• Title/Summary/Keyword: Drinking Problem

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Factors Influencing Alcohol Consuming behavior of the Female University Students (여대생의 음주행위 영향요인)

  • Kim Hee-Kyung;Choi Eun-Sook;Ann Jung-Sun
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.205-216
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose was to investigate the factors influencing alcohol consuming behavior of the female university students to provide the basic data for a nursing intervention program to improve health and prohibit of alcohol consuming behavior. Method: The subjects were 134 female university students, studying at K university and K educational university in Chungnam province from April 1 to 20, 2002. The instruments were the alcohol consuming behavior scale, that is drinking intensity score, and alcohol problem developed by Shin(1998), refusal self-efficacy scale by Aas et. al.(1995), alcohol expectancy by Goldman at. al.(1989), TPQ scale by Cloninger(1991), depression scale modified by Shin(1977) using Zung(1965)' tool, family cohesion scale by Olson at. al.(1983). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, canonical correlation and stepwise multiple regression. Result: The most powerful predictor of alcohol consuming behavior was influence of friends-drinking(21.0%). A combination of economic status(8.0%), and personality of novelty seeking(3.0%), accounted for 32.0% of the variance in alcohol consuming behavior. Conclusion: I recommended that economic status, influence of friends drinking frequently, and personality of novelty seeking were contained of the developing nursing intervention program for decreasing the alcohol consuming behavior in female university students.

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Simulation for Chlorine Residuals and Effect of Rechlorination in Drinking Water Distribution Systems of Suwon City (수원시 상수관망에서 잔류염소와 재염소주입의 효과 예측)

  • Kim, Kyung-Rok;Lee, Byong-Hi;Yoo, Ho Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.108-116
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    • 2000
  • Chlorine is widely used as a disinfectant in drinking-water systems throughout the world. Chlorine residual was used as an indicator for prediction of water quality in water distribution systems. The variation of chlorine residual in drinking water distribution systems of Suwon city was simulated using EPANET. EPANET is a computerized simulation model which predicts the dynamic hydraulic and water quality behavior within a water distribution system operating over an extended time period. Sampling and analysis were performed to calibrated the computer model in 1999 (Aug. Summer). Water quality variables used in simulations are temperature, roughness coefficient, pipe diameter, pipe length, water demand, velocity and so on. Extended water residence time affected water quality due to the extended reaction time in some areas. All area showed the higher concentration of chlorine residual than 0.2mg/l(standard). So it can be concluded that any area in Suwon city is not in biological regrowth problem. Rechlorination turned out to be an useful method for uniform concentration of free chlorine residual in distribution system. The cost of disinfectant could be saved remarkably by cutting down the initial chlorine concentration to the level which guarantees minimum concentration (0.2mg/l) throughout the distribution system.

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Determination of Optimum Operational Parameters on Early Warning Device for Early Detection of Taste and Odor in Drinking Water Supplies (상수원수 내 이취미 조기감지를 위한 조기경보장치의 최적운전인자 도출)

  • Kim, Young-Il;Bae, Byung-Uk;Ju, Dae-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.849-855
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    • 2006
  • Taste and odor (T&O) problems in drinking water supplies caused by eutrophication have become increasingly important because aesthetic qualities are the primary measures by which consumers estimate the quality of their drinking water. In order to overcome T&O problem, it is necessary to early detection method for T&O compounds before these compounds enter to water treatment plant. In this background, a early waming device for T&O compounds was developed and its performance tested under different operating condition. According to the experimental results on the adsorption efficiency of T&O compounds, when the raw water flowrate was 5 mL/min, the optimum stripping time and air flowrate were 5 hrs and 0.5 L/min, respectively. Comparison of activated carbon showed that foreign activated carbon was better than domestic activated carbon in terms of adsorption efficiency.

Comparison of health care practice, dietary behavior, and nutrient intakes, considering the alcohol drinking status of industrial workers in the Chungnam area (충남지역 일부 산업체 근로자의 알코올섭취 수준에 따른 건강관리 실천, 식행동 및 영양소 섭취상태 비교)

  • Park, Gun Hee;Rho, Jeong Ok
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.277-291
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study was undertaken to identify the alcohol drinking status of industrial workers, their health care practice, and dietary behavior, as well as their nutrient intake. Methods: In July 2019, 220 male subjects working in the Chungnam area were enrolled in the study. Their alcohol drinking status was evaluated by applying the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification-K (AUDIT-K) system. Demographic characteristics, status of health care practice, and dietary behaviors were assessed using a self-administered questionnaire; nutrient intakes were analyzed using 24-hour recalls. Data were analyzed by applying χ2-test, ANOVA, Duncan test, and Pearson's correlation analysis with SPSS v. 25.0. Results: Workers were classified by their alcohol drinking status as 'normal' (84, 38.2%), 'problem drinker' (45, 20.5%), 'alcohol dependence I' (60, 27.3%), and 'alcohol dependence II' (31, 16.0%). The alcohol drinking status showed significant differences with age (p < 0.05), monthly income (p < 0.05), smoking status (p < 0.05), and need for weight control (p < 0.05). Moreover, increased alcohol intake resulted in significantly decreased levels of health care practice and dietary behaviors (p < 0.05, p < 0.01, respectively). The energy intake was highest in the 'alcohol dependence I' group, followed by 'alcohol dependence II', 'problem drinker', and 'normal drinker' (p < 0.05). Intakes of vitamin E, vitamin C, and niacin in the 'alcohol dependence I' group were found to be higher than the other groups (p < 0.05). A negative correlation was obtained between alcohol drinking status, health care practice, and dietary behaviors, whereas a positive correlation was determined between alcohol drinking status, energy and water intakes. Conclusion: Considering these results, we conclude the necessity to consider nutritional and alcoholic education programs for improving the quality of work life of industrial workers, based on their alcohol drinking status.

Impact of Parent-Adolescent Attachment and Self-Control on Problem Behavior in Middle School Students (중학생의 부모-자녀 애착과 자기통제력이 문제행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Young-Sook;Han, Su-Jeong
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.302-310
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the attachment of middle school students to their parents, their self-control, problem behavior, and the mediating effect of self-control on the relationship between parent-adolescent attachment and problem behavior. Method: Data were collected by questionnaires from 467 students in middle schools from May 19 to 30, 2008. Data were analyzed by Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression procedures. Result: 1. The students investigated received a mean score of 2.76 and 3.01 on attachment for fathers and mothers respectively. They received a mean score of 3.32 on self-control. The most prevalent self-perceived problem behavior among the students was going home late at night without permission followed by bullying friends for no reason and drinking. 2. Among parent-adolescent attachment, self-control and problem behavior, parent-adolescent attachment had a positive correlation to self-control and a negative correlation to problem behavior. 3. Self-control had a mediating effect on the relationship between parent-adolescent attachment and problem behavior. Conclusion: Parent-adolescent attachment influenced problem behavior through the mediating effect of self-control, and is expected to lay the foundation for the prevention of adolescent problem behavior.

Development and Effects on a Program for Decreasing Violent Behaviors of the Spouse Abusers with Drinking Problems - Applying Motivational Enhancement Therapy - (음주문제를 가진 가정폭력가해자 폭력행동감소 프로그램의 개발과 효과 - 동기증진치료의 활용을 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Soo-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.103-126
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    • 2004
  • The court-mandated spouse abusers with drinking problems not only resist and complain about taking the court-mandate but also have the low motivation to change their problem drinking and violent behaviors. Therefore, in this study the program is developed to decrease violent behaviors of spouse abusers with drinking problems. Also, the usefulness of this program is examined by quantitative and qualitative methods. The results are as follows: The experimental group's pre-to-post variation is decreased by significant level statistically more than the comparison group's variation in drinking problems. Regarding violent behaviors among groups, the experimental group's pre-to-post and pre-to-followup variation are decreased significantly. It is assumed that Motivation Enhancement Therapy(MET) influences the differences of motivation to change violent behaviors in both groups. The reason is that MET is considered to have influences on the group's dynamics and interaction. Also, it is helpful to change the negative emotions to the positive emotions and to stimulate the group interaction and the participation. This study will be contributed to promote the speciality on providing services for family in a domestic violence in Korea. Through this study, I suggested future implications in research, practice, and political side on spouse abusers with drinking problems.

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The Influence of Mental Health Characteristics upon Drinking and Smoking in Adolescents of Capital Area and Non-capital Area (수도권과 비수도권 청소년들의 정신건강 특성이 음주, 흡연에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hwan-Hui
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.175-188
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to grasp the influence of mental health upon the lifelong drinking experience in adolescents of non-capital area and capital area through using the 2019 Youth Health Behavior Survey Data. The research subjects included total 57,303 adolescents who participated in the survey among 60,100 adolescents at totally 800 schools with 400 middle schools and 400 high schools. Out of these, 29,384 middle school students and 27,919 high school students were selected. As a result of the research, the mental health that has significant influence upon the lifelong drinking and smoking experience in case of non-capital area appeared to be significant in the perceived subjective health (p<.01), cognitive stress(p<.001), relief from fatigue(p<.001), sadness & despair experience(p<.001), suicide ideation(p<.001), suicide plan(p<.01), and suicide attempt(p<.001). In case of capital area, the mental health of having a significant impact on the lifelong drinking and smoking experience was indicated to be significant in cognitive stress(p<.01), relief from fatigue(p<.001), sadness & despair experience(p<.001), suicide ideation(p<.001), and suicide attempt(p<.001). Based on this outcome, adolescents' drinking problem has influence upon mental health characteristic. Hence, an effort is needed for developing the intervention & education program aiming at the more effective youth drinking prevention through establishing direction and revaluing education program in consideration of mental health factors by region in adolescents of capital area and non-capital area.

Health Life Behavior and Perceived Stress of University Students (대학생의 건강생활 습관과 스트레스에 관한 연구)

  • 김지향;오혜숙;민성희
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.207-216
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    • 2004
  • This study was performed in oder to investigate to dietary behavior, perceived stress and their correlations of University students. The number of subjects was 549 and the results of this study are as followed: Only 13.9% of students-20% of male students, 10% of female students-exercise regularly. Regular exercise and health condition had no statistical relationship in this study. 83.9% of subjects had experience of alcohol drinking (19.4% of male students, 7.3% of female students). Many students replied that they drink alcohol 1∼2 times per a week. 24.4% of students-only 2.6% of female students-were smoking and great number of smokers were drinking also. The BMI of 46.7% of subjects were in normal range. 48.2% were in under weighted and 5.1% were in over weighted or obesity. The stress factor of University students were analyzed into 12. Inner stress factors like as identity, coursework, friendship, health problem were more potent in female students than male. Among the health related habits, disease itself had a great effect on many stress factors but regular exercise had a little.

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Study on transitional perception experience of phenomenon through the introductory parts of eating and drinking spaces (식음 공간의 도입부를 통한 현상의 전이적 지각 체험에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Han-Hee;Kim, Moon-Duck
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 2004
  • From 20th century, the perception of the problem on self-loss originated from philosophy and emerged in the pursuit of study on humans in real life, not from metaphysical questions. In particular, Phenomenon theory originating from Husserl has been unfolding around, above all, body concepts about human experiences. This is the part where Phenomenon theory finds its meaning as an analytical method of real space concepts. In addition, subjects' perception of situation is done through sense organs not only with sight but also with space-sensible aspects. And since these perceptions are done in consecutive and procedural times, they are done in the experience which shows transitional attributes. The experience elements of transitional senses in situation should be considered more about perception experience of human beings than other spaces, and classify into physical and program elements the introductory parts of eating and drinking spaces where the movements of active perceptionists and the flow of spaces can be felt. And this grants experimental, not usual, characteristics

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Structural Equation Model for the Analysis of Alcohol-related Problem of Alcohol Use Disorders (알코올사용장애자의 음주관련 문제 분석을 위한 구조모형)

  • Son, Hee Jung;Lee, Won Kee;Park, Young Shin;Hong, Hae Sook
    • Journal of health informatics and statistics
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.192-198
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: This study was designed to construct and test the structural equation model for the alcohol-related problem of alcohol use disorders. Methods: Data were collected by structured self-questionnaires from 229 male subjects who received > 8 (greater than 8) score on Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT). The Data were analyzed by SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. Results: The model fit indices for the modified hypothetical model showed Q = 2.50, GFI = 0.90, and CFI = 0.94. As a result, Life position, parent's drinking problem, and alcohol expectancy had significantly direct effect on alcohol-related problem. Alcohol expectancy also had mediator effect between life position and alcohol-related problem. Conclusions: Consequently, the more positive life position, the less alcohol-related problem occurred. It is necessary to change their life position, which is individual factor, to prevent or reduce the alcohol related problem of alcohol use disorders.