• Title/Summary/Keyword: EM-S

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Do Paneth Cells Regulate the Zinc Body Burden? (Zinc 대사와 관련된 Paneth 세포활성의 변화에 관한 조직화학적 연구)

  • Jo, Seung-Mook;Kim, Sung-Jun;Park, Seung-Kook;Kang, Tae-Cheon;Won, Moo-Ho
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.357-365
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    • 2000
  • Paneth cells have been suggested to contribute to the elimination of excess metals into the intestinal lumen. The purpose of this study wat to investigate the changes of the zinc pools in rats subjected to functional loading with zinc salt by mean of both light and electron microscopical autometallography (AMG). Wistar rats 4 were administrated with zinc chloride (20 mg/kg body weight) intraperitoneally dissolved in 1 ml distilled water. The control group received 1 ml saline IP. After further one hour the animals were transcardially perfused with 0.4% sodium sulphide dissolved in 0.1 M PB fellowed by 3% glutaraldehyde solution for 10 minutes. Pieces of ileum were frozen with solid $CO_2$ and sectioned on a cryostat. The sections $(20{\mu}m)$ were autometallographically developed. Sections selected for EM were reembedded on top of a blank Epon block, from which ultrathin sections (100 nm) were cut. The ultrathin sections were double stained with uranyl acetate (30 min) and lead citrate (5 min), then examined under electron microscope. Studies of comparable sections from control and zinc loaded animals with the AMG selenium method gave quite different results. The control animals demonstrated a weakly positive staining in the cytoplasm of the Paneth cells. In the electron microscope the AMG silver grains were found to be located in the cytoplasm, while the electron dense secretary granules and other cell organelles were void of staining. Few AMG grains were located at the apical surface of the Paneth cells. In sections from zinc loaded rats, the AMG grains were seen in abundance in the lumen of the Lieberkuhn crypts at light microscopic levels. At EM levels the zinc revealing silver grains were located in the cytoplasm as in the controls, but much more AMG grains were shifted into the secretary granules. Furthermore, profound AMG grains were found in the lumen of the crypts and surrounding vessels. And a few grains were seen in the endothelium. The AMG technique demonstrated a pattern of AMG grains in the Paneth cells that strongly suggests a transport of zinc ions through these cells.

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Study on the Biosynthetic Characteristics of Photosynthetic Pigments in Dodder(Cuscuta australis R. Br.) Plant (실새삼의 광합성색소 생합성특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, J.S.;Kwak, H.H.;Kim, B.C.;Cho, K.Y.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.314-324
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    • 1997
  • This study was conducted to investigate whether 1) photosynthetic pigments(chlorophylls and carotenoids) are formed in dodder plant(Cuscuta australis), 2) there are any characteristics in the pigment biosynthesis, compared to that of other normal plants, and 3) dodder responds to some herbicides having target site on chloroplast. 1. Chlorophyll content of dodder tendrill grown under a natural daylight was 9 times and 50 times lower than that of field bindweed stem and leaf, respectively. 2. The photosynthetic pigment contents varied in different tissues, being higher in a apical region than in a lower region of seedling or tendrill. Chlorophyll wasn't almost observed below the 4th internode from the upper. 3. Pigment contents were greatly dependent on light intensity so that there were 4 to 6 times difference among light conditions. When the shoot containning low pigment contents under natural light, was incubated in growth chamber with various light intensities, the pigment contents were increased by 3 times of initial contents at about 97${\mu}E$ $m^{-2}s^{-1}$PAR. While the change in pigment contents was not observed at above 450${\mu}E$ $m^{-2}s^{-1}$PAR 4. Exogenous supply of 5mM 5-aminolevulinic acid increased protochlorophyllide by 7 times and 1.4 times in the etiolated shoot from field bindweed rhizome and in dodder stem, respectively, showing that dodder relatively has a low response to 5-aminolevulinic acid. 5. Pigment loss was observed in the treatment of paraquat, norflurazon, oxyfluorfen and diuron, and protoporphyrin IX was accumulated by oxyfluorfen as in normal plants Based on above results, several chracteristics of pigment biosynthesis in dodder seem to be summerized as follows. Photosynthetic pigment biosynthesis in Cuscuta australis runs even in low level. The pigment contents is differentially distributed in different regions and their contents seem significantly to be controlled by light intensities. Especially, chloroplast rapidly tends to degenerate with the development of tissue. Some herbicides having target site on chloroplast induce damage to dodder stem but are unlikely to control it well in field, except paraquat, due to low chloroplast activity and parasitic mode of nutrition.

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The effect of the revolution and forwarding speed of the rotary blade on the tilling power requirement (로우터리 경운(耕耘)날의 회전속도(回轉速度) 및 작업속도(作業速度)가 경운소요동력(耕耘所要動力)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kwon, Soon Goo;Kim, Soung Rai
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.160-175
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    • 1984
  • This study was carried out to analyze the effects of the revolution and forwarding speed of the rotary blade and the edge curves which were $30^{\circ}$ and $40^{\circ}$, on the power requirement of rotary tillage. In this study, the revolutions of the rotary blade considered were 204, 243, 285, 360 rpm, and the forwarding speeds of the rotary system considered were 29.40cm/sec, 46.93em/sec. The power requirements of rotary blade were measured by a dynamic strain gage systems at the soil bin which was filled with artificial soil. The results of the study were summarized as follows: 1. The response surface analysis showed that the revolution and forwarding speed of the rotary shaft had an interacting influence on the torque requirement of the rotary blade. The mathematical model developed by the above was repersented as follow. $$T=a_0+a_1V+a_2R +a_3VR+a_4VR^2$$ where, $a_0=constant$ $a_1,\;a_2,\;a_3,\;a_4=coefficients$ V=forwarding speed of the rotary system. (em/sec) R=revolution of the rotary shaft. (rpm) T=tilling torque requirement. (kg-m) 2. When the maximum tilling torque requirement was analyzed, ${\partial}T/{\partial}R$ was decreased with the increasing revolution of rotary shaft, while ${\partial}T/{\partial}V$ was increased, which was minimum at 200~220 rpm. When the forwarding speeds were increased, ${\partial}T/{\partial}R$ was decreased with increasing rate. 3. When the mean tilling torque requirement was analyzed, ${\partial}T/{\partial}V$ was constant at 320~360 rpm and ${\partial}T/{\partial}R$ was decreased with increasing rate along with the increasing revolution of rotary shaft. 4. When the mean tilling torgue requirement per unit volume of soil was analyzed, ${\partial}T/{\partial}V$ was minimum at 270~300 rpm. ${\partial}T/{\partial}R$ for the forwarding speeds of 29.40cm/sec and 46.93cm/sec was same as that for 280~290 rpm. 5. Increasing the edge curves of the rotary blades, the tilling torque requirement was increased. But other studies showed that the smaller the edge curve, the more straw could be wrapped on blades which resulted in increasing torque requirements. Therefore, the edge curve of rotary blade should be considered for the future study.

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Seasonal Distribution of T Serotyping and emm Genotyping of Group A Streptococci Obtained from Children with Streptococcal Infections in Masan, Korea, 2003~2004 (2003~2004년 경남 마산 지역에서 분리된 A군 연쇄구균의 T 혈청형과 emm 유전자형의 계절별 분포)

  • Jeon, Ho-Sang;Park, Hwa-Jin;Lee, Hee-Joo;Ma, Sang-Hyuk;Cha, Sung-Ho
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : The aim of this study is to know seasonal distribution of group A streptococci obtained from one center using emm genotyping and T serotyping in Masan from 2003 through 2004. Methods : Among children who visited the Changwon Fatima Hospital at Masan, Korea from June 2003 through February 2004, 100 patients who had clinical findings of acute pharyngitis, scarlet fever, and cellulitis were confirmed as GAS by culture, and were enrolled in our study. All obtained GAS were sent to the WHO Collaborative Center for Reference and Research on Streptococci, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis for T serotyping and emm genotyping. We classified these results again according to seasonal and disease's entities. Results : 19 different T serotypes was typed. T4(27.5%), T1(17.6%), T6(13.7%), and T12(13.7%) serotypes were relatively common in summer, while T4(28.3%), T12(15.2%), and T12/B3264(8.7%) were common in winter. T4 and T12 were persistent all year around. Distribution of T serotypes in 89 patients with pharyngotonsillitis were T4(26.7%), T12(14.0%), T1(12.8%), and T6(11.6%) in order of frequency. 15 different emm genotypes was typed. The number of emm 1, emm 6, emm 9, and emm 44 genotypes decreased or disappeared in winter, and the number of emm 3, emm 12, and emm 89 genotypes increased or reappeared in winter. Conclusion : Because T serotyping and emm genotyping are useful tools for evaluating epidemiology and pathogenesis of group A streptococci, we should monitor these strains every year, and should serotype and genotype GAS obtained from the invasive streptococcal infections.

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The Ages of Fault Activities of the Ilkwang Fault in Southeastern Korea, Revealed by Classification of Geomorphic Surfaces and Trench Survey

  • Ho, Chang;Ree, Jin-Han;Joo, Byung-Chan
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.23
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    • pp.1-2
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    • 2004
  • The Ilkwang Fault is NNE-striking, elongated 40 Km between Ulsan and Haendae-ku, Busan in southeastem part of the Korean Peninsula(Kim, D.H. et al., 1989; Kim, J.S. et al., 2003). This paper is mainly concemed about the ages of the fault activities especially in the Quatemary, infered from classification of geomorphic surface and trench excavation for the construction of Singori nuclear power plant. The geomorphi surfaces are classified into the Beach and the Alluvial plain, the 10 m a.s.l. Marine terrace, the 20 m a.s.l. Marine terrace, the Reworked surface of 45 m a.s.l. Marine terrace and the Low relief erosional surface, from lower to higher altitude. The Beach and the Alluvial plain are elongated to the Holocene terrace(ist terrace, choi, 2003). The 10 m a.s.l. Marine terrace is correlated to 2nd terrace (MIS 5em 125 Ka. y. B.P., Choi, 1998). The 45 m a.s.l. Marine terace is correlated to the Lower marine terrace (MIS 7,220 Ka. y. B.P., Choi, 2003 or MIS 9,320 y. B.P.) to the Gwanganri terrace(Penultimate interglacial age, 200-200 Ka. Y. B.P., Oh, 1981). The Low relief erosional surface is distributed coastal side, the Reworked surface of 45 m a.s.l. Marine terrace inland side by the Ilkwang Fault Line as the boundary line. But the former is above 10 m higher in relative height than the latter. The 20 m a.s.l. Marine terrace on the elongation line of the Ilkwang Fault reveals no dislocation. A site was trenched on the straight contract line with $N30^{\circ}$ E-striking between the 10 m a.s.l. Marine terrace and the 20 m a.s.l. Marine terrace. Fault line or dislocation was not observable in the trench excavation. Accordingly, the straight contact line is inferred as the ancient shoreline of the 10 m a.s.l. Marine terrace. The Ages of the Fault activities are inferred after the formation of the Ichonri Formation - before the formation of the 45 m a.s.l. Marine terrace (220 Ka. y. B.P. or 320 Ka. y. B.P.). The Low relief erosional surface was an island above the sea-level during the formation of the 45 m a.s.l. Marine terrace in the paleogeography.

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Synchrotron-based Transmission X-ray Microscopy (TXM) Observations of Fully Hydrated Blood Platelets and Their Activation Process

  • Yang, Nuri;Nho, Hyun Woo;Kalegowda, Yogesh;Kim, Jin Bae;Song, Jaewoo;Shin, Hyun-Joon;Yoon, Tae Hyun
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.2625-2629
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    • 2014
  • Platelets are anuclear discoid-shaped blood cells with key roles in human body. To understand the mechanisms of their activation process, it is required to have analytical imaging techniques capable of acquiring platelet images under fully hydrated conditions. Herein, for the first time, we demonstrate the capability of synchrotron-based transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM) to study platelets (resting and ADP activated) under hydrated and air-dried conditions. To confirm the biological imaging capability of TXM, fixed platelets were imaged and compared with whole mount electron microscopy (EM) images. TXM provided morphological information with sufficient spatial resolution with simple and quick sample preparation procedure. We also observed temporal changes during the platelet activation, which initially had a discoid shape (0 s), formed pseudopodia (30 s) and generated a network of fibrin (5 min). Our results clearly demonstrate the potential of TXM technique to study fully hydrated biological samples under in situ conditions.

Influence of surface treatments on the shear bond strength between zirconia ceramic and zirconia veneering ceramics (지르코니아의 표면 처리에 따른 전장용 세라믹과의 전단결합강도)

  • Ahn, Jae-Seok;Lee, Jung-Hwan
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The aim of this research was to evaluate the shear bond strength of different zirconia veneering ceramics with and without liner glass materials to yttria partially-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystalline(Y-TZP). Methods: Five co mmercial zirconia veneering ceramics were used in this study, E-Max(EM), Creation ZI(CR), Cercon ceram kiss(CE), Triceram(TR) and Zirkonzahn ICE(ZI). All samples were prepared according to manufacturer's instructions. Experimental industrially manufactured Y-TZP ceramic blocks(diameter: 2.7 mm; height: 13.5 mm) were used in this study. Shear bond strength between zirconia ceramic coping and zirconia veneering ceramics were evaluated by the push-shear bond test. The fracture load data were analyzed using ANOVA and Scheffe's test(${\alpha}$=0.05). The fractured surfaces of zirconia core ceraimc and zirconia veneering ceramics were observed using a scanning electron microscope(SEM). Results: The mean shear bond strengths ranged from 20 MPa ($20.12{\pm}6.34$ MPa) to 66.6 MPa ($66.62{\pm}10.01$ MPa). The Triceram(TRG) showed the highest value and Creation ZI(CR) showed the lowest value. In all groups, Zirconia liner and glass material groups was significantly higher shear bond strength than without liner(P<0.05), with the exception of Cercon ceram kiss(CE)groups. Conclusion: Zirconia bonding materials may have the advantage of improved bond strength between zirconia ceramic core and veneering ceramics.

A Case of JTEL's ERP Implementation through ASP (ASP 방식을 통한 제이텔의 ERP도입사례)

  • Hahm, Yong-Seok;Nam, Ki-Chan
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2002
  • The JTEL's success case of implementing ERP through ASP is studied in this paper. This paper especially presents the detail processes of implementing ERP through ASP and the advantages of that. Critical success factors in this case study are that pre-prepared ERP template and repetitive prototyping methodology was successfully utilized and that end users involved positively and accepted the standard best-practice processes of the ERP template in this project. These factors reduced ERP training periods and also the whole implementation periods, which made the project time quite short and TCO less. Considering these success factors, ASP method provides the advantages of global e-business IT environment, continuous new IT technologies and flexible response to the business changes to the small and medium firms. Finally, the paper suggests the new direction and possibility for small and medium firms focusing on the core competency and utilizing new system infrastructure through ASP method compared with in-house implementation.

The effect of image search, social influence characteristics and anthropomorphism on purchase intention in mobile shopping

  • KIM, Won-Gu;PARK, Hyeonsuk
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to review the previous studies on the characteristics of the image search service provided by using artificial intelligence, the social impact characteristics, and the moderating effect of perceived anthropomorphism, and conduct empirical analysis to identify the constituent factors affecting purchase intention. To clarify. Through this, I tried to present theoretical and practical implications. Research design, data, and methodology: Research design was that characteristics of image search service (ubiquity and information quality) and social impact characteristics (subjective norms, electronic word of mouth marketing) are affected by mediation of satisfaction and flow, therefore, control of perceived anthropomorphism have an effect on purchase intention to increase. For analysis, research conducted literature review, and developed questionnaires, so that EM firm which is a specialized research institute has collected data. This was conducted on 410 people between the 20s and 50s who have mobile shopping experiences. SPSS Statistics 23 and AMOS 23 had been used to perform necessary analysis such as exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, feasibility analysis, and structural equation modeling based on this data. Results: first, ubiquity, information quality and subjective norms were found to have a positive effect on purchase intention through satisfaction and flow parameters. Second, satisfaction and flow were found to have a mediating effect between ubiquity, information quality, and subjective norms and purchase intentions. However, there was no mediating effect between eWOM information and purchase intention. Third, perceived anthropomorphism was found to have a moderating effect between information quality and satisfaction, and it was found that there was no moderating effect on the relationship between information quality and flow. Conclusions: The information quality of image search services using artificial intelligence has a positive effect on satisfaction, and it has been found that there is a positive moderate effect of perceived anthropomorphism in this relationship, which may be an academic contribution to the distribution science utilizing artificial intelligence. Therefore, it is possible to propose a distribution strategy that improves purchase intention by utilizing image search service and anthropomorphism in practical business and providing a more enjoyable immersive experience to customers.

The Accuracy Analysis of RTK-GPS by Field Calibration in Plane Surveying (국지측량에서의 현장 Calibration에 의한 RTK-GPS 정확도 분석)

  • Park, Woon-Yong;Shin, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.10 no.2 s.20
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2002
  • Real-time Kinematic GPS enables high accuracy Positioning by real time. If ambiguity use an integer solution, can obtain accuracy of several 'mm', and can obtain accuracy of tens 'em' if use real solution. In this study, We accomplish surveying by existent traditional surveying techniques (Total Station), Static GPS techniques and RTK-GPS techniques by Field Calibration about uniformity measuring point and then compared and ana1yzed each techniques positioning accuracy etc.. Result that achieve by Static-GPS in Plane area, about all measuring points, expressed error fewer than 3cm. Result that achieve RTK-GPS Surveying by Field Calibration in Plane area, could know that RTK-GPS techniques by Field Calibration is available in Plane area because expressing errors fewer than all 6cm, except case that do not get fixed solution of ambiguity Field Calibration RTK-GPS could know economically than existent conventional type measurement and existent GPS's measurement techniques that efficiency is very high.

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