• Title/Summary/Keyword: Event Recognition

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A Study on Efficient Using of a Newspaper Fashion Advertising - Focused on Advertising for Women's Ready-to Wear- (의류상품의 신문광고 효용에 관한 연구 -여성 기성복 광고를 중심으로-)

  • 김가영;이선재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.329-339
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    • 1995
  • This study intended to provide valuable basic data for an efficient using newspaper advertising to manufactures by investising and analyzing the character of newspaper as fashion advertising and media environment, consumer's attitude of advertising subscription, a degree of recognition and concern on a newspaper advertising and a degree of like on expressive form of a newspaper advertising. A question that is drawn up by researcher base on existing records and preceding study was used as major method for understanding consumer's consciousness. The sample group is composed of female students, working women, housewives who lives in Seoul. The results of this study were as follows. 1. Manufactures should be developing Headline in subject matter to get out of plain sale advertising and event advertising. 2. Manufactures should difference to understanding Illustration that consumer prefer. Also using of photography is efficient and it is importent to use of color advertising that appeal to consumer. 3. The informative advertising is a high degree of efficiency by reason that the newspaper offers great news source and information.

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  • Kim, Ok-Joo;Cho, Nan-Zin;Park, Chang-Je;Park, Moon-Ghu
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2007
  • Wavelet theory was applied to detect a singularity in a reactor power signal. Compared to Fourier transform, wavelet transform has localization properties in space and frequency. Therefore, using wavelet transform after de-noising, singular points can easily be found. To test this theory, reactor power signals were generated using the HANARO(a Korean multi-purpose research reactor) dynamics model consisting of 39 nonlinear differential equations contaminated with Gaussian noise. Wavelet transform decomposition and de-noising procedures were applied to these signals. It was possible to detect singular events such as a sudden reactivity change and abrupt intrinsic property changes. Thus, this method could be profitably utilized in a real-time system for automatic event recognition(e.g., reactor condition monitoring).

The coordinated regulation of mitochondrial structure and function by Drp1 for mitochondrial quality surveillance

  • Cho, Hyo Min;Sun, Woong
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.109-110
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    • 2019
  • Mitochondrial morphology is known to be continuously changing via fusion and fission, but it is unclear what the biological importance of this energy-consuming process is and how it develops. Several data have suggested that mitochondrial fission executed by Drp1 is necessary to select out a damaged spot from the interconnected mitochondrial network, but the precise mechanism for the recognition and isolation of a damaged sub-mitochondrial region during mitochondrial fission is yet unclear. Recently, Cho et al. found that the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) is transiently reduced by the physical interaction of Drp1 and mitochondrial Zinc transporter, Zip1, at the fission site prior to the typical mitochondrial division, and we found that this event is essential for a mitochondrial quality surveillance. In this review, Cho et al. discuss the role of a mitochondrial fission in the mitochondrial quality surveillance system.

A Study on Elements of Crime Facts and Visualizing the Storyline through Named Entity Recognition and Event Extraction (개체명 인식과 이벤트 추출을 통한 판결문 범죄사실 구성요소 및 스토리라인 시각화방안 연구)

  • Lee, Yu-Na;Park, Sung-Mi;Park, Ro-Seop
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2022.11a
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    • pp.490-492
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    • 2022
  • 최근 사법분야에 지능형 법률 서비스를 제공하게 되면서 학습데이터로서 판결문의 중요성이 높아지고 있다. 그중 범죄사실은 수사자료와 유사하여 범죄수사에 귀중한 자료역할을 하고 있지만, 주체가 생략되거나 긴 문장의 형태로 인해 구성요건을 추출하고 사건의 인과관계 파악이 어려울 수 있어 이를 분석하는데 적지 않은 시간과 인력이 소비될 수밖에 없다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 사전학습모델을 활용한 개체명 인식과 형태소 분석기반 이벤트 추출기법을 범죄사건 재구성에 적용하여 핵심 사건추출을 간편화하고 시각적으로 표현해 전체적인 사건 흐름 이해도를 향상할 수 있는 방법론을 제안하고자 한다.

A study on the status of recognition, understanding of the use and practical application of oral hygiene devices in dental clinics patients (치과의원 환자의 구강위생용품에 대한 인지도, 용도이해 및 사용실태에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Chung-Soon;Kim, Young-Im;Jang, Sun-Hee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.685-698
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : This study was to examine the recognition and understanding of the use, application of oral hygiene supplies among dental clinic patients in a bid to stress the necessity of education on the right awareness and use of oral hygiene supplies, to provide information on the development of educational programs and ultimately to help promote the oral health of people in general. Methods : The subjects in this study were 314 patients who visited dental clinics in North Jeolla Province in June 2009. Results : 1. Out of oral hygiene supplies, the largest number of the patients investigated(74.6%) were best cognizant of dental floss, and the greatest group(77.7%) had the right understanding of the use of toothpick. Currently, the oral hygiene supplies that were most widely in use were toothpicks(43.2%). 2. As to the relationship of awareness and understanding of the use, application of oral hygiene supplies to subjective oral health status, 50.0 percent of the patients who understood the use of toothpick found themselves to be in good health, and the gaps between them and the others were statistically significant. Among those who were aware of dental floss, the largest group(51.4%) considered themselves to be in good shape, and in the event of those who understood the use of dental floss, the greatest group(49.2%) deemed themselves to be in good health. Out of those who understood the use of mouse rinse, the largest group(53.7%) thought they were in good health(p<0.05). 3. Recognition of interdental brush, understanding of its use and whether to use it currently or not were identified as parents to use oral hygiene supplies recommended by dental clinics(p<0.05). 4. Recognition of interdental brush, understanding of its use and whether to use it currently or not were identified as patients to use oral hygiene supplies recommended by dental clinics(p<0.05). 5. The largest group of those who didn't put dental floss to use didn't use it for other reasons unspecified in the questionnaire, and the second greatest group of them didn't use it since it was so onerous to do that. There were statistically significant differences in the reason why they didn't use the oral hygiene supplies(p<0.05). 6. Awareness of dental floss and interdental brush, understanding of the use of the two and whether to use the two at present or not made statistically significant differences to whether they were likely to use the oral hygiene supplies in the future. And whether they were likely to use the oral hygiene supplies in the future was statistically significantly different according to awareness of mouse rinse and understanding of the use of it as well(p<0.05). Conclusions : Dental hygienists have to provide patients with various data of oral hygiene devices through oral health education and then only patients caring in dental clinics can choose the appropriate devices to claim for their own disease.

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Affective Priming Effect on Cognitive Processes Reflected by Event-related Potentials (ERP로 확인되는 인지정보 처리에 대한 정서 점화효과)

  • Kim, Choong-Myung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.242-250
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to investigate whether Stroop-related cognitive task will be affected according to the preceding affective valence factored by matchedness in response time(RT) and whether facial recognition will be indexed by specific event-related potentials(ERPs) signature in normal person as in patients suffering from affective disorder. ERPs primed by subliminal(30ms) facial stimuli were recorded when presented with four pairs of affect(positive or negative) and cognitive task(matched or mismatched) to get ERP effects(N2 and P300) in terms of its amplitude and peak latency variations. Behavioral response analysis based on RTs confirmed that subliminal affective stimuli primed the target processing in all affective condition except for the neutral stimulus. Additional results for the ERPs performed in the negative affect with mismatched condition reached significance of emotional-face specificity named N2 showing more amplitude and delayed peak latency compared to the positive counterpart. Furthermore the condition shows more positive amplitude and earlier peak latency of P300 effect denoting cognitive closure than the corresponding positive affect condition. These results are suggested to reflect that negative affect stimulus in subliminal level is automatically inhibited such that this effect had influence on accelerating detection of the affect and facilitating response allowing adequate reallocation of attentional resources. The functional and cognitive significance with these findings was implied in terms of subliminal effect and affect-related recognition modulating the cognitive tasks.

Pattern classification of the synchronized EEG records by an auditory stimulus for human-computer interface (인간-컴퓨터 인터페이스를 위한 청각 동기방식 뇌파신호의 패턴 분류)

  • Lee, Yong-Hee;Choi, Chun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.2349-2356
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we present the method to effectively extract and classify the EEG caused by only brain activity when a normal subject is in a state of mental activity. We measure the synchronous EEG on the auditory event when a subject who is in a normal state thinks of a specific task, and then shift the baseline and reduce the effect of biological artifacts on the measured EEG. Finally we extract only the mental task signal by averaging method, and then perform the recognition of the extracted mental task signal by computing the AR coefficients. In the experiment, the auditory stimulus is used as an event and the EEG was recorded from the three channel $C_3-A_1$, $C_4-A_2$ and $P_Z-A_1$. After averaging 16 times for each channel output, we extracted the features of specific mental tasks by modeling the output as 12th order AR coefficients. We used total 36th order coefficient as an input parameter of the neural network and measured the training data 50 times per each task. With data not used for training, the rate of task recognition is 34-92 percent on the two tasks, and 38-54 percent on the four tasks.

PID Controled UAV Monitoring System for Fire-Event Detection (PID 제어 UAV를 이용한 발화 감지 시스템의 구현)

  • Choi, Jeong-Wook;Kim, Bo-Seong;Yu, Je-Min;Choi, Ji-Hoon;Lee, Seung-Dae
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2020
  • If a dangerous situation arises in a place where out of reach from the human, UAVs can be used to determine the size and location of the situation to reduce the further damage. With this in mind, this paper sets the minimum value of the roll, pitch, and yaw using beta flight to detect the UAV's smooth hovering, integration, and derivative (PID) values to ensure that the UAV stays horizontal, minimizing errors for safe hovering, and the camera uses Open CV to install the Raspberry Pi program and then HSV (color, saturation, Brightness) using the color palette, the filter is black and white except for the red color, which is the closest to the fire we want, so that the UAV detects the image in the air in real time. Finally, it was confirmed that hovering was possible at a height of 0.5 to 5m, and red color recognition was possible at a distance of 5cm and at a distance of 5m.

An Implied Meaning of Family Ethics Consciousness of Early Marriage Discourse During the Enlightenment Period of Korea (개화기 조혼 담론의 가족윤리의식의 함의)

  • 전미경
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.39 no.9
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    • pp.189-207
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to explore an implied meaning of family ethics consciousness from the interpretation of early marriage discourse during the enlightenment period of Korea. For the analysis, the estimated time frame of the enlightenment period wile be from 1860 to 1910 that was the time when the Japanese annexed Korea. The discourse of newspapers, Shinsoseols and magazines which are the text of the study have been analysed with the qualitative research technique. The major findings were as follows: 1. The intellects stated that the traditional practice of early marriage should be abolished, and should be replaced by a marriage that the groom and the bride dually agree upon. This argument meant that marriage was not an event for the parents or the family, but a life event for the couples themselves. 2. The practice of early marriage was criticized as it was one of the main reason of making marital relationship miserable. Also it was stated that the children could not follow the role of husband and wife. The importance of marital relationship was emphasized with the recognition that the marital relationship was the basic relationship within family and society. 3. The discourse, criticizing the parents'behavior that enforced the early marriage of children, stated that the children should not be the possession of parents but the public being of society. 4. The discourse also stated that the society and the parents should recognize their children as the human being to be protected from the early marriage which would result in physical damage of their children. Also the discourse asserted the rights of the children including their rights of education. The childhood were being formed in these discourses.

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Semantic transparency effects in the learning of new words: An ERP study (의미 투명성이 단어 학습에 미치는 영향: 사건관련전위 연구)

  • Bae, Sungbong;Yi, Kwangoh;Park, Taejin
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.421-439
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    • 2016
  • The present study investigates the effects of semantic transparency on the learning of new words using both behavioral measures and event-related brain potentials. Participants studied novel words with either semantically transparent or opaque definitions while their brain potentials were recorded. Learning performance was assessed with both a lexical decision task and a recall test. The results indicated that transparent novel words were easier to learn than opaque words. More specifically, self-paced learning times were shorter for transparent novel words across three study sessions. Transparent words also elicited reduced N400s compared with opaque words in all sessions. Moreover, lexical decisions to both learned novel words and real words were faster and more accurate within the transparent condition compared to the opaque condition. These results suggest that semantic transparency also plays an important role within word learning, just as within word recognition, further supporting the notion that morphological information is critical within lexical processing.