• Title/Summary/Keyword: Efficient scale

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Water Supply Alternatives for Drought by Weather Scenarios Considering Resilience: Focusing on Naju Reservoir (회복탄력성을 고려한 기상 시나리오별 가뭄 용수 공급방안: 나주호를 중심으로)

  • Park, JinHyun;Go, JeaHan;Jo, YoungJun;Jung, KyungHun;Sung, MuHong;Jung, HyoungMo;Park, HyunKyu;Yoo, SeungHwan;Yoon, KwangSik
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.60 no.5
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2018
  • Resilience has been widely used in various fields including design and operation of infrastructures. The resilient infrastructures not only reduce the damage scale of various disasters but also reduce the time and cost required for restoration. However, resilience rarely applied to promote efficient management of agricultural infrastructures. Recently, drought is an aggravating disaster by climate change and need countermeasures. Therefore, we tried to demonstrate evaluating measures in case of drought under consideration of resilience. This study applied the robustness-cost index (RCI) to evaluate alternative solution of the supply problem of a large agricultural reservoir under drought conditions. Four structural alternatives were selected to estimate the robustness index (RI) and the cost index (CI) to obtain the RCI values. Structural alternatives are classified into temporary measures and permanent measures. Temporary measures include the development of a tube wells and the installation of the portable pump, while the permanent measures include the installation of a pumping stations and the pumping water to the reservoir (Yeongsan River-Naju reservoir). RCI values were higher in permanent measures than those of temporary measures. Initial storage of the reservoir also affected RCI values of the drought measures. Permanent measures installation and management of early stage of the reservoir storage shortage was identified as the most resilient system.

Design and Implementation of File Cloud Server by Using JAVA SDK (Java SDK를 이용한 파일 클라우드 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Samuel Sangkon
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.86-100
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    • 2015
  • Cloud computing is a computing term that evolved in the late 2000s, based on utility and consumption of computer resources. Google say that "Cloud computing involves deploying groups of remote servers and software networks that allow different kinds of data sources be uploaded for real time processing to generate computing results without the need to store processed data on the cloud. Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale, similar to a utility (like the electricity grid) over a network. At the foundation of cloud computing is the broader concept of converged infrastructure and shared services. Cloud computing, or in simpler shorthand just "the cloud", also focuses on maximizing the effectiveness of the shared resources." The cloud service is a smart and/or intelligent service to save private files in any device, anytime, anywhere. Dropbox, OAuth, PAClous are required that the accumulated user's data are archives with cloud service. Currently we suggest an implementation technique to process many tasks to the cloud server with a thread pooling. Thread pooling is one of efficient implementating technique for client and service environment. In this paper, to present the implementation technique we suggest three diagrams in the consideration of software engineering.

Practice and Improvement Scheme of Management of Human Resources in Korean Private Security Service Industry (한국 민간경비 인적자원 확보관리의 실태 및 개선방안)

  • Suh, Sang-Yul;Park, Jun-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.16
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    • pp.81-99
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    • 2008
  • Despite its legal, systematic and quantitative growth, Korean private security has not been showing satisfactory level of qualitative growth comparing to quantitative growth as it socially shocked with recent occurrence of the events and accidents. People on demand of security are making use of private security service to offset insufficient supply of security power as, especially, the incendiarism at Sungryemun last February brought out security issues for nationally important facilities and cultural assets, and other cases showed that the police would not cope with the appropriate security services under the current security system for protecting the life and property of people. For the supplementation of security power, the private security service is prevalent, but lots of service providers would not overcome its small business scale, except some large-sized security providers. There are some problem occurred as some providers employed staff who would not have the stuff for performing security service and they even committed illegal actions. Some opinions pointed out that it should come up with measures as they socially lose their credit. Therefore, this research suggests the recognition of the importance and the improvement measures of human resources management as follows. Security Service needs: 1. control of criteria for the employment/recruitment of human resources; 2. inducement of qualitative improvement of security service by ensuring excellent quality of human resources; 3. elevation of morale of organizational members with the operation of efficient promotion system; 4. introduction of professional certification system for the inflow of excellent quality of human resources.

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Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Arsenic and heavy Metals by Soil Washing (토양세척에 의한 비소 및 중금속 오염토양의 복원)

  • Ko Ilwon;Lee Cheol-Hyo;Lee Kwang-Pyo;Kim Kyoung-Woong
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.52-61
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    • 2004
  • In order to remediate soils contaminated with oxyanionic As and cationic Zn and Ni through the pilot-scale acid washing, the effectiveness of acid washing and the properties of contaminated soils, fine soil particle and dissolved contaminants were evaluated. $H_{2}SO_4\;and\;H_{3}PO_4$ washing at pH $2{\sim}3$ enhanced the removal of As by the presence of competitive oxyanions and HCl washing effectively removed simultaneously As, Zn and Ni. The effectiveness of soil washing was little enhanced above the critical reaction time, and the carbonate, Fe/Mn oxide and organic/sulfides associated fraction were dominantly removed. The washing of coarse soil particles was highly efficient, but that of fine soil particles($<74{\mu}m$) was recalcitrant due to the enrichment with contaminants. Moreover, the physical separation of fine particles($<149{\mu}m$) enhanced the overall efficiency of soil washing. Therefore, both chemical extraction and separation of fine soil particles showed the high effectiveness of soil washing in the intersection point to minimize the amount of fine soil particles and to maximize the chemical extraction of contaminants.

Effect of Soil Micro-environments on the Remediation Efficiency of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater: Review and Case Study (토양지하수 미세환경과 오염정화효율과의 상관성 고찰)

  • Shim, Moo Joon;Yang, Jung-Seok;Lee, Mi Jung;Lee, Giehyeon;Park, Jae Seon;Kim, Guk Jin;Min, Sang Yoon;Kim, Joo Young;Choi, Min Joo;Kim, Min Chan;Lim, Jong Hwan;Kwon, Man Jae
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 2014
  • A variety of physical, chemical, and microbiological techniques have been developed to deal with soil and groundwater contamination. However, in the presence of the large portion of soil micro-environments, contaminant rebound and/or tailing have been frequently reported. Case study of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) removal by full-scale land farming showed that contaminant rebound and/or tailing occurred in 9 out of total 21 cases and subsequently resulted in problems of a long term operation to satisfy TPH guidelines of contaminated soil and groundwater. The main cause of contaminant rebound and tailing is considered to be the strong interactions between contaminants and micro-environments including micro-particles, micro-pores, and organic matter. Thus, this study reviewed the effects of soil micro-environments of soil and groundwater on the removal efficiency for both heavy metals and petroleum contaminants. In addition, the various methods of sampling, analysis, and assessment of soil micro-environments were evaluated. Thorough understanding of the effects of soil micro-environments on contaminant removal will be essential to achieve a cost-effective and efficient solution to contaminated sites.

Analyzing the Implement System Shift of Land Policies (토지정책 추진체계 변화 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Suk;Yun, Jeong-Ran;Park, Sang-Hak
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.439-452
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    • 2011
  • The goal of this research is to suggest the desirable directions of the land policies implement system based on analysis of existing those of Korea with the paradigm shift of land policies. We classify the land policies into land ownership, land use, land development and land management ones, and then analyze their implement system characteristics. The results are follows : firstly, the land policies implement systems have been set to large scale and rapid development. Secondly, although the systems have been specialized by their areas, the comprehensive manage systems for the harmony between development and conservation are lacking. Thirdly, the parts of the central government powers related to land use has been hand covered to local governments. And the participations of residences private companies have enlarged in the land development. Fourthly, the purposes of the information management on land use have been changed from tax collection into planned land use, but the information management has not met the need of planned land use. This study shows that firstly, the implement system focusing on large development projects might be no longer effective because of high possibility of the property prices stabilization, so moderately small ones must be found. Secondly, the system cope with the climate change and to realize the efficient utility of land is needed. Thirdly, it is necessary to take the actual measures to participate a variety of subjects. Fourthly, the system modification of the land information manage system as land policies infra is also needed to establish integral land policies.

Neuropeptide Regulation of Signaling and Behavior in the BNST

  • Kash, Thomas L.;Pleil, Kristen E.;Marcinkiewcz, Catherine A.;Lowery-Gionta, Emily G.;Crowley, Nicole;Mazzone, Christopher;Sugam, Jonathan;Hardaway, J. Andrew;McElligott, Zoe A.
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2015
  • Recent technical developments have transformed how neuroscientists can probe brain function. What was once thought to be difficult and perhaps impossible, stimulating a single set of long range inputs among many, is now relatively straight-forward using optogenetic approaches. This has provided an avalanche of data demonstrating causal roles for circuits in a variety of behaviors. However, despite the critical role that neuropeptide signaling plays in the regulation of behavior and physiology of the brain, there have been remarkably few studies demonstrating how peptide release is causally linked to behaviors. This is likely due to both the different time scale by which peptides act on and the modulatory nature of their actions. For example, while glutamate release can effectively transmit information between synapses in milliseconds, peptide release is potentially slower [See the excellent review by Van Den Pol on the time scales and mechanisms of release (van den Pol, 2012)] and it can only tune the existing signals via modulation. And while there have been some studies exploring mechanisms of release, it is still not as clearly known what is required for efficient peptide release. Furthermore, this analysis could be complicated by the fact that there are multiple peptides released, some of which may act in contrast. Despite these limitations, there are a number of groups making progress in this area. The goal of this review is to explore the role of peptide signaling in one specific structure, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, that has proven to be a fertile ground for peptide action.

Implementation and Application of the EDISON platform's integrated file management service (EDISON 플랫폼의 통합 파일관리 서비스 구현 및 적용)

  • Ma, Jin;Seo, Jerry;Ruth-Lee, Jong suk;Park, Min jae
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2016
  • As computer technology continues to evolve, the Computational Sciences utilized in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, and Life Sciences have been attracting more attention. In Korea, to compensate for the drawbacks in Computational Science, students and researchers have been using the EDISON platform. The EDISON platform provides a web portal service for education and research and an environment for addressing complex issues involving five fields, e.g., Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Nanophysics, Computational Chemistry, Structural Dynamics, and Computational Design. As the platform and user scale increase beyond service provision, the need for efficient operation of its currently running data management system is on the rise. In this study, we resolve the data synchronization issues between the existing EDISON platform and web portal. As the EDISON platform is integrated with the web portal, a file management service is implemented to integrate the management of user data and files, which ultimately improves the overall efficiency of file management.

A Study the effect of Cooking Activity as a Language Intervention on the Language Development of Language Delayed Infants. (요리활동을 통한 언어중재가 언어발달지연을 보이는 유아의 언어능력 향상에 대한 연구)

  • Seo, Eui-Jung;Kim, Yun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2016
  • Language intervention through cooking activity programs is designed to provide an efficient teaching method and improved educational environment in the field of teaching. This program addresses the effects of this program on the language development of three three-year-old infants (M;2, F;1) in the Center in Seoul. A cooking topic suitable for the age of this group was selected. The language Intervention was conducted for 50 minutes per week for a total of 25 times, and made use of vocabulary, verbs and nouns related to cooking which were evenly distributed. In this study, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (PPVT-R), receptive language age (RLA) and expressive language age (ELA), and Preschool Receptive-Expressive Language Scale (PRES) were used to analyze the collected data. After the study, the cooking activity was accomplished with normal development outcomes appearing in the ability of vocabulary, receptive language, expressive language, and integrated language. There is now a solid evidence base supporting the efficacy of cooking activity in producing positive outcomes in the language development of language delayed infants. Consequently, cooking can induce their active participation and interest and extend their language abilities through various experiences.

Current Research Trends for Treatment of Microplastics (미세플라스틱 처리를 위한 연구동향)

  • Kim, Seong-Min;Baek, Sang-Ho;Han, Yosep;Davaadorj, Tsogchuluun;Go, Byung-Hun;Jeon, Ho-Seok
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2020
  • Microplastics are recognized as critical and serious environmental problem in worldwide. Plastics are inexpensive, lightweight, excellent in processability, and various in material-specific properties. Along industrial development, the production and disposal amount of plastics are also rapidly increasing. In particular, abundant plastic wastes are eventually disposed into marine environment with harmful impacts on the ecosystem. Therefore, lots of relevant studies were recently progressed in various fields. However, many studies are being just conducted due to its difficulty in applying a general treatment method for those small particle sizes and their various characteristics. In the meantime, lots of researches are being conducted on applying methods using physical properties such as specific gravity, magnetic, and electrostatic separation, which are beneficiation processes of minerals. However, since it is still in the laboratory stage, the development of larger scale separation technology for efficient treatment is urgent.