The study is designed to develop an educational CD-Title for Basic Life Support. The study is conducted from July to December, 2002, Based on the course of program development suggested by Dick and Cray. the study followed the planning, development, education and evaluation of a program. The developed CD-Title consists of 8 parts. 1. Intro include Introduction, Adult CPR, Child CPR, Infant CPR, Adult Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction, Infant Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction, and Exercise in Menu at Right of screen. 2. Introduction consist of death process at cardiac arresst, chain of survival, introduction of CPR, respiratory & ciculatory anatomy and physiology. 3. Adult CPR consist of assessment responsiveness, activating EMS system, position victim, opening a airway, checking for breathing, rescue breathing, checking for sign of circulation, chest compression, 1 person & 2 persion adult CPR video. 4. Child & Infant CPR consist of, causes, assessment responsiveness, position victim, opening the airway, checking for breathing, rescue breathing, checking for sign of circulation, chest compression, activating EMS system, child & infant CPR video. 5. Adult Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction include assessment responsiveness, activating EMS system, position victim, opening a airway, checking for breathing, 2 rescue breathing, reopening the airway, 2 rescue breathing, finger sweep, 5 abdominal thrusts, unresponsiveness adult Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction video. 6. Infant Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction consist of, causes, assessment responsiveness, position victim, opening the airway, checking for breathing, 2 rescue breathing, reopening the airway, 2 rescue breathing, checking foreign-body object in oral cavity of victim, 5 back blow, 5 chest thsusts, activating EMS system, video. 7. 32 exercise consist of 8 Adult CPR, 12 Child & Infant CPR, 5 Adult Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction, 7 Infant Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction. Every part consist of animations to trigger students interests. This CD-Title will be useful education for first responders and lay rescuers.