• Title/Summary/Keyword: Farm-Map

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Lightning Characteristics and Lightning Rate Evaluation of Wind Farm by Lightning of Jeju Island for 2008-2012 (2008-2012년의 제주지역 낙뢰 특성 및 낙뢰에 의한 풍력단지 낙뢰율 평가)

  • Han, Ji-Hoon;Ko, Kyung-Nam;Huh, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.60-68
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents the characteristics of lightning over established and scheduled wind farms of Jeju island as well as over specific range of entire Jeju Island. The lightning data for 5 years from 2008 to 2012 was obtained from IMPACT ESP which detects lightning. Lightning frequency, lightning strength and regional lightning events were analyzed in detail, and then the lightning maps of Jeju Island were created. The evaluation of lightning rate was made for all the wind farms of this study. Damage to wind turbines by lightning was found in the existing wind farms. As a result, the eastern part of Jeju Island had more lightning frequency than the western part of the Island. Also, the evaluation of lightning rate was good for all established and scheduled wind farms of Jeju Island. Hankyung is the best place for lightning safety, while precaution should be taken against lightning damage in Kimnyung. Lightning damage to wind turbines occurred in Samdal and Haengwon wind farms, which had the first and the second highest lightning rate of the five existing wind farms.

Developing Forecast Technique of Landslide Hazard Area by Integrating Meteorological Observation Data and Topographical Data -A Case Study of Uljin Area- (기상과 지형자료를 통합한 산사태 위험지 예측 기법 개발 -울진지역을 대상으로-)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Jo, Yun-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2009
  • Recently the large scale of forest disaster such as landslide and forest fire gives a very bad impact on not only forest ecosystem but also farm business so that it has became the main issue of environmental problems. In this study, the landslide hazard area forecast method was developed by considering not only the topographic thematic maps based on GIS and satellite images but also amount of rainfall data, which are very important factors of landslide. Uljin-gun was selected as the study area and the GIS weight score and overlay analysis were applied to topographical map and meteorological observation map. Finally the landslide area distribution map was constructed by considering the evaluation criteria. Also, the accuracy could be acquired by comparing the landslide hazard area forecast map and real damaged area extracted from satellite image.

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Developmental Changes of Recessive Genes-mediated Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) Resistance in Peppers (Capsicum annuum L.)

  • Min, Woong-Ki;Ryu, Jae-Hwang;Ahn, Su-Hyeon
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.235-240
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    • 2014
  • Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) is one of the most important viral diseases in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), and several genes for resistance were reported in Capsicum spp. In Korea, a single dominant gene that is resistant to $CMV_{Fny}$ and $CMV_{P0}$ has been used for breeding. Recently, a new strain ($CMV_{P1}$) was reported that could infect cultivars resistant to both $CMV_{Fny}$ and $CMV_{P0}$. Therefore, breeding of more robust CMV-resistant cultivars is required. In this study, we surveyed the inheritance of $CMV_{P1}$ resistance and analyzed the location of the resistance loci. After $CMV_{P1}$ inoculation of various germplasms and breeding lines, one accession (ICPN18-8) showed no visual symptoms at 15 dpi (days post inoculation) but was susceptible after 45 dpi, and one resistant line (I7339) showed resistance until at 45 dpi. The latter line was used for tests of resistance inheritance. A total of 189 $F_2$ plants were examined, with 42 individuals showing resistance at 15 dpi and a phenotype segregation ratio close to 1:3 (resistant:susceptible plants). In a lateral ELISA test at 45 dpi, 11 plants showed resistance, and the segregation ratio was changed to 1:15. These results indicate that resistance in C. annuum 'I7339' is controlled by two different recessive genes; we named these resistance genes 'cmr3E' and 'cmr3L,' respectively. To locate these two resistant loci in the pepper linkage map, various RAPD, SSR, and STS markers were screened; only nine markers were grouped into one linkage group (LG). Only one RAPD primer (OPAT16) was distantly linked with cmr3E (22.3 cM) and cmr3L (20.7 cM). To develop more accurate markers for marker-assisted breeding, enriching for molecular markers spanning two loci will be required.

Livestock Disease Forecasting and Smart Livestock Farm Integrated Control System based on Cloud Computing (클라우드 컴퓨팅기반 가축 질병 예찰 및 스마트 축사 통합 관제 시스템)

  • Jung, Ji-sung;Lee, Meong-hun;Park, Jong-kweon
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.88-94
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    • 2019
  • Livestock disease is a very important issue in the livestock industry because if livestock disease is not responded quickly enough, its damage can be devastating. To solve the issues involving the occurrence of livestock disease, it is necessary to diagnose in advance the status of livestock disease and develop systematic and scientific livestock feeding technologies. However, there is a lack of domestic studies on such technologies in Korea. This paper, therefore, proposes Livestock Disease Forecasting and Livestock Farm Integrated Control System using Cloud Computing to quickly manage livestock disease. The proposed system collects a variety of livestock data from wireless sensor networks and application. Moreover, it saves and manages the data with the use of the column-oriented database Hadoop HBase, a column-oriented database management system. This provides livestock disease forecasting and livestock farm integrated controlling service through MapReduce Model-based parallel data processing. Lastly, it also provides REST-based web service so that users can receive the service on various platforms, such as PCs or mobile devices.

Production of Farm-level Agro-information for Adaptation to Climate Change (기후변화 대응을 위한 농장수준 농업정보 생산)

  • Moon, Kyung Hwan;Seo, Hyeong Ho;Shin, Min Ji;Song, Eung Young;Oh, Soonja
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.158-166
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    • 2019
  • Implementing proper land management techniques, such as selecting the best crops and applying the best cultivation techniques at the farm level, is an effective way for farmers to adapt to climate change. Also it will be helpful if the farmer can get the information of agro-weather and the growth status of cultivating crops in real time and the simulated results of applying optional technologies. To test this, a system (web site) was developed to produce agro-weather data and crop growth information of farms by combining agricultural climate maps and crop growth modeling techniques to highland area for summer-season Chinese cabbage production. The system has been shown to be a viable tool for producing farm-level information and providing it directly to farmers. Further improvements will be required in the speed of information access, the microclimate models for some meteorological factors, and the crop growth models to test different options.

Analysis of Soil Erosion Hazard Zone by Cropland (농경지 토양침식 위험지역 분석)

  • Kim, Kyung-Tak;Kim, Joo-Hun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2005
  • Soil erosion is influenced from a variety of factors such as rainfall distribution, soil type, land use, etc. This paper is aimed at analyzing the soil erosion hazard zone in cropland. RUSLE was used for an analysis of soil erosion amount, and for the spatial data of basin, soil erosion amount was calculated by extracting the respect topography space related factors of RUSLE using DEM, Landuse, Soil map as base map. This paper is targeting at the watershed of Gyeongan stream in Gyeonggi-do The result of an analysis of soil erosion amount showed that soil erosion occurred in the order of crop field(1210) planting area, orchard(1220), non-adjusted paddy fields(1120), and adjusted paddy fields(1110), and also the average soil erosion in these planting areas has the most amount in crop field planting area. As a result of analysis on soil erosion hazard zone of farm land by classifying it into 5 classes using the result of that result of analysis on the amount of soil erosion, in case of Class 5 in which the hazard of soil erosion is the highest, approximately 72.5ha that corresponds to 2.4% of the total farm land was decided as erosion hazard zone. For this erosion hazard zone, it was analyzed that dry field crop planting area was 72.4ha and orchard was 0.1ha, and Class 5 hazard zone did not appear in other farming areas. Also, it showed that Class II(1~50ton/ha/yr) area had the most ratio of the entire farm land, i.e., 70.2%, regardless of land use state. According to the result of analysis on soil erosion hazard zone of farm land by classifying it into 5 classes, the Class V has the highest soil erosion hazard, approximately 72.5ha that corresponds to 2.4% of the total farm land was estimated as an erosion hazard zone. This erosion hazard shows 72.4ha in dry field crop planting area, 0.1ha in an orchard, but the highest hazard zone, the Class V was not shown in other farming areas. Also, it showed that Class II area had the most ratio of the entire farm land, i.e., 70.2%, regardless of land use state.

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Distracted Driver Detection and Characteristic Area Localization by Combining CAM-Based Hierarchical and Horizontal Classification Models (CAM 기반의 계층적 및 수평적 분류 모델을 결합한 운전자 부주의 검출 및 특징 영역 지역화)

  • Go, Sooyeon;Choi, Yeongwoo
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.439-448
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    • 2021
  • Driver negligence accounts for the largest proportion of the causes of traffic accidents, and research to detect them is continuously being conducted. This paper proposes a method to accurately detect a distracted driver and localize the most characteristic parts of the driver. The proposed method hierarchically constructs a CNN basic model that classifies 10 classes based on CAM in order to detect driver distration and 4 subclass models for detailed classification of classes having a confusing or common feature area in this model. The classification result output from each model can be considered as a new feature indicating the degree of matching with the CNN feature maps, and the accuracy of classification is improved by horizontally combining and learning them. In addition, by combining the heat map results reflecting the classification results of the basic and detailed classification models, the characteristic areas of attention in the image are found. The proposed method obtained an accuracy of 95.14% in an experiment using the State Farm data set, which is 2.94% higher than the 92.2%, which is the highest accuracy among the results using this data set. Also, it was confirmed by the experiment that more meaningful and accurate attention areas were found than the results of the attention area found when only the basic model was used.

A Study on the Developement of Soil Geochemical Exploration Method for Metal Ore Deposits Affected by Agricultural Activity (농경작업 영향지역의 금속광상에 대한 토양 지구화학 탐사법 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Oak-Bae;Lee, Moo-Sung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 1992
  • In order to study the optimum depth for the soil geochemical exploration in the area which is affected by agricultural activities and waste disposal of metal mine, the soil samples were sampled from the B layer of residual soil and vertical 7 layers up to 250 cm in the rice field and 3 layers up to 90 cm in the ordinary field. They were analyzed for Au, As, Cu, Pb and Zn by AAS, AAS-graphite furnace and ICP. To investigate the proper depth for the soil sampling in the contaminated area, the data were treated statistically by applying correlation coefficient, factor analysis and trend analysis. It is conclude that soil geochemical exploration method could be applied in the farm-land and a little contaminated area. The optimum depth of soil sampling is 60 cm in the ordinary field, and 150~200 cm in the rice field. Soil sampling in the area of a huge mine waste disposal is not recommendable. Plotting of geochemical map with factor scores as a input data shows a clear pattern compared with the map of indicater element such as As or Au. The second or third degree trend surface analysis is effective in inferring the continuity of vein in the area where the outcrop is invisible.

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Review of Wind Energy Publications in Korea Citation Index using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (잠재디리클레할당을 이용한 한국학술지인용색인의 풍력에너지 문헌검토)

  • Kim, Hyun-Goo;Lee, Jehyun;Oh, Myeongchan
    • New & Renewable Energy
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2020
  • The research topics of more than 1,900 wind energy papers registered in the Korean Journal Citation Index (KCI) were modeled into 25 topics using latent directory allocation (LDA), and their consistency was cross-validated through principal component analysis (PCA) of the document word matrix. Key research topics in the wind energy field were identified as "offshore, wind farm," "blade, design," "generator, voltage, control," 'dynamic, load, noise," and "performance test." As a new method to determine the similarity between research topics in journals, a systematic evaluation method was proposed to analyze the correlation between topics by constructing a journal-topic matrix (JTM) and clustering them based on topic similarity between journals. By evaluating 24 journals that published more than 20 wind energy papers, it was confirmed that they were classified into meaningful clusters of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, marine engineering, and renewable energy. It is expected that the proposed systematic method can be applied to the evaluation of the specificity of subsequent journals.

Improving of land-cover map using IKONOS image data (IKONOS 영상자료를 이용한 토지피복도 개선)

  • 장동호;김만규
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.101-117
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    • 2003
  • High resolution satellite image analysis has been recognized as an effective technique for monitoring local land-cover and atmospheric changes. In this study, a new high resolution map for land-cover was generated using both high-resolution IKONOS image and conventional land-use mapping. Fuzzy classification method was applied to classify land-cover, with minimum operator used as a tool for joint membership functions. In separateness analysis, the values were not great for all bands due to discrepancies in spectral reflectance by seasonal variation. The land-cover map generated in this study revealed that conifer forests and farm land in the ground and tidal flat and beach in the ocean were highly changeable. The kappa coefficient was 0.94% and the overall accuracy of classification was 95.0%, thus suggesting a overall high classification accuracy. Accuracy of classification in each class was generally over 90%, whereas low classification accuracy was obtained for classes of mixed forest, river and reservoir. This may be a result of the changes in classification, e.g. reclassification of paddy field as water area after water storage or mixed use of several classification class due to similar spectral patterns. Seasonal factors should be considered to achieve higher accuracy in classification class. In conclusion, firstly, IKONOS image are used to generated a new improved high resolution land-cover map. Secondly, IKONOS image could serve as useful complementary data for decision making when combined with GIS spatial data to produce land-use map.

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