• Title/Summary/Keyword: Facility Design

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Comparison of Fuel Consumption Estimation for Passenger Cars (승용차 유류소모량 산정 방법의 비교 연구)

  • Yoo, In-Kyoon;Kim, Je-Won;Lee, Su-Hyeong;Ko, Kwang-Ho
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.167-175
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    • 2011
  • Evaluation of fuel consumption for the various road condition and vehicle type is necessary to perform the economic analysis of road construction which is important for the efficient design and management of road. Economic analysis of road should consider the social cost which can be divided into agency cost including initial construction expense, maintenance cost, and so on, and user cost consisting of vehicle operating cost, congestion cost, etc. Since vehicle operating cost depends on the traffic volume, fuel consumption that is a major part of vehicle operating cost will change by traffic volume as well. Fuel consumption is significantly affected by vehicle speed and road condition, especially the roughness. Thus, fuel consumption should be evaluated in terms of road condition, which is not currently considered. In this study, the estimation model of fuel consumption for the passenger cars in Korea has been developed by considering the road condition. First, the relationship between vehicle speed and fuel consumption that is used to calculate the vehicle operating cost for investment evaluation of transportation facility and the initial feasibility study of road construction was investigated. Second, with the consideration of road roughness, fuel consumption of the passenger car was measured. From the measurement, it was found that fuel consumption increased by $80m{\ell}$ per 100km driving as the roughness increased by 1m/km. Therefore, it is recommended that for the economic analysis of road design and management, the fuel consumption should be a function of road roughness.

Microscopic Study on the Warrants for TWLTL Based on the DHV - Focusing on the Section with Overlapping Left-turn Movements - (설계시간 교통량 기반 양방향 좌회전차로의 설치기준에 관한 미시적 연구 - 좌회전 상충이 발생하는 구간을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ji-Sun;Shin, Chi-Hyun
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2014
  • This research focuses on the warrants for the Two-Way Left-Turn Lanes (TWLTL). Using a microscopic traffic simulation tool, two key parameters were investigated herewith. One is a wide range of the Design Hourly Volume (DHV), reflective of recent Korean roadway volume characteristics, that is conventionally reduced from the Average Daily Traffic (ADT). The other is driveway spacing, the length of the middle-lane section where two conflicting left-turn demands often compete for space. In addition, unlike previous researches, the way and the procedure the TWLTL operation is realized in the VISSIM S/W with its add-on application such as VISVAP is clearly stated and described in detail. According to the result of simulations for 10 volume scenarios, as expected, the higher the volume level is, the more delay the left-tuner experience. The Level Of Service (LOS) for most cases was in the range of C and D based on the non-signalized intersection LOS criteria. Furthermore, the TWLTL was found operable up to the volume level of 1,116 and 1,860 vph in heavy direction (equivalent of volume level 7) for 3-lane and 5-lane facility respectively, which covers significant portion of existing two to four-lane highway volumes in Korea.

The characteristics of nuclear powered submarine and the use of enriched uranium (원자력 추진 잠수함의 특성과 농축우라늄 사용)

  • Jang, Jun-Seop
    • Strategy21
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    • s.41
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    • pp.261-293
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    • 2017
  • Nuclear power is a way of attaining an enormous amount of energy with relatively small amount of resources and after it has been introduced to the submarine since 1954, there are approximately 150 of nuclear powered submarine currently on a mission around the world. This is due to the maneuverability, mountability and covertness of nuclear submarines. However, there are other tasks, not only the high level of nuclear technology that are needed to be dealt with in order to construct nuclear powered submarine. The biggest task of all is to secure the enriched uranium. Accordingly, this research is about the way of enriching and securing the nuclear fuel that are used in the nuclear submarine with the characteristics, merits and demerits of the nuclear submarine. Due to the fact that the pressurized water reactor in South Korea is the reactor that was originally built for the development of nuclear powered submarine, many parts is designed to be suitable for the submarine propulsion. However, in order to apply this to submarine it is needed to consider additional requests such as the position of reactor, accident-coping system, radioactive covering, reactor output adjustment and ship's pitch and roll in order to apply this to submarine. Nuclear submarines have much higher speed based on the powerful propulsion in comparison with diesel-electric submarine and also have bigger loading area. Besides, there is no need to snorkel and they also have advantages in covertness with the multi-noise proof system. The nuclear technology in South Korea has seen the dramatic development since 1962 and in 1998 reached to the level that we have succeeded in the localization of nuclear plant and exported the world-class one-piece small-sized reactor (SMART) to UAE. To operate these reactors, we import the whole quantity of low-enriched uranium and having our own uranium enrich facility is not probable because of the budget and international regulations. With the ROK/US nuclear agreement revised on 2015 November, the enrichment of uranium that are available without special permission has changed up to 20%. According to the assumption that we use the 20% enrichment of Uranium on U.S. virginia class submarine, it is necessary to change the fuel after 11 years and it will cause additional cost of 1 billion dollars. But the replace period by the uranium's enrichment rate is not fixed so that it is possible to change according to the design of reactor. Therefore, I would like to make a suggestion on two types of design concepts of nuclear submarine that can be operated for 30 years without nuclear fuel change by using the 20% enriched uranium from ONNp.First of all, it is possible by increasing the size of reactor by 3 times and it results in the 1,000t increase of the weight. And secondly, it is by designing the one piece reactor to insert devices such as steam turbine, condenser into the inside of nuclear core like the Rubis class submarines of France.

Application Technology of Multi-texturing for Effective Representation of Natural Ground on the 4D System for Civil Engineering Projects (토목공사용 4D 시스템의 효율적인 자연지형 표현을 위한 멀티텍스처링 기법 적용기술 개발)

  • Kang Leen-Seok;Kwak Joong-Min;Jee Sang-Bok;Kim Chang-Hak;Lee Yong-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.349-352
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    • 2004
  • 4D system has applied to construction project as a management tool after the late 1990's. Various 4D systems have been developed, however they have some problems that should be improved. Especially, the 4D system for civil engineering project needs synthesized 3D model between natural ground condition and physical facility type. It is a different problem comparing with the system for building project. 1'his study suggests an automatically synthesizing methodology between ground triangulate network and design triangulate network. Furthermore the study develops an application methodology of multi-texturing technique defined in virtual reality modeling language (VRML) for skipping the 3D model synthesizing process from the 4D model development processes. The suggested methodology is applied to the prototype of real 4D system. The proposed technique for 3D modeling may be used as an essential methodology for developing 4D system for civil engineering projects.

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Application of Laser Ultrasonic Technique for Nondestructive Evaluation of Wall Thinning in Pipe (배관부 감육 손상의 비파괴 평가를 위한 레이저 초음파 기술 적용)

  • Hong, Kyung-Min;Kang, Young-June;Park, Nak-Kyu;Yoon, Suk-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.361-367
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    • 2013
  • Many of the nuclear power plant pipe is used in high temperature and high pressure environment. Wall thinning frequently caused by the corrosion. These wall thinning in pipe is expected gradually increase as nuclear power become superannuated. Therefore there is need to evaluate wall thinning in pipe and corrosion defect by non-destructive method to prevent the accident of the nuclear power facility due to pipe corrosion. Especially for real-time assessment of the wall thinning that occurs in nuclear power plant pipe, the laser ultrasonic technology can be measured even in hard-to-reach areas, beyond the limits of earlier existing contact methods. In this study, the optical method using laser was applied for non-destructive and non-contact evaluation. Ultrasonic signals was acquired through generating ultrasonic by pulse laser and using laser interferometer. First the ultrasonic signal was detected in no wall thinning in pipe, then a longitudinal wave velocity was measured inside of pipe. Artificial wall thinning specimen compared to 20, 30, 40 and 50% of thickness of the pipe was produced and the longitudinal wave velocity was measured. It was possible to evaluate quantitatively the wall thinning area(internal defect depth) cause it was able to calculate the thickness of each specimen using measured longitudinal wave velocity.

Radiation Shielding Analysis on The Spent Fuel Storage Facility for the Extended Fuel Cycle (장주기(長週期) 핵연료(核燃料) 저장시설(貯藏施設)에서의 방사선차폐해석(放射線遮蔽解析))

  • Lee, Tae-Young;Ha, Chung-Woo;Yook, Chong-Chul
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 1984
  • Estimated dose rates in spent fuel pool storage with the extended fuel cycle core management were reviewed and compared with design limit after calculation with the aid of DLC-23/CASK(22 n, 18 g) nuclear data and ANISN code. Radioactivity and gamma spectrum within spent fuel assemblies were calculated with ORIGEN code by extended fuel cycle model. In the calculation of dose rate, the fuel pool geometry was assumed to be infinite slab. Also, composition materials and radiation source within assemblies which are being stored in pool storage were assumed to be uniformly distributed throughout all the assemblies. As a result of culculation of dose rate from stored assemblies and waterborne radionuclides in pool water, the calculated dose rates appear to be lower than design basis limit under normal condition as well as abnormal condition.

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The Improvement Direction of Piloti Space for Neighborhood Regeneration of Deteriorated Low-Rise Residential Block (노후 저층주거지 근린재생을 위한 필로티 공간 개선 방향)

  • Yoo, Hae-Yeon;Song, Jun-Yeop;Yang, Ji-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.761-770
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study is to propose a community facility design for the revitalization of the piloti spaces of deteriorated low-rise residential blocks. For this study, the precedent research and institutional limitations are examined. In addition, this study selected and analyzed a deteriorated low-rise residential block utilizing pilotis. Generally, in this type of residence, 8 to 10 generations live together in multi-family houses and row houses, so it is a type of housing that lacks both public space and parking places. Therefore, we attempted to improve the situation of the communities by making use of the space between the pillars and walls without infringing on the parking places. In addition, we took into consideration the design and arrangement of the piloti by evaluating the inconveniences and needs of the residents through interviews. Specifically, various modules were planned and used to transform the spaces between the pillars of the pillar type piloti structure. This study examined the possibilities offered by various materials and modules, and studied the diverse possibilities that can be offered by changing the modules.

Framework for Optimum Scale Determination for Small Hydropower Development Using Economic Analysis (경제성분석에 의한 소수력 개발의 최적규모 결정 방안)

  • Kim, Kil-Ho;Yi, Choong-Sung;Lee, Jin-Hee;Shim, Myung-Pil
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.12
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    • pp.995-1005
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    • 2007
  • This study presents a framework for optimum scale determination for small hydropower development in a river basin. The framework includes the construction of hydrology and topography data, the simulation of hydropower operation, the economic analysis, and the determination of optimum scale of the small hydropower. The optimum scale of design flow and facility are determined by Net Present Value among economic analysis indices. The investment cost is estimated by the cost function derived from the construction cost of existing small hydropower plants. The benefit from power generation is estimated by the price announced by government. The presented framework is applied to the two potential sites in Cho River basin for the dam and run-of-river type of plants. Finally, the sensitivity analysis for a design flow and scale of the plant is performed for the each site. The usage of the framework presented in the study is highly expected for the estimation of potential hydropower resources or the decision support tool for a proprietor by estimating the optimum scale and economical feasibility in advance.

A Study on Space Construction for the Aged's Welfare Center in Japan - Focusing on the Aged's Welfare Center in Utsnomiya City - (일본 노인복지센터의 공간구성에 관한 연구 - 우츠노미야시 지역의 노인복지센터를 중심으로 -)

  • Yoo Eun-Yeong
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.4 s.66
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 2006
  • Today, according to population decrease and aging of the old due to the decline of birthrate in our society in $21^{st}$ century, there is a stiff increase of the aged group. Complying with the request of epic needs, as there was a full scale amendment of law of the aged welfare in 1997, the centers appeared differently based on the regional dimension, the difference of the number of persons to be accommodated, and the social and economic characteristics. Coping with these problems occurring, along with the necessity of welfare facilities for the leisure of the aged, the government prepared and carried out a number of plans for the service of the aged and securing of facilities. This practice of the government, however, centered on the crease of service in quantity other than the quality, resulting in a situation of lacking the welfare facilities for the aged meeting the requirement of the aged in their aspect of consumer. On the contrary, building the welfare centers in Japan started in 1960 with a rapid increase of the number of centers in 1970s, and there were 2,214 welfare centers in operation in Japan in 1995, keeping a high level of service in quality and quantity. Thus, this study aims to present basic materials necessary for the criteria of space designing plans for the aged welfare centers in Korea through case analysis of the facility criterion, area constitution and space constitution by the floor that play an important role in regional welfare facilities for the aged in Japan.

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A Study on Technology Priorities for Green Highway (녹색도로 구현을 위한 기술 우선순위 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yu-Hwa;Cho, Won-Bum;Kim, Se-Hwan
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2012
  • It is not surprising to hear news about irresistible natural disasters all over the world due to climate change. Korean Government has focused on developing a variety of green technologies to reduce green house gasses, in particular, carbon dioxide. This study suggested 18 technology divisions for achieving green highway technology development in six different sub-sectors considering life-cycle of roadway and surveyed 29 highway and/or transportation professionals of three institutes using AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process) analysis to construct "Green Highway"and realize carbon emission reductions and energy use efficiency in a road sector in Korea. Expert Choice Software was used to rank 18 technology divisions weighted by two-level choices. Transport Operating Infrastructure Improvement, Roadway Policy Implementation, Green Transportation(such as Pedestrian and Bicycle) were highly ranked by respondents according to results of the AHP modeling. Among the 18 divisions, technology policy for supporting R&D investments from development to commercialization was ranked as the most significant one to be focused. Green Transportation Facility Design/Construction/Operation and Eco-Friendly Roadway Plan were followed as expected since professionals have thought that the planning/design step of the life-cycle is a starting point to reduce carbon dioxide from roads more and more. Additionally, comparing the results with the Government investment trend 2006-2011 for the roads, it can be interpreted that the Government should invest to the R&D area more widely than before to promote element and core technology development for Green Highway Construction. Above all, small and mid-sized businesses have to be invested as well as encouraged to undertake green highwayrelated objects to accomplish the divisions which ranked high.