• Title/Summary/Keyword: Evaluation Elements

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Identification and Phylogeny of the Human Endogenous Retrovirus HERV-W LTR Family in Cancer Cells

  • Yi, Joo-Mi;Kim, Hwan-Mook;Kim, Heui-Soo
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.167-170
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    • 2002
  • The long terminal repeats (LTRs) of human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) have been found to be coexpressed with sequences of closely located genes. It has been suggested that the LTR elements have contributed to the structural change or genetic variation of human genome connected to various diseases and evolution. We examined the HERV-W LTR elements in various cancer cells (2F7, A43l , A549, HepG2, MIA-PaCa-2, PC-3, RT4, SiHa, U-937, and UO-31). Using genomic DNA from the cancer cells, we performed PCR amplification and identified twelve new HERV-W LTR elements. Those LTR elements showed a high degree of sequence similarity (88-99%) with HERV-W LTR (AF072500). A phylogenetic tree obtained by the neighbor-joining method revealed that HERV-W LTR elements could be mainly divided into two groups through evolutionary divergence. Three HERV-W LTR elements (RT4-2, A43l-1, and UO3l-2) belonged to Group 1, whereas nine LTR elements (2F7-2, A549-1, A549-3, HepG2-3, MP2-2, PC3-1, SiHa-8, SiHa-10, and U937-1) belonged to Group 11. Taken together, our new sequence data of the HERV-W LTR elements may contribute to an understanding of tissue-specific cancer by genomic instability of LTR integration.


  • Maphane, Oteng
    • Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.835-840
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we compute the rational evaluation subgroup of the Hopf fibration S2n+1 ↪ ℂP(n). We show that, for the Sullivan model 𝜙 : A → B, where A and B are the minimal Sullivan models of ℂP(n) and S2n+1 respectively, the evaluation subgroup Gn(A, B; 𝜙) and the relative evaluation subgroup Greln (A, B; 𝜙) of 𝜙 are generated by single elements.

A Study on Evaluation Index for Remodeling of Elementary School (초등학교(初等學校) 리모델링을 위한 건축계획적(建築計劃的) 평가지표(平價指標)의 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Byeong-Uk;Lee, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2004
  • The elementary schools constructed before 1990's are old fashioned and have limitation in corresponding to 7th education curriculum and social demands. So remodelling of existing elementary schools is increasingly popular to satisfy the new need, but it is true that the decision of remodelling has been made by the authority of the administrative and the most of remodelling results have shown the simple increasing of spaces. So this research is trying to suggest an evaluation index model for judging whether school buildings should be remodelled or not, and what parts should be remodelled in the aspects of architectural planning by extracting 4 space planning elements; function, requirement, activity, arrangement and grading rates on these elements.

Performance Evaluation Procedure for Advanced Emergency Braking System (자동비상제동 시스템의 안전성능평가)

  • Kim, Taewoo;Yi, Kyongsu;Choi, In Seong;Min, Kyong Chan
    • Journal of Auto-vehicle Safety Association
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents a performance evaluation procedure for advanced emergency braking (AEB) system. To guarantee the performance of AEB system, AEB test scenario should contains various driving conditions which can be occurred in real driving condition. Also, performances of each elements of AEB system, such as sensor, decision, human machine interface (HMI) and control, should be evaluated in various situations. For this, driving conditions, road types, environment, and elements of AEB system were introduced. Test scenario has been designed to represent the real driving condition and to evaluate the safety performance of AEB system in various situations. To confirm that the proposed AEB test scenario is realistic and physically meaningful, vehicle test have been conducted in two cases of proposed AEB test scenario: subject vehicle cut-out scenario and narrow street turn left scenario.

Development of a usability evaluation method (사용편의성 평가 기술 개발)

  • 홍상우;한성호;윤명환;곽지영
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.366-371
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    • 1997
  • Although the concept of usability has been well defined in the software usability engineering area, it is not appropriate to apply the same concept directly to the consumer electronic products. A new concept of usability appropriate for evaluating consumer electronic consumer electronic products was suggested in this study. It is characterized by integrating both the performance and the impression factors. Based on the concept developed, a systematic and integrated methodology for usability evaluation was proposed. The methodology contains four major steps; the development of the measurement methods for evaluating usability attributes, the development of the analysis techniques for the human interface elements, the development of the evaluation method for the usability of human interface elements, and the development of the usability model. The results of this study can be applied to evaluate the usability of various electonic products in a systematic and efficent manner.

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An Approach to Linguistic Instruction Based Learning and Its Application to Helicopter Flight Control

  • M.Sugeno;Park, G.K.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1993.06a
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    • pp.1082-1085
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    • 1993
  • In this paper, we notice the fact that a human learning process is characterized by a process under a natural language environment, and discuss an approach of learning based on indirect linguistic instructions. An instruction is interpreted through some meaning elements and each trend. Fuzzy evaluation rule are constructed for the searched meaning elements of the given instruction, and the performance of a system to be learned is improved by the evaluation rules. In this paper, we propose a framework of learning based on indirect linguistic instruction based learning using fuzzy theory: FULLINS(FUzzy-Learning based on Linguistic IN-Struction). The validity of FULLINS is shown by applying it to helicopter flight control.

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The Proposal of Quality Evaluation Element Developing Method for Serious Game Metadata (기능성게임 메타데이터 품질평가요소 개발방법 제안)

  • Park, Hee-Sook;Yoon, Seon-Jeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.245-248
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    • 2012
  • Called G-learning the domestic history of the serious game is only a mere 10-odd years or so but in recent years, due to the increased interest of users and industry for the serious game and serious games industry has been the continued growth of large quantity. Current the various types of serious games have been developed and the demand for serious games is increasing rapidly. Therefore that is becoming an important issue the problem of including a quality evaluation elements into serious game metadata to make the right choice of users for the high-quality serious games. In this paper, we recognize deeply the need for quality evaluation element development for serious game and we propose a method and a process for developing the quality evaluation elements of serious game. Also, we develop a draft of the quality evaluation elements for serious game using proposed method.

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A Study on the Requisite Elements of LCCO2 Evaluation System at Planning Stage of Building (건축물 계획단계 LCCO2 평가시스템의 필요요소에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Cheong-Hoon;Tae, Sung-Ho;Roh, Seung-Jun;Lee, Joo-Ho;Shin, Sung-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2011
  • The $LCCO_2$ evaluation programs previously developed in Korea involve limitations in establishing strategies of reducing environmental loads to optimal level in a way to put in materials directly after designing. Therefore, this study has the purpose to extract and propose elements required for the establishment of highly accurate system by counteracting swiftly in a method with high energy efficiency over cost at planning stage. To that end, existing $LCCO_2$ evaluation programs in Korea and abroad were compared and analyzed, and in the planning stage, GEM-21P and Carbon-navigator intended for the establishment of building energy performance improving strategy were selected as the evaluation program for survey. On such basis, after comparison and analysis between $LCCO_2$ calculating methods and system structures of the two programs, elements required for system establishment that can evaluate life-cycle environmental loads of building in planning stage were proposed.

The Effect of Augmented Reality Journalism on Immersion and Information Acquisition in Chinese Disaster and Sports News (AR 뉴스의 특성이 수용자의 몰입도 및 정보습득에 미치는 영향 - 중국의 재해, 스포츠 보도를 중심으로)

  • Liu, Jia Ni;Lee, Yoon;Lee, Hye Eun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.474-488
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    • 2021
  • The application of Augmented Reality(AR) technology is visible in medical procedures, education, marketing, and journalism. By experimenting, this study examines how the evaluation of the three elements of augmented reality news contents(visual image, storytelling, interactivity) affects immersion and information acquisition. Specifically, a 2 (video technology: AR vs. general) × 2 (news type: disaster vs. sports) between-subject design was examined. Results showed that the evaluation of all three elements was higher when viewing AR news than when viewing general news. The level of immersion was higher when viewing AR news, and the evaluation of storytelling and interactivity had positive effect on the level of immersion regardless of the news types. However, the evaluation of visual images did not affect the level of immersion. Information acquisition was higher after viewing AR news, yet the effect of the evaluation of the three elements on information acquisition had not been found. Implication and discussion of the study were added in the end.

Behavioral Theory-Based Risk Node Judgment Algorithm for Evaluating the Crime Risk Level in Restrooms (화장실의 범죄위험도 평가를 위한 행동이론 기반 리스크 노드 판정 알고리즘)

  • Shin-Sook Yoon;Jeong-Hwa Song
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1197-1206
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    • 2023
  • To assess the risk level of a public restroom implemented in virtual reality, we sought to evaluate the spatial elements present in the restroom. To provide the theoretical foundation for the evaluation subjects and criteria, we introduced prior research that proposed a checklist to entance the safety of public restroom. To set up evaluation criteria, we analyzed and established based on the theories of Paul J. Brantingham and Patricia L. Brantingham, focusing on the interaction between space and criminals. Ronald V. Clarke's "Routine Activity Theory" was also introduced and incorporated into the evaluation approach. We analyzed based on the correlation between the criminal, user, and spatial elements of the public restroom in terms of the criminal's actions, the spatial relevance to crime, and user exposure during use. Using these criteria, we developed an algorithm to evaluate th spatial elements of public restroom. Based on this, we created an application, demonstrating the feasibility of developing on evaluation tool.