• Title/Summary/Keyword: Early selection

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Sequence Diversity of a Domesticated Transposase Gene, MUG1, in Oryza Species

  • Kwon, Soon-Jae;Park, Kyong-Cheul;Son, Jae-Han;Bureau, Thomas;Park, Cheul-Ho;Kim, Nam-Soo
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.459-465
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    • 2009
  • MUG1 is a MULE transposon-related domesticated gene in plants. We assessed the sequence diversity, neutrality, expression, and phylogenetics of the MUG1 gene among Oryza ssp. We found MUG1 expression in all tissues analyzed, with different levels in O. sativa. There were 408 variation sites in the 3886 bp of MUG1 locus. The nucleotide diversity of the MUG1 was higher than functionally known genes in rice. The nucleotide diversity (${\pi}$) in the domains was lower than the average nucleotide diversity in whole coding region. The ${\pi}$ values in nonsynonymous sites were lower than those of synonymous sites. Tajima D and Fu and Li $D^*$ values were mostly negative values, suggesting purifying selection in MUG1 sequences of Oryza ssp. Genome-specific variation and phylogenetic analyses show a general grouping of MUG1 sequences congruent with Oryza ssp. biogeography; however, our MUG1 phylogenetic results, in combination with separate B and D genome studies, might suggest an early divergence of the Oryza ssp. by continental drift of Gondwanaland. O. long-istaminata MUG1 divergence from other AA diploids suggests that it might not be a direct ancestor of the African rice species.

Extremely High Mortality Rate after a Successful Gastrectomy for Cancer in Older Adults

  • Ciesielski, Maciej;Kruszewski, Wieslaw Janusz;Szajewski, Mariusz;Walczak, Jakub;Spychalska, Natalia;Szefel, Jaroslaw;Zielinski, Jacek
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.202-211
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Poor physiological reserve for withstanding major cancer surgery in older adults is an important concern in the selection of patients for oncologic gastrectomy. The present study aimed to analyze mortality patterns among patients who underwent gastrectomy for cancer according to age groups. The primary outcomes of this study were early- and middleterm results: 30-day and 3-, 6-, 12-, and 36-month mortality rates. Materials and Methods: A retrospective review of 288 patients who underwent surgical resection for gastric cancer in two centers was carried out. Patients were stratified into four groups according to age: 29-50 years (group I, n=27), 51-65 years (group II, n=117), 66-75 years (group III, n=81), and 76-92 years (group IV, n=58). Statistical calculations focused on the differences in the survival rates between groups I and II as well as between groups II and IV. Results: The middle-aged patients (group II) had significantly better 3-year survival than either the youngest (group I) or the oldest patients (group IV). The 6-month mortality rates were 16.9% in group III and 29.3% in group IV. Two-thirds of the patients from groups III and IV who died between 2 and 6 months after surgery had an uneventful postoperative course. Conclusions: Age is an important prognostic factor of middle-term survival after gastrectomy for cancer. Geriatric assessment and better patient selection for major surgery for cancer are required to improve the outcome of gastrectomy for cancer in patients aged over 75 years.

The Infrared Medium-deep Survey. VI. Discovery of Faint Quasars at z ~ 5 with a Medium-band-based Approach

  • Kim, Yongjung;Im, Myungshin;Jeon, Yiseul;Kim, Minjin;Pak, Soojong
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.37.1-37.1
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    • 2019
  • The faint quasars with M1450 > -24 mag are known to hold the key to the determination of the ultraviolet emissivity for the cosmic reionization. But only a few have been identified so far because of the limitations on the survey data. Here we present the first results of the z ~ 5 faint quasar survey with the Infrared Medium-deep Survey (IMS), which covers ${\sim}100deg^2$ areas in J band to the depths of $J_{AB}$ ~ 23 mag. To improve selection methods, the medium-band follow-up imaging has been carried out using the SED camera for QUasars in Early uNiverse (SQUEAN) on the Otto Struve 2.1 m Telescope. The optical spectra of the candidates were obtained with 8 m class telescopes. We newly discovered 10 quasars with -25 < $M_{1450}$ < -23 at z ~ 5, among which three have been missed in a previous survey using the same optical data over the same area, implying the necessity for improvements in high-redshift faint quasar selection. We derived photometric redshifts from the medium-band data and found that they have high accuracies of ${\langle}{\mid}{\Delta}z{\mid}/(1+z){\rangle}=0.016$. The medium-band-based approach allows us to rule out many of the interlopers that contaminate ${\geq}20%$ of the broadband-selected quasar candidates. These results suggest that the medium-band-based approach is a powerful way to identify z ~ 5 quasars and measure their redshifts at high accuracy (1%-2%). It is also a cost-effective way to understand the contribution of quasars to the cosmic reionization history.

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Feature Analysis of Ultrasonic Signals for Diagnosis of Welding Faults in Tubular Steel Tower (관형 철탑 용접 결함 진단을 위한 초음파 신호의 특징 분석)

  • Min, Tae-Hong;Yu, Hyeon-Tak;Kim, Hyeong-Jin;Choi, Byeong-Keun;Kim, Hyun-Sik;Lee, Gi-Seung;Kang, Seog-Geun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.515-522
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we present and analyze a method of applying a machine learning to ultrasonic test signals for constant monitoring of the welding faults in a tubular steel tower. For the machine learning, feature selection based on genetic algorithm and fault signal classification using a support vector machine have been used. In the feature selection, the peak value, histogram lower bound, and normal negative log-likelihood from 30 features are selected. Those features clearly indicate the difference of signals according to the depth of faults. In addition, as a result of applying the selected features to the support vector machine, it has been possible to perfectly distinguish between the regions with and without faults. Hence, it is expected that the results of this study will be useful in the development of an early detection system for fault growth based on ultrasonic signals and in the energy transmission related industries in the future.

Development of personality education program for university students - Focusing on animation (대학생의 인성교육 프로그램 개발 - 애니메이션을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Seong-Won;Youn, Jeong-Jin
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.541-550
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a personality education program for university students based on animation. The selection of the animation media to be used in the character education program to cultivate the eight core value virtues, eg, efficacy, honesty, responsibility, respect, consideration, communication and cooperation, Based on the eight elements of self - identity of college students, such as job, religion, politics, philosophical lifestyle, friendship, heterosexuality, gender roles and leisure activities. The process of developing personality education program model and activity based on animation of this college student is as follows. The necessity of developing personality education program for college students, Setting basic direction of character education program based on animation, Selection of animation media, Development of personality education program model based on animation, Development of personality education program activity based on animation of self identification, And finalization of personality education program based on final animation. In this study, a total of 16 characters were developed according to the sub - factors of self - identity in the personality education program of university students based on animation.

Improving Field Crop Classification Accuracy Using GLCM and SVM with UAV-Acquired Images

  • Seung-Hwan Go;Jong-Hwa Park
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2024
  • Accurate field crop classification is essential for various agricultural applications, yet existing methods face challenges due to diverse crop types and complex field conditions. This study aimed to address these issues by combining support vector machine (SVM) models with multi-seasonal unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images, texture information extracted from Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), and RGB spectral data. Twelve high-resolution UAV image captures spanned March-October 2021, while field surveys on three dates provided ground truth data. We focused on data from August (-A), September (-S), and October (-O) images and trained four support vector classifier (SVC) models (SVC-A, SVC-S, SVC-O, SVC-AS) using visual bands and eight GLCM features. Farm maps provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs proved efficient for open-field crop identification and served as a reference for accuracy comparison. Our analysis showcased the significant impact of hyperparameter tuning (C and gamma) on SVM model performance, requiring careful optimization for each scenario. Importantly, we identified models exhibiting distinct high-accuracy zones, with SVC-O trained on October data achieving the highest overall and individual crop classification accuracy. This success likely stems from its ability to capture distinct texture information from mature crops.Incorporating GLCM features proved highly effective for all models,significantly boosting classification accuracy.Among these features, homogeneity, entropy, and correlation consistently demonstrated the most impactful contribution. However, balancing accuracy with computational efficiency and feature selection remains crucial for practical application. Performance analysis revealed that SVC-O achieved exceptional results in overall and individual crop classification, while soybeans and rice were consistently classified well by all models. Challenges were encountered with cabbage due to its early growth stage and low field cover density. The study demonstrates the potential of utilizing farm maps and GLCM features in conjunction with SVM models for accurate field crop classification. Careful parameter tuning and model selection based on specific scenarios are key for optimizing performance in real-world applications.

Song-Induced Autobiographical Memory of Patients With Early Alzheimer's Dementia (노래를 통한 초기 알츠하이머 치매환자의 자서전적 기억)

  • Han, Seung Ah
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.49-66
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the song-induced autobiographical memory of patients with early Alzheimer's Dementia (AD) by comparing the effects of patient-selected songs (M-AD) versus music therapist-selected songs (M-MT). A total of 19 patients with early AD participated in this study. In the M-AD and M-MT conditions, each participant listened to a song and was instructed to recall memory. The time to recall memory, the specificity of the memory, mood changes, and the type of recalled memory were measured. Perceived familiarity and preference of the used songs and association of the song with the recalled memory were also analyzed. The results of the study showed that the M-AD condition elicited more specific memory and positive mood change than the M-MT condition. In addition, AD patients reported a higher level of familiarity with and preference of songs in the M-AD condition, compared to the M-MT condition. These results indicate that patient-selected songs, which have a personal meaning to an individual, could be effectively used for intervening with memory of this population, which would support music therapists to make better decision with regard to song selection. Further studies would be needed to deepen the understanding of autobiographical memory in older population with cognitive impairment and to propose more effective music therapy strategies for intervening with memory.

Regional Early Growth Performances of Planted Chamaecyparis obtusa Seedlings in Relation to Site Properties (편백 조림목의 입지 특성에 따른 지역별 초기 생육 특성)

  • Yang, A-Ram;Hwang, Jaehong;Cho, Min Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.3
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    • pp.375-382
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study was to investigate suitable plantation site for planted Chamaecyparis obtusa seedlings from the analysis of regional early growth performances. Two years old C. obtusa seedlings were planted with the density of $3,900seedlings{\cdot}ha^{-1}$ in late March, 2011 at Haeman and Jangseong, Jeollanamdo. In each study site, three plots ($400m^2$ per plot) were established and root collar diameter (mm) and tree height (cm) of each C. obtusa were measured in April, 2011 and October from 2011 to 2013. We also analyzed soil physical and chemical properties of sites and compartmental nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of C. obtusa. Although the concentrations of soil nitrogen, organic matter, and C.E.C. at Haenam site were higher than those at Jangseong site, early growth performances of planted C. obtusa at Jangseong site were significantly better than those at Haenam site. The reasons for these results were probably related to deep available soil depth at Jangseong site and relatively low annual precipitation and sea wind at Haenam site, which was adjacent to the sea. The compartmental nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of C. obtusa was in the order of needles > current twigs > fine root > stem and branches root above 2 mm in diameter. The phosphorus concentration of needles at Haenam site was significantly higher than that at Jangseong site. The results of this study might be useful for the selection of suitable plantation site for C. obtusa.

Improving the Accuracy of Early Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodule Type Based on the SCAD Method

  • Shahraki, Hadi Raeisi;Pourahmad, Saeedeh;Paydar, Shahram;Azad, Mohsen
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1861-1864
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    • 2016
  • Although early diagnosis of thyroid nodule type is very important, the diagnostic accuracy of standard tests is a challenging issue. We here aimed to find an optimal combination of factors to improve diagnostic accuracy for distinguishing malignant from benign thyroid nodules before surgery. In a prospective study from 2008 to 2012, 345 patients referred for thyroidectomy were enrolled. The sample size was split into a training set and testing set as a ratio of 7:3. The former was used for estimation and variable selection and obtaining a linear combination of factors. We utilized smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) logistic regression to achieve the sparse optimal combination of factors. To evaluate the performance of the estimated model in the testing set, a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was utilized. The mean age of the examined patients (66 male and 279 female) was $40.9{\pm}13.4years$ (range 15- 90 years). Some 54.8% of the patients (24.3% male and 75.7% female) had benign and 45.2% (14% male and 86% female) malignant thyroid nodules. In addition to maximum diameters of nodules and lobes, their volumes were considered as related factors for malignancy prediction (a total of 16 factors). However, the SCAD method estimated the coefficients of 8 factors to be zero and eliminated them from the model. Hence a sparse model which combined the effects of 8 factors to distinguish malignant from benign thyroid nodules was generated. An optimal cut off point of the ROC curve for our estimated model was obtained (p=0.44) and the area under the curve (AUC) was equal to 77% (95% CI: 68%-85%). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive values for this model were 70%, 72%, 71% and 76%, respectively. An increase of 10 percent and a greater accuracy rate in early diagnosis of thyroid nodule type by statistical methods (SCAD and ANN methods) compared with the results of FNA testing revealed that the statistical modeling methods are helpful in disease diagnosis. In addition, the factor ranking offered by these methods is valuable in the clinical context.

Study on the Selection of Wine Grape Varieties for High Yielding and Low Production Cost (양조용(釀造用) 우량(優良)포도품종(品種) 선발(選拔)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Jae Chang
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.187-197
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    • 1975
  • 1. This study was carried out to select the high yielding and low production cost among grape varieties for the wine production. Thirty-three vareties which have been grown in commercial vineyards was examined in this experiment. 2. Most wine varieties improved in Europe were lower in the content of sugar than in originally developed location. 3. The varieties with larger cluster were Dattier de Saint-Vallier (treated with Ga), Golden Queen, Muscat Bailey A, and Danored. 4. Juice percent to cluster ranges from 60 to 90% and higher juice content varieties were Himrod Seedless. Delaware (Ga), and Fredonia. 5. Most wine varieties have higher per cent of seed and pedicel to cluster and flesh per cent was lower than in table varieties. 6. High yielding varieties were Muscat Bailey A, Danored, and Golden Queen. on the other hand, juice yield was higher in Campbell Early, Danored, Muscat Bailey A, and Golden Queen cultivers. 7. Muscat Bailey A, Alden, Steuben, Campbell Early, S-1000. and S-13053 for red wine, and Dattier(Ga), Golden Queen and low production cost in manufacturing wine.

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