• 제목/요약/키워드: Extraction Index

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Design and Implementation of an Open Object Management System for Spatial Data Mining (공간 데이타 마이닝을 위한 개방형 객체 관리 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Yun, Jae-Kwan;Oh, Byoung-Woo;Han, Ki-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.1 no.1 s.1
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    • pp.5-18
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    • 1999
  • Recently, the necessity of automatic knowledge extraction from spatial data stored in spatial databases has been increased. Spatial data mining can be defined as the extraction of implicit knowledge, spatial relationships, or other knowledge not explicitly stored in spatial databases. In order to extract useful knowledge from spatial data, an object management system that can store spatial data efficiently, provide very fast indexing & searching mechanisms, and support a distributed computing environment is needed. In this paper, we designed and implemented an open object management system for spatial data mining, that supports efficient management of spatial, aspatial, and knowledge data. In order to develop this system, we used Open OODB that is a widely used object management system. However, the lark of facilities for spatial data mining in Open OODB, we extended it to support spatial data type, dynamic class generation, object-oriented inheritance, spatial index, spatial operations, etc. In addition, for further increasement of interoperability with other spatial database management systems or data mining systems, we adopted international standards such as ODMG 2.0 for data modeling, SDTS(Spatial Data Transfer Standard) for modeling and exchanging spatial data, and OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for CORBA for connecting clients and servers efficiently.

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Effects of Hyolbuchukeo-tang Extracts on Blood and liver of Hyperlipidemia Rats Induced by High Fat Diet (혈부축어탕(血府逐瘀湯) 추출물(抽出物)이 고지방식이(高脂肪食餌)로 유발(誘潑)시킨 고지혈증(高脂血症) 흰쥐의 혈액(血液) 및 간(肝) 기능(機能)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Pi, Chien-Mei;Chong, Myong-Soo;Kim, Hae-Ja;Cho, Hwa-Eun;Choi, Yun-Hee;Lee, Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.41-58
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Hyolbuchukeo-tang extracts on the hyperlipidemia rats induced by high fat diet. Methods and Materials: In vitro; The extracts prepared for Hyolbuchukeo-tang by hot water extraction (HH), fermentation(HF) and UMPM extraction(HU) method. The extracts were examined for levels of polyphenol compounds, antioxidant activities, and inhibitory potencies for HMG-CoA reductase. In vivo; Sprague-Dawley male rats of weighing $150{\pm}5g$ were randomly divided into six groups ; normal control diet(NC), and high fat diet(HC), high fat diet with treated lovastatin of 10mg/kg(PC), high fat diet with Hyolbuchukeo-tang extracts; HH, HF and HU treated extracts of 300mg/kg, respectively. Also, we compared the effects of the extracts of HH, HF and HU on rats fed high fat diet for four weeks. Results: 1. The content of polyphenol compounds and electron donating abilities(EDAs) was the HF higher than HH and HU. The superoxide dismutase(SOD)-like activities were proportionate in consistency and they appeared highly from all extracts. The HMG-CoA reductase inhibition activities was highest activities in the HU. 2. The activities of serum GOT and GPT were significantly lower in the HH and HF groups. The level of serum triglyceride was significantly decreased in the HF group. HH and HU groups were significantly decreased in the atherogenic index(AI). The total cholesterol concentration in liver was significantly decreased in the HF group, and HU showed more significantly decreased in the triglyceride than of the lovastatin. Also, photomicrographs of liver tissue showed higher fat accumulation in the HC group than in the HH, HF and HU groups. Conclusions: These result suggest that the hyper-lipidemia caused by a high fat diet was effectively inhibited the administration of HF and HU.

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Studies with $P^{32}$ Tracer on Laboratory Index of Available Phosphorus in Paddy Soil, Korea (II) ($P^{32}$ 추적자법(追跡子法)에 의(依)한 토양(土壤)의 유효인산정량법(有動燐畿定量法)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (II))

  • Lee, C.Y.;Park, Hoon
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 1970
  • The present study has been undertaken to see if any proper measure be found for the determination of available phosphorus by chemical extraction on the basis of A-values as the standard. The results obtained are described as follows. 1. Since A-value of the samples under study showed a significant correlation with Fe-P at 1% level. The available phosphorus in the present paddy soils was considered to be affected by Fe-P. 2. Six methods for chemical extraction were not correlated with the determination of Fe-P, proving them inadequate for the quantitative measurement of available phosphorus. 3. Adequate method for extracting available phosphorus in paddy soils should rest on the measurement of the reduction intensity of Fe-P. The extractable intensity was estimated to be 270 ppm in average. 4. Bray No. 2-P showed significant correlation with Lancaster-P, Spurway-P, Truog-P, and (Ca+Al)-P at 5% level. Olsen-P and Lancaster-P indicated significant correlation with Al-P and Spurway-P with Ca-P respectively at 1% level.

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Flavor Components of Mideoduck (Styela clava) (미더덕의 향기 성분)

  • Choi, Byeong-Dae;Oh, Bong-Se;Kang, Seok-Joong
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.1648-1655
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    • 2010
  • The flavor extracts of Mideoduck muscle and its juices were concentrated by simultaneous distillation and extraction (SDE) and solid-phase microextraction (SPME) methods. Each component present in the extracts was identified with GC and GC-MS by the n-paraffin hydrocarbon retention index and standard MS library data system. By SDE, $371.3\;{\mu}g/g$ of hexanal, $80.1\;{\mu}g/g$ of 1-tridecanol, $72.1\;{\mu}g/g$ of (Z)-4,5-dimethylhex-2-en-4-ol with other alcohols, aldehydes and acids were present in the flavor extracts, with the alcohols having the highest composition and being the most important factor in Mideoduck muscle flavor. By SPME, 9 alcohols, 1 acid, 1 aldehyde, 1 hydrocarbon, 1 ester, 1 amine and 2 ketones were detected in the extracts, with alcohol such as 1-nonanol, 1-decanol and 1-tridecanol as the major components. In SPME, the muscle sample, consisting of $31.6\;{\mu}g/g$ of 1-nonanol, $20.3\;{\mu}g/g$ of (E)-2-butenedioic acid dibutylester, and $26.7\;{\mu}g/g$ of heptadecanoic acid made up the 62.1% of total flavor extracts of Mideoduck muscle. The results of the SPME methods were similar to the composition of the raw material flavor of the sample even at a low concentration.

Rapid Gas Chromatographic Screening of Alcoholic Beverages for Volatile and Nonvolatile Organic Acids (기체크로마토그래피법에 의한 알코올 음료내 휘발성 및 비휘발성 유기산의 신속한 스크리닝)

  • Kim, Jung-Han;Kim, Kyoung-Rae;Chai, Jeong-Young;Park, Hyung-Kook;Choi, Kyoung-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.162-166
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    • 1994
  • A rapid gas chromatographic (GC) profiling method for the simultaneous analysis of volatile and nonvolatile organic acids was applied to alcoholic beverages (white wine, red wine, brandy, and beer). It involves the solid-phase extraction of organic acids using Chromosorb P as the sorbent and diethyl ether as the eluent with subsequent triethylamine treatment. The resulting triethylammonium salts of acids were directly converted to volatile tert.-butyldimethylsilyl derivatives, which were analyzed by dual-capillary column GC and GC-mass spectrometry. From the alcoholic beverages studied, more than 29 organic acids were detected. When the simplified retention infer (RI) spectra of organic acids, and the direct comparisor method between alcoholic beverages and a test sample were attempted to identify a test sample, it was quickly recognized to be a red wine with the 998 ppt match quality value.

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A Study on the Extraction of a River from the RapidEye Image Using ISODATA Algorithm (ISODATA 기법을 이용한 RapidEye 영상으로부터 하천의 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2012
  • A river is defined as the watercourse flowing through its channel, and the mapping tasks of a river plays an important role for the research on the topographic changes in the riparian zones and the research on the monitoring of flooding in its floodplain. However, the utilization of the ground surveying technologies is not efficient for the mapping tasks of a river due to the irregular surfaces of the riparian zones and the dynamic changes of water level of a river. Recently, the spatial information data sets are widely used for the coastal mapping tasks due to the acquisition of the topographic information without human accessibility. In this research, we tried to extract a river from the RapidEye imagery by using the ISODATA(Iterative Self_Organizing Data Analysis) classification algorithm with the two different parameters(NIR (Near Infra-Red) band and NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)). First, the two different images(the NIR band image and the NDVI image) were generated from the RapidEye imagery. Second, the ISODATA algorithm were applied to each image and each river was generated in each image through the post-processing steps. River boundaries were also extracted from each classified image using the Sobel edge detection algorithm. Ground truths determined by the experienced expert are used for the assessment of the accuracy of an each generated river. Statistical results show that the extracted river using the NIR band has higher accuracies than the extracted river using the NDVI.

Characteristics of Trace Element Concentrations in Dust by Facilities and Areas in Daegu, Korea (대구지역 축적먼지 중 미량원소성분의 시설별 및 지역별 농도분포)

  • Song, Hee-Bong;Do, Hwa-Seok;Kwak, Jin-Hee;Kim, Jong-Woo;Kang, Jae-Hyoung;Phee, Young-Gyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.287-295
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    • 2010
  • Dust samples have been collected from streets, schools, subway stations and households in Daegu metropolitan city. Samples were sieved through a 100 ${\mu}m$ mesh and the concentration of 14 elements have been determined using by ICP after acid extraction. Results showed that Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na and V were influenced by natural sources while Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were influenced by anthropogenic sources. The measured values were remarkably higher in components from natural sources than in components from anthropogenic sources. In particular, school dust had higher levels of Ca and Pb and subway station dust had higher levels of Cu and Zn. The percentage composition of chemicals from subway stations, households, and schools were remarkably higher in components from anthropogenic sources than that from streets. It is well recognized that anthropogenic sources were affected by indoor dust. Results of pollution index of hazardous heavy metals indicated that schools, households, and subway stations were more contaminated than streets and urban areas typically had higher pollution index than rural areas. The correlation analysis among trace elements seem to suggest that there were correlations between components of soil/road dust resuspension, and components of waste incineration and fuel combustion.

Immunomodulating Activity of Salicornia herbacea Extract (함초 추출물의 마우스 면역 증강 활성)

  • Ryu, Deok-Seon;Kim, Seon-Hee;Lee, Dong-Seok
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2008
  • Immunomodulating effect of Salicornia herbacea extract on the mouse splenocytes was investigated. Crude S. herbacea polysaccharide extract (CSP) and other kinds of fine S. herbacea polysaccharides (SPI and SPII) were prepared from S. herbacea by hot water extraction and further ultrafiltration and gel filtration chromatography. In vitro experiment, the mouse splenocytes and separated T cells were treated with CSP, SPI or SPII (0.5, 1, 2, 4 mg/ml). In vivo experiment, three different S. herbacea extracts were orally administrated everyday for one week. For the basic data, body weight and physiological parameters such as organ weight and spleen index were observed. The proliferation of the cells was used as an index for immunemodulating activity and the effect of proliferation was evaluated using MTS assay. The CSP, SPI and SPII directly induced the proliferation of splenocytes and separated T cells in a dose-dependent manner. In results, the proliferation was more increased in the SPI and SPII treated cells than in the CSP treated cells. The best proliferation was shown in the splenocytes cultured with SPI at the concentration of 4 mg/ml for 24 hr. The proliferation of splenocytes and separated T-cells was higher (3.2 and 3.5 times, respectively) than the control. Moreover, when the mouse splenocytes were treated with mitogen, the efficient proliferation was shown in the splenocytes cultured with SPI. In conclusion, polysaccharides from S. herbacea showed a substantial immunomodulating activity in the mouse immune cells.

Assessment of Pollution Level and Contamination Status on Mine Tailings and Soil in the Vicinity of Disused Metal Mines in Kangwon Province (강원도 폐금속광산지역의 광미와 주변토양의 중금속 오염현황 및 오염도 평가)

  • Kim, Joung-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.626-634
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    • 2005
  • The objectives of this study was to assess pollution level and contamination status on tailings and soil in the vicinity of four disused metal mines in Kangwon province. As the result of total metal concentrations analysis, the pollution degree of tailings and soil decreased in the order of Wondong > Second Yeonhwa > Sinyemi ${\fallingdotseq}$ Sangdong mines. Total metal concentrations of mine tailings in this study were $1.2{\sim}78.2$ and $1.1{\sim}80.6$ times higher than those in the background soil and the tolerable levels suggested by Kloke, respectively. From these results, we found that tailings served as contamination source of nearby soil. According to sequential extraction of metals, large proportion of heavy metals in all mine tailings existed in the form of a residual fraction, and heavy metals in non-residual form was mainly associated with Fe-Mn oxide fraction and sulfidic-organic fraction. Fe-Mn oxide fraction and sulfidic-organic fraction of heavy metals may be released into and contaminated the nearby environment under the oxidation or reduction condition in long-term. In particular, the proportions of the exchangeable and carbonate fraction of Cd in mine tailings from Second Yeonhwa mine were relatively high. This suggests that Cd may be easily released into and contaminated the nearby environment in the near time. Concentrations of heavy metals in mine tailings and the nearby soil exceeded the standard (agricultural area) of Soil Environment Conservation Law. So it was thought that remediation for mine tailings and the nearby soil is needed. The pollution indices of the samples in this study were for higher than 1.0 and the pollution degree was very serious. Priority remediation site for these mines was Wondong. As Results of danger indices, it was showed that exchangeable form in Wondong and Fe-Mn oxide form in the rest mines should be removed preferentially.

Antioxidant activities of chlorella extracts and physicochemical characteristics of spray-dried chlorella powders (클로렐라 추출물의 항산화 활성 및 분무건조 분말의 물리화학적 특성)

  • Lee, Dae-Hoon;Hong, Joo-Heon
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.591-597
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    • 2015
  • In this study, extracts of chlorella using different extraction methods were compared for antioxidant activities and spray-dried chlorella powders were investigated for their physicochemical characteristics. The DPPH radical scavenging activity and superoxide radical scavenging activity of 50% ethanol extract were 29.19%, and 48.91%, respectively. The oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of the 50% ethanol extract ($150.44{\mu}M/g$) was higher than those of other extracts. The total chlorophyll content of the 50% ethanol extract (542.89 mg/100 g) was higher than those of other extracts. The microencapsulation of the 50% ethanol extract was manufactured by spray-drying with 10 % maltodextrin (SD-C10), 20% maltodextrin (SD-C20), and 30% maltodextrin (SD-C30). The particle size of the freeze-dried powder ($454.47{\mu}m$) was higher than those of the spray-dried powders ($24.15{\sim}32.49{\mu}m$). Scanning electron microscope images showed that the spray-dried chlorella powders using SD-C10, SD-C20, and SD-C30 had an uniform particle distribution. The water absorption index and water solubility index (WSI) of powders were 0.31~0.45, and 96.96~98.28%, respectively. The spray-dried powders showed the stability in total chlorophyll content for 40 days storage. Based on these results, spray-dried chlorella powders could be used in various types of food processes.