• Title/Summary/Keyword: Evaluation procedures

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The Analytical Bias of Total Hydrocarbon (THC) Measurements in Relation to the Selection of Standard Gas Compound (총탄화수소의 계측에서 표준시료성분의 선택에 따른 오차 발생 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.449-452
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    • 2010
  • In this article, the performance of the THC analyzer was inspected using two different span gases of methane ($CH_4$) and propane ($C_3H_8$). To explore the effect of standard gas selection, MicroFID system was tested by the following procedures. Initially, the system is spanned by propane gas of 60 ppm (or 180 ppmC). The system is then run against methane standards prepared at 5 different concentrations of 200, 250, 300, 400, and 500 ppm. According to the suggestion of the KMOE's test procedure to use multiplying a factor of 3 (for propane), the resulting THC values derived by methane standards were systematically biased with ~500% error relative to true value. This paper discusses the interpretation procedures to obtain the least biased THC values for a given span set-up.

Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Sphaeranthus indicus (Linn.)

  • Prabhu, Kirti. S.;Lobo, Richard;Kumar, C. Dinesh;Rajendran, K.;Shirwaikar, Annie
    • Natural Product Sciences
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.85-88
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    • 2006
  • This study presents a detailed pharmacognostical study of the underground portion of the crude drug Sphaeranthus indicus Linn. (Asteraceae), an important plant in the Indian system of medicine. The root and stolon were studied using procedures of light, conofocal microscopy, WHO recommended-physicochemical determinations, and authentic phytochemical procedures. The physicochemical, morphological, and histological parameters presented in this paper may be proposed as parameters to identify and establish the authenticity of S. indicus root and stolon.

Histological and Physico-Chemical Evaluation of Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) F. Muell

  • Narayanaswamy, V.B.;Kumar, C. Dinesh;Setty, M. Manjunath;Shirwaikar, Annie
    • Natural Product Sciences
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.104-108
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents a detailed pharmacognostical study of the plant drug Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) F. Muell (Violaceae), an important drug in the Indian system of medicine. The leaf and stem samples were studied using procedures of light, confocal microscopy, WHO recommended physico-chemical determinations and authentic phytochemical procedures. The physico-chemical, morphological, and histological parameters presented in this paper may be proposed as parameters to establish the authenticity of H. enneaspermus and may possibly help to differentiate the drug from its adulterants.

A comparative study of different radiometric methodologies for the determination of 226Ra in water

  • Al-Hamarneh, Ibrahim F.;Almasoud, Fahad I.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.159-164
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    • 2018
  • An evaluation of various radiometric methods to analyze $^{226}Ra$ in water has been employed on a set of 10 standard solutions of different concentrations in the range of $1-10Bq/L^{-1}$. The analysis was carried out using well-established procedures by means of gamma-ray, alpha-particle and liquid scintillation spectrometry. The feasibility of the various methods has been quantified in terms of relative standard error and percentage error. Correlations between the various methods have been presented and discussed. In general, good agreement was found in the results of various methodologies, which assures the accuracy of the methods and allows for the validation of instrumentation and procedures. Of the different methods adopted here, a combined procedure for the determination of $^{226}Ra$ along with $^{228}Ra$ using Quantulus 1220 ultra-low level background liquid scintillation counting gave the most accurate results.

Empirical Approach for Evaluating or Upgrading EOP Strategies Using the Decision theory and Simulator

  • Kim, Sok-Chul;Lee, Duck-Hun;Kim, Hyun-Jang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1998.05a
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    • pp.833-837
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    • 1998
  • This paper presents preliminary findings regarding a modeling framework under development for use in a multi-attribute decision model for advanced emergency operating procedures(EOPs). This model provides a means for optimal decision making strategy for advanced emergency operating procedures conceptualizing the dynamic coordination of responsibilities and information in the human system interactions with advanced reactor systems. For the purpose of evaluation of the applicability of this modeling framework, an empirical case study for a post-cooldown strategy during an steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) accident was carried out. As a result, it was found empirically that the multi-attribute decision model is a useful tool for establishing advanced EOPs that reduce the operator's cognitive and decision making burden during the accident mitigation process.

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Evaluation of the Current Seismic Design Procedures Based on the Seismic Performance of the Building Located in the Same Seismic Area (동일한 지진구역에 위치한 건축 구조물의 내진거동을 기초로한 기존 내진설계 평가)

  • 한상환;이리형
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.160-166
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    • 1997
  • Current Seismic Design Procedure has been developed and improved mostly based on the experiences of the past earthquakes. Many engineers and researchers believe that the seismic codes and provisions are adequate for the basic objective of the code which is "life-safe". However they doubt the performance of the structure during the earthquake. The seismic code seems the black box for the designers which means it is not transparent since the designer can not predict the level of the damage of the structure under future earthquakes. This purpose of this study is to check the validity of the current seismic design procedures. Two structures with different heights are designed and their seismic performances are evaluated for this purpose. Both structures are assumed to be located at the same strong seismic zone.

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Repairing & Reforcing DB Construction for Irrigation & Drainage Structure (수리구조물의 보수보강 DB구축)

  • Kim, Kwan-Ho;Park, Kwang-Su;Kim, Myeong-Won;Lee, Joon-Gu;Yoo, Jung Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.189-192
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    • 2006
  • Following the evaluation of the irrigation & drainage structure, a suitable repair and reinforcing procedure can be selected based on this report. Successful procedures take into account the causes of the crack. This provides a survey of crack repair methods, including a summary of the characteristics of the cracks that may be repaired with each procedure, the type of irrigation & drainage structure that have been repaired and a summary of the procedures that are used. Readers are also directly contacted to the website(http:/rri.karico.co.kr/rricon). This report is intended to support the purposes, philosophy, and needs, using easily understood graphics and photos from the construction fields. The results of this study will be distributed to the public official in technical post, the operator in construction site and the member of Korea Agricultural & Rural Infrastructure Corporation and etc.

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Accuracy Evaluation and Accreditation Procedure of Measurement Systems (측정시스템의 정확도 평가와 공인화 절차)

  • Choi, Ju-Ho;Hong, Seong-Su;Yoo, Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.261-270
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    • 1999
  • This paper presents how to evaluate the accuracy and uncertainty of the measuring techniques and the measurement systems, and establish their accreditation procedures. There are largely static error and dynamic error in the measurement error. In particular, the static error which always remains in the measurement systems is obtained by proposed error equations. In addition, the accreditation procedures are proposed.

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General Principles in Phonomicrosugery (후두미세수술의 기본 원칙)

  • Jin, Sung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.101-104
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    • 2010
  • The origin and growth of laryngology is inseparably linked to the development of endoscopic surgery of the larynx. Phonomicrosurgery is a means of maximally preserving the layered microstructure of the vocal fold, that is, the epithelium and lamina propria. Phonomicrosurgery has developed from convergence of micro laryngoscopic surgical technique theory and the mucosal wave theory of laryngeal sound production. Improvements in technology (i.e., laryngoscopes, handled instruments, and lasers), which in part arise from developments in more frequently performed minimally invasive surgical procedures, will probably facilitate the next generation of procedural innovations. The best methods of optimizing phonosurgical outcomes include making an accurate diagnosis, completing a comprehensive voice evaluation, providing sufficient preoperative therapy, carefully selecting patients to undergo phonomicrosurgical procedures, and requiring sufficient postoperative rest and therapy. Phonomicrosurgery will continue to evolve as a result of the interdependent collaboration of surgeons with voice scientists, speech pathologist, and other voice professionals.

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Comparative evaluation of micro-shear bond strength to different luting procedures of ceramics to dentin

  • Lee, Yoon-Jeong;Park, Sang-Jin;Choi, Kyoung-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KACD Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.569-569
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    • 2003
  • I. Objectives The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effort of a modified luting procedure called "dual bonding technique" by compare micro-shear bond strength to different luting procedures of ceramics to dentin. II. Materials and Methods Eighty-four freshly extracted caries-and restoration-free human third molar were embedded in epoxy resin using acrylic ring. Flat superficial occlusal dentin surfaces were obtained, initially using a Low speed diamond saw and exposed detin surface was group with #600-grit SiC paper.(omitted)

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