many scholars have been trying to predict financial distress or bankruptcy more precisely based on diverse models such as Random Forest or SVM. One major distinction of our research from the previous research is that we focus on examining the predicted probability of default for each sample case, not only on investigating the classification accuracy of each model for the entire sample. Most predictive models in this paper show that the level of the accuracy of classification is about 70% based on the entire sample. To be specific, LightGBM model shows the highest accuracy of 71.1% and Logit model indicates the lowest accuracy of 69%. However, we confirm that there are open to multiple interpretations. In the context of the business, we have to put more emphasis on efforts to minimize type 2 error which causes more harmful operating losses for the guaranty company. Thus, we also compare the classification accuracy by splitting predicted probability of the default into ten equal intervals. When we examine the classification accuracy for each interval, Logit model has the highest accuracy of 100% for 0~10% of the predicted probability of the default, however, Logit model has a relatively lower accuracy of 61.5% for 90~100% of the predicted probability of the default. On the other hand, Random Forest, XGBoost, LightGBM, and DNN indicate more desirable results since they indicate a higher level of accuracy for both 0~10% and 90~100% of the predicted probability of the default but have a lower level of accuracy around 50% of the predicted probability of the default. When it comes to the distribution of samples for each predicted probability of the default, both LightGBM and XGBoost models have a relatively large number of samples for both 0~10% and 90~100% of the predicted probability of the default. Although Random Forest model has an advantage with regard to the perspective of classification accuracy with small number of cases, LightGBM or XGBoost could become a more desirable model since they classify large number of cases into the two extreme intervals of the predicted probability of the default, even allowing for their relatively low classification accuracy. Considering the importance of type 2 error and total prediction accuracy, XGBoost and DNN show superior performance. Next, Random Forest and LightGBM show good results, but logistic regression shows the worst performance. However, each predictive model has a comparative advantage in terms of various evaluation standards. For instance, Random Forest model shows almost 100% accuracy for samples which are expected to have a high level of the probability of default. Collectively, we can construct more comprehensive ensemble models which contain multiple classification machine learning models and conduct majority voting for maximizing its overall performance.

The Influence of Exhibitions as a Marketing Tool on Business Performance - An Illustration from a Defence Industry - (전시회 참가활동이 기업의 경영성과에 미치는 영향 - 방위산업체를 중심으로 -)

  • Han, Jung-Han;Jeon, In-Oh
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.141-159
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    • 2009
  • In the early 1990's, international security environment bring on the change. So each countries should have renewed the defence policy. The developed countries make efforts to keep the superiority of military industry with an high technology and huge capital. One of the efforts is the defence industry exhibitions for the management performance regarded as the marketing strategic principal method. The result of the opening exhibitions has been studied by research papers and treatises. A exhibitions' goal is different from an it's characteristic, type, industry, participator, institution and participating nation. An enterprise's management performance is runs as follows. First, an exhibitions participation activation has an effect re-participation following the satisfaction. Second, an exhibitions participation activation contributes to be on sale promotion, The result of the exhibitions participation is classified with sale performance and non-sale performance. The third, an exhibitions participation activation contributes to the effective company management. The huge fund advertisement is a financial burden, but a exhibitions takes effect one-fifth economical retrenchment. Accordingly, this study researched the exhibition participation choice properties, an exhibitions participation activation properties and investigated the Korea defence industry's income statement, balance sheet, growth ratios, profitability ratios, productivity ratios, stability ratios which were substitute for the enterprise's management performance through the exhibitions participation costs and the number of times.

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The Influence of Exhibitions as a Marketing Tool on Business Performance - An Illustration from a Defence Industry - (전시회 참가활동이 기업의 경영성과에 미치는 영향 - 방위산업체를 중심으로 -)

  • Han, Jung-Han;Jeon, In-Oh
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.223-243
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    • 2009
  • In the early 1990's internation al security environment bring on the change. So each countries should have renewed the defence policy. The developed countries make efforts to keep the superiority of military industry with an high technology and huge capital. One of the efforts is the defence industry exhibitions for the management performance regarded as the marketing strategic principal method. The result of the opening exhibitions has been studied by research papers and treatises. A exhibitions' goal is different from an it's characteristic, type, industry, participator, institution and participating nation. An enterprise's management performance is runs as follows. First, an exhibitions participation activation has an effect re-participation following the satisfaction. Second, an exhibitions participation activation contributes to be on sale promotion, The result of the exhibitions participation is classified with sale performance and non-sale performance. The third, an exhibitions participation activation contributes to the effective company management. The huge fund advertisement is a financial burden, but a exhibitions takes effect one-fifth economical retrenchment. Accordingly, this study researched the exhibition participation choice properties, an exhibitions participation activation properties and investigated the Korea defence industry's income statement, balance sheet, growth ratios, profitability ratios, productivity ratios, stability ratios which were substitute for the enterprise's management performance through the exhibitions participation costs and the number of times.

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Hedge Effectiveness in Won-Dollar Futures Markets (원 달러 선물시장을 이용한 헤지효과성)

  • Hong, Chung-Hyo;Moon, Gyu-Hyun
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.231-253
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    • 2004
  • We examine hedge strategies that use Won-dollar futures to hedge the price risk of the Won-dollar exchange rate. We employ the naive hedge model, minimum variance hedge model and bivariate ECT-ARCH(1) model as hedge instruments, and analyze their hedge performances. The sample period covers from January 2, 2001 to December 31, 2002 with sub-samples such as daily, weekly, bi-weekly prices of the Won-dollar futures and cash. The important findings may be summarized as follows. First, there is no significant difference in hedge ratio between the risk minimum variance model and bivariate ECT-ARCH(1) model that controls for the cointegration relationship of the Won-dollar futures and cash. Second, hedge performance of the naive model and minimum variance model with constant hedge ratios is not far behind that of bivariate ECT-ARCH(1) model with time-varying hedge ratios. This results imply that investors are encouraged to use the minimum variance hedge model to hedge Won-dollar exchange rate with Won-dollar futures. Third, hedge performance and effectiveness of each model is also analyzed with respect to hedge period appear to be greater over long than over the short period. This evidence supports the hypothesis that futures prices would have more time to respond to the greater cash price changes over the longer holding period, leading to an improved hedge performance.

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Net Buying Ratios by Trader Types and Volatility in Korea's Financial Markets (투자자별 순매수율과 변동성: 한국 금융시장의 사례)

  • Yoo, Shiyong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.189-195
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    • 2014
  • In this research, we investigate the relationship between volatility and the trading volumes of trader types in the KOSPI 200 index stock market, futures market, and options market. Three types of investors are considered: individual, institutional, and foreign investors. The empirical results show that the volatility of the stock market and futures market are affected by the transaction information from another market. This means that there exists the cross-market effect of trading volume to explain volatility. It turns out that the option market volatility is not explained by any trading volume of trader types. This is because the option market volatility, VKOSPI, is the volatility index that reflects traders' expectation on one month ahead underlying volatility. Third, individual investors tend to increase volatilities, whereas institutions and foreign investors tend to stabilize volatilities. These results can be used in the areas of investment strategies, risk management, and financial market stability.