• Title/Summary/Keyword: Enterprise Integration

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An Enhanced SOAP Message Processing System for Mobile Web Services

  • Kim Seok-Soo;Park Gil-Cheol
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.157-162
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    • 2005
  • Web services are key applications in business­to-business, business-to-customer, and enterprise applications integration solutions. As the mobile internet becomes one of the main methods for information delivery, mobile Web Services are regarded as a critical aspect of e-business architecture. In this paper, we proposed a mobile Web Services middleware that converts conventional internet services into mobile Web services. We implemented a WSDL (Web Service Description Language) builder that converts HTML/XML into WSDL and a SAOP (Simple Object Access Protocol) message processor that performs SOAP message handling, chain and handling of server requests. The former minimizes the overhead cost of rebuilding mobile Web Services and enables seamless services between wired and wireless internet services. The latter enhances SOAP processing performance by eliminating the Servlet container (Tomcat), a required component of typical Web services implementation. Our main contributions are to overcome the latency problem of current Web Services and to provide an easy mobile Web service implementation. Our system can completely support standard Web Services protocol, minimizing communication overhead, message processing time, and server overload. Finally we compare our empirical results with those of typical Web Services.

A study of the integration of the 2D ground water model WHPA with Desktop GIS for ground water well development by basic survey stage (지하수 관정개발 기초조사사업 업무지원을 위한 Desktop GIS와 2D 지하수 모델 WHPA 통합 연구)

  • Kim, Man-Kyu;Jung, Byong-Ho;Lim, Chang-Young;Park, Jong-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.257-260
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    • 2002
  • This study develops a GIS-based system which examines the adequacy of the Groundwater development project before the actual designing of the project. Using the system developed here, we can transfer simulation results obtained by WHPA regarding Groundwater levels in new development projects into GIS. We can also judge whether a Groundwater development project should be permitted through examining overlaps of the effects of the development and comparing with other pollutants. Since a two-tiered system which shares DB using inter- and intranets is developed, all the departments in the ministry of agriculture and forest and the agriculture base corporation can share accurate, reliable and latest information related to Groundwater.

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An Exploratory Study on the Relative Importances of the Critical Success Factors in an ERP Project (ERP 프로젝트 주요 성공요인의 상대적 중요도에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Han, Sang-Cheol;Lee, Gil-Hyung
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2005
  • The ERP system which has been adopted as a tool for integration of information systems and for innovation of business process. And it is regarded to be able to maximize the productivity of business process and achieve process innovation based on the best practice incorporated in the ERP. To achieve process innovation through ERP, strong sponsorship from top management and building consensus through the entire organization is required to be backed UP. There are many cases of the failure of Process Innovation due to reluctance of corporate members to change. In the result of the case study, it seems to be difficult to build the consensus of the related groups to ERP project. There are still argues after project, on whether the project was success or not. Through the AHP analysis for the success factors, it is explored that the reason is that several groups of the company had different expectation for the project. And to achieve the aimed process Innovation, the project members in the related departments should build the consensus of expectation on the project.

Integration of Ship Outfitting BOM with Lifecycle Stages (선박 의장 BOM을 Lifecycle을 고려한 BOM 통합 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Seok;Lee, Kyung-Ho;Lee, Jang-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Min;Lee, Kwang;Kim, Jin-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2011
  • Generally, BOM (Bill of Material) means a part list which is needed to manufacture or assemble a product or part. During manufacturing processes, BOM is inevitably required for most of enterprise processes such as design, procurement, production planning/control, resource planning, and financial works. Every manufacturing industry uses many kinds of BOM's that are adjusted to the requirement of functions of their work division. Moreover, BOM evolves in different forms according to the product development phases such as conceptual design; function design, detail design, and production design because it is necessary to use different product structures to keep product data generated throughout the lifecycle of a product. This includes all data and information related to the all the product development phases. Shipbuilding works also are processed and controlled based on BOM. However, effective maintenance of ship outfitting BOM data is getting difficult as the amount and complexity of data have increased due to variety and long lifecycle of ship. For the effective management of outfitting BOM data, two aspects must be considered. One is how to classify numerous BOMs type and the others how to display BOMs. So this study suggests a method to classify BOM types and propose two categories - Structure BOM, Display BOM. Base on this result, we propose the integrated ship outfitting BOMs model and analysis outfitting BOMs.

Mobile Edge Computing based Building Disaster Alert System Implementation (Mobile Edge Computing을 활용한 건물 재난 알림 시스템 구축 방안)

  • Ha, Taeyoung;Kim, Jungsung;Chung, Jong-Moon
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, a building disaster notification system with MEC (Mobile Edge Computing) technology is proposed, which informs people in a building about the disaster. The overview of MEC is presented, and the structure and characteristics of network using MEC are described. In addition, the characteristics of a enterprise integration pattern based Apache Camel is described, and how to implement MEC with Apache Camel is presented. Finally, an implementation method of building disaster notification system with Apache Camel based MEC is proposed to quickly recognize disasters through sensors and to rapidly evacuate people from buildings.

Development of Labor Productivity Index for Steel Construction (철골공사의 노동생산지수 개발)

  • Kang Byoung-Ryoul;Kim Ki-Sung;Um Ik-Joon;Koo Kyo-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.353-357
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    • 2004
  • The construction competition is more deepened with the enterprise possibility increase which it follows in the regulation relaxation back against the construction market penetration which carries and the instability of market is added an extra weight and it solves the aspect where also the profitability which is caused by with low price bidding decreases. Against a productivity with the overcome plan it is researched plentifully and the far for a productivity improvement, there is so far to construction, the productivity being used with only include meaning, is to a practical affairs and the application ver)r as the level which is feeble is a possibility of doing. It is like that and the research develops the producing district possibility of new steel-frame work and in the actuality which sees the production volume of steel-frame work and a construction accomplishment process effectively and to be right numerical figures it does it plans it controls and manages the place ultimate objective which it puts.

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Construction and Estimation of Web-based Real Time ERP System - A Case Study (웹기반 실시간 ERP 시스템 구축 및 평가-사례연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Saeng;Choi, Sang-Kyoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.30-38
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    • 2008
  • At past, but smaller enterprises had operated each business automation system about office, at present, are making use of integration ERP information system that take advantage of accessible web technology in outside environment. In this research we took smaller enterprise's example, constructed ERP system that real-time processing is available to supply ERP information to customer by real time and to handle business in outside site. With construction result of this system, we verified efficiency of system and customers' satisfaction etc of customer's complaint solution, business productivity elevation, economical curtailment and so on through various kinds quantitative estimation.

Development of a Quality Manual for a Research and Educational Centre: A Case Study

  • Pun Kit Fai;Ellis Ruel L.A.;Chan, Laverne
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.56-69
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    • 2005
  • There have been growing concerns about whether proper measures are in place to ensure the delivery of quality services and the operations in research and educational institutions. This paper describes various quality models and discusses their relevance into the total quality concepts and quality management systems (QMS) in education. It then illustrates how a QMS and the accompanied quality manual be developed in a research and educational institution using the Centre for Enterprise Research Integration (ERI) at The University of the West Indies, Trinidad as a case. Through personal interviews with the $Centre{\square}s$ personnel, views on the operations and determinants of the QMS were acquired. Results showed that the people's resistance to changes, conflicts on academic freedom, and difficulties on measuring performance were the obstacles to QMS implementation. People involvement and proper communication are determinants of QMS implementation. The system also rests on having a tailored quality manual that entails the documentation of processes and procedures for ascertaining the delivery of quality services and operations in the Centre. The development of quality manual is briefly described in the paper.

Collaborative Process Modeling for Embodying e-Manufacturing (이메뉴팩처링을 위한 협업 프로세스 모델링)

  • Ryu, Kwang-Yeol;Cho, Yong-Ju;Choi, Hon-Zong;Lee, Seok-Woo
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2005
  • e-Manufacturing can be referred to as a system methodology enabling the integration of manufacturing operations and IT technologies to achieve objectives of an enterprise. It is recently regarded as a powerful solution to survive in a chaotic marketplace. While conducting an e-Manufacturing project, we first needed to capture collaborative processes conducted by multiple participants in order to define functions of a system supporting them. However, pervasive process modeling techniques including IDEF3, Petri nets, and UML are not sufficient for modeling collaborative processes. Therefore, we first briefly investigate several process modeling methods including aforementioned modeling methods and ARIS focusing on the collaboration point of view. Then, we propose a new modeling method referred to as Collaborative Process Modeling (CPM) to clearly describe collaborative processes. Also, we develop and illustrate a rule for transforming collaborative process models into Marked Graph models to use the analysis power of the Petri nets. Using CPM empowers us to develop collaborative process models with simple notations, understand and facilitate the realization of the collaboration, and verify models before rushing into the development.

Design and Implementation of EAI(Enterprise Application Integration) System for Privacy Information (개인정보 보호를 위한 EAI 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Yong Deok;Jun, Moon Seog
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2013
  • This paper describes the design and implementation of the PKI-based EAI system which is used for delivery of sensitive personal information between business systems. For this purpose, we propose a key exchange protocol with some key process : Diffie-Hellman Schema is used to provide forward secrecy, public key-based digital signature is used for EAI Server authentication, data integrity. In addition, in order to minimize the performance impact on the overall EAI systems. The EAI server was designed simply to be used only as a gateway. This paper shows the implementation of Korea public key authentication algorithm standard and a symmetric encryption algorithm for data encryption.