• Title/Summary/Keyword: Extraction Index

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  • Shin, Kwang-Ho;Lee, Jeong-Keun;Hwang, Byung-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2001
  • PURPOSE : The Purpose of this study was to investigate the anti-inflammatory effect on combination dosage of dexamethasone and naproxen after removal of impacted 3rd molars. We evaluated postoperative pain, swelling, and mouth opening limitation quantitatively. PATIENTS AND METHODS : Removal of an impacted lower third molar was done under local anesthesia with 2% lidocaine to 239 healthy patients. We randomly gave experimental group 1.5mg dexamethasone and 200mg naproxen three times a day for postoperative 2days, and also gave control group 200mg naproxen alone three times a day for postoperative 2days. Swelling and pain were measured by visual analogue scale (VAS). Mouth opening limitation was measured by maximum interincisal opening length. We estimated these measurements in the first and second postoperative days. Differences between experimental and control group were investigated considering age, sex, BMI(body mass index), impacted type, surgical site(right or left), and operation time by independent student T-test. RESULTS : In general, swelling, pain, and mouth opening limitations were significantly reduced (p<0.01) by combination dose of dexamethasone and naproxen in postoperative one day. But there was no difference in pain on the second postoperative day. As variables being considered, in the postoperative pain, there was significant difference between experimental group and control group in only male, little bony removal group, left side extraction group. In case of postoperative swelling, there was no significant differences in male, adolescence, long operating time group (over 20 minutes), medium BMI group and right side extraction group. In case of postoperative mouth opening limitation, there was significant difference between only female and long operating time group (over 20 minutes). CONCLUSION : Variables being considered, postoperative swelling was more reduced by the combination dose of naproxen and dexamethasone than that of naproxen alone after removal of impacted 3rd molars. But there was varoius results in pain and mouth opening limitation.

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Preliminary pharmacognostical and phytochemical evaluation of Stachys tibetica Vatke

  • Kumar, Dinesh;Bhat, Zulfiqar Ali;Kumar, Vijender;Chashoo, Ishtaq Ahmad;Khan, Nisar Ahmad;Ara, Irfat;Shah, Mohammad Yassin
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.11.1-11.7
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    • 2012
  • Stachys tibetica Vatke (Lamiaceae) is an important medicinal plant in the folk medicine of Ladakh, India and Tibet for the treatment of various mental disorders. Infusion and decoction of the whole plant is used as a cup of tea for a severe fever, headaches and to relieve tension. The recent study is aimed to evaluate the preliminary pharmacognostical and phytochemical nature of Stachys tibetica Vatke. The whole plant material was subjected to successive soxhlet extraction with petroleum ether (40 - $60^{\circ}C$), chloroform, ethyl acetate, methanol and finally decocted with water to get the respective extracts. The fluorescence characteristics of the powdered materials were analysed under ultraviolet light and ordinary light. Different physicochemical parameters such as ash value, extractive value, foaming index, pH values, loss on drying and determination of foreign matter were carried out as per WHO guidelines. The total fat, flavonoid, saponin and volatile contents were also determined. Macroscopical studies revealed the authentication of the plant drug. Physicochemical parameters helped to standardize the plant material while preliminary qualitative chemical tests of different extracts showed the presence of Glycosides, Carbohydrates, Phytosterols/triterpenoids, Saponins, Fixed oils, Fats and phenols/tannins. Quantification of the total flavonoids and saponins and contents were determined as $54.66{\pm}0.58mg/g$ and $75.42{\pm}0.48mg/kg$ respectively, while the volatile and fat contents were 6.5% and 0.7% respectively. Results may lay the foundation for the standardization of the drug and discovery of new molecules from S. tibetica for the treatment of various diseases.

Evaluation Model for Gab Analysis Between NCS Competence Unit Element and Traditional Curriculum (NCS 능력단위 요소와 기존 교육과정 간 갭 분석을 위한 평가모델)

  • Kim, Dae-kyung;Kim, Chang-Bok
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.338-344
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    • 2015
  • The national competency standards (NCS) is a systematize and standardize for skills required to perform their job. The NCS has developed a learning module with materialization and standardize by competence unit element, which is the unit of specific job competency. The existing curriculum is material to gab analysis for use in education training with competence unit element. The existing gab analysis has evaluated subjectively by experts. The gab analysis by experts bring up a subject subjective decision, accuracy lack, temporal and spatial inefficiency by psychological factor. This paper is proposed automated evaluation model for problem resolve of subjective evaluation. This paper use index term extraction, term frequency-inverse document frequency for feature value extraction, cosine similarity algorithm for gab analysis between existing curriculum and competence unit element. This paper was presented similarity mapping table between existing curriculum and competence unit element. The evaluation model in this paper should be complemented by an improved algorithm from the structural characteristics and speed.

The Extraction of Fingerprint Corepoint And Region Separation using Labeling for Gate Security (출입 보안을 위한 레이블링을 이용한 영역 분리 및 지문 중심점 추출)

  • Lee, Keon-Ik;Jeon, Young-Cheol;Kim, Kang
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.243-251
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    • 2008
  • This study is to suggest the extraction algorithms of fingerprint corepoint and region separation using the labeling for gate security in order that it might be applied to the fingerprint recognition effectively. The gate security technology is entrance control, attendance management, computer security, electronic commerce authentication, information protection and so on. This study is to extract the directional image by dividing the original image in $128{\times}128$ size into the size of $4{\times}4$ pixel. This study is to separate the region of directional smoothing image extracted by each directional by using the labeling, and extract the block that appeared more than three sorts of change in different directions to the corepoint. This researcher is to increase the recognition rate and matching rate by extracting the corepoint through the separation of region by direction using the maximum direction and labeling, not search the zone of feasibility of corepoint or candidate region of corepoint used in the existing method. According to the result of experimenting with 300 fingerprints, the poincare index method is 94.05%, the proposed method is 97.11%.

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Minimized Stock Forecasting Features Selection by Automatic Feature Extraction Method (자동 특징 추출기법에 의한 최소의 주식예측 특징선택)

  • Lee, Sang-Hong;Lim, Joon-S.
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.206-211
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents a methodology to 1-day-forecast stock index using the automatic feature extraction method based on the neural network with weighted fuzzy membership functions (NEWFM). The distributed non-overlap area measurement method selects the minimized number of input features by automatically removing the worst input features one by one. CPP$_{n,m}$(Current Price Position of the day n: a percentage of the difference between the price of the day n and the moving average from the day n-1 to the day n-m) and the 2 wavelet transformed coefficients from the recent 32 days of CPP$_{n,m}$ are selected as minimized features using bounded sum of weighted fuzzy membership functions (BSWFMs). For the data sets, from 1989 to 1998, the proposed method shows that the forecast rate is 60.93%.

Key Frame Extraction and Region Segmentation-based Video Retrieval in Compressed Domain (압축영역에서의 대표프레임 추출 및 영역분할기반 비디오 검색 기법)

  • 강응관;김성주;송호근;최종수
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.24 no.9B
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    • pp.1713-1720
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    • 1999
  • This paper presents a new key frame extraction technique, for scene change detection, using the proposed AHIM (Accumulative Histogram Intersection Measure) from the DC image constructed by DCT DC coefficients in the compressed video sequence that is video compression standard such as MPEG. For fast content-based browsing and video retrieval in a video database, we also provide a novel coarse-to-fine video indexing scheme. In the extracted key frame, we perform the region segmentation as a preprocessing. First, the segmented image is projected with the horizontal direction, then we transform the result into a histogram, which is saved as a database index. In the second step, we calculate the moments and change them into a distance value. From the simulation results, the proposed method clearly shows the validity and superiority in respect of computation time and memory space, and that in conjunction with other techniques for indexing, such as color, can provide a powerful framework for image indexing and retrieval.

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Digital Image Watermarking Scheme in the Singular Vector Domain (특이 벡터 영역에서 디지털 영상 워터마킹 방법)

  • Lee, Juck Sik
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.122-128
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    • 2015
  • As multimedia information is spread over cyber networks, problems such as protection of legal rights and original proof of an information owner raise recently. Various image transformations of DCT, DFT and DWT have been used to embed a watermark as a token of ownership. Recently, SVD being used in the field of numerical analysis is additionally applied to the watermarking methods. A watermarking method is proposed in this paper using Gabor cosine and sine transform as well as SVD for embedding and extraction of watermarks for digital images. After delivering attacks such as noise addition, space transformation, filtering and compression on watermarked images, watermark extraction algorithm is performed using the proposed GCST-SVD method. Normalized correlation values are calculated to measure the similarity between embedded watermark and extracted one as the index of watermark performance. Also visual inspection for the extracted watermark images has been done. Watermark images are inserted into the lowest vertical ac frequency band. From the experimental results, the proposed watermarking method using the singular vectors of SVD shows large correlation values of 0.9 or more and visual features of an embedded watermark for various attacks.

Detection of Land Subsidence and its Relationship with Land Cover Types using ESA Sentinel Satellites data: A case study of Quetta valley, Pakistan

  • Ahmad, Waqas;Kim, Dongkyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.148-148
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    • 2018
  • Land subsidence caused by excessive groundwater pumping is a serious hydro-geological hazard. The spatial variability in land use, unbalanced groundwater extraction and aquifer characteristics are the key factors which make the problem more difficult to monitor using conventional methods. This study uses the European Space Agency (ESA) Sentinel satellites to investigate and monitor land subsidence varying with different land covers and groundwater use in the arid Quetta valley, Pakistan. The Persistent Scattering Differential Interferometry of Synthetic Aperture Radar (PS-DInSAR) method was used to develop 28 subsidence interferograms of the study area for the period between 16 Oct 2014 and 06 Oct 2016 using ESA's Sentinel-1 SAR data. The uncertainty of DInSAR result is first minimized by removing the dynamic effect caused by atmospheric factors and then filtered using the radar Amplitude Dispersion Index (ADI) to select only the stable pixels. Finally the subsidence maps were generated by spatially interpolating the land subsidence at the stable pixels, the comparison of DInSAR subsidence with GPS readings showed an R 2 of 0.94 and mean absolute error of $5.7{\pm}4.1mm$. The subsidence maps were also analysed for the effect of aquifer type and 4 land covers which were derived from Sentienl-2 multispectral images. The analysis show that during the two year period, the study area experienced highly non-linear land subsidence ranging from 10 to 280 mm. The subsidence at different land covers was significantly different from each other except between the urban and barren land. The barren land and seasonally cultivated area show minor to moderate subsidence while the orchard and urban area with high groundwater extraction rate showed excessive amount of land subsidence. Moreover, the land subsidence and groundwater drawdown was found to be linearly proportional to each other.

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Investigation on Geochemical Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Soils in the Vicinity of Samcheonpo and Hadong Coal-Fired Power Plants in Korea (국내 삼천포와 하동 석탄 화력발전소 주변 토양 내 중금속의 지구화학적 특성 조사)

  • Song, Chang-Woo;Han, Hyeop-Jo;Lee, Jong-Un
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.141-158
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    • 2019
  • The quantity of heavy metals in agricultural surface and subsurface soils around coal-fired power plants located in Samcheonpo and Hadong, Gyeongnam Province, were determined. The analytical results for 48 and 61 soils in Samcheonpo and Hadong, respectively, showed that the concentrations of Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn were below the warning criteria regulated by Korean Soil Conservation Act; however, Cd in 38 and 13 soils in Samcheonpo and Hadong, respectively, exceeded the criterion. As a result of calculation of the geoaccumulation index and the enrichment factor, the soils were extremely contaminated with Cd and such high loading of Cd to the soils was due to anthropogenic source(s). Sequential extraction of the soils, however, showed that heavy metals including Cd existed as hardly extractable phases, which represented a low bioavailability of the heavy metals. Our results indicated that Cd contamination around the coal-fired power plants was due to artificial source(s) and may unlikely deteriorate nearby ecosystems.

Comparing the efficacy of adrenaline, clonidine, and dexmedetomidine in enhancing local anesthesia for impacted third molar extraction: a randomized controlled trial

  • Akash Doshi;Nitin Bhola;Anchal Agarwal
    • Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.285-295
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    • 2024
  • Background: In human dentition, the most commonly impacted teeth are the mandibular third molars (M3M). The removal or extraction of these teeth often causes anxiety in patients due to the perceived pain involved in the process. Therefore, pain must be effectively managed using anesthesia. The use of newer local anesthetic drugs can help minimize side effects and drug interactions. Traditionally, adrenaline is used as a vasoconstrictor along with lignocaine. When combined with lignocaine, the alpha agonists dexmedetomidine and clonidine can extend the duration of anesthesia, thereby reducing the need for additional pain-relieving medications. Methods: This study used a randomized, triple-blind, parallel-arm design. Sixty patients were screened, and 45 systemically healthy patients requiring unilateral surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molars with similar difficulty (moderate-to-difficult according to the Modified Pederson's Index) were included in the study. Patients were allocated into three groups as follows: Group A: 2% Lignocaine Hydrochloride with 1:100,000 Adrenaline, Group C: 2% Lignocaine Hydrochloride with 15 ㎍/mL Clonidine, and Group D: 2% Lignocaine Hydrochloride with 1 ㎍/mL Dexmedetomidine. The evaluated parameters were the time of onset of anesthesia, depth of anesthesia, hemodynamic parameters, and duration of postoperative analgesia. Results: Group D had a faster onset of action and prolonged duration of postoperative analgesia compared with Groups A and C. No statistically significant differences were observed between the three groups in terms of the depth of anesthesia and hemodynamic parameters. Conclusion: Group D exhibited a significantly more rapid onset of anesthesia than Groups A and C, and the postoperative analgesic effect in Group D was significantly prolonged (7.22 hours) compared with that in Groups A (4.54 hours) and C (2.1 hours). Patients receiving the Group D solution experienced an extended period of comfort without the need for analgesics for up to 7.22 hours post-procedure.