• Title/Summary/Keyword: Enterprise Integration

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Hybrid marine propulsion power system with the redox flow batteries of comprehensive aging model

  • Yoo, Seunghyeon;Aguerrevere, Jorge;Jeong, Jinyeong;Jung, Wongwan;Chang, Daejun
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.674-690
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    • 2021
  • This study proposes a hybrid marine power system combining dual-fuel generators, a fuel cell, and Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries (VRFB). Rigorous verification and validation of the dynamic modelling and integration of the system are conducted. A case study for the application of the hybrid propulsion system to a passenger ship is conducted to examine its time-variant behaviour. A comprehensive model of the reversible and irreversible capacity degradation of the VRFB stack unit is proposed and validated. The capacity retention of the VRFB stack is simulated by being integrated within the hybrid propulsion system. Reversible degradation of the VRFB stack is precisely predicted and rehabilitated based on the predefined operational schedule, while the irreversible portion is retained until the affected components are replaced. Consequently, the advantages of the VRFB system as an on-board ESS are demonstrated through the application of a hybrid propulsion system for liner shipping with fixed routes.

The Digital Transformation of Accounting Industry for Small and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam: Challenges and Solutions

  • Thi Huyen Tran;Hoang Tuan Nguyen;Quoc Cuong Nguyen
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.221-228
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    • 2023
  • The industrial revolution 4.0 in general and the trend of the digital economy in particular have affected all aspects of the economy. In the orther hand, Digital Technology has the power to impact the strategies and competitiveness of businesses in the market. It is ever evolving and creating a revolutionary stand for different professions as well. Accounting is considered to be one of the oldest and traditional professions. The rules and methodology of this profession has remained uniform for a long period of time. But due to the advent of the digital technology accounting industry is experiencing some great changes. Challenges for the accounting profession are reflected in the need for rapid adaptation and transformation of business practice and business processes. Gradually it was difficult to manage the accounting of large firms without having any machine help. This profession faced a lot of challenges and required the need to adapt technology. The requirements of finance and digital accounting, as well as the requirements of regional and international financial and accounting integration, require proactive preparation, taking full advantage of the advantages as well as limiting the impacts. disadvantage. The aim of this paper is to analyze and systematize the key challenges that digitalization brings for accounting industry and propose some solution for digital transformation of accounting industry for Small and Medium Enterprise in Vietnam

A Study of Integrated RM & IM with KM Governance: Public Enterprise Centered (KM 기반의 기록관리 및 일반 정보관리 통합화 연구 - 공기업을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Ki-Ae;Nam, Young-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.23-43
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    • 2008
  • Knowledge resources are classified with two groups, the records produced by internal parts of company and general information materials from external organizations. Production, acquisition, storage, retrieval and utilization patterns of two groups became similar due to digitization of knowledge resources. And separated RM and IM should be changed integrated management concept. This paper compares RM and IM based on KM governance strategy and several methods to integrate RM and IM. Especially the selection and identification of knowledge resources, information systems to be integrated and the methods of integration and integrators of public enterprises are presented.

A Study on Development of Market Oriented MIS Curriculum (시장지향적 MIS 교육과정 개편을 위한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Myoun;Bock, Gee-Woo
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.207-222
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    • 2008
  • In recent business environment, we realize that MIS is taking important role in which it has been involved. However, we are having difficulty to find out the identity of MIS in business studies since MIS is derived from Micro Economics, Operations Research, Computer Science and so on. And there is no clear boundary in order to classify with other business area in consisting curriculums. Furthermore, IT staffs in the field are facing difficulties to utilize what they have learned MIS curriculums provided from business studies. In this research, we would like to present implications for development of market oriented MIS curriculums, which can be the actual needs of IT fields, through analysis of System Integration project for recent three years, analysis of IT capability based on the survey of IT consultants and analysis of application S/W technology trend in global vendor referred to "MIS Curriculum: The Current State of the Art and a Proposed Future Model (Lee et al, 2007)". As enterprise application software technology develop, the system integration can be achieved through special system solutions such as ERP, CRM, SCM, BI, etc. We also have acknowledged that solution consultants who have the ability of packaged S/W application are in demand since S/W vendors have become larger and more practical through M&A. Therefore, we have come to a conclusion regarding new direction of curriculum for increasing human power in IT industry which we demonstrated in detail through this research.

Design of a Web-Based System for Collaborative Power-Boat Manufacturing (파워보트 협업 생산을 위한 웹기반 컨텐츠 관리 시스템 설계)

  • Lee, Philippe;Lee, Dong-Kun;Back, Myung-Gi;Oh, Dae-Kyun;Choi, Yang-Ryul
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.265-273
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    • 2012
  • The business environment is changing rapidly because of the global crisis. In order to survive and enhance competitiveness in the global market, global manufacturing companies are trying to overcome the crisis through the convergence of production infrastructure and IT technology. The importance of systems to support the integration of manufacturing processes, collaboration in product development, and information integration of providers and producers is therefore increasing. In this paper, research is conducted on the design and implementation of a collaboration system to support a power-boat manufacturing company in this situation of increased demand for collaboration and information integration. The system was designed through product-structure and production-process analysis, support product data management, and enterprise contents management. The company involved in the power-boat development project is expected to show an improvement in productivity through the integrated management of information and collaboration provided by this system.

A Study on Utilization Effect and Implementation Model of Directory Service Based Information Resource Management System (디렉터리 서비스 기반 정보자원 관리시스템의 활용 효과 및 구축 모델에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Jun;Kim, Hyuk;Lee, Kwang Soo;Kim, Minsoo
    • Journal of Information Technology and Architecture
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.427-439
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    • 2014
  • Introduction of new information systems due to continuous progress of ICT has made the enterprise IT environment into a mixed pot of various IT resources. Rapidly changing business situation has emphasized the integration of organizational IT resources as one of key competitive advantages. Those distributed IT resources are now demanding to solve the problems not only on their own effective management but also on security and control issues against unauthorized infiltration and information leakages. Under the situation that the number of IT resources is constantly increasing, it is needed to study a management model and its implementation that integrally solves above all problems. In this paper, it is revealed that a directory service can be used to integrally manage distributed IT resources and a directory service based system model for distributed IT resource management is suggested. By implementing an HR solution over active directory service, it is demonstrated that our integrated management model for distributed resources is applicable to real business cases. It is expected that for small and medium sized enterprises with limited IT investments, directory service based IT resource management system can be a cost-effective solution for increasing security threats and lack of governance.

Automatic Generation of DB Images for Testing Enterprise Systems (전사적 응용시스템 테스트를 위한 DB이미지 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Oh-Seung;Hong, Sa-Neung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.37-58
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    • 2011
  • In general, testing DB applications is much more difficult than testing other types of software. The fact that the DB states as much as the input data influence and determine the procedures and results of program testing is one of the decisive reasons for the difficulties. In order to create and maintain proper DB states for testing, it not only takes a lot of time and efforts, but also requires extensive IT expertise and business knowledge. Despite the difficulties, there are not enough research and tools for the needed help. This article reports the result of research on automatic creation and maintenance of DB states for testing DB applications. As its core, this investigation develops an automation tool which collects relevant information from a variety of sources such as log, schema, tables and messages, combines collected information intelligently, and creates pre- and post-Images of database tables proper for application tests. The proposed procedures and tool are expected to be greatly helpful for overcoming inefficiencies and difficulties in not just unit and integration tests but including regression tests. Practically, the tool and procedures proposed in this research allows developers to improve their productivity by reducing time and effort required for creating and maintaining appropriate DB sates, and enhances the quality of DB applications since they are conducive to a wider variety of test cases and support regression tests. Academically, this research deepens our understanding and introduces new approach to testing enterprise systems by analyzing patterns of SQL usages and defining a grammar to express and process the patterns.

Study on the Business Process Modeling scheme using the Context Analysis methodology (상황 분석 방법론을 적용한 효율적 비즈니스 프로세스 모델링 방안에 관한 연구)

  • You, Chi-Hyung;Sang, Sung-Kyung;Kim, Jung-Jae;Na, Won-Shik
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.661-667
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    • 2008
  • The dynamics of business cycles has been changed by the macroscopic economic forces because of the introduction of new technical know-how each year. These the dynamics of business has a significant influence on the investment of enterprise in the information communication field. Today, the most important goal of the IT investment is simply not to lower the production cost any more, but to improve the usefulness for the customers and partners in order to obtain the optimized mass products. Therefore, the enterprises have been concentrating their all abilities on the automation, integration, and optimization of business process using BPM. In addition, they are concentrating their efforts on the business expansion by approaching the technical aspect using RFID application system. However, in order to accomplish a successful enterprise ability, the technical view, business process view, and organization view must be considered together. We suggested the method considering organization view, via the technical element, i.e., RFID system for approaching the business process. Furthermore, we tried the optimization of assignment using Context Analysis methodology and proposed the method to reduce the element with respect to the time, human, and expense by applying the Case Study method that minimizes the iteration times through the transmitted processing procedure and type. The proposed method gave us the expectation that it will bring out the innovative improvement with respect to the time, expense, quality, and customer's satisfaction in the process from the analysis of business process to the analysis and design of system.

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A Study on the Sustainability of Social Enterprises Focusing on Companies in the Field of Culture and Arts (문화예술분야 사회적기업의 지속가능성에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Yeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.668-680
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    • 2021
  • Recently, measures for successful settlement and sustainability of social enterprises have become an important topic. Accordingly, researches related to social enterprises are increasing, but studies measuring sustainability are still insufficient. In this study, in order to seek the sustainability and development of social enterprises in the field of literature and arts, a theoretical model for the sustainability of social enterprises in the field of culture and arts was presented. To this end, interviews were conducted with social enterprises in the field of culture and arts, and the results were analyzed to derive the concept and categorization of sustainability of social enterprises in the field of culture and arts. In addition, the integration between the derived categories is illustrated. For a social enterprise in the field of culture and arts to be sustainable, differentiated culture and arts services are important, and each company must constantly strive for its mission and vision, and a differentiated branding strategy unique to companies is required. This research is expected to lay the foundation for empirical research on social enterprises in the culture and arts sector as data for entrepreneurs and prospective entrepreneurs who run social enterprises in the field of culture and arts.

Design and Implementation of Call Object Management mechanism for Customer Channel integration of Customer Relationship Management Environment (CRM 환경의 고객 채널 통합을 위한 콜 객체 관리 메저니즘 설계 및 구현)

  • Han, Yun-Ki;Koo, Yong-Wan
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.520-533
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    • 2007
  • The CRM(Customer Relationship Management) is the business strategy model for higher profits and competitive power of the enterprise in a new business environment. The large-scale customer response service technique uses internet, e-mail, SMS (Short Message Service), Telephony service, DM(Direct Mail) by customer channel point. Recently, business model diversify for new contract and retaining existing customer to the effort for a profitable model of business. This paper is based on Avaya PDS(Predictive Dialing System) model for CRM bond center. If the number of "available" agents are less than the number of inbound channels, then there may be real-time response problems in PDS system implemented. The Organization cannot afford to have many agents in available mode because of the high cost of manpower. This paper provides two contributions to the study. First, we present Call Object Management Mechanism of Customer Channel integration for reduce outbound consulting and reduce CallBack data in the PDS. Second, we design and implement the proposed system. Our simulation results show analysis of old model and proposed model. The proposed model can be efficiently used in Large-scale CRM.