• Title/Summary/Keyword: FE models

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Behavior and Optimization of Cylinder Applied by Composite Tape Wrapping Method (복합재/AISI4340 이중구조 후육실린더의 구조적 거동 및 최적화)

  • Lee, Kyeong-Kyoo;Kim, Wie-Dae
    • Composites Research
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2011
  • To increase the performance of thick-walled cylinders recently their length is continually enlarged. For that reason it is important to reduce weight of the thick-walled cylinders. In this paper the FE models to predict and estimate effects on the composite tapes were created with MSC.Nastran/Patran v.2005. First of all a autofrettage method was applied to the 2D model of the AISI4340 cylinder reduced the thick. And then the comparison of the numerical results with analysis results showed and verified by using T300/5208, IM7/PETI5, IM7/8552 tapes. Those are predicted to the effects of the angle of the composite tapes and elastic modulus according to the composite properties.

Ultimate Behavior of GFRP Shell Structure Stiffened by Steel Pipe Ring (강관링으로 보강된 GFRP 쉘구조의 극한 거동)

  • Kim, In Gyu;Lim, Seung Hyun;Kim, Sung Bo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.219-229
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    • 2014
  • The experiment and FE analysis of ultimate behavior of GFRP cylindrical shell structure stiffened by steel pipe ring instead of rectangular cross-section ring was presented. Four kinds of test models were designed and flexural failure experiment was performed to investigate ultimate behavior characteristic according to the size of cross section of steel pipe ring and diameter of GFRP shell. Material properties of specimens were experimented by bending, tensile and compressive test. Displacements and strains were measured to evaluate failure behavior of steel pipe ring and GFRP shell structure. The experimental results were compared with the FEA results by commercial program ABAQUS. It is observed that GFRP shell structure stiffened by steel ring have enough ductility to bending failure, and an increase of bending rigidity of steel ring is very effective to increase of failure strength of GFRP shell structure.

Monotonic and Hysteresis Behavior of Semirigid CFT Column-to-Beam Connections with a Top-Seat Angle (상·하부 ㄱ형강 반강접 CFT 기둥-보 접합부의 단조 및 이력거동)

  • Lee, Sung Ju;Kim, Joo Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.191-204
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    • 2014
  • In this paper a systematic numerical analysis is performed to obtain the bending moment resisting capacity of a top and seat angle connection, which is a type of partially restrained connection, for a CFT composite frame subjected to cyclic loading. This partially restrained composite CFT connections are fabricated using high strength steel connection bar. The three-dimensional nonlinear finite element models are constructed to investigate the rotational stiffness, bending moment capacity, and failure modes. A wide scope of additional structural behaviors explain the different influences of the top and seat angle connection's parameters, such as the different thickness of connection angles and the gage distances of the high strength steel bar. The moment-rotation angle relationships obtained from the finite element analysis are compared with those from Richard's theoretical equation.

A Study on the Structural Integrity Considering the Installation of a Micro-tube Heat Exchanger (미세튜브 열교환기의 장착을 고려한 구조건전성에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Se Yun;Kim, Tae Jin;Cho, Jong Rae;Jeong, Ho Sung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.447-451
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study is to predict the structural characteristics of a heat exchanger mounted on an aircraft engine using finite element analysis. The plastic fracture and life of the heat exchanger were estimated by a thermo-mechanical analysis. Tensile tests were conducted under high temperature conditions (700, 800, 900, 1000 K) using five specimens to obtain the mechanical properties of the Inconel 625 tubes. To assess the structural characteristics of the heat exchanger, the full and partial models were applied under the operating conditions given by the thermo-mechanical and inertial load. As a result, the case, tubesheet, flange, and mounting components have a reasonable safety margin to the allowable stress assuming a fatigue strength of Inconel 625 of 10000 cycles under 1000 K.

Iteration-based Array Analysis for Conceptual Design of Active Sonar Arrays (능동 소나 배열의 개념 설계를 위한 반복법 기반 배열 해석)

  • Noh, Eunghwy;Chun, Wonjong;Ohm, Won-Suk;Been, Kyounghun;Moon, Wonkyu;Chang, Woosuk;Yoon, Hongwoo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2017
  • The array equations are commonly used for analysis and conceptual design of active sonar projector arrays. Calculation of the radiation impedance matrix poses a major computational bottleneck for the solution of the array equations, which leads to a dramatic increase in computational load as the number of constituent transducers increases. Here, we propose an iteration-based solution method that does not require the calculation of the radiation impedance matrix, as a computationally efficient alternative to the status quo. The validity of the iteration-based analysis is judged against the full finite-element analysis that includes the entire array as well as the medium. The array equations for the 1/3-sector of a cylindrical array comprised of 48 Tonpilz transducers are augmented by the lumped element models, and are solved iteratively for the acoustic and electro-mechanical characteristics. The iteration-based analysis exhibits rapid convergence and accuracy comparable with the FE analysis. Simulations also reveal that the acoustic coupling between transducers has more pronounced effects on the electro-mechanical characteristics of individual transducers than the acoustic performance of the array.

Seismic Performance of Top and Seat Angle CFT Column-to-Beam Connections with SMA (SMA 적용 상·하부 ㄱ형강 CFT 기둥-보 접합부의 내진성능)

  • Kim, Joo-Woo;Lee, Sung Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.423-434
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    • 2017
  • In this paper a systematic numerical analysis is performed to obtain the hysteresis behavior of partially restrained top and seat angle connections subjected to cyclic loading. This connection includes superelastic shape memory alloy (SMA) angles and rods in order to secure the recentering capacities as well as proper energy dissipation effects of a CFT composite frame. The three-dimensional nonlinear finite element models are constructed to investigate the rotational stiffness, bending moment capacity and failure modes. A wide scope of additional structural behaviors explain the different influences of the connection's parameters, such as the various thickness of connection angles and the gage distance of steel and SMA rods.

Development of a Receptor Methodology for Quantitative Assessment of Ambient PM-10 Sources in Suwon Area (수원지역 대기 중 PM-10 오염원의 정량평가를 위한 수용방법론의 개발)

  • 김관수;황인조;김동술
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 2001
  • A total of 328 ambient PM-10 samples was collected by a PM-10 high volume air sampler during the periods of February 1997 to February 1999 from Kyung Hee University at Suwon Campus. The samples were analyzed for their bulk chemical compositions(Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn, Al, $Na^{+}$, $NH_{4}^{+}$, $K^{+}$, $Ca^{2+]$, $Mg^{2+}$, $Cl^{-}$, $NO_{3}^{-}$, and $SO_{4}^{2-}$ by both an atomic absorption spectrophotometer and an ion chromatograph. The purpose of this study was t develop a receptor methodology for quantitative assessment of PM-10 sources. The data obtained from this study were ex-tensively examined using the target transformation factor analysis(TTFA) and the chemical mass balance (CMB). When TTFA was initially applied seasonal basis. five sources(such as automobile-related, sulfate-related, incine-ration, soil and combustion-related) were identified both during winter and fall. Since the total number and the type of sources were resolved by TTFA for the four seasons, CMB was employed to cross-check the results of TTEA. The total of six source categories identified by TTEA was intensively investigated on the basis of source profiles acquired from various source libraries established both in Korea and abroad. The results of this study showed the applicability of two popular receptor models as a new methdology for quantitative assessment PM-10 sources in Korea. Seasonally segmented data sets with the combined application of TTFA and CMB yielded a physically reasonable source apportionment result and provided a mean to increase the number of potential sources. Furthermore, this study suggested the possibility of the CMB application to ambi-ent data from Korea after identifying potential sources through traditional factor analysis.

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Dynamic numerical simulation of plastic deformation and residual stress in shot peening of aluminium alloy

  • Ullah, Himayat;Ullah, Baseer;Muhammad, Riaz
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.63 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2017
  • Shot peening is a cold surface treatment employed to induce residual stress field in a metallic component beneficial for increasing its fatigue strength. The experimental investigation of parameters involved in shot peening process is very complex as well as costly. The most attractive alternative is the explicit dynamics finite element (FE) analysis capable of determining the shot peening process parameters subject to the selection of a proper material's constitutive model and numerical technique. In this study, Ansys / LS-Dyna software was used to simulate the impact of steel shots of various sizes on an aluminium alloy plate described with strain rate dependent elasto-plastic material model. The impacts were carried out at various incident velocities. The influence of shot velocity and size on the plastic deformation, compressive residual stress and force-time response were investigated. The results exhibited that increasing the shot velocity and size resulted in an increase in plastic deformation of the aluminium target. However, a little effect of the shot velocity and size was observed on the magnitude of target's subsurface compressive residual stress. The obtained results were close to the published ones, and the numerical models demonstrated the capability of the method to capture the pattern of residual stress and plastic deformation observed experimentally in aluminium alloys. The study can be quite helpful in determining and selecting the optimal shot peening parameters to achieve specific level of plastic deformation and compressive residual stress in the aluminium alloy parts especially compressor blades.

Composite action of concrete-filled double circular steel tubular stub columns

  • Wang, Liping;Cao, Xing-xing;Ding, Fa-xing;Luo, Liang;Sun, Yi;Liu, Xue-mei;Su, Hui-lin
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents a combined numerical, experimental, and theoretical study on the behavior of the concrete-filled double circular steel tubular (CFDT) stub columns under axial compressive loading. Four groups of stub column specimens were tested in this study to find out the effects of the concrete strength, steel ratio and diameter ratio on the mechanical behavior of CFDT stub columns. Nonlinear finite element (FE) models were also established to study the stresses of different components in the CFDT stub columns. The change of axial and transverse stresses in the internal and external steel tubes, as well as the change of axial stress in the concrete sandwich and concrete core, respectively, was thoroughly investigated for different CFDT stub columns with the same steel ratio. The influence of inner-to-outer diameter ratio and steel ratio on the ultimate bearing capacity of CFDT stub columns was identified, and a reasonable section configuration with proper inner-to-outer diameter ratio and steel ratio was proposed. Furthermore, a practical formula for predicting the ultimate bearing capacity was proposed based on the ultimate equilibrium principle. The predicted results showed satisfactory agreement with both experimental and numerical results, indicating that the proposed formula is applicable for design purposes.

Anti-sparse representation for structural model updating using l norm regularization

  • Luo, Ziwei;Yu, Ling;Liu, Huanlin;Chen, Zexiang
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.75 no.4
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    • pp.477-485
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    • 2020
  • Finite element (FE) model based structural damage detection (SDD) methods play vital roles in effectively locating and quantifying structural damages. Among these methods, structural model updating should be conducted before SDD to obtain benchmark models of real structures. However, the characteristics of updating parameters are not reasonably considered in existing studies. Inspired by the l norm regularization, a novel anti-sparse representation method is proposed for structural model updating in this study. Based on sensitivity analysis, both frequencies and mode shapes are used to define an objective function at first. Then, by adding l norm penalty, an optimization problem is established for structural model updating. As a result, the optimization problem can be solved by the fast iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithm (FISTA). Moreover, comparative studies with classical regularization strategy, i.e. the l2 norm regularization method, are conducted as well. To intuitively illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, a 2-DOF spring-mass model is taken as an example in numerical simulations. The updating results show that the proposed method has a good robustness to measurement noises. Finally, to further verify the applicability of the proposed method, a six-storey aluminum alloy frame is designed and fabricated in laboratory. The added mass on each storey is taken as updating parameter. The updating results provide a good agreement with the true values, which indicates that the proposed method can effectively update the model parameters with a high accuracy.