• 제목/요약/키워드: Economic validity

검색결과 420건 처리시간 0.025초

A Study on Structural Relationships among Port Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust and Loyalty of the Busan New Port -Based on the Moderating Effect of Switching Barrier (부산항 신항의 항만서비스품질.만족.신뢰 및 충성도 간의 구조적 관계: 전환장벽의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Dug-Chool;Jeon, Oi-Sul
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.203-227
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    • 2012
  • Based on the review of the existing studies, this study built the conceptual framework describing the structural relationships among port service quality dimensions(port internal service quality, external service quality, interaction quality), customer satisfaction, customer trust and customer loyalty. In specific, switching barrier was included as moderator in customer satisfaction and customer loyalty relationships. The subjects are the customers who use the Busan New Port. A survey using 317 customers was conducted, Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to test the validity of the measurement model, and AMOS analysis approach was used to gain important insights into how customer retention in the port business can be ensured. Results in this paper indicate that customer trust and satisfaction are identified as antecedents of the port service quality dimensions. Customer satisfaction positively influences trust. Customer trust and satisfaction positively influence loyalty. Switching barrier positively moderates the relationship of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Finally, this study suggests that the implications of these findings and offers directions for future research.

An Optimization of the Distributed Generator Combination for Microgrid using Linear Programming (선형계획법을 이용한 마이크로그리드의 분산전원 조합 최적화)

  • Lee, Hak-Ju;Chae, Woo-Kyu;Jung, Won-Wook;Song, Il-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • 제24권8호
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2010
  • MG(Microgrid) is a small power supply system located on-site that can supply both the electricity and the hot-water simultaneously. Engineering S/W is requested to construct Microgrids economically. We developed Engineering S/W that can combine DERs (Distributed Energy Resources) most economically using the linear programming and estimate of the economic. Developed S/W was programed using GAMS(General Algebraic Modeling System) and it is composed of the optimal DER combination module and forecasting module of renewable energy's output. We embody it based on MS Excel considering the user's convenience and we show its validity through a case study. We think that developed S/W will be very useful for planning MGs and energy supply.

A Study on the Influence of Shipping Firms' Knowledge Management on their Service Capabilities (지식경영이 해운선사의 서비스 역량에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Choe, YunSeok;Lee, SangYoon
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.91-110
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    • 2012
  • In the modern management literature, knowledge has been recognized as a new strategic resource enabling a firm to create its competitiveness. Shipping companies under fierce competitive structure need to pay attentions to the utility of knowledge management. A shipping firm may develop its unique service capability by classifying, sharing, and transferring the data, information and knowledge obtained from both inside and outside its global service network. The current study attempts to analyze influential relationships between liner shipping firms' knowledge management and service capabilities. In order to achieve this goal, this study designed a knowledge chain model measuring shipping companies' knowledge management levels and tested its validity and reliability based on a total of 80 replied questionnaires from national and foreign liners. The empirical result presents that supportive and primary activities composing a knowledge chain could exert significant positive influences on the enforcement of shipping service capabilities. This research shows that the utility of knowledge management is adoptable in the maritime industry, and recommends that shipping firms should recognize strategic importance of knowledge and actively pursue knowledge management at an entire firm level.

Development of Economic based Optimal Operation Program for Microgrid (경제성 기반의 마이크로그리드 최적운영 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Hak-Ju;Cha, Woo-Ku;Song, Il-Kun;Yoon, Yong-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • 제23권12호
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    • pp.106-114
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    • 2009
  • This paper addresses unit commitment for microgrid optimization including renewable energy sources, working under deregulated power market. As microgrid supplies both heat and electricity for consumer, operational optimization must be done to meet their demand economically. So renewable energy sources are considered to be negative load, and batteries are used as the load flattening device to raise possibly operational function. In the state of solution, the program is developed to solve out the maximum profit of microgrid using dynamic programming method. Finally, its validity is verified through case study in isolation mode and interconnected mode. The S/W will be used to operate microgrid economically after the market of microgrid is formed.

Effect of Investment Evaluation Criteria of Public ICT Projects on Business Success (공공 정보통신기술(ICT)사업의 투자 평가기준이 사업성공에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yong-Kul;Lee, Sang-Yun;Chae, Myeong-Sin
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 2021
  • Establishing an investment evaluation system for public ICT projects is ultimately to increase the success rate of public ICT projects in which government finances are invested and to revitalize the projects, thereby establishing a foundation for national economic growth and enhancing the competitiveness of the global ICT industry. This study tried to empirically verify the effect of public ICT project investment evaluation factors established according to the existing evaluation system on actual project success, and to suggest directions for future investment evaluation factors. Five evaluation factors such as public interest, economic feasibility, technology, policy and budget efficiency were derived through prior research, and the effect of these evaluation criteria on actual project success was verified through questionnaires from experts who directly participated in the actual project. In addition, it was confirmed whether the government's support system had a moderating effect between the investment evaluation factors and the project success of the ICT project. The reliability and validity of measurement tools, structural model analysis, and path analysis were empirically analyzed, and the significance of existing ICT investment evaluation factors was verified.

Cost-utility Analysis of Home Physical Therapy to Improve Daily Activities of Stroke Patient Living at Home (재가 뇌졸중 환자의 일상생활동작 향상을 위한 방문물리치료의 비용-효용 분석)

  • Heo, Jae-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2022
  • Purpose : This study compared the cost-effectiveness ratio of physical therapy in health centers and home physical therapy, two physical therapy methods for home-bound stroke patients, and clarified the economic validity regarding the effect of home physical therapy. Methods : To measure and compare the cost and effectiveness of the two physical therapy methods for stroke patients, subjects were recruited based on in-hospital and home physical therapy. Among the entire data collected, 82 and 90 participants were selected for in-hospital and home physical therapy, respectively. To measure costs, regarding both in-hospital and home physical therapy, direct cost and indirect cost for patients, family, medical institutes, and the government were measured. In addition, activities of daily living were measured in both methods to measure their effectiveness. Through collected data, the cost-effectiveness and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were analyzed. Results : Based on the analysis of cost-effectiveness, home physical therapy showed lower cost-effectiveness than in-hospital physical therapy. Furthermore, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio also showed a difference, which implied home physical therapy could have high effectiveness compared to cost. Conclusion : Based on these results, home physical therapy could be considered as an alternativeto other methods of physical therapy, for home-bound stroke patients. In addition, the result of thisstudy contribute by providing evidence that home physical therapy offers economic benefits and canbe more effective in treating home-bound patients when policy decisions are made to establish a home physical therapy system.

A study on drinking water protect zone policy by social benefit analysis of upstream and downstream (상·하류 사회적 가치 추정을 통한 상수원보호구역 정책 고찰)

  • Ryu, Munhyun;Jeon, Dongjin;Kim, Sueyoung;Kwon, Kidong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제56권5호
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    • pp.357-362
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    • 2023
  • The conflict between upstream and downstream regions is a representative social conflict in Korea. It is important issues in the economic and environmental aspects related to interests of property rights and water quality conservation. however, it is insufficient for studies on the economic damage and benefits between upstream and downstream by policy. We studied validity for drinking water protect zone, one of the major water conflict in Korea, by comparison between social loss by property rights restriction in the upstream and social benefits in the downstream and we proposed integrated water management policy in basin level.

A Comparative Analysis on the Efficiency of Cargo Capacities by TEU Group According to Container Vessel Enlargement - Focusing on The Vessels Entering Terminal A and B (컨테이너 선박 대형화에 따른 TEU 그룹별 하역량 효율성 비교분석 - A, B 터미널 입항 선박을 중심으로)

  • Park, Shin-Woo;Park, Chang-Ki
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.175-189
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    • 2024
  • Following the introduction of containerized sea transportation, the size of container ships has progressively increased. While the primary objective of this enlargement is to achieve economies of scale, it significantly affects the operational environment of ports where these ships dock, raising concerns about the validity of efficiency gains from ultra large container vessels from a port operational perspective. This study evaluates the efficiency of various ship sizes from January to December 2022, utilizing internal data from the container terminals A and B located in the Busan New Port. The analysis encompasses ships affiliated with The Alliance at Container Terminal A and those associated with 2M at Container Terminal B. Key input variables considered for the study include ship size (TEU), total berth time, and loading/unloading time, with cargo handling performance serving as the only output variable. The findings indicate that larger ship sizes exhibit higher efficiency compared to smaller container ships.

A Study on the Verification of the Profile of Seo구s Elderly Stress Scale (SESS) (노인 스트레스 측정 도구(SESS)의 신뢰도 및 타당도 검증 연구)

  • 서현미;유수정;하양숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.94-106
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the use of Seo's Elderly Stress Scale (SESS), which was developed in 1996. Through the modified tool, it is possible to examine the stress of Korean elders and to contribute to the welfare of them. The subjects were 350 elders over 65 years old who live in Seoul, Kwang-Ju, Yang-Ju Gun Kyung-ki Do, Ui-Jong Bu, and Young-Am Kun, Jeun-Ra Nam Do. the data of 331 elders (94%) were analyzed. Data were collected between January and March in 1996 and analyzed using the SPSS Win 8.0. The result are as follows: 1. Items with low correlation with the total items were removed. So 27 items were removed and 37 items remained. This 37 items were death in the family and/or close friends, family member's behavior not meeting expectations, marriage of daughter, marriage of son, friction with daughter- in-law, argument among children, children refuse to live with parent, children leaving home, sex injury or accident, in frequest visits from children and grandchildren, providing care for your daughter or daughter-in-law post-partum, decrease in decision making and authority in home, Lunar new year and the harvest featival, house sitting, working in the house, performing a sacrificial rite, missed birthday, not living with the eldest son, decreased eyesight, decreased strength, decreased memory, sleep pattern changes, thoughts about death, loneliness, decreased hearing, change of dental condition, change in your diet or eating style, difficulty in self care, moving because of disease or aging, argument with friend or neighbour, travel, dealing with the procedure of heritage, loss of money or property, not enough pocket money, hearing on elderly neglect in television or radio, hope of going home and ignorant from others. 2. Overlapped items were discussed by colleagues and were modified. 'marriage of daughter' and 'marriage of son' were modified in 'marriage of children'. 'self injury or accidents' and 'family accidents' were modified in to self or family accidents. 3. Factor analysis was done in order to identify validity and three factors were obtained from the result. The first factor familial relation area, included 17 items. The second factor, physical area, included 9 items. The third factor, psycho-socio-economic area, included 9 items. Cronbach coefficient alpha for the 35 items was .923. 4. Pearson's correlation was .704 between SESS and SOS (Symptoms of Stress) in order to confirm construct validity. Based on the result, the following is suggested; 1. The modified SESS needs to be reverified with elder. 2. Korean elder's health promotion can be made by development of stress intervention which was accurately measured with SESS.

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Application of Risk Management to Forecasting Transportation Demand by Delphi Technique (Delphi기법을 통한 교통수요예측 Risk Management 적용 방안)

  • Chung, Sung-Bong;Yi, Su-Ho;Namkung, Baek-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 한국철도학회 2011년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.1572-1581
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    • 2011
  • Since 'The Act on Private Investment of The Infrastructure' was established in 1994, private investment as well as government's investment has been active on transport infrastructure. But investment of transport infrastructure has more risks than others due to overforecast of transport demand for ensuring project validity, and cost uncertainty arising from financial crisis, commodity prices and so on. In the case of Incheon international airport express, after 2 years and 6 months, Incheon international airport express is opened, Korail take over equity stake in private investor due to the problems of MRG(Minimum Revenue Guarantee) be contracted with private investor. Not only that, in other case of Yong-in light rail, it is ongoing for legal disputes between Yong-in local government and private investor on account of opening delaying. On current Investment Assessment System of Transport Infrastructure, Risk Management system on investment of transport infrastructure is inadequate because Sensitivity Analysis in economic efficiency have been performed on the simple method which only changes benefits, expense and social discount rate. For this reason, this study analyze risks for investment of transport infrastructure demand forecast, and rise to the management practice for every particular item.

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